03x20 - (D) Special Episode: Save the World with Love!

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x20 - (D) Special Episode: Save the World with Love!

Post by bunniefuu »

Boo! I am here.

In a flashy yellow shirt

that matches Young Midoriya's!


All Might, this isn't

where I'm supposed to be!

Me and the rest of Class -A

are in the middle of our

provisional hero licensing exam!

It's important!


I know!

And I can't wait to find

out what happens next.

But, kid...

Just ignore that for now!


Here's a Q.

Do you know the best

way to save people?

With love!

I don't understand.

You gotta learn to let loose.

You're working hard, but you

should have fun when you can!

So let's go beyond your

existing story arc!


Plus Ultra!

Hope you enjoy this super

special side episode.

I take a daring new turn in

"Save the World with Love!"

Now, cue those

opening credits! Go!

[ALL MIGHT coughs]


Perfect timing.

You're on TV right now.

Some kind of retrospective.

About me?


So, just how did All Might,

the Symbol of Peace,

become the number-one

hero in the world?

Let's take a look

back on his time

studying abroad in America.

You're safe because I am here.


That takes me back.


How many decades?

[ALL MIGHT coughs]

[MIDNIGHT] Real subtle way

of sidestepping the question.

I know that costume.

It's from your Young Age!

Heh. Yep.

Well spotted.

Oh, well, thanks.

I've been a fan of All Might's

since I was just a little kid.

Well, aren't you an inspiration.

No, not at all!


Could he look more smug?


All Might wasn't acting

alone while abroad. The

sidekick who supported him

was none other than

a young David Shield.

[MIDNIGHT] Wait, does he

mean that David Shield?

[CEMENTOSS] Birds of

a feather, and all that.

It's no surprise such

elites found each other.

[ALL MIGHT] Dave. It's been

far too long, my friend.

[COMPUTER] An email is here!

An email is here!

[AIZAWA] It's about time

to begin the special class.

I have a few notes

about my costume.

Not to worry.

Everything is ready.


Let's teach those wannabe pros

a thing or two about hero-ing.

[IZUKU] UA High holds special

classes for those wanting

to train during summer vacation.

Today's the first

one this break,

and we have no idea

what's in store.

We'll be running this

course multiple times

with small groups

from your class.

Today it will be the six of you.

Just so you know,

this will be harder

than a regular class.

Prepare yourselves.

[TSUYU] I wonder what

they'll have us do.

[IZUKU] Is this gonna be one

of those times he threatens

to expel us if we fail?

[AIZAWA] In this master

class, you'll be tasked

with saving innocent bystanders.

And capturing a villain.


[BOTH] We're not just studying--

we're playing heroes!


This should be obvious.

But villains commit many

different types of crime.

You six will be

dispatched to a scene

and will need to determine

what happened there.

Whether or not a villain

was actually at fault.

Whether or not you should fight.

We will be judging your ability

to assess the situation

as well as how well

you diffuse it.

Welcome your instructors.

I am here, sneaking in

through the back door!

All Might's teaching us?

You're looking extra

muscly today! Yowza!


He's not the only one today.

Cementoss, Midnight, and

Present Mic will be assisting.

They'll be acting

as special trainers.


Let's get started.

Head to Ground Beta

and we'll begin.

I see cardboard police cutouts.

This must be where the

crime is taking place.


I'll brief you on the situation.

There's been an attack

in this jewelry store.

The employees and

customers have been

taken hostage and are

barricaded inside.

The number of villains

and bystanders is unknown.

As pro heroes,

you have been asked

by the police to intervene

and resolve this incident

to the best of your abilities.

Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa!

Our teachers--are they

playing the roles

of hostages or villains--

I won't be answering questions.

Verify the situation yourself

and act accordingly.


Yes, sir!

[AIZAWA] With that, let the

capture training begin.

[buzzer blares]


Okay. What's our first move?

That's easy.

First we need to figure

out how many villains

and hostages there are inside.


Uraraka. You go.

Me by myself?

[KATSUKI] If we all run in,

the villains'll notice us.

But you can float up

to the top window

and not get caught.

Yeah. You're right! I'm on it.

Isn't that dangerous?

[TODOROKI] It is. But we

can distract the villains.


[phone ringing]


Who is this? The fuzz?

All Might's pretending

to be the criminal.


I'm a pro hero. And you are?


Pro shmo. I'm not impressed.

