03x19 - (D) Rescue Exercises

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x19 - (D) Rescue Exercises

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!

[IZUKU] The provisional

licensing exam is upon us.


Oh, right.

For the of you who

passed the first test,

please turn your

attention to the screen.

It's the test arena.

What's happens next?



Wait. Does that mean...?

[MERA] There's only one

more round to the exam.

Your goal is simple:

undertake rescue exercises

and save the bystanders

who are trapped

in these disaster sites.


Save the what now?



We learned about them

in class, remember?

They're people at

a disaster scene.

It can also simply refer

to innocent citizens

on the street.

[MERA] Use this time to show

us how you will carry out

successful rescue

procedures once you receive

your provisional licenses.

Treat this as though

it were the real thing.

[sighs] Rescuing.

On the screen.

[gasps] Little kids

and old people?

[MINETA] That's so dangerous--

why're they here?

[MERA] These specialists have

been trained as professional line: %

"persons in need of rescue."

They're very popular. line: %

Introducing the

"Help Us Company," line: %

also known as HUC for short.

So, they're basically

actors, I guess?

It's the kind of job

you never think about.

But a necessary one

in our world,

since they support

our hero training.

[MERA] The HUC bystanders

have dressed up

like injured victims

and will be located

throughout the disaster site.

We'll be judging how well

you keep them safe

as you go about your mission.

Oh, by the way.

We'll be scoring you

on a point system.

If you have more points

than the benchmark

at the time the exercise

comes to an end,

then you pass the exam.

We'll start in ten minutes.

Take care of any necessary

preparations now.

This looks familiar.

It's like Kamino Ward.

I wonder if they

based it off that.

[TENYA] It's true that

the situations are similar.

But our only goal then

was to rescue Bakugo

from the villains.

We let the pros handle

search and recovery.

And you'll recall,

there were many casualties.

Not this time.

[SERO] Guys. You gotta

listen to this story.

It's pretty juicy.

What's the rating?

Triple X.

Go on.

[SERO] That fox in the

bodysuit from Shiketsu.

--The one over there.

--[KAMINARI] Yeah?

If you're just gonna say

she's hot, that's obvious.

I've had my eyes on her since

the moment we crossed paths.

Well, get this.

I saw her hiding in the

rocks with Midoriya,

buck naked.



What were you doing

while the rest of us

were just trying to

stay alive, you bastard?!

Was this entire test

nothing but a joke for you?

Guys, cool it! What's going on?

Don't play stupid with us!

What devious things were you

doing with that uber hottie?


[MINETA shrieks] The casual

greeting exchanged between

a man and woman whose

sexual relationship

has advanced several bases!

Just how Plus Ultra did you

end up going with her?

Uh-- Now I get it. Sero talked.

Listen, guys. Whatever

he told you is wrong.

It was a side effect

of her Quirk.

Actually, I had no idea

what was happening

and almost failed the test.


But you did see her naked?

Well, sorta.


Don't you lie to us!


Why is she still waving at you?

[MINETA] Give us details,

Midoriya, I beg you.

[IZUKU] I told you,

nothing weird went down!

Oh, hey, it's Shiketsu.





[MORA] I think you met

Shishikura in the test.

My classmate with the

flesh-molding power?


So much hair.

Yeah. I took him out.


I thought so.


[MORA] I'm guessing he

may have acted rudely,

or perhaps offended you.

He has a tendency

to try and push

his own values onto others.

He probably couldn't

help it in your case,

since you're pretty famous.

I apologize for him.

I'd like to build

a good relationship

between our schools.

I-I guess he wants

to be friends?

So he says.

But the way they were fighting,

it didn't seem that way.


"A good relationship."

But then there's that guy.


Anyway. That's it.

Hey. You with the collar.

Did I offend you somehow?

Oh, no, I'm sorry.

Did I hurt your feelings?

Well, the thing is,

son of Endeavor...


I just can't help

but hate both of you.

You've changed a little bit

since the first time

our paths crossed.

But you definitely still

have your father's eyes.

[TODOROKI gasps]


Something wrong, Yoarashi?

Nope, not a thing, sir!


My father's eyes?


See you out there.

Ah! Yeah! Sure!

"See you out there"?

What is that supposed to mean?

