03x21 - (D) What's the Big Idea?

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x21 - (D) What's the Big Idea?

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward

my dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!


Targets and balls?

Sounds more like a game

than an examination.

Is it too easy?

You're not seeing

the bigger picture.

The real test is how they

handle the ensuing chaos.

Will they panic?

Or maintain the level head

of a pro who utilizes

their Quirk to make

wise decisions.

It's crisis response.


second round is the same way?

We normally focused

on individuals,

not how well they work together.

This proposal came from

the National Police Agency.

They've revised

the exam criteria

and the way we grant licenses.

We have to abide

by their orders.

We're to assume that,

at this level,

all examinees will

have knowledge of basic

emergency procedures

and first aid.

Therefore, we'll be

paying closer attention

to how they cooperate

with each other.


Heh. Teamwork, huh?

All right.

It's necessary for our future.

People loved All Might

not just for his strength,

but for his personality.

We must accept the fact

that the number-two hero

is no replacement.

It will be difficult to find

someone so charismatic.

Rather than waiting

for the next All Might,

we should fill the hole he has

left with an army of heroes

boasting a strong sense

of unity and comradery.

And the exam now

reflects that goal.

[MERA] Well, the second round

of the test is underway.

Rescuing people injured in a

large-scale t*rror1st incident.

And dealing with the

villain behind the attack.


What happened?

[g*ng ORCA]

Tell me, wannabe heroes.

Can you rescue people and

fight at the same time?

That's g*ng Orca!

[MERA] During the

search-and-destroy mission

against the League of Villains,

g*ng Orca fought alongside

Endeavor and Best Jeanist.

He's a strong pro.

[MERA] The t*rrorists have

appeared and are beginning

to sweep the area. Hero

candidates at the scene should

continue their rescue efforts

while also suppressing

the newly-arrived villains.

[TENYA] We're gonna have

to save people and battle?

Are they serious?!

Jeez! Come on!

Aren't they expecting

too much from us?

Even for a pro,

this would be difficult.

They're going a

little far, I'd say.

[g*ng ORCA]

Now. How will you react?

Will you fight or protect?

Help, or run away?

What would a hero do?


Another attack?

Look! By the first aid station!


Not good.

[ASHIDO] Right by all those

hurt kids and old people?!

That's so mean!

We still have a lot

of bystanders to rescue.

But we can't just

ignore the villains.

I know.

[MERA] For this second test,

everyone starts out

with a certain number of points.

They'll be judged on

how many they lose.

HUC evaluates whether

or not someone's

acting properly during

their rescue.

For example: if the examinee

has put themselves

in the position

to best use their Quirk.

Additionally, there

are employees

of the Public Safety

Commission who are grading

each person individually,

based on the scoring manual

and the examinee's background.

Students automatically

fail the moment

their total score

falls below points.

I hope everyone down

there has the patience

to make smart decisions.


Get everyone to safety!

Shindo, wait!


Do it!

Get them as far away from

the villains as possible!


I'll start hammering

away at the henchmen

at one second intervals.

[ORCA t*rrorists yell]

Weren't expecting that.

[g*ng ORCA]

Nice try.

Whoa, dang, look at that.

He's going all out.


I wonder.



[g*ng ORCA] A single rear

guard to hold us back?

You've underestimated me.


g*ng Orca! Quirk: Orcinus!

He can do whatever an

orca can, even on land.

That includes using

an ultrasonic wave

to paralyze his prey!

[g*ng ORCA grunts]




Midoriya, are you evacuating?

We'll help!

--[ASHIDO] Todoroki's fast.

--[IZUKU] Hey.

Where have you guys been?

We found hurt people

over by the river.

Everybody else ran

to the city first,

so we were searching

on the outskirts.

Yaoyorozu and Asui stayed behind

to search for survivors.

But we couldn't stand by and

watch these villains do this.

[g*ng ORCA]

Your power is nothing.

Guess I know why

he's number ten.

This wind.

[YOARASHI] I'm gonna blow

you evildoers away!

A second villain attack.

Man, they really pulled out all

the stops for us, didn't they?


[IZUKU] Hey, it's him.

The one who turned down UA.


Good timing.

We can keep evacuating

while the strong attackers

hold them back.





They're prioritizing the safety

of the first-aid station,

which is the cornerstone

of the entire rescue effort.

That's smart of them.

And they put the two students

best suited for holding g*ng

Orca back on the front line.

Nice work!


Of course you're here, too.

I just can't help

but hate both of you.


That's my line.

Everything you say

is a distraction.

Why don't you go help

with the first aid

station instead?

Your Quirk would

be good for that.

I'll take care of him.

[g*ng ORCA]

Here they come.

[ORCA t*rror1st A]

Huh? Where are they aiming?

Why'd you use your flames?

The heat makes the air rise up!

Because he didn't fall

to my ice earlier.

You ruined my shot

on purpose, didn't you?

Using your wind to

blow away my fire.


[YOARASHI] You blocked me

so you'd get all the glory!

[TODOROKI] What? Why would

I do something like that?

[YOARASHI] Why wouldn't you?

Hatred's in your blood.

