02x04 - (D) Strategy, Strategy, Strategy

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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02x04 - (D) Strategy, Strategy, Strategy

Post by bunniefuu »


This is a superhuman society,

with percent of us

possessing some uncanny ability.

Cities swirled with chaos

and confusion following

the appearance of these powers,

and a new profession emerged.

We call those who

fight for justice

and help others

in need "heroes."

Oh, by the way,

this is the story

of how I became

the world's greatest hero!

[AIZAWA] The UA Sports Festival

is about to start.

It's true that joining

a famous hero agency

can garner you greater

experience and popularity.

It's something that the pros--

no--the entire country will

be watching very closely.

Think of the sports

festival as your debut.

You are the fledgling

Symbol of Peace.

The next All Might!

Izuku Midoriya.

You must introduce yourself,

and proudly say, "I am here!"

[PRESENT MIC] The first-year

students are rocketing through

this obstacle course in hopes

of moving on in the festival!

Who would have imagined

at the beginning

of this race that

the climax would be

a non-stop mega-mix

of surprises?

The first competitor

to make it back

into the stadium will be

the first-place winner!

Izuku Midoriya is our champion!

[CROWD cheers]

[MIDNIGHT] Forty-two of you

qualified to move on

to the next round.

Gird your loins and prepare

for your next test.

A Cavalry Battle!

Those of you at the top

will suffer the most.

Of course, that's something

you'll hear over and

over again at UA.

Show us what "Plus Ultra" means!

Izuku Midoriya placed

first in the qualifier.

He'll be worth ten million!



You'd never be able to hang

with the best of the best.

You're just a Quirkless wannabe!

[IZUKU] Things have changed

so much since junior high,

but I'm still a target.

I'm only in first

place right now

because of some good luck.

Not that that matters, I guess.

[ALL MIGHT] Now you know

the burden of being the best.


What they say is true.

It's hard being at the top.

Right, All Might?

First years!

These are the rules

that you'll abide by.

The game itself

will last minutes.

Individual point values

will be added together

to reach your team total.

Everyone will know

how much you're worth

thanks to your headbands.

Swipe as many headbands

as you can to raise

your team's score.

Stolen headbands must be

worn from the neck up.

So the more you steal, the

harder it'll be to manage them.

And another thing.

Even if your headband gets

stolen or your team falls down,

you can keep playing

until time's up.

It's anyone's game, then.

[SATO] And since there

are contestants,

there'll be ten or teams

fighting on the field

the entire time.


Sounds hard.

So, if you lose your

headband at the beginning,

you have more time

to make up a plan.

I dunno, Mina. Maybe we

should wait and see

how the teams turn out

before we start strategizing.

This is going to be rough.

You may use your Quirks

as much as you like.

But there are still rules!

Make a team fall on

purpose and I'll slap you

with a red card.

You'll be disqualified!


[MIDNIGHT] Now, you've got

minutes to build your teams.

I recommend you get started.

[IZUKU] It doesn't

matter how many points

my teammates have

since I've got so many.

I just need to make sure

I pick the right people.

Okay, I know who I want!

[DEATH ARMS] The sports festival

isn't really about seeing

how prepared they are

at being heroes.

It's more about

simulating the competition

they'll face if they go pro.


Huh? What are you talking about?

We both know this

country's overrun

with agencies right now.

If you wanna put

food on the table,

you've gotta be willing to

step on top of other heroes.

That was the whole point

of the first round.

[MT. LADY] That's such a sad

way of looking at our jobs.



You've never had a problem

stealing the spotlight.

But, on the other hand--

even if you're battling

each other for popularity,

there are plenty a' cases where

you have to work together.

Huh. You're right, it's just

like this cavalry battle!

Every point you score

is not just for you,

but for your teammates as well.

Plus, you have to

think about how Quirks

work together and who

you're compatible with.

[KAMUI WOODS] It's kind of

like coordinating with

your sidekick or doing Quirk

training with other agencies.

I'm sure at least

some of the kids

are thinking about all this.

If they become pros,

it'll be their way of life.

[MT. LADY] They've still got

a long road ahead of 'em.

You should team with me!

No, you definitely

want me by your side.

I don't wanna beg, but please.

Wait, remind me what

your Quirks are again.