You're an insatiable deviant!

[IZUKU] I told you,

it's not what you think.

That girl is actually

super scary.

Please. You're

acting disgracefully.

This test isn't over.

You need to focus.


Just look at her!

[YAOYOROZU] Have you even

begun to strategize?

[OCHACO] I don't like this.

Why do I feel so flustered?

I was fine when I was

fighting earlier.


But now...


--[bell rings]

--[bell rings]

[MERA] Villains have

performed a large-scale

t*rror1st attack spanning

all of Insert City Name Here.

Since most buildings collapsed,

there are many injured.

Guess that's the

background story.

[gasps] So, then...

We're starting.

[MERA] Due to heavily damaged

roads, the first responders

have unfortunately been

delayed for the time being.


What is with these rooms?

[MERA] Until emergency

services arrive,

the heroes in the area will

lead the rescue efforts.

Your task is to save as

many people as you can

and help the injured.

And with that...


[TENYA] Saving lives

is the greatest ambition

a hero can have!


We have to do this properly.

And succeed!

[SHINDO] He mentioned points,

but he didn't say anything

about how we'd

actually be scored.


Since we're in the dark,

all we can do is

follow our training.

Come on, come on,

come on, let's do this!

[TENYA] Let's start by heading

to the closest urban area.

We'll work as a team

as much as possible.




You're going on your own again?

[KATSUKI growls] Why are you

damn extras always following me?


We just wanna!


Right, so, uh...

Try to get this over

quickly for me, yeah?

Rescue exercises.

[TSUYU] Even though this is just

a test, it feels pretty real.

Stay alert!

Be careful of falling

debris and explosions.


[HUC CHILD A crying]


What's wrong, Midoriya?


I hear someone.

[HUC CHILD A crying]

Help me, please!


Look! There he is.


My grandpa! He's been crushed.

I think he's hurt.

Oh, no. This looks bad.

Where is he?

"This looks bad"?

That's points off your score!

[IZUKU yelps]


The first thing you should do

is see how bad my injuries

are and if I can walk.

I'm breathing kinda

weird, too, aren't I?

And didn't you even notice

that I'm bleeding from the head?

People with hero licenses

should be able to judge

a victim's condition

in an instant!


Are the members of HUC the ones

who are gonna be scoring us?

Your gross lack of training

is all too apparent right now.

You better shape up and

pay attention, newbies!


All right.

Let's rope this area off

as a hazard zone.

No. That's not enough.

Think about it. This

whole area's unstable.

[MORA] I'll clear a path and

make a helicopter landing spot.

Watch out.


Shiketsu High, second year.

Nagamasa Mora!

His Quirk: Extend-o-Hair!

He can grow all

the hair on his body

and manipulate it at will.

The only bad thing is how

easily it gets tangled.


That was awesome, Mora!

You're amazing.

Here's the first-aid station.

There's a lot of space.

We can make part of this

an evacuation zone.


I'll be in charge of triage.

Leave the setup to me.

[AIZAWA] When it comes

to saving innocent lives,

experience really does

make a difference.

[HUC CHILD A] You're not

just here to provide aid.

Until the police and

firefighters show up,

you need to exercise

authority and make sure

this goes off smoothly.

Think of the victims here.

They must be terrified.

There are many aspects

of being a hero.

But take note.

There is one thing to keep

in mind above all else.

Anyone who needs

rescuing is having

the worst day of their lives.

And the first thing you said was

"This looks bad"? Seriously?

[IZUKU gasps]


Fear not, citizens.

Hope has arrived.

Because I am here.



I've got to get it together.

I need to do my best.

Passing this test

and getting my license

aren't just things I have

to do to succeed at school.

They're essential if I'm going

to become a real hero.

The kind I want to be.

Steps toward achieving my dream!

Hey! It's fine!

[sobs] Over there! My grandpa!

Don't you worry.

We'll definitely save him.

I can carry this boy to the

first aid station myself.

You guys, go on without me!

--[TENYA] All right!

--Let's do this.



[IZUKU] It'll be all right!

It'll be all right.


Is that your only line?

You're terrible at this.


I'll save you! I promise I will!


Shut up!

[OCHACO] This buzz in

my chest. What am I doing?


