03x02 - (D) Wild, Wild Pussycats

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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03x02 - (D) Wild, Wild Pussycats

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] Beneath our flashy

superhero society

lurks a dark underworld.

Every time we've driven

the villains back,

they've retreated to the

safety of the shadows,

regaining their strength.

Waiting for the perfect

time to strike.


The Master is good.

I tried so hard to find out

where those idiots were going,

and he figured it out

in an instant.

Guess he really showed me up.

[KUROGIRI] It was worth

having a team on standby,

then, wasn't it?

Tomura Shigaraki.


Hmph. I guess.

[door bell chimes]

[GIRAN] I heard back

from the union today.

You can expect

a delivery tomorrow.

It was thrown together quickly,

so it might not look like much.

But quality is guaranteed.


I must apologize for making

such an unreasonable request.

Tell me, Shigaraki.

Do you know why

the union accepted

this outlandish order of yours?

'Cause everyone's got

high expectations of you.

If the League of Villains

steps into the light,

then the scum hiding on the

sidelines will follow suit.

And if that happens, it means

brokers like me win big.

We'll be rolling

in new customers.

Crime pays.


Oh, yes.

You're gonna be so busy,

you won't be able to keep up.

[GIRAN chuckles]

I'm looking forward to that.

Anyway, thanks.


The board is set with my pawns

and their prey.

Finally. Time for the

real game to begin.


Welcome to UA High,

the prestigious school

that's turned out

some of the world's

greatest heroes.

I'm running toward

my dream in these halls.

Learning to overcome

obstacles and save people

with a smile on my face.

That's how I'll become the

greatest hero in the world!


Now that you've finished up

your first semester at UA High,

it's time for summer vacation

to officially begin.


Don't think these

will be months of rest

for you heroes-in-the-making.

At this camp,

we'll push you to

go beyond your limits.

You're aiming to

become "Plus Ultra!"


Yes, sir!

I'm so psyched!

I've been looking forward to

this camp all semester, Deku!

Oh, yeah! It's

definitely close, huh?


So close!


Hey, what's the matter?

I'm just a little hot!




Is it because you like him?

Uh. Let's hear it for camp!


Yeah! Camp! Camp! Camp! Camp!

[IZUKU] Wow. Uraraka and

the others sure are excited.

I heard some of Class A

is taking extra courses.

Does that mean they actually

failed the final exams?

That must be so embarrassing.

Especially since you're

supposed to be

so much better than my class.

All of you must be

wallowing in shame!

Don't mind him!


Uh... Heh...

Monoma's scary.

Oh. The rest of Class B!

It's nice to see you outside

of the sports festival.

I guess now we're not

technically rivals.

Time to get on the bus.



[GIRLS giggling]

[MINETA] The girls of

Class A and Class B.

It's like a buffet

of bombshells!

Dude, get yourself together.

For real.

[TENYA] Attention, Class A,

our bus is here.

Everyone line up

in seating order!


Here's the deal.

We'll be on this bus about

an hour before our first stop.

Make sure you stay focused.

Why aren't we

blastin' some music?


No one should be standing!

That is a safety hazard!

Please stay seated!

[STUDENTS chattering]

Why do I bother?

Well, I guess this

is the only time

they'll have to fool around.


Do not open that window!


Finally. I needed off that bus.


Let me get through, I gotta pee!

[KIRISHIMA] Huh. This isn't

much of a rest area.


No. And where's Class B?

You don't really think

we stopped here

just so you could stretch

your legs, do you?


Please, sir, the toilet.


Heya, Eraser!


Long time no see.

Your feline fantasies are here.

Say, "meow."

Purrfectly cute

and catlike girls!


You can call us

the Wild, Wild Pussycats!

[AIZAWA] These are the

pro heroes you'll be

working with at the

summer training camp.


They're a four-person hero team

who specialize in

mountain rescues!

The Pussycats were founded

when we were kids,

--like forever ago!


This marks their

th year working as a--

I'm pretty sure your

math must be off.

I'm at heart.




That's so sad.