And your names.

You're kidding!

We're your classmates.

Can you really be

that self-centered?


He's a hot head,

but he came in third

and he has points.

And considering how

versatile his Quirk is,

I'm not surprised people are

trying to join up with him.



I was gonna try Todoroki,

but he already picked a group.

So, hey! We should team up.

Hey, Dumb Hair.

My name is Kirishima!

And my hair's not that

different from yours.

Come on. You wanna

be the rider, right?

So you're gonna need

a strong front horse

who won't be hurt

by your blasts.

That'd be me.



I need someone with guts.

My Quirk was made for this!

I got you covered, man!

Let's go charging

into battle together.



Ten million.

Bring it.



Shoji! Shoji!



None of the girls

wanna team up with me!

Please, be my partner!

I'm super tiny,

so I can't be a horse,

but for some reason

no one wants me to climb

on top of them

so I can be a rider!

With your huge body

and those tentacles,

you could cover me completely,

so no one'll take my headband!

Right? Please?

Good idea. Let's go.


Just like I expected.

Everyone's sticking to the

people in their homeroom class.

It's too much of a gamble

to partner with someone

if you don't know what

their Quirk can do.

I need to find a team

of my own and fast.

But everyone's

totally avoiding me

since I'm worth so much!

Oh, hey. What's up, Ojiro?




It makes sense.

No one's worried about

keeping their own headbands

the whole game. It's a

better strategy to steal

as many points as

you can at the end.

And unlike Todoroki or Kacchan,

I didn't use my Quirk

in the first round,

so no one has any

confidence in me!


Hey, Deku!

Let's team up!

Uraraka! Are you sure?

Everyone'll be after me and

my ten million stupid points!

Tell me you're not kidding!

If we run away the whole time,

then we'll win, right?

Um, you're either

overestimating me

or underestimating

everyone else here.


Anyway, it's better to

team up with people you like!

[OCHACO] Is something wrong?

You look so gross.

No, I just thought my chest

was gonna explode for a second.

Actually, I wanted to

team up with you, too.

Thanks a lot.

You're right. For a

game that requires

so much teamwork,

it's smart to find people

you communicate smoothly with.

In fact, if we had your

Quirk and one other person...

You know what--I think

I might have a solid plan.









The three of us would be horses,

with Iida in the front.

Using Uraraka's Quirk,

Iida and I would be way lighter,

so we'd be able to maneuver

around really easily.

No one could catch us.

Good idea!


The only thing is...

We'd still have to find

a pretty strong rider.

I don't know who could do it.

I know it's not much,

but it's the only evasive plan

I could think of this fast.


A good strategy, but I'm sorry.


[TENYA] I'm afraid I must

refuse your offer.

--[IZUKU gasps]

--[OCHACO] Huh?

Since this all started,

I've been losing to you.

Please don't take

this as an insult.

You're a great friend, but if

I continue to follow you,

I'll never get stronger.

Bakugo and Todoroki have

challenged you already,

but they aren't the only ones

who see you as a rival.

[TENYA] Midoriya, I'll try

my best to defeat you.

Whoa, Iida...


So, it's already begun.

Everyone's an enemy.

I'm at the top, and they'll

all be coming for me.

I can't rely on anyone.

Not this time.

[HATSUME giggles]

Oh, perfect, you're still alone.

And you're the star.

Team up with me,

person in first place!

So close! Who are you?

[HATSUME chuckles] I'm a

student in the support course.

Name's Mei Hatsume!

Oh! You're that weirdo

from the obstacle course.

We haven't met,

but I'd like to use

your current fame to

my personal advantage.


That's straightforward!

If I team up with you,

then I'll be in the spotlight!

Part of the team that everyone

is keeping their eyes on.

That means my

super-cute little babies

will inevitably be seen

by the big company CEOs

who're tuning into

the Sports Festival.

And following that

line of reasoning,

this is the best way for me

and my marvelous gadgets

to get recruited.

Could you slow down a minute?

Did you bring babies

here, or... I mean...

[HATSUME] Plus, you two

will definitely benefit...


Oh, she doesn't care about me.

[HATSUME] The support course

specializes in creating

equipment that helps heroes deal

with their Quirks and

enhance their skills.

