03x10 - (D) Symbol of Peace

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x10 - (D) Symbol of Peace

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out some of

the world's greatest heroes.

I'm running toward my

dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!



[TSUKAUCHI] Remind the world

what you can do, Heroes!

You'll tell us where

he is right now.



This is your fault! I hate you!

[NOMUS growling]


Nomus? How'd they get here?

What is this?


They keep on coming.


The crap?




Endeavor! Help us!




Toshinori. What now?

They shouldn't have been

able to warp Nomus here.

And this backup came too fast!


I fear that he has made a move.


Don't worry. I am here for you.





Stop them! Before

they all disappear!

Damn it! You won't

escape, Shigaraki!

Take me with you!


No. No!

I'm so sorry!


This wasn't your fault.

None of us were

able to do anything.

Kurogiri's Quirk

opens up warp gates

that allow anyone

to pass through.

But this was targeting

specific people.

All Might!


Oklahoma Smash!

[RIOT SQUAD A] Hope that

wasn't a load-bearing wall.


Focus on the enemies out here!

On your left!


They're monsters!

More of them?

I thought we were supposed

to have a handle on these!

Jeanist isn't

answering me anymore.

It's possible they failed

at the Nomu factory.

This is putting a lot

of stress on my power.



[ALL MIGHT coughing]

Are you keeping up?

Does it look like

I'm having any trouble?

Worry about your own

responsibilities, you fool.

If you're gonna go

after them, now's the time.


Right. I'll leave you to it.


[ALL FOR ONE] I see why

you're the number four hero,

Best Jeanist.

That blast should

have annihilated

the lot of you.



But you were able to manipulate

everyone's clothing and

pull them out of the way

just in time.

Quick thinking.

Consider me impressed.


It's him.

[SPECIAL AGENT A] We believe

there must be an architect

behind the League of Villains.

It's likely that his strength

is comparable to All Might's.

He will be crafty and cautious.

If he doesn't feel like

his safety is guaranteed,

he will not reveal himself.

So you must capture Shigaraki

and the others quickly.

Then move on to their leader.

[BEST JEANIST] It wasn't

supposed to go like this.


But that doesn't matter.

A true hero doesn't

believe in excuses.



Now, I see.

Your strength

comes from practice

and practical experience,

not raw power.

I don't need your Quirk.

It wouldn't pair well

with Tomura's disposition.

[TODOROKI] Who is this guy?

What just happened?

[KIRISHIMA] He took out

three pros in an instant!

[YAOYOROZU] We have to run.

I know that, but...


I'm so scared, that my legs...


My body... won't move!

What... in the world...

...was that?


[KATSUKI coughing]


Damn it.

The hell?

[KATSUKI coughing]

--[IZUKU] Kacchan!



My apologies, Bakugo.

[pants] Huh?


[SPINNER gags]


That was so gross.

[TWICE] This black

stuff reeks! I love it.



[ALL FOR ONE] So. You've

failed once more, Tomura.

But you must not be discouraged.

You'll try again.

That's why I brought your

associates back with you.

Even this child,

because you judged

that he was an important

piece on your game board.

[ALL FOR ONE] Start over

as many times as it takes.

I am here to provide

you with help.

All of this is for you.

[KATSUKI growls]


I can't freak out now.

I have to remember why I'm here.

Because my body

couldn't move back then,

and I let the villains take him.

Being scared is no excuse.

He's right there in front of me!


Their leader doesn't seem

to have noticed we're around.

Otherwise, he wouldn't talk

so freely in front of us.

There are six or seven meters

separating me from Kacchan.

With Full Cowl, I can get

there in less than a second.

But could I get away?

Where would we run to next?

Plus, I'd be putting

the others in danger.

That won't work. I need a plan.

[IZUKU] I need to find a way

to reach out to him.

[TENYA gasps]

[IZUKU] If I can't do that,

then this was all for nothing.


I will...


I have to...


...protect you!




I have to think!


We have to get away. But how?


Ah. There you are.

[TENYA gasps]

I'll have you return

my student, All For One!


Have you come to k*ll me

a second time, All Might?

I'll have you return

my student, All For One!


Have you come to k*ll me

a second time, All Might?



MR. COMPRESS scream]

[GROUP grunting]

No. There's too many of them!

[ALL FOR ONE] It took you

long enough to find us.

It's only five kilometers

from the bar to here,

and yet it was

at least seconds

after I sent the Nomus

that you arrived.

You've gotten weaker, All Might.

