03x16 - (D) Shiketsu High Lurking

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x16 - (D) Shiketsu High Lurking

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!

[IZUKU] The provisional

licensing exam is upon us

and my classmates and I

are doing all we can

to make it through

the first round.


If you can pass this test

and get your

provisional licenses,

then you novice eggs

will hatch into chicks.

You'll be semi-pros.

I expect your best.

[IZUKU] This first test

is a free for all.

Each of us has put three

targets on our bodies.

They can go anywhere,

as long as they're visible.

We've also each been

given six special balls

that can trigger the spots.

If all three of your targets

get hit, you're done.

And only the first

people to get at least

two people out pass and

move on to the next round.

[MS. JOKE] If you like

your class this year,

then you should have warned

your students about all this.

We've seen it time and

time again in this exam.

UA is immediately crushed.


One For All. Full Cowling.

sh**t style!

--[TOKOYAMI] Dark shadow!

--[DARK SHADOW] Got it!


So you think we'll be taken out?

I don't really see a reason

why I should've warned them.

I doubt anything would've

changed if I had.

They're still going to have

to overcome this either way.

Real heroes could turn

this situation around.

Besides, if they become pros,

they'll face villains

who already know their Quirks.

Perhaps at UA, we look

a little further ahead

than other schools.


Hey, Eraser.

I'm guessing a lot

of our kids will think

it's important to finish fast.

Like the first ones to pass

will be ranked as the top.

So they'll want to

attack. Immediately.

Yes. But teamwork is the key.

The wise ones will cooperate

and gather information together.

But if they're seduced

by the urge to win

and rush to get points, they'll

end up exposing themselves.

And then it's all over.

None of our att*cks are landing.

I guess we shouldn't

be surprised

UA won't go down

without a fight.


Maybe not. But we have a plan.


Ketsubutsu Academy.

Second year. Shikkui Makabe!

His Quirk: Stiffening!

He can make whatever he touches

with his hands super hard!

But this Quirk doesn't

work on living things!

All done.

I'll take it from here.

Just try not to be

jealous when I end up

finishing ahead of

the rest of our class.

But I'm sure you won't

mind since I'll be

reducing enemy numbers

with this elegant attack.

Target. Lock-On.

[TOTEKI] Boomerang.

Crescent Moon Trajectory.

My aim is always true.

And since these projectiles are

coming at them from underground,

no one will have time to dodge.


Ketsubutsu Academy.

Second year. Itejiro Toteki!

His Quirk: Boomerang!

He can throw objects

at any trajectory

with stupidly precise aim.

Even underground!

Where are they gonna pop out?

Get back, I'll handle this.

[JIRO] Sound Amplification.

Amplifier Jack!

Heartbeat Distortion!


She's breaking the ground apart.

It won't help.


They're coming straight for me!


Maximum strength and viscosity!

Protect this perv, Acid Veil!

Wow, thanks! That's

such a great move!

It's my defensive special

that creates a melty wall.

So, they've been working on

ultimate moves already.

Yes, of course they have.

Black Abyss!

Cooler name. And easier to say.

[TOKOYAMI] Now, Dark Shadow.

Piercing Twilight Claws.


No, no, no, no!

Whew. That was close.


Ketsubutsu Academy.

Second year. Tatami Nakagame!

Her Quirk: Telescopic.

She can pull her body

into itself like a turtle.

It's actually pretty creepy

when you see it in action.


This isn't the Class A

from the Sports Festival.

It's obvious their training

is making them better fighters.


Mm. Looks like all the students

are still in a stalemate.

Not a single one's passed yet.

Oh. And don't worry, students,

I'll keep you updated

with an announcement

every time a few students

move on to the next round.


What's our strategy?

Everyone will be focused on

protecting their targets,

their weak points.

It's going to be

basically impossible

to hit them by chance.

We'll have to aim well and

break through their defenses,

even if we don't

know their powers.


Maybe not. But we have a plan.

[IZUKU] Everyone's

holding back right now.

