03x04 - (D) My Hero

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x04 - (D) My Hero

Post by bunniefuu »

Kota's parents died

two years back.

He was so small

when it happened.

It was a villain.


[MANDALAY] They were k*lled

while protecting citizens.

Perhaps the most respectable

way for any hero to die.



Papa. Mama.

[MANDALAY] How do you even

begin to explain to a child

that his parents died

honorable deaths?

To him, they had

left him behind.

And all the while,

they were being praised.

Everybody kept telling him

that his parents' sacrifice

was noble.

Heroes just don't make

any sense to Kota.

After all, if his they

hadn't been heroes,

they would still be here.


Trust me, Kota. It will happen.

You'll meet someone,

and you'll finally understand

why we do what we do.

Someone who'll risk their life,

put others first.

Someone who will be...

No one like that really exists.



No way!

Why are there villains

attacking the camp?


This is bad.


Oh, no. Where's Kota?

[ASHIDO] Aw... We wanted

the chance to face off

with all the others.

I thought Pixie-Bob said

we'd be getting a reward.

This is more like t*rture.

We want our treat, Mr. Aizawa!

Do you want me to

tighten your bindings?

[AIZAWA] For tonight's lesson,

we'll be talking about

how to behave in an emergency.

If you don't become more aware

that you're falling

behind your classmates,

then the gap will

keep on growing.

In a broad sense, this

knowledge is your reward.

How's that for a treat?

I knew I shouldn't have

gotten my hopes up.

Oh, strange. Now,

who do we have here?

Five members of Class A

bombed the exams?

And look, there's only

one guy from Class B!


You failed, too, idiot!

He tried to get under our skin

the same way yesterday.

At this point, I'm kinda

worried about him.

So, Vlad.

Why don't we start

with practice maneuvers?

I was thinking the same thing.

Perhaps we should pair them up.




It's Mandalay's Telepath.

So weird, right?

It's giving me chills.

It is sort of annoying

that it only works

in one direction, though.

Stop talking.


Two villains att*cked us.

It's possible there

are more coming.

Everyone, return to

camp immediately.

We're regrouping.

Do not engage any enemies.

[AIZAWA] I'll look after

the other students.

Protect them.


Wasn't this a secret?


If it's a full-scale attack...


We're in big trouble.

Looks like your concern

has you distracted, Eraser.



You pros oughta lay off.

We haven't come here

for any of you,

so just stay out of our way.

[SPINNER] How are you this

evening, UA High School?

We are part of the

Vanguard Action Squad

of the League of Villains.


The League of Villains?

What are those guys doing here?

[MAGNE] I could crush this

kitty's head so easily.

How about it, dears, should I?

You get away from her!

Now, now. Hold on, Big Sis Mag.

You, too, Tiger, calm down.

When deciding if someone

should live or die,

we must be careful that we're

abiding by Stain's principles.


So, you're the ones

he ended up inspiring.

At your service. That's us.

And you, four eyes.

I believe I recognize you.

You're one of the

self-righteous brats

who att*cked Stain in Hosu City.

Lemme introduce myself.

Call me, Spinner.

I'm here to make Stain's

dreams a reality.


[TIGER] I don't care who

you are. You're criminals!

The woman lying there

is named Pixie-Bob.

She's a pro hero who's

saved countless lives.

She's giving her all

for these young heroes,

pushing them to reach

their full potential.

She's looking for a mate,

but otherwise she's content.

What gives you the right to

cut such a happy life short?

Didn't anyone ever tell you

it's not a hero's

job to be happy?!

Tiger! I've talked to everyone.

Trust the safety of the

other students to Ragdoll.

You and I will stay here.

We'll hold them back!

You return to camp!

Class Rep, you're in charge

on the way there!

Don't engage anyone!

Leave it to me. Let's go!


Go on ahead without me.


--[TENYA] What are you saying?

Kota. I know where he is.





Tetsutetsu! Ibara!

Where'd you get those masks?


Yaoyorozu from Class A.

She made them for us.

Awase's taking her to

the rest of our class

so she can help them, too.

Take some. We brought a bunch.

Great. Thanks!

[KENDO] We need to get

back to camp fast.

Who knows how many villains

could be roaming

through the woods.


No. I'm goin' to fight.

You make sure these two

get back to camp.

[KENDO] What? Mandalay

told us to retreat!


You're always getting on Monoma

when he talks about the

differences in our classes,

but you feel it, don't you?

We're not the same.

[KENDO gasps]

[TETSUTETSU] We all got into

UA with the same exam.

We study the same curriculum.

So why are they better?

Isn't it obvious?

Class A has been through

crisis after crisis,

and turned each one

into an opportunity.

They've had so many

chances to prove themselves.

And come on, Kendo.

A real hero doesn't turn his

back and run from a bad guy.