[IZUKU] Tell us how many

villains on your right hand,

and how many hostages

on your left.

Yeah. 'Kay.


Release the innocents,

and we'll consider your demands.


I only have one demand.

I want the cops and the heroes

to get the hell out of here.

If you don't leave, I guarantee

I'll slice up these hostages.


Very well.

But first, I need information

on who you've got inside.

Is anyone hurt?

[ALL MIGHT] Someone will

be if you don't stop

taking your sweet time.

Hurry up and get lost, dammit!


One villain. Three hostages.

Nice, Urakaka!

Stay there. Wait for us!

[gasps] Quick, hide!



[IZUKU] It's All Mi--

I mean, the bad guy.


He's checking to make sure

that everyone's gone.

[TSUYU] In that case,

we need to stay hidden.

We can't put those

hostages in danger.

How do we help them?

Think there could

be a back way inside?

[AIZAWA] Here's the first

big decision they must make.

Should they contact

the villain again

and attempt to persuade him?


[KATSUKI yells]


This is stupid.



Bakugo. Calm down!

[TODOROKI] You're planning

to charge straight in?


I'll fire off a

bunch of explosions

and take down that villain.

You guys can save the hostages

or whatever, I don't care.

You're being way

too irresponsible.

What are you talking about?

He's right there in the window.

This is our chance!

Of course. I knew

it'd go like this.

We have to move now, too!


Yeah. Let's go!


Unfortunately for you,

this isn't a problem you

can fight your way out of.

[gasps] The villain's

disappeared inside.

[KATSUKI] Damn it, I won't

let you have those hostages!


Oh, no! Hurry!

Wait. Is that...?


Now you get it. line: %

[AIZAWA] This is the moment when

the special class really begins. line: %

[AIZAWA] Today's training is

not what you expected it to be.

I'm interested to see how you

deal with this development.


The villain was... k*lled?

[chuckles, coughs]

Okay, All Might's still alive.

He's playing. But we're

supposed to think he's dead.

Is it because of Bakugo's blast?

No way--it wasn't

even that strong.

Weren't you watching?

You were supposed

to be our eyes.

Yeah, but, I couldn't

see anything

because of all the smoke.


[TODOROKI] The m*rder w*apon

is a knife covered in blood.

[TENYA] The building was

surrounded by police,

so we know no one

went in or out.

That means whoever

k*lled the villain

must still be inside!

Hold on. Maybe...

But it's too soon

to know that for sure.

We should listen to what

they have to say first.


He's right.

We need to know

how events unfolded.

[CEMENTOSS] I'm but a humble

employee of this store.

A villain suddenly appeared

and threatened me.

I handed over the jewels,

and then he tied me up.

[MIDNIGHT] I dropped by to

pick up a few new pieces,

and the villain

was already here.

He caught me while I was

too surprised to resist him.

Yo, yo, my pros. What it do?

I came to find a b*mb-ass

piece of frosting

for my hottie GF. Then that

villain laid me out flat.

It was so not dope!

When the villain first arrived,

was this man already

in the store?

Yes, he was browsing.

That beast knocked

him unconscious,

and he was asleep for

quite a long time.

And when you first came

into the shop, ma'am.

Did you see both of these men?

I didn't get a good

look when I walked in.

But when he was tying me up...

...I noticed these

two men had been

in different parts of the store.

[TODOROKI] Hm. So far their

stories all seem to fit.


Excuse me.

We need to take a quick look

through your wallets and bags.

See anything of

interest in there?

She's got a bunch of

credit cards and cash.

Present Mic's is the same way.

They both had enough money

on them to buy jewelry.



One of you k*lled

this stupid villain.

Just come out and

tell us, or else.

What's the motive?

What?! The stolen

jewelry, you moron!

Plus, they're just bad guys.

Even if that were the case,

isn't it a little too

reckless to k*ll the villain

when you're locked in a store?

You'd definitely be a suspect.

Besides, the criminal

dropped the jewelry.

Yet no one took the bag.

If the theft wasn't

the motive, then maybe...


Another conflict?

Yeah, if there were

two villains in here,

and during the attack,

they argued about

how to split up the loot,

that could be the motive.

If that's the case,

then the hostages

would have heard

their conversations.

Nah, girl, I didn't

hear anything like that.

Nor did I.


Me neither.

Then you think the

villain was working alone?


[TENYA] I've inspected

every corner of the store.

There's no back exit,

and all the windows are sealed.

