03x11 - (D) One For All

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x11 - (D) One For All

Post by bunniefuu »


I must remember where I started.

[ALL MIGHT] I wanna make a

world where everyone smiles

and lives together happily.

For that to happen,

people need a symbol.


A symbol?


A Symbol of Peace.

The reason crime is

on the rise everywhere

is because citizens have

no one to believe in.

They need to rely on someone.

That's why I wanna

be the pillar

that gives people hope.

Huh. So that's what drives

you to become a hero

even though you're Quirkless.



[NANA chuckles]

Toshinori Yagi. S'that right?

Those are some pretty

funny ideas ya got.

You're kinda crazy.

[sirens blaring]


Midoriya. Are you four safe?


Yeah. How about you guys?

No one saw you?

I don't think so.

We're on the street,

blending in with the crowd now.

Some pros are here

helping people evacuate.

[IZUKU] Good. We're stopped

in front of the station.

Luckily, we missed

that last shockwave.

Our rescue totally worked.

A rescue?! That's not

what happened back there.

You idiots just happened

to be my best escape route.

You're welcome!

I had to get out

of there so All Might

could destroy that guy.

[IZUKU] He's right.

We would've been in the way.

The smart thing to do

was leave him to it.

Gran Torino can help him out.

[IZUKU] We made the

right decision. Didn't we?

This is what you

would've wanted.

Right, All Might?


You have so much in common

with Nana Shimura,

the utter waste of

a human who passed

One For All on to you.


Be proud, Toshinori.

You went down a long, hard

road to obtain this power.

Of course it's gonna take

a lot of work to master it.

My master was a true hero.

Keep her name out

of your filthy mouth.


A woman with no skill,

and grand ideas she

couldn't live up to.

How embarrassing for me,

the creator of One For All,

to see her inherit the power.

And the way she died

was so pathetic.

Shall I tell you all about it?


[BOTH gasp]


Gran Torino!

[ALL FOR ONE coughing]


You're in the way.

It's the same as the last time.

Toshinori. Calm down!

Six years ago,

you got distracted,

and that's how he escaped.

And put a hole in your stomach.

That's always been

your weakness.

Don't let him get

under your skin!

Yes, sir.


His Quirks and fighting style

are completely different

than they were.

You won't be able

to stop him head on.

Use your wits!

Can you still fight?

It's do-or-die. You must

go past your limit!

I will.

The scene below's straight

out of a nightmare.

Half of Camino Ward

was demolished

in a single, horrifying instant.

All Might is currently

fighting the villain

who appears to have

caused the blast.

I can't believe it.

How is one person so powerful?

He's destroyed the city and

is more than holding his own

against the Symbol of Peace.


Our plan has been thwarted!

It's up to you now, All Might!


You see this? Jeez.

Oh, crap, that looks terrible!


All Might looks kind of beat up.

[CITIZEN B] Whoa. I've never

seen him like this!


Where's Camino Ward again?

[CITIZEN H] Daddy may not

have work tomorrow, hon.



[CITIZEN C] Why aren't

the other heroes helping?

[CITIZEN D] Man, these villain

att*cks are getting insane.

[CITIZEN E] That, or the

heroes are just slackin' off.


They're gettin' soft!

I mean, I hate to say it,

but it's true.

[CITIZEN G] It looks bad,

sure, but All Might's the best.

He'll win in the end, right?

[ALL MIGHT coughing]


I find myself conflicted.

Tomura has been

the one to chip away

at society's trust in heroes,

so is it fair that I should

land the final blow?

You know, All Might,

as much as you hate me,

I think I probably

loathe you more.

I k*lled your master, sure.

But you took away

so much from me,

everything I tried to build.

That's why I want you to suffer

until your last breath,

and die broken and disgraced,

for all the world to see.

Big one's coming!

Dodge and counter!


Not everyone's so fast.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]


Watch out!

[ALL FOR ONE] I will obliterate

everything you've protected.

[GRAN TORINO grunts, yelps]

[ALL FOR ONE] First to go

will be your self-respect,

and ridiculous public image.

Show the world how

pitiful you really are,

"Symbol of Peace."

[CITIZENS murmuring]


He looks like a skeleton.


Uh. What's wrong?

Is-Is everyone else seeing this?

It looks like All Might's

been shrunk somehow!

[ALL MIGHT] Most of the world

has never heard of this fight.

I did everything I could to

keep the injury under wraps.

I'm supposed to be the guy

who's always smiling, right?

I'm the Symbol of Peace.

People everywhere have to

think that I'm never afraid.