You are Endeavor's son.

What the hell has been up

with you this whole time?

My old man's got

nothing to do--

[ORCA t*rror1st B]

Like my Cement g*n?

Good luck trying to move

when that hardens up.

[g*ng ORCA]

This is outrageous.

I can't believe you're arguing.


This has everything to do...

...with your

cold-blooded father.

To me, heroes should

be full of passion.

They bring hope and

inspiration to people

with the fire burning

in their hearts.

They care!


Move it. You're in my way.

[YOARASHI] It was a shock

to meet your father.

Because the only thing

I could see in his eyes

was an insatiable anger

aimed at the entire world.

[YOARASHI] And then, at the

entrance exam, I saw you,

and I knew who you

were immediately.

Because when I said hello...


You're in the way.


Your eyes were the same as his.

You think we're the same?

Don't be ridiculous.

You're a fool.

I'm nothing like him.


I have to stop listening.

He's just someone

who hates my father.

He doesn't really know me.

I have to focus on the test.

I have to keep my cool.

I have no feelings about

my old man anymore.

[TODOROKI] No. There is

still some hate inside me.

Dammit. This is no good.

[g*ng ORCA]


A villain in front of you

and you've done nothing.


You and your father

are the only heroes

I can't accept.

You don't deserve

the title. Understand?

Now move!



Again? Are you kidding me?


No! He'll be incinerated!

Dammit. What are you two doing?!

[YOARASHI] I've never

been afraid of anything.

Even when I was a kid,

I was fearless.


Ah! It's so fast and cool!


I dig these little bugs.

[YOARASHI] I could find reasons

to like just about anything.

That's why, the minute I

understood what a hero was,

I knew what I was going

to be when I grew up.

Tackling crises,

rescuing people,

risking their lives for

the sake of the world.

That took real passion!

[YOARASHI] Which is why I

couldn't understand him.


Who had eyes that seemed

to hate everything they saw.

He was the only thing

I couldn't stand.


Rock on!

The written part of the

recommendation test is over.

The practical's next. And then,

finally, the interview.

You'll go six at a time

for the practical.

Get steppin' when

your number's called.

The exam will be

a three-kilometer race.

But, it's an obstacle course,

so you can't just run

straight through it.

Use your Quirks to

reach the finish!

[YOARASHI] This is it.

The best hero school in Japan.

[buzzer blares]

[YOARASHI] The most passionate

training I could hope for

is waiting for me.

[YOARASHI] Making an ice path

to move. That's smart.

I really didn't like

the look in his eyes.

But his abilities are on fire!

He'll probably be

accepted after this.

Then maybe I can become

friends with him,

and his eyes won't

bother me anymore!

[PRESENT MIC] Wowzah! Number

finishes first by a hair!


And it's three minutes faster

than the average time.

All right! I won!

But who knows what'll

happen next time.

You were amazing!

I'm guessing you must be

Endeavor's kid, am I right?

That's so awesome.

Shut up.

I just came here to pass

a stupid test, that's all.

I don't care if I beat you

or not, so give it a rest.


Those eyes.

You're in my way.

[YOARASHI] It's like he hates

something that isn't even here.

Dammit. What are you two doing?!


[YOARASHI gasps]

Hard to believe they're

from top schools.

Probably end up failing.

Not that I'd blame the judges.



A Quirk that uses wind.


That's right. He was in my way.

He beat me at the

recommendation exam.

Why didn't I remember him?

He's so loud and obnoxious.

[TODOROKI] I guess I wasn't

really seeing him back then.

I just needed to

reject that bastard.

I wasn't thinking

about anything else.

I forgot all about you.


[TODOROKI] Whether that's

a good thing or not...

Well, I guess I'll find out.

[TODOROKI] I did everything

I could to ignore who I am.

Is that catching up to me?


My past, and my blood...

[TODOROKI] I can't just bury

them or forget about them.

[g*ng ORCA]

No more games.

First I'll stop the wind.




[ORCA t*rror1st A]

Got 'im!

[ORCA t*rror1st B] That's our

boss! A total powerhouse.

[ORCA t*rror1st C] Now it's

time to trap these do-gooders

in cement.


No good. I can't control it.



[g*ng ORCA]

You reap what you sow.

[g*ng ORCA] He was too

far away. He's not done yet.

[ORCA t*rror1st A]

While the boss is at it,

let's go destroy the

evacuation shelter.

He'll love that!

[ORCA t*rror1st B]

Hell yeah!




Not like this.


Dammit. What are you two doing?!



[YOARASHI] How did I become

everything I hated?

[TODOROKI] I'm in this mess

because of my own actions.


I have to fix this.

Oh, no. They're gonna

catch us! Faster, guys!

[IZUKU] They're too close.

I have to be the front line.

I'll take care of this.

[ORCA t*rrorists yelping]

Whoa, Shindo!

I thought you couldn't move

because of his blast.

Well, my extremities

are still pretty numb,

but I'll bounce back.

Soundwaves aren't that bad.

Not much different

from my vibrations.

So I've built up a pretty

good tolerance to them.

Might be the first time I've

been thankful for that recoil.


