02x21 - (D) Gear up for Final Exams

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x21 - (D) Gear up for Final Exams

Post by bunniefuu »

Welcome back to our live show.

For our next topic--

is it really necessary

for heroes to dress sexily?

Let's ask our very special

studio guests what they think.

She's the rookie hero

who debuted just this year.

It's Mt. Lady!

And she's a pro who's currently

teaching at UA High School;

the incomparable Midnight!

Thank you so much

for joining us!

Please, have a seat.

Let's start with you, Midnight.

When you first debuted,

your revealing outfit

caused quite a stir.

In fact, it eventually led to

the "Regulations for Exposed

Skin in Costumes" bill being

taken before the legislature.

You're a hero whose

sexiness changed

the very laws of the country.

Her costume's still pretty racy.

Now I rely on

ultra-thin fabrics.

Because of the nature

of some people's Quirks,

clothing can restrict

their abilities.

Sexiness isn't just

an aesthetic--

it's sometimes needed

so we can do our jobs well.

Besides, what's more

attractive than a hero

who can get the

job done quickly?

I think you just

like the attention.

What's with you, Lady?

Are you trying to start a fight?

[MT. LADY] Of course not!

I look up to you!

I think you're amazing!

For someone of your age.

You can act like the

blushing ingénue all you want,

but you're not that

young yourself, you know.

All I'm saying is if the

older pros try too hard,

then the rest of us

have to go even further!


You little--!


Hey, watch your hands!

[MIDNIGHT] Watch yourself!

That almost hurt!


You're ripping my suit!

Ah! Thank you!

[school bell rings]

[AIZAWA] All right.

That's it for class today.

There's only one week left

before your final exams begin.

I'm sure you're all

studying constantly, right?

Don't forget to keep training.

The written exam

is only one element.

There's also the practical

portion to worry about.

Good luck.

[BOTH] I've barely even

taken notes this semester!

[KAMINARI] And with the

sports festival and internship,

I didn't have time

to read the textbook.

It's true that we haven't had

very much free time lately.

We'd barely learned anything

when we took our midterms

so they didn't seem

all that hard,

but I'm kinda worried

about these.

We've been through a lot,

and they probably won't pull

any punches when it

comes to testing us.

As someone ranked in the

top ten, I'm not that concerned.


You were ninth in the midterms?!

Aw, man, and here I thought

you were one of us!

Don't you know weirdo

little creeps like you

are only likable if

they're kind of stupid?!

Who's going to love you now?!

Everyone. Trust me.

[IZUKU] Ashido, Kaminari!

We've still got time to study!

That way, we'll all get to go

to the training camp together.



As class rep, I have high hopes

that we'll make UA proud.

It's pretty hard to fail

if you just pay attention

in class, isn't it?

Why you gotta cut

me down like that?

Hey, don't worry

about it, you two,

I can catch you up to speed

on the important

topics, if you want.


You're the best, Yao-momo!

I'm afraid I won't be

any help when it comes

to the practical, though.



I've been studying, but...

could you help me out, too?

I'm having some

trouble understanding

quadratic functions.


Tutor me, please! Classical

Japanese is killin' me!


--Is there room for one more?

I'm afraid I'm falling

behind a little.


Pretty please!



Yes, let's do it!


All right!

Okay, then. We can hold a

study session at my residence

over the weekend.

[ASHIDO] Seriously?! I can't

wait to see your fancy digs!

Oh! I must call Mother

and have her prepare

the great hall for us to set up;

it'll be the perfect spot.


"Great hall"?

What kind of tea

does everyone like?

I'll have her make

sure we're stocked.


That's overkill.


In my family,

we always drink

Harrods or Wedgwood,

so if you have any other

preference, let me know!

When we're finished,

you'll all be model students!

I'll make it my personal duty

to push you forward.


Is she humble bragging?

Or does she not even

realize what she's saying?

[JIRO] She's so excited and

bouncy that I don't even care.

About that tea--I'm not

so sure about the hairy one.


No, it's from Harrods.

Sounds like I should

be studying with her.

You think I don't know enough?!

Maybe I should beat

the lessons into your skull!


I'm counting on it.

Hah. Everyone's

panicking right now,

but it won't do them any good

to cram this late in the game.


Shouldn't you be more concerned?

You didn't do very well

in the midterms.

Are you talking about <i>moi</i> ?

I did just fine, thank you.

[IZUKU] I'm kinda scared

about the practical.

