02x13 - (D) Time to Pick Some Names

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x13 - (D) Time to Pick Some Names

Post by bunniefuu »

[IZUKU] In the days after

the sports festival ended,

we recovered from our injuries,

and then, our normal classes

started right back up again.

Well, some things

were different.

[PASSENGER A whispers]

Hey, you. Excuse me.

You're Midoriya from Class -A!

Great job in the

sports festival.

I rooted for you!


[PASSENGER B] You were

in the top eight, right?

That's so impressive!

--[PASSENGERS murmuring]

--[IZUKU] Uh... Uh!


Yeah, I can tell you really

wanna be a pro one day!


Keep trying for it, hero!

I will! Thanks!

[IZUKU sighs]

I feel like I'm barely awake.


Good morning, Midoriya!

Ah-- Whoa, Iida?

You really went all out

with the rain gear.

Why on earth are you

walking so slowly?

You'll be late.

Late? But...

There's still five minutes

until the first bell.

UA students should

always arrive

ten minutes early,

don't you think?


So, Iida. Um...

[TENYA] If it's about my

brother, don't be concerned.

I'm sorry if I made you worry.

Everything'll be fine.

[ASHIDO] It's so weird that

people recognize us from TV.

Everyone wanted to talk

to me on my way here.

Yeah, me, too!

[HAGAKURE] People on the

street were staring at me!

It was kind of embarrassing.

Sure, but isn't that

pretty normal for you?

You won't believe

what a bunch of

elementary school

brats yelled at me.


"Nice try?"


All it took was

one sports festival

and suddenly we're

like celebrities.


This school really is amazing.



Good morning, Mr. Aizawa!


Mr. Aizawa, you don't

have bandages anymore.

That's good news.

The old lady went

a little overboard

in her treatment. Anyway.

We have a big class today

on Hero Informatics.


Oh, no!



Please don't tell me

it's a pop quiz.

[KIRISHIMA] Crap, I bet

it's about hero laws.

I'm so bad at stuff like that.

You need codenames.

Time to pick your

hero identities.

[STUDENTS] This is gonna

be totally awesome!

[AIZAWA growls]



[AIZAWA] This is related

to the pro hero draft picks

that I mentioned the last time

we were in class together.

Normally, students don't have

to worry about the draft yet.

Not until their second

or third year actually,

but your class is different.

In fact,

by extending offers to

first-years like you,

pros are essentially

investing in your potential.

Any offers can be rescinded

if their interest in you

dies down before

graduation, though.

Stupid, selfish adults.

[HAGAKURE] So, what you're

saying is, we'll still

have to prove ourselves

after we've gotten recruited.

Correct. Now.

Here are the totals for

those of you who got offers.

In past years, it's

been more spread out.

But there's a pretty

big gap this time.

Gah! That's no fair.

What about the real star? Moi?

Todoroki got the most,

ahead of Bakugo?

Yeah, it's the opposite

of how they placed

in the festival.

They probably weren't

excited about working

with the guy who had to be

chained up at the end.

If I scared a pro,

they're just weak!


That's amazing.

You must be proud.

These offers are probably

because of my father.

[gasps] People want us!


Midoriya. You got none!

I bet everyone was

really grossed out

by the crazy way

you were fighting.

Despite these results,

you'll all be interning

with pros. Got it?

Even those of you who

didn't get any offers.

Oh, so, we're all interning?



You already got to experience

combat with real villains

during the attack

on the USJ facility.

But it'll still be helpful

to see pros at work.

Up close and personal,

in the field. Firsthand.

And for that,

we need hero names!

Things are suddenly

getting a lot more fun!

[AIZAWA] These hero names

will likely be temporary,

but take them seriously or...

[MIDNIGHT] ...you'll have

hell to pay later!

[ALL gasp]


What you pick today could be

your codename for life.

You better be careful,

or you'll be stuck

with something utterly indecent.


It's Midnight!

Yeah. She's got a good point.

Midnight is going to have final

approval over your names.

It's not my forte.

Hm? So you haven't decided

on a codename yet?

It doesn't matter what I choose.