Watching for their

opponents' blind spots

and how they use their Quirks.

But, at any moment,

the real fight will begin.

All right!

"At UA, you look further

ahead than other schools."

That's a pretty condescending

thing to say, Eraser.

Do you have any idea

how many kids in this world

want to be heroes?

Strength of will is far

more important than going

to a famous school

or having renown.

When you think you're the stars

and look down on others,

you reveal your weaknesses.

That's how you fail.

Outta the way.

Their defenses are

too strong right now.

I'll fix that.


Maximum force!


Tremoring Earth!

[IZUKU yelps]


Not good. Everybody run!

What the heck is this?


His power is insane!


We've got Ultimate Moves, too.

You didn't think you were

the only ones, did ya?


Ketsubutsu Academy.

Second year. Yo Shindo!

His Quirk: Vibrate!

He can make anything

he touches shake.

However, the aftershocks

affect his body,

temporarily making

him immobile.

Tremors. An Earthquake?

No. Probably someone's Quirk.


Who has that kinda power?

And which school are they from?

Don't lose focus.

There are enemies everywhere.

[yawns] Come on.

There should be at least one

or two who've passed by now.

Stop biding your time

and get this over with.

[gasps] This breeze...?

Hey! No fair!

[EXAMINEE B] Why're just

the balls getting sucked up?

I believe it's very important

for heroes to have passion.

And all of you are

fighting with it.

Thank you!

That's one of my favorite

things on Earth to see.


It's one guy from Shiketsu High?

[EXAMINEE D] What'd he say?

It's hard to hear.


Wait, what's he gonna do now

that he's got our balls?

Please let me join your fight

and show my own passion.

I'm so looking forward to it!

[EXAMINEES screaming]


It's about time somebody

perked up and passed.


[MERA] What?! There were

people taken down?

A single person managed to

do that in just one attack?


That's the stuff. I won!

[MERA] That actually surprised

me so much that I'm awake!

I assume we'll see a lot of

people passing from now on.

Everyone, let's get this out of

the way so I can take a break.

Good? Good.


What a Quirk.

Although it seems like it would

be hard to use in a city.



Oh, no. We've been split up.

Is this what Ketsubutsu was

planning the entire time?

I've gotta find everyone,

or at least somebody soon!

If I'm alone, I'm done for.

The other schools have

had so much more time

to work together and learn

to make decisions in battle.

We're behind by a whole

year's worth of training,

even with everything

we experienced.


Inasa Yoarashi.

He's the same year

as you all and received

the top scores for

students admitted

through recommendations.

But for some unknown reason,

he turned down his acceptance

to UA and went to Shiketsu.

[IZUKU] If he had the top score

for those with recommendations,

then he must be even

better than Todoroki!

Today, I'm gonna do my

best to learn from you.

I really hope you don't mind.

Maximum force!


Tremoring Earth!


These are strong students

from all over the country.

I don't know why,

but I'm actually getting

pretty excited about this.

[IZUKU] What? This girl

came outta nowhere!


Tag, you're it.

Not smart. Staring

off into space.

But... What's really weird

is that you're in trouble

and still smiling.

[IZUKU] I've seen her.

She's from Shiketsu High School.

[laughs] You couldn't be cooler.


Wow, that was super intense.

Someone could have even

died in that attack.

If I call out to the others,

I'll just become a target

for the rest of the schools.

My classmates shouldn't

be too far away, though.

I need to find them.

Otherwise, I'll have

to fight by myself.

In moments like this, you

have to be calm and careful.

It's time for Sneak Uravity.

[CAMIE] In fights where

a lot of one-on-one combat

is expected, most people

tend to go after

opponents they've already

got a lot of intel on,

since it's safest.

That's why I tracked you down,

because there's the good

possibility that UA's students

will be ganged up on.

See, I didn't wanna miss

the chance to interact

with such a prestigious school,

and I've taken quite

an interest in you.

Huh. You sure like to talk.


Ketsubutsu Academy will show up

to fight any second now.