Is it... because you like him?

It's love!

[OCHACO] I've gotta push

these feelings down.

Deku is giving his all

to reach his goal.

No room for anything else.

I don't wanna change that.

You've got a crush

on someone, right?

So do I. And I bet

you also wanna be

exactly like that

special person, huh?


I'll put these feelings away.

I'll focus on working

just as hard as he does.


And reach my dream.

[MERA] It's been ten minutes

since we started.

Everyone's doing well

for the most part.

But there's still a ways to go.

What's a test without

a few surprises.


I hope they didn't think things

would be straightforward.

Inasa Yoarashi,

a Shiketsu first year.

My Hero name is Gale Force!

Rescue exercises

get me pumped up.

You're gonna be safe with me!



[HUC BABY A chuckles]

Wind, eh?

[HUC BABY A] Seems like

a sloppy approach at first.

But in reality he's manipulating

countless airstreams

to adapt to all the people

and debris he's moving.

Hah. His subtle control

is unbelievable.

But it's still reckless!

Minus Points.


[MORA] You shouldn't move

anyone or anything unless

you've checked on the

condition of the injured.

You could make things worse.

Of course. I apologize!


Hey. Camie ran off again.

What's her deal lately?

Are you all right?!




The quality of one's training

is most apparent in their

initial response to a situation.

Take Inasa.

He petitioned to take

the test even though

it's normally reserved

for second-year students,

and was strong enough

to be accepted.

He even passed the first round.

However, he's acting

far too impatient.

His lack of experience

is obvious.

You realize you're

sitting in the stands

because you're the one who

failed. Right, Shishikura?

Yes, I am aware.

Just checking.

You should use this as a chance

to analyze what went wrong.

Reflect on your bad influences.


What do you mean?


Seems to me you've taken

Stain's words to heart.

[SHISHIKURA] Me? Influenced

by a villain? Absurd.


No, it's not.

Listen, what he taught

wasn't necessarily all bad.

Between Stain's

fundamentalist ideas

and All Might's retirement,

there are many who wish

to reform the role

that heroes play in society.

That's just fine.

But if negativity

and hate take over,

like they did for you during

the first round of the exam,

they can impair your judgment

and keep you from

your potential.


There's someone in here.

But they're not

responding when I yell.

It's way too dark for me to see.

[EXAMINEE AA] I can at least

check their pulse and breathing.

I'll make some

room for treatment.


They're so good at this.

[YAOYOROZU] Everyone! We should

be moving quickly as well.

This old man's conscious.

He needs help.


What are you waiting for?

He's trapped by debris.

I'll float it away.


Poor girl.

She's gonna lose

points that way.

Please wait a moment.

Look at the way the walls

have collapsed around him.

Right now, the structure

is balanced precariously,

like an intricate puzzle.

Everything will topple

if we're careless

with our movements.

We have to do

this strategically.

Now I see. You're right.


First, let's use a support beam

to prop up this wall.

It'll take some time to get

everything into place though.

[SERO] No worries.

You can leave that to us!

How's that for a brace?


I've reinforced the wall, too.

Now, then. Your turn!

Move the debris

that doesn't affect

the structure and

make a path! On it!


It's not perfect,

but it's not a

horrible plan, either.


there's a large-scale disaster,

there are never enough rescuers

to help those in need of saving.

That means the work

should be as fast

and efficient as possible.

If someone tries to do

everything themselves,

they'll lose time

in the long run.

What's important is

being realistic about

what your own Quirk

can and can't do,

and then figuring out how

you can divide the labor

with the other heroes.

Focusing on your role

during a test where you're

trying to stand out

takes courage.

It's something you can only do

if you really understand

the situation.

But there is still a lot

of wasted effort here.

If they keep going like this,

we won't be able to

grant them licenses.

This isn't good.

We're just standing

around and watching.

[SHOJI] Several people already

went off on their own.

Unlike in the first round,

we may need to split up

for this one.

We could move in smaller groups.

In that case, I'll be

of much more help

if I head to the river.

I'll join you.


Me, too!

Guys, work together?

--[ASHIDO] Cool beans!

--[TOKOYAMI] Sure.

Yo, Koda.

Can you use animals

to look for people

who need rescuing?