I don't wanna be in

the spotlight anyway.

Bro. I got it!

How about Eraser Head?!

Sure, whatever.

The name you give

yourself is important.

It helps reinforce your image

and shows what kind of hero

you wanna be in the future.

A codename tells people

exactly what you represent.

Take "All Might" for example.


All Might...



My hero name...

I need something that

embodies the kind of hero

I wanna be one day.


Now, students, who among you

is ready to share?


We're presenting these?

[SERO] Oh, great! Who's got

the balls to go first?

Hold your breath.

The Shining Hero.

My name is "I can not

stop twinkling!"

Mon amis. You can't

deny my sparkle.


Come on!

It'll be better this way.

Take out the "I" and shorten

the "cannot" to "can't."

It's stunning, mademoiselle.


She likes it?

Also, you're not really

French, are you?

That's just an act.


Okie dokie, lemme go next!

My code name: Alien Queen!


Hold on.

Like that horrible monster

with the acidic blood?

I don't think so.


Dang it.


That one wasn't okay?

Since the first two

were so weird,

I feel like I

have to come up with

something really clever now.



I think I've got one.

Okay if I go next?

Come on up!

I've had this name in mind

since grade school.

Rainy Season Hero: Froppy!

That's delightful!

It makes you sound approachable.

What a great example of

a name everyone will love!

[STUDENTS chanting]

Froppy! Froppy! Froppy! Froppy!

[STUDENTS] Thanks, Froppy!

Finally, a normal one!

I've got mine, too.

The Sturdy Hero.

My name is Red Riot!


"Red Riot"? Interesting.

You're paying homage

to the Chivalrous Hero,

Crimson Riot, yes?

That's right. He may be

kind of old school,

but someday, I wanna

be just like he was.

Crimson is my idol.


Hm. If you're bearing the name

of someone you admire,

you have that much

more to live up to.

I accept the challenge.


Wow, that's so cool.

Before I met All Might,

I had a couple of

names picked out.

Ah. You want me

to help you pick out

your hero name?



I can't decide which

one I like most!

Let's see here.

There's "Mighty All Man"

and "Mighty Boy."

Oh, "All Might, Junior"?

That's me!

"Mighty Man" or

"Captain All Might."

Ooh I like "Super All Might"!




[IZUKU] I loved coming up

with all those names.

They never failed to

put a smile on my face

back in those days.


Now that I've been

given his power

and I'm training under him,

I see just how far

I still have to go.

There's no way

I can choose a name

that riffs off of his yet.


I still haven't been able

to think of anything

that's cool enough.

Hey, I've got one.

How does "Jamming-yay"

sound to you?

Ha! Oh, it's like "Hemingway,"

who wrote <i>A Farewell</i>

<i>to Arms</i> , right?

Real clever. I like it.



It's because even though

you're powerful,

you always...



...jam your brain.

Oh, come on, Jiro.

Quit messing with me!

The Hearing Hero.

I'm Earphone Jack.

Now that's a good one!

The Tentacle Hero, Tentacole.

Oh, I like what you're

doing with that.

A nice portmanteau.

The Taping Hero, Cellophane!

That's on the nose. Good work!

Martial Arts Hero: Tailman.

No surprise with

that one, I guess!

I'm the Sweets Hero, Sugarman!



Make those looks

work for you, girl!


Stun g*n Hero: I am Chargebolt.

Electric, doncha think?

Makes me all tingly!

[HAGAKURE] The Stealth

Hero: Invisible Girl!


That really suits you!

Now come on, who's

gonna step up next?

I hope that I can

live up to this name.

The Everything Hero: I'm Creati!



Just your name? Is that it?


Jet-Black Hero: Tsukuyomi.


Ah, God of the night!


Fresh-Picked Hero: Grape Juice!


Very kitschy!

Yep. All about it!

King expl*si*n m*rder.

I'm gonna say that one's

a little too violent.

Huh, whaddaya mean?!


Why don't you be expl*si*n Boy?

You shut up, weird hair!


Okay. My turn.

This is the name I thought of:


I just love that!


[MIDNIGHT] To be honest,

choosing names is going faster

than I thought it would.