It's impossible that

anyone escaped.

Then, the person at fault

has to be one of these three.

I didn't do it.

I'm innocent!


I'm not goin' down for this.

It wasn't me, yo!

[AIZAWA] They haven't been

able to find definitive

evidence of who

the k*ller is yet.

It's time for their

second big choice.

Wouldn't it be best

to call the police?

The investigators can get

to the bottom of this case.

Perhaps that would be wise, yes.


This is so frustrating.

We know the culprit has

to be one of these people!




We'll just force them

to start talking!


Be a hero.

If you t*rture them,

then the police

will arrest you along

with the perpetrator.

I didn't say anything

about t*rture!

Hey, you damn nerd.

You've got a new idea,

haven't you?

Uh--! Well. Something's

bothering me here.


What is it?

Why did the villain barricade

himself inside the store?

You know?

'Cause, if he wanted to,

he could have just

escaped with the goods earlier.

So then, why did he stay?


Timing wise,

the authorities arrived

just as I was putting

the jewelry in a bag for him.

He had no opportunity to flee.


Did you call the police?

I never had the chance.

Someone outside the

store must've seen

what was happening.

They're the ones who

called the police.

If that's the case,

then it has to mean...

Midnight, it was you.

[gasps] What? Me?

[IZUKU] You were the

only one who came into

the jewelry store after

the villain was already here.

Don't be hasty, Midoriya.

Don't you make us look

like a buncha idiots.

Why would somebody

who called the police

come inside to face the

villain and allow themselves

to be taken as a hostage?

Hear me out.

I think she's the

reason the villain

barricaded himself

in here to begin with.

[IZUKU] Midnight. You knew

the man on the floor

before this incident,

didn't you?

[IZUKU] And not just

as an acquaintance--

you knew he committed crimes.

You saw him and knew he was

going to rob the jewelry store,

so you called the

police the moment

he went inside so

they would stop him.

And then, before

they could arrive...


You decided to go in yourself.

[IZUKU] He must've been

shaken to see you.

But he also understood

your true intentions.

Why you were there.

[IZUKU] Even so, the villain

continued the robbery

and tied you up like the others.

[IZUKU] While he was doing

that, the police arrived,

and he was forced to barricade

himself in the store.



Why would I willingly put

myself in danger like that?

Because you wanted him

to change his life.



Didn't you?

[IZUKU] No matter how any times

you tried to convince him

to step away from

crime, he wouldn't.

So you made sure

that, this time,

he'd be forced to

change his ways.

[gasps] Wait, Deku.

Even if things happened the

way you just said they did...

Why would she k*ll the villain?

[TODOROKI] All she wanted

to do was get him arrested.


Yeah, that's right.

She has no motive to k*ll him.

True. There's no motive.


That's why the m*rder*r...


...isn't one of these three.

What are you talking about?

Seriously, Deku, hold on!

Could it have been...

su1c1de. Right?


Once he figured out what

Midnight's intentions must be,

it's likely he still expected

to escape as planned.

But then we pro heroes

showed up on the scene.

He refused to be taken alive.


Not quite.

I think he was worried

about something else.

If he was caught by the police,

his relationship with Midnight

might have been exposed,

putting her in all

sorts of trouble.

If that had happened,

a dark shadow would've fallen

over the rest of her life.


That's why this villain

silenced himself

with his own w*apon.

[IZUKU] Midnight didn't say

anything because she realized

what he was thinking when

he took his own life,

the sacrifice he was making

so that she could live.

[IZUKU] Out of respect,

she couldn't say anything.

You think Midnight and the

villain were that in love?



That's so sad.

Midnight was only trying

to help the criminal

because she cared

so much about him.

And the robber was

trying to save Midnight,

because deep in his villainous

heart, he loved her, as well.

They were both just

trying to look out

for each other.

That's ironic, isn't it?

[IZUKU] I believe that

this is the truth behind

the attack in the jewelry store.

[TSUYU sadly]


[KATSUKI] This was actually

some kinda love story?!


Okay, that's enough.

Ooh! This was so fun!


What a !

Thanks, you three.

You're all done here.

Save your strength

for the next group?


What'd you think of my acting?


I'd reel it in a bit.




Your deductions were exactly

what we had scripted

for this scenario.

The villain did s*ab

himself with his own knife.

It was smart work getting

to that conclusion

by asking a logical

series of questions.

Wow! Praise from Mr. Aizawa!