I have no idea

what it's gonna be.

Hard to believe they'd

give us anything too crazy.

The written exam questions will

all be stuff from class so...

...I should at least

be able to do those.

Do you really think

it's going to be that simple?

It's driving me nuts.

I just wanna know

what they'll have us doing.

[HAGAKURE] It's a comprehensive

test of everything

we learned this year.

Yup, and that's about all we

could get Mr. Aizawa to tell us.

Okay, so then it'll cover combat

training and rescue training.

Oh, and basic training.

We can't just study--we have to

stay in great physical shape--



Oh, sorry.

You're head's so big

that it's hard to miss.


You're from Class -B.

Um... Monoma, right?

That really hur--

[MONOMA] I heard you guys

stumbled across the Hero k*ller.


Just like in the sports

festival, Class -A isn't happy

unless they're the

center of attention.

But you do realize you're not

in the spotlight because

people think you're

good heroes, right?

It's just that you keep

getting into so much trouble.

Here's food for thought:

Someday, the rest of us might

get caught up in your mess,

and then we'll all become

unwitting victims as well.

What kind of horrible villains

will you bring down upon us?

What demon--

[MONOMA grunts]


That's not funny, Monoma.

You heard what happened

to Iida! Chill out!



I apologize for him.

I'm pretty sure there's a hole

where his heart should be.


I think he's out!


Mm. So I was listening...

I know you're all worried

about what's going to be

on the big final practical.

I heard it's gonna be

combat against robots,

like the entrance exam.

--[OCHACO] Huh?

--What? Really?

How do you know that?

One of my friends who's

a few grades up filled me in.

I know. Cheating. But oh, well.


No, I don't think so.

I'm sure gathering

information ahead of time

is also part of the test.

I definitely should've found

an upperclassman to ask.

Darn it, why didn't

I think about that before?

What kind of idiot

are you, Kendo?

You just gave away our

whole strategic advantage!

This was our chance

to finally pull ahead

of that class full of idiots.



They're not the idiots!

[IZUKU] She's like their

class's big sister, huh?


All right!

This'll be super easy

if it's just robots!

Such awesome news!

Why do you sound so happy?

You both have a hard time

controlling your Quirks.

Yeah! But I can

let loose with robots!

And melting them'll

be a cinch for me!

Now you just need Yaoyorozu

to help you study

and you'll be all

set for finals.


We'll definitely be able

to go to the training camp now!


As its holder, you may one day

have to fight against

this great evil yourself.

[IZUKU] In order

to be prepared for that,

I have to make everything

count from now on.

[KATSUKI] It shouldn't matter

if it's robots or actual people.

Why are you morons so excited?

Hey, who are you

calling a moron?!

Shut up! You need to learn

how to control your Quirk!

Ya got it?!

Hey! Deku!


I don't know what's

goin' on with your power,

but I saw the way you're using

it now, and I want you to know--

it's seriously pissing me off.


He must mean how Deku was flying

around like him the other day.

Oh, yeah, totally.

I won't have another half-assed

win like the festival.

We'll be getting individual

scores in the upcoming finals--

New rankings.

So we'll all know exactly

where we're standing!

I'll show you how

much better I am.

And, Todoroki?

I'll k*ll you, too.

It's been a while since

I've seen him that worked up.

Think it's impatience?

Or hatred?

[AIZAWA] Bakugo... You're

getting worse than I thought.


I knew her family had cash, but

I didn't know she was this rich!

[door bell rings]

[YAOYOROZU] I've been

waiting for you, everyone!

Please, come in!

I could not feel any more

out of place right now.


Yeah, me, too.

Is something wrong?


No, everything's perfect!

All right, put your

pencils down.

The last person in each row,

bring the answer sheets to me.

Thanks so much

for all your help!

I didn't leave anything

blank at least!


Just like that,

our three days of

written exams were over.

Now it was time

for the practical.

Now then. Let's begin

the last test.

Remember, it's possible

to fail this final.

If you wanna go to camp, then

don't make any stupid mistakes.

Uh. Why are all

the teachers here?

[AIZAWA] I expect many of you

have gathered information

and believe you have some idea

of what you'll be

faced with today.

We're fightin' those

big ol' metal robots!

Fireworks! S'mores!

Here we come, camp!


Actually, this year's tests...

...will be completely different,

for various reasons.


Principal Nezu!

You're changing things?

The tests now have a new focus.