Fighting villains is what we do!


Yeah, but...


Don't try to stop me.

We're in the hero course.

If we don't stand up now,

then when will we?

I'm goin' to find these villains

and show them what

we're made of.


Kota. Kota!

I hope you can hear my voice.

Hurry up and come back to camp!

I'm sorry, I can't come to you!

I don't know where you're

always running off to.

Forgive me. Just get

back home, fast!

[MUSCULAR] I came up here

scouting for a nice

vantage point,

and here I find someone

who's not on our list.

By the way, nice hat,

kid. I like it.

Why don't you trade me

for this lame mask, huh?

They made me wear it

'cause I'm new.

Said they couldn't

get a shipment

of the good ones in time.

--[KOTA yelps]

--Ah, well.

[gasps, screams]


I think you and me should

have some fun up

here, kid. Ready?



Water Hose.

Two heroes sharing one name.

But this couple's bright

future was cut short.

Ended by one criminal's

heinous actions.

A truly tragic story.

The villain in question

is still at large,

though police and heroes

are on his trail,

hoping to apprehend him soon.


It's you.

[NEWSCASTER A] The suspect

is extremely dangerous

and has a power-up Quirk.

If you see this face,

contact the police immediately.

Do not approach him.

Additionally, the

suspect sustained

a major injury to his left eye

during his fight

with Water Hose...

Papa! Mama!

[IZUKU coughs]

What are you doing?

Huh. Now you, I recognize.

You were on the list.

[IZUKU] I came up here to

make sure Kota got back safe.

I didn't think I'd actually

run into any villains!

Damn it. That landing

broke my phone.

I didn't tell anyone

where I was going.

Which means, I can't hope for

reinforcements to show up.

It's just me. All alone.

I have to stop

this guy by myself.

But... can I really do that

while protecting Kota

at the same time?

No, I don't have time to think.

I just have to do it. Right now.

With the power I have!

Hey. I promise

everything will be okay.

I'm going to save you, Kota.

[KATSUKI grunts]

Damn it.

There must be some sort of

gas villain out here.

I'm worried about the others

who're still in the forest.

But I don't see that there's

much we can do now.

Hopefully, Ragdoll can

take care of everyone else.

[KATSUKI] Don't tell me

what to do icy--

[KATSUKI gasps]



Who's that?

Hey. Which group was

in front of us again?

Tokoyami, I think, and Shoji.


So pretty.

No, have to work. Can't.

But's it's so delicious,

beautiful flesh.

Don't tempt me.

I have a job to do.

No fighting, is that the rule?

You fake heroes only

care about yourselves

and your glory. We'll purge

you from this world.

[MANDALAY] Spinner, even

though you're a villain,

you're still pretty cool.

Totally my type.


Are you really

blushing? How cute.

That was a dirty trick to pull.

Don't toy with me, cat.



Over here, my little kitten.

I won't let you use

the same trick twice!

Kenji Hikiishi.

Villain name, Magne.

Wanted for nine counts

of aggravated robbery,

three murders, and

attempted murders.


Ooh, does that mean I'm famous?

What the hell did you

come here for, criminal?

Tiger. Something's wrong.

I still haven't

heard from Ragdoll.

It isn't like her not to report!

Uh-oh, I wonder

what happened to her.

[MUSCULAR] You really think

you can save this little brat?

That does sound like something

a wannabe hero would say.

Your kind sure likes to

mouth off about justice.

[MUSCULAR] The name's

Midoriya, right? Perfect.

We were told we could take

some initiative and k*ll you.

But first, a little torment.

Show me your blood.

[IZUKU grunts]




Oh, yeah. Hey.

Maybe you can help me out

a little bit first.

Do you know where

a kid named Bakugo

might be around here?



I still have a job

to do, after all.

[IZUKU] Wait, they're

after Kacchan? Why?

I'll take your silence to

mean that you don't know.

Is that right?

Oh, good, then. Play time!

[MUSCULAR laughs]


Blood is exactly what

I wanted from you.

What'd you promise?

That everything would be okay?

How's that workin'

out for ya, huh?

Don't just lay there, stupid.

[IZUKU] That muscle Quirk

of his is too powerful.

I need a plan.

If I worry about Kacchan

right now, I'm dead.

I have to focus on the

enemy in front of me!



What? Is that all you've got?

You're fast, but you're not

strong enough to hurt me.

[IZUKU grunts]

[MUSCULAR] My Quirk increases

my speed and strength

so exponentially that

my muscle fibers

can't even be

contained by my skin.

I know I'm bragging a bit.

But I mean, c'mon.

I guess what I'm

trying to say is...

You're just an

inferior version of me!

[MUSCULAR] I can't help

but laugh at you, kid.

You'll really think

you're a hero, don't you?