This is no time for

a leisurely chat.

But I'm sure she

understands that.

Does she have teammates

coming to help her?

Or is she just

that overconfident?


Doesn't matter.

I've gotta make sure

I don't get taken out.


[IZUKU] Where'd she go?

She couldn't have--

All I have to do is

tap you with a ball

and that makes two.


No way. Gotta counterattack!


Or not. She's gone.

Oh. You think my Quirk

lets me disappear?


[CAMIE] That's not it.

I was just hiding.

It wasn't your power at work?

Nope. That's just a technique.

I make my opponent's

eyes and ears blind

and deaf to my presence.

To do that,

I hold my breath, clear

my mind, and disappear.

It's simple.

The hardest part is not

thinking, to be honest.



You learned a technique that

impressive at Shiketsu?

[CAMIE] The trick is to

not view your training

as some kind of chore.

[CAMIE chuckles] I'm glad we're

learning about each other.

Now, my question.

Why exactly do you

wanna become a hero?

For honor? Pride?

Or is it someone else's sake?

I wanna know your deepest

desires, and what scares you.

[TOTEKI] Man. Shiketsu's trying

to take him down, too?

Not good.


I'm trapped.

I couldn't find anyone,

and now I'm the target.

The worst-case-scenario

I thought of earlier

is now a reality!

This is it. Here they come.



Dodge! Dodge!

Just keep avoiding them!


Are you okay?

[gasps] Uraraka!

Over here. Hurry!


What? Does she have a plan?


Don't let them escape!

Hey, watch where

you're sh**ting.


I'll take her down fast.


No, wait!

[IZUKU] Back then, I chose

to fight and save someone,

which destroyed my arms.

If I could've used them,

then I might have been

able to save Kacchan.

And if Kacchan was never taken,

then All Might would

never have had to fight

against All For One

at the warehouse.

If I had only been faster...

I should have been able to get

Kota to Mr. Aizawa sooner.

And then I could have gone

after the villains myself.

[IZUKU] That's why I have

to train my legs now.

So that I never fail to

save anyone ever again.

An opening!

[IZUKU] Because to help others,

you have to be able

to take care of yourself.


Dammit! The whole mountain's

coming down!



I dunno. Based on that kick,

I'd say you're further

along than you think.

So, you should be

ready for this test.


It's just like All Might said!

Until my body is able

to catch up to my Quirk,

I won't use One For All

at percent.

Instead, I'll work on my legs.

Thankfully, these new iron soles

create a powerful impact.

And the toes spring back, so

it's basically two hits in one.

This support item compensates

for my lack of power.

[IZUKU] I'll make myself

stronger. I'll keep fighting!

And become the ideal

hero I want to be.

[yawns] Well, we've finally

had a th person pass.

Still a pretty long

way to go, though.

Can't you kids speed

this along? For me?


those UA brats run off to?


Are they gone? Or just hiding?


They gotta be close.

Anyway, this isn't working.

There must be a better

way to tag them.


Anyone chasing us?

No. Maybe they gave up.

Thanks, sorry.

I really messed up

back there, huh?


No. That's not true.

You were outnumbered.

[IZUKU] Let me guess.

You're someone from Shiketsu?

I'm what?

[IZUKU] Uraraka has been

working on her Quirk.

Training hard.

She can even ignore its

side effects for a short

period of time and use it

to make herself float

without getting sick.

But you. You haven't

tried to use it at all,

even though you were in danger.

And even more suspicious.

You exposed yourself to

the enemy without a plan.

That's not like the Uraraka

I know. So who are you?

[OCHACO chuckles]

If you saved me even though

you knew I was a fake...

...does that mean you were

trying to use me somehow?

[gasps] No. I didn't have time

to think that far ahead.

I'd do it again, though.

In a heartbeat.

Because if you're not Uraraka,

you couldn't have

floated away back there.

Falling from that height,

you definitely would've

injured yourself.

Oh? I see now.

So you're just that

good of a guy, huh?