[HATSUME cackles] I packed

a ton of powerful babies

to bring with me,

so I'm sure you'll find

something you like

floating around my arsenal!

Oh, I see one's caught your eye.


I based this on a

certain hero's backpack.

Though, of course,

I added my own twist.

Wait, I recognize that!

Air Jet, the Buster Hero

has one of those.

[HATSUME laughs]

I love that guy!

Isn't he awesome?


Mm-hm! His agency's close by...


Huh. They sure get along well.

[IZUKU] Not being able

to team up with Iida

was a definite blow. I've got

Hatsume and Uraraka now.


I still need one more.


Looks like pretty much everyone

is on a team already.

That's fine. We can

work with that.

In fact, I know exactly what

power our team is missing.

[IZUKU] And the person

who can fill that spot is...

Where're you going?

Join me!


Almost everyone in the audience

is foaming at the mouth

for Class -A. Why is that?

They're so full of themselves.

Just like Tetsutetsu said

earlier. Why are <i>they</i> stars?

The only difference

between us and them

is that they fought

a couple of villains.

Just because we're

Class -B doesn't mean

we're second rate or

can't win this whole thing.

So, let's step it up

and show those jerks

what we can do. Are ya with me?

Oh, goody. It's time to

get this party started.


Hey, hey, look alive!



After minutes

to pick teammates

and talk strategy, cavalry

teams are preparing

to go head-to-head!

[AIZAWA] I see some unexpected

student combinations.

[PRESENT MIC] Come on, everyone

get your hands in the air!

It's time for an arena-thumping

UA battle royale!

Let me hear ya scream!

[DARK SHADOW growls]


You ready?








Let's do this.

[CROWD cheers]

[TODOROKI] I chose the three

of you because I believe

we'll make for the most

stable formation possible.

Kaminari's our left wing.

He can use his Quirk

to keep enemies at bay.

Yaoyorozu, you'll take

the right wing.

Focus on insulation and defense.

Iida, you'll take the front.

We'll rely on you for mobility

and physical defense.

[TENYA] And you'll be attacking

and creating diversions

of ice and fire. Is that right?

Not quite.

When I'm in battle...


I never use my left side.

[CROWD cheers]


Okay, all you first years!

I hope you're happy

with your chosen teams!





No hard feelings, okay?


Let's get this party started!

One final countdown

before the game starts!


Get 'im.



He's ours.




[IZUKU whimpers]

It's basically one big battle

for ten million points!

[HAGAKURE cackles] I'll be

taking that headband, Midoriya!

They're not even giving

us a chance, huh?

Such is the fate of the pursued.


This is it.

Make your choice, Midoriya!

Here they come!

That's easy.

We're running away!

Don't think so!


[ALL yelp]


What's happening?


We're sinking!


It must be that guy's Quirk!


No good--I can't get out!

Uraraka! Hatsume!

Watch your faces!

He flew? Damn support course.

After them!


Jiro, now!

I know!

Stupid bird!

Good work.

Please, continue to watch over

our blind spots, Dark Shadow.


Got it!

Wow, that is seriously cool.

Your shadow is just

what we needed.

It'll take care of

our omnidirectional

mid-range defenses!

Tokoyami. You're amazing!

You are the one who chose me.

We're landing.


Uraraka's Quirk is awesome!

She's floating everything

but her and the equipment.

So what do you think

of my babies?

Aren't they just precious?

Cuteness can be

manufactured, you know.

Excellent mobility!

Your babies are

amazing, Hatsume!

Aw, thanks!

I'm the one who's

making us float.


They're not that far away!

Come on, Jiro! Full speed ahead!

Hey, wait! Hagakure!

Your headband's gone!



What? Who--? No!

Well, that was easy.



Barely two minutes have

passed since we started,

and it's already

a total free for all!

Yeah! Watch those headbands!

You can even ignore

the ten million points

and go after the

other chart toppers!

[MINETA cackles]

[MINETA] This is too easy.

It's not a fight.

It's more like a m*ssacre!

It's Shoji! Is he

all by himself?

Where's his team?

What we need

is breathing room.

We can't get caught trapped

between multiple opponents!

Uh-- Ah!

Oh, no!

What, is something wrong?