I was trying to get a surprise

attack in on that whale!

And then those two

first-years ruined it.


So intense.

I've tripped the henchmen.

Now you make sure

they're out of the game.

We'll split up and get

the remaining injured

to the shelter.



[g*ng ORCA]

Now, then.

I'll take down the wind-user

and continue with the attack.

[TODOROKI] We competed with

each other for no reason.

Our Quirks aren't compatible,

and we have zero teamwork.

There's no way we

can beat a top hero

when we're at odds like this.

Hopefully, he understands, too,

and feels the same way I do.


The heat makes the air rise up!


Come on. Work with me.

[YOARASHI] I'm so numb

that I can't put much

into my Quirk, but...

I have to do this!


With fire...


...and wind...


...we'll trap you!

[g*ng ORCA]

He didn't even move his body.

His strength and

accuracy have decreased,

but his incapacity

wasn't complete.

He's able to control his Quirk.

Barely. And this one.

Todoroki can't move either.

But he's adding his raw power

to Yoarashi's attack.

This won't make up for

their foolishness earlier,

but it's not a bad start.

[g*ng ORCA]

They realized their mistake.

And as such, they're trying

to make up for it.

I have to admire

their persistence.

[ORCA t*rror1st A]

Hey, behind us!

[ORCA t*rror1st B]

The boss is trapped by

some kinda fire tornado!

[ORCA t*rror1st C]

Isn't that bad?

He's an orca, so he's super

weak when he gets dried out!

Forget the wind. Stop the flame!

[ORCA t*rror1st A]


[ORCA t*rror1st C]

Todoroki! He used both sides!

[TODOROKI] If I could only use

both sides at the same time.

Switching slows me down.

I need to practice more.


When I can't move,

my speed doesn't

make a difference.

[ORCA t*rror1st D]

Should we go back and help?

[ORCA t*rror1st E]

Hey! Look out!



We can stop them.

[ORCA t*rror1st F]

Keep sh**ting!


I'll take this.

--Nice moves.

--[OJIRO] 'Kay.

The injured have

all been evacuated,

and reinforcements should

be here any minute now.

[MERA] Looks like almost

all of HUC has been rescued.

They only have three

people to get to safety

before they're done.

Then, the test will

be over for the year.

They just have to do their best

to hold g*ng Orca

off until then.

I'll be able to sleep soon.

Hey, guys! You miss me?

We're here to help.

[ORCA t*rror1st G]

Mow them down! Don't let up!



Asui--er, Tsu! When did

you sneak over here?

[TSUYU] I've been training

my frog skills,

and I've finally reached

a new level of control.

Camouflage. That's my

new special move.


Wow, Asui.

Are you done with the search

and rescue already?

For the most part.

Ribbit! Look out!

[ORCA t*rrorists yelp]


Shiketsu High!


I sent Inasa here to help.

But he has disgraced

our school's name.

There should be no enemies left.

So strong!


We're not done yet.



[g*ng ORCA] A cyclone

prison of wind and fire.

Not bad. An ordinary

villain would give up.

Would weep and beg your mercy.

But what would you do,

if your desperate

trap was not enough.

You must always be

planning your next move.

So... What now?


I have nothing.


No! Get away from those two!

[g*ng ORCA]



How does he always do this?

--[buzzer blares]

--[IZUKU] Huh?

[MERA] Um, yeah, so, at this

time, all of the HUC members

who were deployed have been

rescued from the disaster zone.


Huh? Really?

We were the last ones?

[MERA] It may seem

anticlimactic, but with this,

the provisional licensing exam

has officially been completed.

It's over?


After we tally the scores,

we'll announce the results

here in the arena.

Anyone injured should

go to the infirmary.

The rest of you are

free to change clothes

and wait wherever you like.

[ORCA t*rror1st A]

Sorry, Boss.

I guess we didn't do our

job all that well, huh?

And your restraining gear

must've made it

pretty hard to move.

[g*ng ORCA] No. The gear

wasn't the problem.

That tower of flame

was an inspired attack.

And with Midoriya's

surprise counter

once I had been weakened...

We might have had a hard

time if the test went on.

Even lost. Hmph.


Okay. Everyone.

Thanks for your hard

work in today's exam.

Now, before I

announce the results.

I should probably explain

the way we evaluated you.

Between HUC, and those of us

at the Heroes Public

Safety Commission,

we had a two-fold demerit

system that we used

to determine your total scores.

In other words, we were

evaluating you based on

how few mistakes you made

in a crisis situation.

Anyway, the names

of those who passed

are listed here in

alphabetical order.

Keep my words in mind

as you search the screen

for your name.


Midoriya... Midoriya...

[IZUKU gasps]


Here's the preview!

The results of the exam

are finally announced.

And while some

people don't pass,

that doesn't mean it's the

end of the line for them.

After all, our dreams

of becoming pro heroes

are only just starting

to be realized.

We still have a long way to go.

Later, Kacchan asks me outside,

but I don't know what he wants.

Is he here to talk or to fight?

Next time: "A Talk

About Your Quirk."

I'm sorry, but I can't say

anything about One For All!

Can I?

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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