Extremely well done, Midoriya!

[IZUKU chuckles]


But you weren't perfect.

You six overlooked

one major thing.

Therefore, you earned...

...zero points.

[GROUP yelps]

You've gottta be kidding!






The villain's body is gone!



He's alive!


I am fleeing the scene

and running toward freedom!

[ALL MIGHT cackling]

[AIZAWA] You were all

under the assumption

that the villain was a corpse,

so you didn't tie him up.

And that's why you all fail.


Is that even allowed?

Didn't you realize that

All Might gave you a hint

about the truth?

He tried to help you.

When Asui tickled his nose.




He reacted, didn't he?

You thought it was a mistake.

But he was alive.

That's it for your special

class. You're dismissed.

Aw, man.


That's a dirty trick!

Uh-- Wait a second. If the

villain is alive, then...

He pretended to k*ll himself,

but looked for a chance

to escape the whole time!

He didn't stay

there for Midnight!

Midnight misunderstood

and thought he did

everything because

he wanted to protect

her name and honor.

But their love story!

It was...!

...never real.

I hate this test.

And this love stuff!


The window!

[STUDENTS scream]

[coughs] Staying in

my muscle form

for so long is excruciating.

[ALL MIGHT] Oh, that's right.

I had an email.

It's from Melissa?


"Dear Uncle Might."


It's been such a long time!

Melissia Shield here.

I bet you're surprised

to get a message from me.

I'm writing you because I-Expo

will be held on I-Island soon.

Where Papa and I live!

Schools in Japan are on summer

vacation right now, right?

You should come see Papa!

I'll send you a formal

invitation to the Expo later.

A Japanese hero who

fought villains while

studying abroad reunites

with his American friend

after so many years.

[MELISSA giggles] Don't you

think it sounds dramatic?

PS. This is a surprise.

He'll be so shocked if you

show up out of the blue!

Can you imagine

the look on his face

when he sees you again?


The Symbol of Peace?

[ALL MIGHT] I wanna see

a society where everyone

can smile without worry.

I will become a

Symbol of Peace--

a beacon of hope in this world.




I am here!

Waiting to ambush Young Midoriya

on his walk home from UA!


Huh? What are you doing here?

[ALL MIGHT coughs]

Young Midoriya.

There's a place called I-Island.

You ever hear of it?

Oh, yeah, for sure.

I-Island is amazing!

Every company in the

world that's involved

in the hero business

invested money to create

a technological paradise

for the research

and development of Quirks

and support items!

The result was an artificial,

mobile island where

almost ,

scientists now live.

It's incredible!

It's security system...

Do you wanna go there with me?

[gasps] Really? You want

us to go together?

I don't mean we'll

just be goofin' off.

Now that you've officially

become my successor,

there are lots of

tricks of the trade

you need to learn about.

You're doing it for me?

Are you sure about this?

Let's go!

Then you'd better

run up to your room

and pack your bags

right away so we can jet.

Can't keep the plane waiting.

We're going now?!


Yes! Hurry up! Go!


Ah, yeah, yeah, I'm going!

Don't leave without me!

Young Midoriya!

Did you enjoy my star

turn as a criminal?

You almost caught me!

Man, I'm such a sucker

for love stories.

[IZUKU] Well, it wasn't

actually a love story.


More importantly, we're going

to I-Island really

soon, aren't we?

What's it like over

there, All Might?

You'll see! But only

if you watch the movie!

Oh, I get it, nice plug.

People can watch

My Hero Academia: Two Heroes

in theaters soon!

Spoken like a true

hero of marketing!


Next time we'll continue where

the last episode left off!

Can Young Midoriya and the rest

of his intrepid classmates

defeat g*ng Orca,

who barged into the middle

of the second round?

Will they be able to get

their provisional hero

licenses or not?

They might fail miserably!


Come on, why would you say that?


Thank you so much

for watching the show.


You are the real heroes!

You ready, kid?


Let's say it together!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!


Here's the preview!

While performing

rescue operations,

we're suddenly

att*cked by villains!

This could be the most

important part of the test.

But are we supposed to help

the injured civilians escape,

or fight the bad guys?

Oh, man. The main villain is

being played by g*ng Orca,

the number ten hero!

There's no way any

of us could beat him

in a head-to-head fight.

There's only one way we'll have

a shot at taking him down.

We'll have to work together.

Next time: "What's

the Big Idea?"

A real hero can't lose

track of their goal.

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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