Yeah, I'm stuck!

[IZUKU gasps]

That's Mineta's ball.

But where did it come from?!

[MINETA] From right

over here. Hi, Midoriya.


What? Is that even allowed?

Judges say yes!



Impressive moves as usual.

[IZUKU] Oh, man. You've

got Asui in there, too?

I told you to call me "Tsu."

[PRESENT MIC] Team Mineta's

coming in like a t*nk,

making clever use of how

compact their members are!

Quickly. We must move!


[sobs] My baby's ruined!

[IZUKU] Sorry! But at least

we got away from them!



[KATSUKI] Don't think for

a second that you're safe.



I've got you!


[TOKOYAMI grunts]

--[DARK SHADOW growls]

--[KATSUKI grunts]

[CROWD cheers]


What the hell's that?

[PRESENT MIC] Bakugo has been

separated from his horses!

Whoa, nice catch.


Is that even allowed?

He never touched the ground,

so technically, it's okay.

[OCHACO yelping]

Nicely done, Uraraka!

It's hard to control

where we're going

with just one foot.

I understand.

[IZUKU] With that busted boot,

our movement is limited.

We can't risk taking

to the sky again.

That means, to survive,

we'll have to rely on

Tokoyami's Dark Shadow,

and our increased mobility,

thanks to Uraraka's

Zero Gravity.


As expected, everyone's after

the first place team,

giving them no time

to catch their breath.

What a show this is!

Wow, those Class -A

guys are pretty good.


With all those flashy Quirks,

I can't decide who

I should be watching!

[AUDIENCE B] Looks like

the experience fighting

villains made that class

level-up superfast.


Now who wants to take a look

at each team's points so far?

It's been seven minutes,

so let's get those rankings

thrown up on the screen.


Huh? Uh...

Hold on here.

This is an unexpected turn.

Other than Midoriya,

Class -A's not doin' so hot.


Even Bakugo is losing!

Your class is too small

minded. Think bigger.

He got us!

What did you say?

Come back here!

[MONOMA] Midnight said the

obstacle course was just

the first game, and we

figured they wouldn't

cut that many of us right

off the bat. Would they?


Assuming they'd keep

at least contestants

for the next event, all we

had to do was make sure

we stayed within that

group as we ran.

From our spots

in the middle ranks,

we could fully

observe the Quirks

our rivals had and judge

their capabilities.

Only a fool would

obsess over winning

the preliminary rounds,

wouldn't you agree?

You planned this as a class?

It wasn't totally unanimous,

but I'd say it's

playing out well.

Hey, they're coming.

[MONOMA] It's better than

chasing after a temporary

frontrunner like a horse with

a carrot waving in his face.

Oh, while I have your attention.

You're kinda famous, aren't you?

For being att*cked by

that sludge villain.

You'll have to tell me

about it sometime.

It must be strange

to always find yourself

in the role of the victim.

Kirishima, we have

a change of plans.






SERO whimper]

Before we take down Deku,

we're gonna k*ll every last

one of these B-list idiots!

[IZUKU] Holy, whoa. Class -B

had a long-term strategy

that involved throwing

the qualifier.

I guess that could help them

leave a bigger impression

with the audience. Everyone

does kinda love an underdog.


If they're playing

the long game here,

they might not even bother

coming after my headband at all!

Everyone, don't worry,

I think we're okay.



And now we've reached

the halfway point of the game!


I thought we had it made.

Guess I was wrong.

[PRESENT MIC] As the cavalry

battle enters its second half,

it's anyone's game! Class -B

has made an unexpected showing,

but who will wear the ten

million points in the end?

That's the real

question, sports fans!

I'll be taking that, now.



I'm Tenya Iida, the

representative for Class -A.

I'll be responsible

for this preview!

[IZUKU] Yeah, sure, let's

talk about the next episode.


I'm to challenge you, Midoriya!


Please don't!

[TENYA] I will defeat your

team in the cavalry battle,

and the result will bring

honor to the Tenya family.

My older brother,

Tensei, will be proud!


What about everybody else?

[TENYA] Next time:

"Cavalry Battle Finale"!

[IZUKU] Iida's calves

flip into overdrive

and get super revved up!


I'll go beyond!


Plus Ultra!
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