All we have left

is young Bakugo,

who needs to rethink

his, and Iida.

Oh, yes, and Midoriya, too.




I wasn't sure if I wanted

to say anything yesterday.

But, I... I can't feel my legs.

They're useless.


What? No way!

Yeah. I think the hero

Ingenium is finished.

At least for me.



You still have so many people

to help and inspire, brother.

This can't be true.


I'm sorry. I'm afraid it is.

That's why...

I want you to take the name.

Will you do that? For me, Tenya.


No. I'm still...

[MIDNIGHT] You're using

your real name, too?


Well, Midoriya, are you ready?

Oh. Yes!


This is it. It has to be.


Really, Midoriya?

You sure about that?

Yeah, man, remember,

that could be your name forever.

Right. I used to hate it.

But, then, something

changed. I guess...

Someone taught me that it could

have a different meaning.

And that had a huge

impact on how I felt.

So, now I really like it.

You can call me Deku,

but I'm not helpless anymore!

From now on, Deku is

the name of a hero!

Deku. That has

to be my codename!



Offers for the first years

are still coming in.

Looky here.

Who's that one for?

It's for Midoriya.


Really? Who's after him?

What? Are you kidding me?

Lord expl*si*n m*rder!

That's basically the same thing.

[AIZAWA] Now that everyone's

decided on their hero names,

we can go back to talking about

your upcoming internships.

They'll last for one week.

As for who you'll

be working with.

Those of you who were

on the board will choose

from among your offers,

everyone else

will have a different list.

You have a lot to think about.

There are around

agencies across the country

who've agreed to take on

interns from your class.

Each agency has

a different specialty

that its heroes focus on.

Keep that in mind.

Imagine that you were Thirteen.

You'd want to choose

a place that focuses on

rescuing people, not fighting

villains. Understand?

Think carefully

before you decide.

--[STUDENTS] Yes, sir!

--[school bell rings]

I want to fight crime

and bad guys in a big city.

I just hope I can

intern someplace

where there's a lot of

flooding. Or maybe a lake.

[AIZAWA] Turn in your

choices before the weekend.


We've only got two days?


Yeah, so you should start now.

You're dismissed.



So, guys,

have you decided what

pro agency you wanna go for?

Mt. Lady's my top choice!


Are you thinking

something perverted?


You made it pretty far

in the tournament.

It's weird you didn't

get any offers.

I know.

Hey, Deku, who's on your list?

There are only

heroes who'll take us,

so after looking up their

specialties and splitting them

into groups, I can

start narrowing...


There he goes again.

Huh? Oh. Sorry,

what'd you guys say?

You're really thinking hard

about this, aren't you?

It'll all work out.

I've settled on my pick.


What agency?

The one that the Battle

Hero, Gunhead, runs.

[IZUKU] Huh? Gunhead's

a big brawler, though.

Are you sure that's where

you wanna intern, Uraraka?

Yup! He sent me an offer.

Whoa, really?

But, I thought you were

trying to be a hero

kinda like Thirteen, more

into rescuing than fighting.

Ultimately, that's the plan.

But I've been thinking

ever since the festival--

Well, at least since I

faced off against Bakugo.

The stronger I am, the more

possibilities I'll have.

Plus, learning from

a battle hero will give me

a different perspective. Right?

Yeah, totally.

More importantly,

there's something

I've been meaning

to ask you all day.

Why are you trembling?

Oh. This? It's exercise.



Were you doing that

during the whole class?

There's no way!

That's such an

old-fashioned way to train.

A smart one, though.

The isometric muscle contraction

that's needed to hold

your body above your seat

makes it an easy way

to work out without moving.



I have to keep on improving.

It's the only way

I'll have any hope

of finally controlling

One For All.

Tis skill not strength

that governs a ship.


Hey, Deku! Wanna walk together?



Iida, come with u--


[IZUKU] I bet he already

decided where he wants

to do his internship.

My guess is he's off turning

his forms in right now.

[laughs] I am here

in a bizarre position!


Yeah, what's that about,

and why are you in such a hurry?