You're one to talk,

it's kind of difficult

to ignore that fancy

life-support mask you've got on.

Aren't you

overexerting yourself?

[KATSUKI] He held All Might

back with his bare hands!

This guy must be

the boss villain!

I won't repeat the mistake

I made five years ago.

You hear me?

I will take Young Bakugo back.

And I will make certain

you're locked up

for the rest of your sad life.

Right along with your despicable

League of Villains.


Sounds like you've got your work

cut out for you. This will

be hard for us both.

[ALL FOR ONE] Hm. Air Cannon

plus Spring-like Limbs.

Kinetic Booster times four.

Strength Enhancer times three.

What a delightful combination.

Maybe a few more

enhancers next time.

[gasps] All Might!


Don't you worry.

It'll take more than

that to k*ll him.

Get off the b*ttlefield, Tomura.

And take that child with you.


Kurogiri. Warp them away.


Be careful!

One of the heroes messed with

him and he's unconscious.

I'm not sure what's going on,

but if you can teleport,

why don't you get

us out of here?

[ALL FOR ONE] My warp power

is still new, Magne.

There is much I need

to learn about it.

Its distance is limited,

and while he can

teleport to

specific coordinates,

I only transport people

to and from my own location.

Or, with focus,

to or from someone

I am very familiar with.

That is all.

It's easier to have

Kurogiri do it.

[ALL FOR ONE] Forcible Quirk

Activation. Leave this place.


What about you?

[ALL MIGHT yells]


You're not thinking, Tomura.

There remains much room

for you to grow.

You're mine!




Let's go, Shigaraki.

While our masked lead is

keeping All Might entertained.

Claim your prize.

Huh. This is gonna be fun.

Young Bakugo, don't!


All Might!

All For One is in the way,

so he can't get to Kacchan!

If something doesn't change,

the League will escape

with my friend. Again.

They've got him surrounded,

so he can't escape by himself!


These guys know I'm screwed.

It's six against one,

and they're willing to drag me

out of here by force this time.

[KATSUKI] I can't let that

magician lay a finger on me.

I'm coming for you.

[ALL FOR ONE] I don't

think so. Because I am here.

[ALL MIGHT yells]

[IZUKU] All Might and Kacchan

are both completely stuck.

What now?


That's why it's against the law

for uncertified people to use

their Quirks to cause injury.

None of you had the authority

to harm the villain.


I'm upset, too.

But... We can't let our

emotions get the best of us.

If you know that you're

breaking the rules,

then you're acting like

villains, not heroes.

Why did it have to be

you two of all people?

Why are you trying

to make the same

stupid mistakes I made?


It's no use.

As heroes-in-training,

we're not allowed to fight.


But maybe...

If there's an opening...

An instant...

We might have a

chance to swoop in

and grab Kacchan.

And if we can save him,

All Might can use the

full extent of his power.


But how?

Nothing seems like it'll work.


Come on. Think.

Somehow, we can help

him out of this!

[IZUKU gasps]


Iida. Listen!

You can't fight.

I won't let you.

No, I think there's another way!

A way that won't

involve any combat.

That'll let us escape. With him.

Come on, we can still

get Kacchan back!

Tell us your plan.

The thing is, it's all

going to depend on him.


Stay back, Deku!

I just don't know, you guys.

Think about what

Bakugo would want.

We'd just make everything

worse I'm afraid.


If I did the plan myself,

I don't think it would

work. So, Kirishima.

You're the key to this

being a success!


We need details Midoriya. C'mon.

Right. Here's what I'm thinking.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]



Are you holding back against me?

Trying to keep the boy

from being blown away?

You've put yourself

in quite the predicament.

So how will the "hero" prevail?


Young Bakugo!

[KATSUKI grunts]

[KATSUKI] It'll be hard for

All Might to kick his ass

as long as I'm here. Damn it!

--[TODOROKI gasps]

--Are you out of your mind?

[IZUKU] Kacchan will have

realized the situation

that All Might's in.

I agree.

He's staying on the

defensive with his enemies,

keeping his distance.

That's good for us.

We have to move when

he's got some space

between him and the villains.


It is a gamble.

But all things considered,

there's not much risk to us.

And more importantly, it could

change the tide of this fight.


I'm in.


This is what we do.

First, we'll propel

ourselves using my Quirk,

combined with Iida's Recipro.

[IZUKU] Then, using

Kirishima's hardening...


...we'll break through the wall.