All Might... Your secret!


Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes.

To think that you're

their greatest hero.

Now the adoring public

knows your true form.

Try not to be ashamed.


Your move.

[ALL MIGHT] Even as my body

rots and grows frail.

Even as you expose

my weakened state.

In my heart, I remain

the Symbol of Peace.

And there's nothing you

can do to take that from me.


Is that so? Ah, well.

I'd forgotten how

stubborn you are.

I guess I'll just give up.


But there is one thing you

might be interested to know.

Tomura Shigaraki? My apprentice?

He's Nana Shimura's grandson.

[ALL FOR ONE] I kept wondering

what would annihilate

your golden heart.

And so I found Tomura.

Groomed him to hate you,

and watched you smile so proudly

as you beat your

master's descendant.

That's a lie.

[ALL FOR ONE] Oh, come now.

You know it's the truth.

That is clearly

something I would do.

Huh! Well, well.

That's strange, All Might.

Where is your smile now?

[ALL FOR ONE cackles]


If you have to you save someone,

that means they've

probably gone through

something terrifying.

They'll be frightened.

Remember that real heroes

don't just save lives.

They save a person's heart, too.

You know what I think?

No matter how scared you are,

you should smile to show

that things'll be okay.

In this world,

the ones always smiling are the

ones who are the strongest!

You bastard.

[ALL FOR ONE laughs]

How very entertaining.

I think I've taken

a piece of you after all.


He's my master's grandchild...

My god, what would she say

if she knew how we turned out?

[ALL MIGHT screams]


Don't lose.

Keep going, All Might!

We need you!

He's frozen!

This is bad.

Beat this guy.

No way.

What next?

Is he gonna lose?

[CROWD MAN D] He's always

be able to win before,

so he can do it again, right?

[CROWD WOMAN C] Yeah, even if

he looks totally different,

he's still the same All Might.

[CROWD MAN E] Come on,

All Might, you can do it!

[CROWD shouting]


Beat this sucker!


Show 'im what you can do!

Win this!

Beat him!


Come on, All Might!


Fear not, miss.


I'm not done yet.

You were right.

A hero has so much

to protect in this world.

Which is why I will defeat you!


Toshinori, when you think

you can't go on anymore,

look inside.


I must remember...

[NANA] Remember why it is

you clench your fist.


...where I started.

Your past. Remember

where you came from.

Keeping your origin

in mind will help

push you past your limit.

My origin. Of course.

I wanna make a world

where everyone smiles

and lives together happily.


How many times is he gonna

have to counter such

a large-scale attack?

He shoulda been outta

power a long time ago.

Muscles are only forming

on his right arm.

This distorted form

can't be good.



There it is.

That's the last of your

strength, isn't it, All Might?

A wounded hero is a most

frightening animal.

Do you know that even

now I sometimes dream

of you charging at me

with your entrails

strewn across the ground.


Oh, no.

[ALL FOR ONE] You have, what,

two or three punches left?


Are you serious?

What the hell's going on

with that weak little body?


Looks like we made it in time.

[TSUKAUCHI] We've got

the Nomu under control.

You have to help All Might.


Tsukauchi must've expected this.

He feared for his friend's life.

[ALL FOR ONE] Hm. Those Nomu

weren't particularly strong,

but I'm still impressed you

handled them so quickly.

As expected from the man

who clawed his way

to the number-two spot.

Dammit, All Might.

[ENDEAVOR] I did everything

I could to get ahead of you.

But the harder I worked,

the more obvious it became

just how much of a widening

gap separated the two of us.

The stronger you got,

the angrier I became.

[ENDEAVOR] Stand up and show

them why you're better!




If the only reason you're here

is to cheer him on, I'd

prefer you to remain silent.


Think again, madman.

We're here to assist.


That's our job as heroes!

You did your best, Mt. Lady.

All of you came.


Of course we did.

We can't do much, but if we

can just help a little...

...then we have

fulfilled our duty.

Thank you.


You have to stop him, All Might.

This personification of evil.

Pros and citizens everywhere

are praying for your victory.

No matter what you look like,

you're still everyone's

number-one hero!


Toshinori Yagi?

[NANA] He's an interesting

guy. A little crazy.

For instance, he thinks

that crime hasn't gone down

because the citizens don't

have anyone to rely on.

That the world

needs some kind of

"pillar of support." And he says

that's what he's going

to become one day.


Toshinori. You are a pillar.

One that must not be broken.

You are the number-one hero.


You can hear them, can't you?

Even after everything

he's done so far.

The entire world continues

to cheer you on.