Hi, come with me a sec.

Uh, sure. Okay.


I'll get straight to the point.

You've received

an offer from a hero

who'd like to take you on.

[gasps] Wait, seriously, who?

[ALL MIGHT] Yes. The hero's

name is Gran Torino.

He taught at this

school back in my day,

but only for one year.

In fact, the man was

my homeroom teacher.


[ALL MIGHT] He knows about

One For All, as well.

Actually, I suspect that's

the reason he asked for you.

This guy sounds

totally awesome!


So, he knows how

your Quirk works, too?

But how?


Gran Torino was the sworn friend

of my predecessor.

He retired a long time ago,

so I forget to count him

among the people who know.

[ALL MIGHT grunting]

[ALL MIGHT] Is this because

I wrote about you

in the letter I sent him?

Or did he watch the

festival and think

that my teaching was inadequate?

If he went so far as to

use his old hero name

when making the offer...

It's scary. Too scary.

Dammit, legs, stop shaking!

[IZUKU] All Might is seriously

freaking out right now.

[ALL MIGHT growls] Anyway,

it is my duty to train you.

But, since you got an offer,

you should work with him

this week if that's

what your heart says.

Anyway, h-h-here's

the-the-the-the address.


Just how scary is this guy?


Internships, huh?

[AIZAWA] Yeah. A few students

already chose theirs.


It's an important time for them.

Make sure they do it right.

Plenty a' third years around

here still regret their picks.


Of course.

[AIZAWA] Iida only listed

one place. That's strange.

He must have gotten better

offers than this one.


A hero agency in Hosu.

Don't tell me...


What? You got an offer?

Go, Deku! That's awesome!

Yeah. Thanks.

[OCHACO] Aw, man. Did Iida

go home without us?


After the Sports Festival,

Iida's big brother

was all over the news.

It turns out he'd been

att*cked in Hosu City, Tokyo.

The person responsible

had apparently

already k*lled heroes in

the past, and hurt so badly

that they were beyond recovery.

He's a scourge on

the pro community.

The elusive Hero k*ller.

His villain name?


[TENYA] If it's about my

brother, don't be concerned.

I'm sorry if I made you worry.

Everything'll be fine.

[IZUKU] Iida didn't say

anything else about

what was going on with Ingenium.


I was surprised to hear that

he'd taken an internship

in Hosu City, the same place

where his big brother

had been left for dead.

But I felt like I couldn't

ask him anything about it,

since he'd never come

to me wanting to talk.

That's just how things were

between us as we approached

the first day of

our internships.

[AIZAWA] Everyone has

their costumes, right?

Remember, you don't

have permission

to wear them out in public yet,

and don't lose them or anything.


[AIZAWA] Speak properly!

It's "Yes, sir," Ashido.


Yes, sir.

Make sure you mind your manners

with the other heroes

during your internships.

Now get to it.


Yes, sir!


Iida, wait!

Hey, if you ever wanna

talk or anything,

just let us know.


Mm-hm! Mm-hm!


We're friends, right?



In that moment,

I should have tried harder to

find out how he was feeling.

In the days to come,

I would regret not

being there for him.

[IZUKU] Wow. A hero even

All Might is afraid of.


Gran Torino.

I've never heard

of this guy before.

But he must be incredible!

Yup. Probably super amazing.

[IZUKU] Well, this is

the right address, but...


Hello, I'm here from UA High.

It's Izuku Midoriya. I'm

really looking forward to--

[IZUKU gasping]


Holy whoa, he's dead!

I'm alive!

[screams] He's alive!



Now, the preview!

For my internship,

I'm going to be studying

under the man who was once

All Might's teacher.

His name is Gran Torino,

and he's, uh, well...


Who are you, kid?


I'm Izuku Midoriya from UA!

I know we'll have a

great week together.


Who are you?


Like I said--






So, who are you?

[IZUKU] Ah! This conversation's

not going anywhere.

But there's no time to waste,

so I have to keep going at it.

Next time: "Bizarre!

Gran Torino Appears"!

Go beyond!


Plus Ultra!

[IZUKU gasps]
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