There will be Hero

work, of course.

But also teamwork and

combat between actual people.

So what does that mean for you?

You students will be

working together in pairs

and your opponents will be one

of our esteemed UA teachers!

Isn't that fabulous?!

We're... fighting the teachers?

[AIZAWA] Additionally, your

partners and your opponents

have already been chosen.

They were determined

at my discretion

based on various factors,

including fighting style,

grades, and interpersonal


First, Yaoyorozu and

Todoroki are a team.

Against me.

Then we have Midoriya

paired with Bakugo.

[BOTH gasp]


And their opponent is...


I am here to fight!


We're up against All Might?!

You're going to have

to work together, boys,

if you want to win.

[KATSUKI growls]

[ALL MIGHT chuckles]

[NEZU] With the connection

between the Hero k*ller Stain

and the League of Villains, it's

possible criminals everywhere

will become much bolder.

[SNIPE] It'd be best if we could

start preparin' for that

before it happens.

As a school, we should be

takin' every precaution.

If fights against villains

are gonna continue

to intensify in the future,

then havin' the kids train

against robots

ain't practical.

Originally, we used 'em

to avoid complaints about

people gettin' injured

in the entrance exams,

but they're just not

challengin' enough.


We can ignore the complaints.

Let people say

whatever they want.

This sounds like it

could be problematic.

I understand why you

want to change the exam,

but having students fight us?

Even if they're in teams of two,

is that a good idea?


Yeah. I think it's a bit unfair.

If we win too easily,

we won't be able to give them

actual grades, yo.

[SNIPE] Of course, we could

take that into consideration

and give the students

an advantage.

Principal, what are

you thinking?

I believe I agree.

We need to change the

practical exam to reflect

the current times.

How do we ensure the

students aren't put in

life-threatening situations?

The answer is simple.

We must push them.

We make sure that they're

as strong as possible.


That makes sense.


I agree.

[AIZAWA] Right, then let's

talk about the teams.

First, Todoroki. He's doing

quite well, generally speaking,

but relies too much

on brute force.

[AIZAWA] And Yaoyorozu

is an all-arounder,

but lacks the ability to make

spur-of-the-moment decisions

and apply them.

Therefore, I'll erase their

Quirks and take advantage

of their weaknesses.


Sounds good.


Next, for Midoriya and Bakugo,

I'm leaving them

to you, All Might.

[ALL MIGHT grunts]

In this case, I didn't

pair the two of them up

based on ability or class work.

I went with relationships.

I know you've got a

soft spot for Midoriya.

Please ensure that

they learn something.

[ALL MIGHT] You're paying

close attention, huh, Aizawa?

And now, let's announce

the teams and the teachers

they'll be fighting in order!

To complete the exam,

you'll have minutes.

In order to win, your objective

is to put these handcuffs

on your teacher.

Or you can win if one of you

manages to escape

from the combat stage.

So we've either got to capture

the teacher or run away.

It's basically like

the combat training.

Yeah, but is it really

okay to just jet?


It's gonna be much different

than that combat training

y'all went through earlier.

After all, you're up against

people way better than you!

"Better"? Really?

Wait, aren't you

just the announcer?

Hey, watch your mouth,

girl--have some respect!

[THIRTEEN] This time,

your exam will be very similar

to a real battle.

As strange as it is,

please think of us as villains.

[SNIPE] Assumin' you

come across your enemy.

If you think you can win

against them, then fight.


[AIZAWA] ...in instances

where you're outmatched,

it would be smarter to

run away and find help.

Todoroki. Iida. Midoriya.

I'm sure the three

of you understand.



The Hero k*ller is only after me

and that kid in the white armor!

Stop fighting back--

just get out of here!

[TENYA] I won't make

that mistake again.

I will pass this test and

prove that I'm a hero!

So we fight to win...

or run to win.

That's right!

It's a test of your

decision-making skills.

But with these rules,

you're probably thinking

your only real

choice is to flee.

That's why the support

course made these

super-clever accessories for us.


Ultra-compressed weights!

[ALL MIGHT] These babies will

add about half our body weight

to our physiques.

It's not much, but they

will eat up our stamina

and make it harder

for us to move around.

[grunts] Oh, sh**t... These

are heavier than I thought.

We had a contest to come up

with these designs,

and Young Hatsume

ended up winning it.

Wow, good for Hatsume!

You think we need a handicap

to win against you?

Well think again.