Please, tell me more

about yourself. Everything.

[IZUKU] Can't we talk

about this after the exam?

[CAMIE] Does that mean

you'll save anybody?

Is there no boundary?

Where do you draw the line?

[IZUKU] Holy whoa, what

happened to your clothes?

You're basically naked!

I'll get dressed when

my mission's complete.


She scratched me?

What's the matter

with this girl?




[SERO] Midoriya! What's this

enviable situation you're in?






Those reflexes!

And here things were

just getting good.

Too bad.

I really, really ...

wanted to talk to you some more.

But not with so many people

around. What a bummer.

Ochaco Uraraka.

He really trusts you

a lot, you know.



Come back, naked girl!

Don't follow her!


Aw, man, why not?


It might've just been her Quirk,

but it looked like

she wasn't wearing

her clothes or her targets.

There's still a chance

she might come after us.

But think about it, we

don't have much time left,

and it would be hard

to get a point off of her.

Also... You two are

actually you, right?



What are you talkin' about?

Well, earlier, that girl

transformed into

Uraraka's clone.

[BOTH yelp]

[SERO] Was she naked

then, too, Midoriya?

That's what you're

concerned about?

Of course not,

she had a costume on!


So that hottie's Quirk

is to transform into

other people. Weird.


I think so.

[SERO] We can't underestimate

how much those other schools

have learned about us.

They even know you and Uraraka

are really good friends.

[IZUKU] Probably because

we were on the same

cavalry battle team

at the sports festival.


Yeah, that must be why.

Anyway. How'd you guys find me?

It was perfect timing.

[SERO] I just saw a fight

and rushed over to help.

We ran into each other

along the way.


I'm glad we got to help.

Yeah, me, too.

So we're a trio

for now. What next?

[SERO] I wish we could meet up

with the rest of our class.

We're way safer in numbers.

That's true.

But people have already

passed this the test so far.

We have to hurry.

If we're gonna pass,

we've gotta earn some points.

[TODOROKI] The other schools

are sticking together,

moving around in groups

of ten or more.

I could attack one of them,

but there could be

people with Quirks

I'm weak against.

Ideally, the various teams

would fight each other,

bringing the numbers

of each group down

to something more manageable

for me to pick off.


Let's see, where are we at now?

Things've been moving

a lot more quickly.

Looks like --make

that have passed.

And, looking on the

other side of things.

It seems examinees

have failed.

Less than half

the spots are open.

Now's the time to move.

Don't dally, kids.

[TODOROKI] I don't have the

luxury of waiting around.


That was pretty good!

Just what I'd expect

from the runner up

of the UA Sports Festival.

The name's Todoroki, right?

I can't believe you're out here

wandering around

all by yourself.

You must be really confident.


But even if he is from UA High,

acting alone is just

asking for trouble.


A ten-on-one fight.

He doesn't stand a chance.

This is great.

Now I don't have

to find opponents.


Aren't you cool.



Damn it! I can't move.

You're surprised?

I thought you said you

watched the sports festival.


Don't be cocky, we're prepared!

[TODOROKI] Looks like a Quirk

that makes things bigger.


not all I brought with me!


Should I use a big attack?

No, not yet. I'll wait

to see if there are more.


Even if I couldn't melt it,

I should have at

least made a mark!


Your fire won't work

against any of my tools.

Tungsten has a

super-high melting point!


I told you so, Todoroki.


Even if you're a top UA student,

if you think can pass

this exam alone...

Well, then,

your pride will

be your downfall.


Here's the preview!

I managed to get out

of a tight spot,

thanks to Uraraka and Sero,

but the rest of Class -A

is in trouble.

Students from Seijin High

School target Todoroki,

who's on his own,

while Shiketsu High School

att*cks Kacchan's group.

Even Yaoyorozu finds

herself in a bind

she may not get out of.

Still, though we

may be separated,

we aren't alone!

Next time: "Class -A."

This is a critical moment on

the path to becoming a hero!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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