The second we've cleared it,

Todoroki will make a huge

slab of ice for us.


As high as he possibly can.

The villains haven't

noticed us yet.

Up until now, they've been

able to outmaneuver us.

But we're finally

in the position

to get the jump on them.

[IZUKU] And we'll cross the

b*ttlefield at a height

that they'll never

hope to reach.

[IZUKU] Right now, the guy

in charge of the villains

is holding All Might back.

But that means the

reverse is true, too.

[IZUKU] The last part's

up to you, Kirishima.

It's no good if I do it.

Or Todoroki,

or Iida, or Yaoyorozu.

Ever since school started,

you've built a solid

relationship with

Kacchan as equals!

If his friend calls to him...

Come on!


...he'll listen.

[KATSUKI yells]

You idiots.



Bakugo. On my mark,

you give us a giant--!

Don't tell me what

to do, damn you!

It's not the time

to fight, you guys!

Just as we thought.

All eyes on them.

This is our chance.

Let's go!

[SHIGARAKI] Why do you keep

showing up everywhere?

Seriously? You kids.


Don't let them get away!

Who can do distance?

Kurogiri and Dabi.

But, they're down!


You two, come here!


Magne's Quirk: Magnetism.

Its wielder can apply

a magnetic force

to anyone within

a . meter radius!

And focus on a whole

body or just a part.

Men become south poles and

women become north poles.

Magnetism doesn't work

on Magne, though.



Repulsion Breakup.

Night Flight Cannon!


Titan Cliff!

Whoa, Mt. Lady!

The rescue's priority.

Go home, you dumb kids.

[MAGNE] We can still

catch them! C'mon, you two.

[IZUKU gasps]

Gran Torino!

You're too slow.

You're just too fast, hot shot.

So, you saw the kid, right?

He's turning out to be more

and more like you every day.

Not a compliment.

[ALL MIGHT] Tch. After his

experience in Hosu...

I didn't think he'd come

to the b*ttlefield.

Damn teenagers!


Shimura's friend, huh?

[ALL MIGHT coughs] It's shameful

that I needed their help.

But now,

I don't have to pull

any punches against you.

You're finished.

[GRAN TORINO] Two left

over here. I'll handle them.

Tomura, I do not wanna

die in this place.


They got us.

Turned the tables of this

fight with a single move.

[ALL FOR ONE] Forcible Quick

Activation. Magnetism!


You are dust!

[GRAN TORINO grunts]




Hey! Watch out, you guys!

You'r coming at me too fast!


Wait. Don't. Master!

Not so fast.


Your body is too damaged!

[ALL FOR ONE] No one's come

to save you, have they?

You've had a hard life,

Tenko Shimura.


Don't worry. I am here for you.

No, I... won't go!

[ALL FOR ONE] Tomura.

You must continue to fight.

[ALL FOR ONE] "Warping."

Plus "Shock Inversion"!

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

I'm sorry!


I only came to save Tomura.

But if you say you're

going to fight,

then I'll face you as you wish.

In the past, your fist crushed

one after another

of my comrades.

Many were forced into

the shadows, underground.

While you were extolled

as the Symbol of Peace.

What a grand view you must have

had from atop our sacrifices.

A hero standing on the

mountain of our defeats.

Detroit... Smash!

[ALL MIGHT grunts]


He stopped the attack himself.

You still won't fight me

with your full power, huh?

Because doing so would

endanger all those people

you've sworn to protect.

You shut up.

[ALL FOR ONE gasps]


Always toying with people,

probing their weaknesses.

You steal. Break them.

Manipulate and discard them.

You scoff at innocent people

who are just trying

to lead happy lives!


It cannot continue.


It's over.

I won't let it!

[GRAN TORINO groans]

[gasps] Toshinori.

[ALL MIGHT panting]


You've reached your limit.


What's wrong?



You seem to be worked up

about something, All Might.

I've heard that same exact

line before, you know.

[ALL FOR ONE cackles]

[ALL MIGHT gasps]

[ALL FOR ONE] From the person

who had One for All before you.

Nana Shimura.


Here's the preview!

The Symbol of Peace, All Might,

and the Symbol of Evil,

All For One go head-to-head

in an epic battle.

We saved Kacchan

and left the scene,

so the only thing we can do

now is watch the fight play out

along with the

rest of the world.

Even after the secret he's

been hiding is exposed,

All Might continues to stand up

against the villain

in front of him.

Next time: "One For All."

This could be the final shining

moment for the number-one hero!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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