I'll keep my eyes open.

Mineta. Will you help me?

Sure thing!

[TENYA] Good. Depending

on the situation,

we should also work together

with other schools.

That's how we'll save lives.



[AOYAMA] Did you say

it was too dark in there?

Allow my twinkling

to save the day!


Perfect. Thanks!

That's a shocker.

I didn't think you'd

be the first to help.

But, then, you do

love that pose.



We'll disperse across

the field and get to work.

Roger that!

I think his right leg is broken.

Sero! Tape him up!


I got him.

All right, Jiro.

Look for the next person

in need of rescue.

I'm on it. Gimme a sec.


Help. Someone!

My arm hurts pretty bad.

Mine, too. Save us.

Shut up! Save yourselves,

you whiners.

[BOTH yelp]

Man, you've gotta work

on your rescue style.

They might be really hurt--

we can't just leave 'em here.


We are supposed to be

low-priority victims

with only minor injuries.

So you think...

that he figured it out.

And that's why he told us

to go off on our own?

You're kidding me.

They took it in a way

that made it sound okay?

[KIRISHIMA] We'll get

you two somewhere safe.



His tone was

wildly inappropriate.

Minus points.


What the hell did you say?!

[BOTH yelp]

[SHOJI] I hear a voice.

Coming from over there!



I'll go first to check

on the conditions

of those who need to be rescued.


Sounds good.


Even if this weren't a test,

I would still reach out to

save those looking for help.

Because I'm sure

that's what my brother,

Tensei, would've done.


Let's head to the mountain zone.

There should be

animals over there!

[ASHIDO] Smart! Then Koda

can use his Quirk!


Todoroki! Tsuyu! Over there!


Help! I can't swim.


I'll be right there.

We might need to

warm the boy up.

Let's gather firewood.


Leave it to me!

We're almost to a safe

space, don't you worry.



There are so many.

You, there. Let me see that boy!

Yeah, of course.

His head got hurt somehow.

He's bleeding quite a bit,

but his wounds don't

look very deep.

He responds to

questions clearly.


Hm. He should be fine.

Take him to the space

over there on the right.

Yes, ma'am!



[g*ng ORCA] In the short

time until emergency

responders arrive,

heroes must act alone.

Helping the victims

and performing first aid.

Once the professionals show up,

the transition

should be seamless.

How goes it?


Let's see.

During their initial response,

there was some poor judgement.

But the points taken off

by HUC members

are still pretty minimal.

The students are doing

better than expected.

Less incompetence than

usual, I would say.

[g*ng ORCA]


But in order to protect

citizens in need,

heroes must multitask.

They can't just rescue.

They must adapt.

[gasps] What happened?



--[KAMINARI] We're gonna die!





Wait. Could this be...

[MERA] A villain has completed

another large-scale attack.

Everyone! This is

part of the exam.

You think so?

That means...


Hey, look!

[IZUKU gasps]

[g*ng ORCA]

Tell me, wannabe heroes.

Can you rescue people

and fight at the same time?

That's g*ng Orca!

[MERA] During the

search-and-destroy mission

against the League of Villains,

g*ng Orca fought alongside

Endeavor and Best Jeanist.

[MERA] He's a strong pro,

currently ranked number ten.

Impressive. He's also ranked

third in the list of heroes

who look as though

they should be villains.


The t*rrorists have appeared

and are beginning

to sweep the area.

Hero candidates at the

scene should continue

their rescue efforts

while also suppressing

the newly-arrived villains.

[TENYA] We're gonna have

to save people and battle?

Are they serious?!

Jeez! Come on!

Aren't they expecting

too much from us?

Even for a pro,

this would be difficult.

They're going a

little far I'd say.

[g*ng ORCA]

Now. How will you react?

Will you fight or protect?

Help or run away?

What would a hero do?


I am here for the preview!

Sorry to interrupt while

Young Midoriya and the others

are in the middle of their

provisional licensing exam,

but next time, we'll have a

special anime original episode.

Why the sudden change

in programing?

Don't worry about it!

Kick back and have some fun

while you've got the chance!

Now, how do these things

usually end again?

Oh, right.

Next time: "Save the

World with Love!"

Witness Young Midoriya and I

in sweet matching T-shirts!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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