Their united voices

cry out for your victory!

That includes your students,

whose admiration

knows no bounds.

Who aspire with their whole

hearts to be like you.


All Might!


Hmph. How pointless.

[EDGESHOT yelps]

[ALL MIGHT grunting]


Let's stop dwelling on heroism

and start focusing on reality.

Springlike Limbs.

Kinetic Booster times four.

Strength Enhancer times three.

Multiplier. Hypertrophy.

Rivets. Air Walk.

Spearlike Bones.

The shockwaves until now

were simply to wear you out.

I knew it would take much

more than that to k*ll you.

In order to put

you down for good,

I'll punch you with the

ultimate combination of Quirks

I have stored up

within me right now.

This will end you.


I wasn't certain until

we exchanged blows

tonight, All Might.

But now I am.

One For All no longer

dwells within you.

What you're attacking me with

is just a lingering ghost.

The embers that remain from

what you've already passed on.

And that fire gets weaker

every time you use it.

Even now, it's a feeble spark

about to put itself out.

Izuku Midoriya!

[ALL MIGHT gasps]

[ALL FOR ONE] He's the child

you passed One For All on to,

isn't he? I bet he came

here without your asking.

You have no control

over him, do you?

It sounds as though you'll die

full of regrets, All Might.

As a hero and as a teacher!

[ALL MIGHT yells]


Impact Recoil!


You're right. As his teacher,

I should have reprimanded

him for coming here.

I failed.

Which is why I have

to make it up to him.


I see.

The weak embers inside

you are resisting.

Trying to rekindle some

of your former strength.

A desperate attempt to rage

against the inevitable,

and fulfill your duty.

But it's not enough.

[ALL MIGHT yells]


[NANA] When you think you

can't go on anymore, remember.

[ALL MIGHT] I'll beat you,

not because I'm a symbol,

but because I will do

as my master did for me.

Until I finish training

Young Midoriya...


Until he's ready...

[ALL FOR ONE] It's embarrassing

how much you're resisting.


...I won't...


Perhaps I was wrong.


I refuse to die!

[GRAN TORINO] You won't be

able to stop him head on.

Use your wits!


At the last moment,

he transferred the power

in his right arm to his left.

He used his right arm as bait!


[ALL FOR ONE] A clever trick.

That's so unlike you.

Still weak, though.

[ALL FOR ONE gasps]


That's because I didn't

put my back into it that time!

[NANA] This power has been

passed on from hero to hero.

Each praying that it will bring

joy and peace to humanity.

That One For All will

give the world hope.

And now it is your turn.

Do your best, Toshinori.


[ALL MIGHT yells]


Goodbye, All For One.


United States of Smash!


Goodbye, One For All.




--[REPORTER A] All Might wins!

--[CITIZENS cheer]

--[CITIZENS cheer]


The villain's not moving!

He's knocked out!

All Might stands victorious!

He's saved us yet again!


He shouldn't push himself.

Let him be. He's still working.

This is his last job.

[GRAN TORINO] A final act as

the Symbol of Justice and Peace,

and the number-one hero.

[CITIZENS chanting] All Might!

All Might! All Might! All Might!

All Might! All Might! All Might!

Two people. Below the rubble.

And more there!

The heroes began rescue

operations during

All Might's fight, but the scope

of the damage is staggering.

Authorities are estimating

a large number of casualties.

The villain who

caused this is-- Oh!


He's being led into

the maiden right now!

Meanwhile, All Might and other

heroes remain on high alert!

[CROWD MAN H] Sorry, the

trains aren't running right now!


We can't go anywhere.

I wish we could find

Todoroki and Yaoyorozu.

Let's just head that way.

We should let the heroes

know we got Bakugo

in case they're lookin' for him.

Good idea.



[IZUKU gasps]


Now. It's your turn.

[CITIZENS gasp, murmur]

That's our hero!

He couldn't be more amazing!


[CITIZENS cheer]

[IZUKU] All Might's message

was only a few words long.

As far as most people

were concerned,

it was meant for

other criminals.

A warning that the

Symbol of Peace endured.

But, to me, it meant

the opposite.


He'd used up everything.

And now it was left to me.


Now, the preview!

All Might finally

defeated All For One,

his greatest nemesis.

But he's not able

to fight anymore.

The number-one hero

and Symbol of Peace

has retired.

I'll be the one to

take over One for All

and the mantle he's

leaving behind!

Next time:

"End of the Beginning,

Beginning of the End."

Mom, no matter how

worried you are,

I'll still become a hero!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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