Everyone, say hello.


Hello! Nice to meet you!

[MANDALAY] We own this whole

stretch of land out here.

Everything you can see.

The summer camp

you're staying at

is there at the base

of the mountain.


That's far!


Then why did we stop

all the way up here instead?

I'm afraid we both know

the answer to that.

That can't be right.

[SERO laughs nervously]

Um. Back on the bus.

Quick. Let's go.

Good idea. Load up.

The current time is

: in the morning.

If you're fast about it,

you might make it there by noon.

No way. Guys!

Holy crap!

Save yourselves!

Kitties who don't

make it there by :

won't get any lunch.

[AIZAWA] You should

have guessed, students.

The training camp...

--[STUDENTS gasp]

--...has already begun.

[STUDENTS yelping]


What the heck?

[IZUKU] She must be

controlling the ground!

[STUDENTS screaming]


Good news!

Since this is private land,

you can use your Quirks

as much as you want to.

You've got three full hours.

You should be able to make it

to the facility in that time.

That is, if you can get

through The Beast's Forest.



The Beast's Forest?!


That sounds like a name

right out of a fantasy game.

Why do we keep falling

for Aizawa's little tricks?

I guess there's

no use complaining.

Might as well get going.

[MINETA] I held it.

Didn't spring a single leak.

Now to find a secluded spot.

[BEAST A growling]

[BOTH scream]

We're all gonna die!

[BEAST A roars]

Please calm yourself

my giant friend!

You don't wanna hurt them!

[IZUKU] Koda's power

lets him control animals,

but is this one immune?

[IZUKU gasps]

A dirt clod. I get it.

It's Pixie-Bob's Quirk.

[PIXIE-BOB humming]


Don't you think you've got them

on a pretty crazy

schedule, Eraser?


We're hoping we get an

entire second semester's

worth of knowledge in them here.

That's going to take an

intense amount of work.

But the rewards'll be worth it.

They'll get permits

to use their Quirks

if there's ever an emergency.

And provisional licenses

that will allow them

to work as heroes.

Most importantly, with all

the villainous activity

--we've been tracking...

--[PIXIE-BOB gasps]

...they need to be able

to defend themselves.


One For All Full Cowling!

[BEAST A growls]

Recipro burst!

[TENYA grunts]

I'll k*ll you!

[BEAST A roars]



[IZUKU grunts]

[AIZAWA] I trust that I can

count on you, Pixie-Bob.


Leave it to me!

Oh, wow, my fur's

standing on end!

You guys took that beast

down in seconds!

It was awesome.

They're relieved.

And I relieved all over myself.

You showed that

thing who's boss.

We're not done.

[BEAST B growling]


Hey, come on.

Don't you think this

is a little unfair?

What now? Do we run?

Not good.

If we don't make it to

the camp fast enough,

then we won't get

anything to eat.

He's right.

We have no choice but to

cut through these woods

using the shortest

possible route.


All right.

Let's go, Class A!




I spot three up ahead.

And two flanking each side.

So seven total. They're coming!


All right. I've got this one!


Sato! Kirishima!



[SATO grunts]


Dark Shadow!


Got it!

[BEAST D groans]

Aoyama. You're up!


[BEAST D groans]

Damn it!

If it weren't for

you monsters, my pants

wouldn't be wet right now!


Mineta, get outta here.

One point three million volts!

[BEAST E groans]


Lovely birds of the forest!

Remove this evil beast and

restore peace to this wood!


Take that!


Oh, no! I'm completely helpless!

It's gonna eat me!

[YAOYOROZU] Good, Hagakure.

Perfect distraction.


And you!

[BEAST G groans]


Everyone, quick. Take cover now!


That was amazing, Momo!


Tsu. He's all yours!


Leave it to me.

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!

--And now, Release!

I've spotted more

of them closing in.


[KATSUKI yells]

You're in my way there, icy hot!

Then pick another route.

[BEAST J growling]

--[BEAST K growling]

--[BEAST L screeches]

Midoriya. Now!




So you're gangin' up on me now?