How are you gonna save him, huh?

Don't make promises

you can't keep.

Live up to your words or

they don't mean anything.

You're no hero--

you're just a fraud,

and you'll die that way!

Remember Water Hose?

My mom and my dad.

Did you torment

the two of them, too?

Before you k*lled them?

Huh? Seriously? Those

losers were your parents?

Well then, this must be fate.

The Water Hose heroes--

they're the reason

I have an artificial eye

in my left socket right now.

This is all your fault.

Nothing in the world

is right anymore

and it's because of

crazy people like you!


Little kids are always so quick

to say it's someone

else's fault.


Don't get the wrong idea.

It's not like I took them out

'cause I was mad

about the eye thing.

I wanted to k*ll people--

it's as simple as that.

And those two tried to stop me.

What happened was the result

of all of us doing our best.

The real travesty is promising

to do something you

aren't able to do.

That's why your dear old

mommy and daddy died.

Nice try, with the sneak

attack, but I'm ready!

You ruined his life,

and you won't take the blame?

Got you now. Doesn't matter

how quick you are.

But what's your next move?

You gonna punch me with that

puny Quirk of yours again?

It's not a matter of

whether or not I can do it.


[IZUKU] A hero's job

is to risk his life,

to turn his promises

into a reality!




One For All, percent!

[MUSCULAR] Wait. There's

something different about him.






Gotcha! Sorry about that!

Thank you for--




[IZUKU] Let's get back

to camp. It's not far.


No way. It can't be.

I was at percent!

The same as All Might's power!


Heh. A bit too obvious.

But, hey. Not too bad, Midoriya.

No. Stay away!


Naw, attacking sounds more fun.

[IZUKU] It's no good.

What am I supposed to do now?

I just need some time to think.

Tell me. Why have you come here?

What does the League

want from us?

Doesn't matter to me,

I'm just glad they finally

let me off the leash.

Long as I get to use my Quirk

all I want, I really don't care.

Remember what

I told you earlier.

We've just been playing around.

Having fun. Until now.

Now, I'm serious!

Recess is over.

I'm coming at you for real.

'Cause truth be told,

you're pretty strong.

I see that now.

Quick. Grab on! Hurry!

[IZUKU] It's like his Quirk

has been supercharged.

It's completely insane.

He really was just

playing around,

toying with me

before he k*lled me.

Aw, damn. I got too excited.

[KOTA, IZUKU grunt]


If we can just get back to camp,

Mr. Aizawa should be there.

Then he can erase

this guy's Quirk.

Yeah, that's it!

I need to get him to

chase after me and Kota.


I'm so tired from the

training today. It won't work!

If I turn my back on

this guy, I'm done for.

I have no choice but to

fight him right here.

Right now!

I have to remember where

I started, how far I've come.

I'll stand my ground.

And I'll make sure Kota is safe!

[IZUKU] Stay back, Kota.

And then, when it's time,

run as fast as you

can back to camp.

You're attacking him again?

You can't do that!

Let's just go! Come on!

Your punch didn't hurt

him earlier, remember?

Besides, both your

arms are busted up.


It's going to be fine.

[MUSCULAR cackles]


One For All, percent!

I'm coming for you!





Aw. What's wrong?

That was even

weaker than before!

Okay. It'll all be okay.

I will not let him get

past me! Kota, Run!


Go now!

Still looking

after him. Oh, man.

You're somethin' else,

aren't you?


Shut up, dammit!

But, why?


Show me... your blood!


A real hero...

...will always find a way

for justice to be served!


Please, forgive me, Mom.

I tried my best.

I'm sorry...

...All Might.

I'm gonna crush you.

What the--? Is that water?


Stop. Let him go!


Ko... ta?

Hold on, there, 'kay?

I'll k*ll you after

I'm done with--


Crap. I was distracted.


I won't let you hurt Kota.

Damn it. How are

you getting stronger?

You won't lay a hand on him!


One for All, , , percent!

Delaware... Detroit Smash!

[IZUKU yells]





Your mom and dad,

the Water Hose heroes.

It's true that they ended up

leaving you behind

in this world.

But, they saved so many lives

through their sacrifice,

you'll see that someday.

Why did you risk your life?


You'll meet someone,

and then you'll understand

why we do this.

Even though... you don't

know me at all.

Why did you try to save me?

Someone who will

risk their life.

Someone who'll be...


...a hero.


My hero.


Now, the preview!

Somehow, I survived a fierce

battle against Muscular

and kept Kota safe.

But the League of Villains

is still attacking us,

and it turns out,

they're targeting Kacchan!

What do they want with him?

Whatever the case, I have

to find him before they do!

Next time:

"Drive it Home, Iron Fist!!!"

Criminals, beware! Tetsutetsu is

going to use his awesome power

to strike in the

name of justice!

Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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