[ALL MIGHT laughs]

This'll be fun.


Let's begin.

The teams will take the

practical exam in the order

you were called. We have

a stage prepared for you.

Sato, Kirishima. You're up.


Yes, sir!

Those waiting their turn to

fight can either watch the exams

or try to strategize together

as a team. It's your choice.

That's all.



I'd like to discuss how we

might be able to coordinate

the use of our Quirks.


Tokoyami? Let's go

come up with a plan.


We've got to figure out a way to

destroy Ms. Midnight's costume!


You are such a little scumbag.


Well, looks like I have

my work cut out for me today.

--[door hisses open]

--[OCHACO] Oh, Deku.

You're watching, too? Hi.

Yeah. It's not like

we get many chances

to watch students in combat

with teachers, right?

And besides...

...I don't think Kacchan really

wants to talk strategy with me.


I can see that.

And, uh, my partner is a

little preoccupied with himself.

[IZUKU whimpers]

You don't say...

[OCHACO] That's why I thought

I'd try and get inspiration

from everyone else's battles.



[IZUKU] I have to pass this

test, no matter what it takes.


Team Sato and Kirishima.

Practical exam. Ready?



So what do ya think?

We'll definitely get a

higher score for capturing

instead of running, you agree?

Yeah, that'd make sense.

Mr. Cementoss can't

move around very fast.

Let's break through

from the front

and sh**t for a high score!

Aw, yeah!

[PRESENT MIC] Rikido Sato.

His Quirk: Sugar Rush!

For every ten grams of sugar,

he's five times as strong

for three minutes.

However, the more sugar

he uses for power,

the more his cognitive

functions suffer.

So you've decided on

a direct frontal as*ault.

This is it, Sato!

Let's go!

[BOTH grunt]

[BOTH growl]




[BOTH yelling]

Not so fast, kids.

Come on, you guys!

You've totally got him!

They're not gonna

win it like this.



Their Quirks are amazing,

but there's a limit to

how long they can use them.

They won't last forever.

I don't think Mr. Cementoss

has that kind of limit, though.

The more time that passes by,

the more of a

disadvantage they're at.

That's not good.

[IZUKU] It's no coincidence

they were matched up.

Mr. Aizawa's pitting

students against teachers

they'll have a

hard time against.


To pass, we'll have to

recognize our weaknesses...

...and overcome them.


Exactly right.

So before it's time

for your own final,

you should think carefully

about your compatibility

with the teacher

you're fighting.


I knew it...

[yells] Man, this

is never-ending!

No matter how many

walls we break,

he keeps making more of 'em!

[groans] I'm tired...

So sleepy...


Now's not the time!

--[SATO] Just a little nap...

--[KIRISHIMA grunting]

[KIRISHIMA grunts]

I'm running outta steam...

[BOTH scream]


You're both weak when it comes

to long-term battles.

Listen well.

When your life is on the line,

you need to know exactly how far

you can push your powers.

[buzzer blares]

[ANNOUNCER A] Sato and Kirishima

have been knocked out.

Exam over.

--[ASHIDO gasps]


That fast?

Kirishima went down?


It's only the first match

and I'm already needed.


No way... It was that one-sided?

Their Quirks were

too ineffective against his.



Looks like this exam

is going to be a lot harder

than I thought it would be.

On top of that, we're up

against the number-one hero.


I see.

They're starting us in

the middle of the stage.

[TSUYU] In order to escape,

we have to pass through

the designated gate, right?

Which means the teacher's

probably there waiting for us.

[buzzer blares]


Team Asui and Tokoyami.

Practical Exam. Ready? Go!


Maybe you didn't understand,

but we teachers are

trying to crush you

with everything we've got.

No holding back.

--[TOKOYAMI gasps]

--[TSUYU] Ribbit!

[ECTOPLASM] Steel your nerves

and show me your resolve.


Now, the preview!

Asui and Tokoyami

are up against Ectoplasm!

And Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have

to fight against... Mr. Aizawa?

[AOYAMA] A-ha! This match

is going to end up

being <i>très tragique</i> .

Now hurry up so I can

finally take the stage.

[IZUKU] Aoyama, there's still

Iida and Ojiro's exam...

[AOYAMA] Like that'll last

more than a minute.


Why are you sparkling?


Next time, "Yaoyorozu Rising."

I'm going to say something

shocking in the last scene,

so don't miss it.


Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!

[IZUKU groans]
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