Well I can fight dirty, too!


Kota. We're leaving.


Scratch! Ha, ha!


[KOTA] How pointless.

To wanna be a hero.

Ha! The litter is almost here.

That took a lot

longer than expected.

[STUDENTS panting]





[SERO] You said it would

only be, like, three hours!


I guess we timed it based on

how long it'd take us. Sorry!

Now you're braggin' about

how much better you are?

That's so mean!

I'm starving. This is hell.

[PIXIE-BOB] Meow, meow, meow,

meow, meow, meow, meow!

I thought it would take

you kids even longer.

But, you did much better

against my dirt monsters

than I thought you would.

You guys were seriously great.

Especially the four of you!

It seems like you've had

quite a bit of experience.

I call dibs on these kittens.

I'll groom them myself!

[AIZAWA] Mandalay. Has she

always been like this?

It's gotten worse lately.

She's at the age to take a mate.

Uh. Speaking of people's ages--

Choose your words

carefully, boy.

[IZUKU] I've just been wondering

since we got here earlier.

Who is that kid?

What's he doing here?

Oh, this little guy?

He's my cousin's son.

He lives with us now.

Don't be shy, Kota.

Say hi to everyone.

You're gonna be around

them for the next week.

Hey there. My name's Midoriya.

I'm from the UA High

School hero course.

It's nice to meet you!


What a low blow!

You fiend of a child!

A punch to the scrotum

is unforgiveable!

The last thing I want is to hang

with some wannabe heroes.

[TENYA] "Wannabe"?!

How old are you, kid?

That brat's got spunk.

He's like a mini version of you.

What are you talking about?

You need to shut your mouth

before I blast you

all the way to hell.

Yeah, sure.


Enough playing around.

Get your stuff off the bus.

Once your bags

are in your rooms,

we'll have dinner

in the cafeteria.

After that, you can

bathe and sleep.

Tomorrow your training

starts in earnest.

You'd better get a move on.

It looks so good!



you girls got stuck in a tiny

little bunk room, didn't ya?

Why? Is the guys'

room really big?


Oh, yeah?

So, like, can I come

check it out later or what?


Sure! Whenever you want.

[KIRISHIMA] It's so good.

I can't get enough!

[KAMINARI] My stomach

is so happy right now.

It's as good as

Lunch Rush's food!

I think I might eat

until I burst.

[KAMINARI gasps]

I smell beef.

Hey, wait, you got

meat over there?



Jeez, it's like you guys haven't

eaten in a week or something.

Anyway, today's the only time

we'll be doing this for you.

So make sure you kids enjoy it.


Thank you!


Hey, Kota!

Can you bring me

those vegetables?

[MINETA] The food and stuff

is fine, but to be honest,

I'm hungry for somethin' else.

Just one little wall.

A few pieces of wood.

And heaven's waiting

on the other side.

A bath full of boobs and babes

ready to be seen by yours truly.

[KAMINARI sighs]

Are you over there talking

to yourself again, Mineta?


This feels amazing!

[JIRO] I'm so glad they've

got a hot springs here!

Bathe, my angels.

How stupid of them not

to stagger the times

that we'd be naked

next to each other.

I hope they never learn

from their mistakes.

It's too much for him.

You're to stop this

at once, Mineta.

What you're doing is demeaning.

For both the girls and yourself.

It's shameful behavior!

Now I know why

I have this Quirk.

[MINETA] It's because walls

are meant to be climbed.

I'm coming for you,

ladies, Plus Ultra!

All that Quirk training.

All the times I almost died.

It was to prepare for

this shining momen--!


Before you become a hero,

you should learn

how to be a good human.

I'll get you for this!



--[KOTA] Hmph.

[TSUYU] Mineta really is

the worst, isn't he?


Thanks so much, Kota, babe!

We owe you one!


[ALL gasp]

[yelps, screams]


Look out!


The rush from the fall

likely caused him

to faint. Thank you.

Eraser warned me one of you

boys was a little girl crazy,

so I stationed Kota

up there to keep watch.

I suppose that's the danger

of teaching kids your age.

Well, anyway. I'm just

glad he's all right.

You must've moved

pretty fast to catch him.


The last thing I want is to hang

with some wannabe heroes.

[IZUKU] Um. He doesn't like

heroes very much, does he?

I admit, that's weird to me.

Most everyone I know

wants to be one.

It's... my dream.

So, it's just wild to

think that a kid his age

is against heroes.

Hates them, even.

How observant. Of course,

he isn't alone.

There are many in our society

who don't approve of us.

If he'd had a normal childhood,

maybe he would've admired heroes

like you did growing up.

[gasps] What happened?


It was Mandalay's cousins.

Kota's parents, that is.

They were heroes, too.

But they were m*rder*d.


It was a villain.

Two years back.

Kota was still so small.

They were k*lled while

protecting citizens.

Perhaps the most respectable

way for any hero to die.



Papa. Mama.

[MANDALAY] How do you even

begin to explain to a child

that his parents died

honorable deaths?

They were his entire

world. Everything.

But to him, his parents

had left him behind.

And all the while,

they were being praised.

Because... their sacrefice

was such a noble one.

Honestly, he doesn't

seem to like us

that much either. We're

heroes, like they were.

I'm sure he feels like

he's stuck here

because he has

nowhere else to go.

Heroes just don't make

any sense to Kota.

After all, if his parents

hadn't been heroes,

they would still be here.


He's why these morons

are able to smile thoughtlessly!

Because that garbage pro

is smiling thoughtlessly, too!

[IZUKU] I'd heard so many

different people talking about

heroes over the last few months.

Had listened to so many

different viewpoints.

It would be irresponsible

to shrug them off.

And yet, in that moment,

I had no reply.



Good morning, class.

Today, we begin a training camp

that will increase

your strength.

Our goal is to increase

your skills exponentially,

so that each of you earns

a provisional license.

This will allow you

to face the dangers

that continue to fester

in the darkness.

Proceed carefully.

Look alive, Bakugo.

Try throwing that for me.

Yeah, sure. Like in

the fitness test.


That's right.

When you first started school,

your record was . meters.

Let's see if you've improved.

[ASHIDO] Oh, I get it!

We're checking our progress.

[SERO] A lot's happened to

us the last three months.

Maybe he can throw it

a whole mile now!


C'mon, get it, Bakugo!

I've got this. No one blink.

Go to hell!


"Go to hell"?


That was . meters.

[KATSUKI grunts]


That's it? Kinda disappointing.

[AIZAWA] You've had

a single semester at UA,

and due to your

various experiences,

all of you have

definitely improved.

But those improvements

have mostly been

limited to mental prowess

and technical skill.

With a slight increase in

stamina thrown in along the way.

Your Quirks really haven't

grown that much stronger.

Not on a fundamental level.


[AIZAWA] That's why we're

now going to focus

on improving your powers.

[AIZAWA] This'll be so hard,

you'll feel like you're dying.

Let's hope you all survive.

[TOGA] Hey, hey! Special

delivery from Tomura!

He wants us to bring

these along when we go,

so I'm guessing there's

enough for everyone.


C'mon. I'm ready.

Let's hurry up and do this.


It's still too early.

Besides, don't forget,

he said we shouldn't

do anything flashy.



He acted like a spoiled

little brat when we first met.

But suddenly, he's begun

to take charge.

This is gonna be nothing

more than a warning shot.

We'll pull those

false heroes down

from their shining pedestals.

And in doing so, we'll create

a bright new future

for this world.


Here's the preview!

It turns out that developing

our individual Quirks

is this summer training

camp's main focus.

To do that, we've got to

push ourselves to the limit.

It's the only way we can

hope to become pros!

But Kota still scoffs at us.

Even though he's part

of Mandalay's family,

he doesn't like heroes.

I wonder what happened in his

past to make him feel that way.

Next time: "Kota."

I can't wait to find out what

the Pussycats' test of courage

has in store for us!


Go beyond! Plus Ultra!
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