A Holiday Chance (2021)

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A Holiday Chance (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Hang all this mistletoe

I'm gonna get to

know you better

This Christmas

And as we trim the tree

How much fun it's

gonna be together, yeah


This Christmas

Fireside's blazing bright

We're caroling

through the night

And this Christmas will be

A very special

Christmas for me


Every holiday season,

just like most households,

it's always been a special

time of the year for my family.

Even before all of our success,

we've always made it a

point to come together.

But If the phrase, "a picture

says a thousand words"

was ever true, this one

would make an epic novel.

Standing there on the left

is my dad Garvin Chance,

to the right is my

beautiful mother Sheryl.

Next to her is my super

annoying older sister, Naomi,

who does the absolute most,

absolutely all the time.

My parents met in high school

and were inseparable ever since.

Not too long after their wedding

came my older sister, Naomi.

And four years later

to her disappointment,

along came me, on Christmas Day.

Hence my name, Noel

Right away, I dove head

first into my books

with dreams of being the

first female president

of the United States or

something worth of living for.

On the other hand,

Naomi dove right into the

world of show stopping.

Whatever that is.

Contrary to popular belief,

I absolutely hate that my

birthday is on Christmas.

Everyone is already too

preoccupied to remember it.

Except for my Dad.

My sister and I had

the best childhood

that any kid could ask for.

But for whatever reason,

never could quite get along.

No matter the number of

battles me and my sister had,

we were always a

tight knit family.

And when my dad quit his job

and started his production

company with their life savings

we were all there,

every step of the way.

Over time my dreams

of becoming president

of the United States

eventually turned into me

wanting to be one thing...

An entertainment mogul, just

like my daddy had become.

And Naomi, well,

what can I say?

Not much has changed.

Now, we never really

seen many bad times,

but this holiday season

would test everyone

and everything.

But I'll start from the beginning

to give you a better idea

of this dynamic known

as the Chance family.

What the hell are

you talking about, man?

That's impossible.

Man, I have made tens

of millions of dollars.

My company is worth 150 million.

You're my accountant.

How could you let this happen?

Look, we have to fix this, man!

There's no way that...


Merry Christmas to you too.

Is everything okay?

Why you in here

yelling on the phone?

Baby, hold that thought.

What's today?

You know what today is, Daddy.

Happy birthday, baby girl

Happy birthday, baby girl

You know, I know. I got a

little something for you

but I'll give it to you later.

- Okay.

- What's up?

All right, Daddy, look.

So I've been thinking about

the first quarter, right?

We need to take Chance

Vision to the next level.


Daddy, not to take away from

the foundation you've set,

but it is time to

turn it up a notch.

Look, it all sounds good but-

But to maintain our

level of excellence

we really gotta be aware

of the times, Daddy.


This digital era has gone

from zero to 100 really quick.


What, you don't agree?

No, it's not that.

What have I told you about

rushing your approach?

You got to take the time

to acquire the knowledge.

You see what I'm saying?

Daddy, I got this.

How long are you gonna coddle

me in this business? Hm?

I've been your vice president

for the last three years

and one day, I am

gonna run this company.

- Noel.

- Now you've come a long way

from selling those movies out

your trunk in Philly, right?

True that.

So you know that

change is inevitable.

You know I know that

better than anybody.

Dad, hear me out.

For the last four to five years,

our films have not been

as successful in theaters

as they used to be.

It's a different time

and we need a spark.

I'm telling you, Dad, the

digital and streaming world

is calling our name.

I just trying to figure out how.


Today is Christmas Day.

Yes, Daddy.

I know.

So forget movies.

Forget the past for a

minute and just relax.

We got this.

How are you always this calm?

Oh, sometimes I wonder myself.

You can't stand me

Loving you

Loving you

Girl, it just

don't make sense

When we go back

and forth like this

It's plan to see

It's got between you and me

I cannot stop watching

this girl online.

She is hilarious.

I actually ordered a car.

So cancel it.

Like I said before you

rudely brushed me off,

would you please stop discussing

our issues with your mother?

Well, and like I said before,

there wouldn't be any issues

if you actually cared about

my perspective on things.

- That's not true.

- Yeah and why is it

that anytime I make

moves with my money,

you have a problem with it?

Or with anything I

do for that matter.

Because they're dumb moves

and that's your father's money.

Why don't you just

find something

that you're passionate about,

you stay focused,

you stick to that.

That's the way, it's solid.

Oh, like you working all

hours of the night, right?

Nobody gets to ask you what

you do with your money.

Oh. Am I in debt?

No. I'm just a brother that's

trying to make partner.

Mommy, I wanna see grandma.

Yes, sweetheart,

that is a good idea.

Let's go see grandma.

All I'm saying is that we

need to be a little bit smarter.

Come on, boo.


here's the closing the

year out on a high note

and taking the

weekend off for once.

- Thank you, Daddy.

- Cheers.


Dad, did you really

just pop a bottle

without your favorite daughter?

Hey, baby.

Here you go.

Merry Christmas, baby sister.

Where's my niece at?

Great to see you too.

You finally arrived.

Here's to the best

daughters in the world.



Ooh, I wanted to

run some things by you

about the company's annual

New Year's Eve party.

Yeah, I have some ideas

that I think would make

the party more lit.

Cut it out. You're 36.

Can you talk like it?

And you're 32, can you

please dress like it?

Girls, come on!

When are you two

ever gonna learn

that you work better together?


Okay. Naomi, we'll

talk after dinner.

That's fine and uh,

but I do have a couple of things

that I wanted to talk to

the both of you about,

but right now I got

to go help your mom

and your aunt in the kitchen.

Be nice.

- What?

- You know what.

Oh, I was just joking.

You look nice or whatever.

Naomi, stop playing around.

You know what I'm talking about.

Oh, please.

It's not that serious.

Naomi, not paying your

taxes, like really? Ooh.

When dad finds out about, ooh.

He's not gonna find out

and you better not tell him.

You haven't paid your

taxes in three years.

That is beyond irresponsible.

You act like that makes me

a bad person or something.

I mean, how am I

supposed to keep track

of everything every

year, you know?

With all the things

going on in life,

Not everyone's a

walking calendar.


Take this

and please do us both a favor

and remember to pay it.

And despite our differences,

you're my sister.

And I always got your back.


Well, you remind me

not to leave open mail

around you anymore.

You're welcome.

Mama, hand me that potato salad.

Here you go, baby.

- Mama bear.

- Oh, there she is.

Merry Christmas, baby.

Merry Christmas.

It's about time.

Auntie Jo.

Glamorous as usual.

Merry Christmas, love.

Merry Christmas.

- Hey, cuz.

- Hey.

Ooh, girl, let me check out.

Yes, honey.

Y'all need help?

No, baby, we're just about done

but you're right on time.

You know, I really

think it's about time

you and Auntie Jo hire some

help to do all this cooking.

Y'all let me know.

I know dozens of

world-class chefs

who could do this for you.

Uh, thank you Miss

Noel, but we got this.

Everything is not a job, Noel.

We love this.

We get to spend time,

drink and gossip.

If the matriarchs want

to prepare a great meal

for a family so be it.

Oh, let you tell it.

Oh, I cook for a family

every night, honey.

Nobody in your household

got food poisoning?

Hm. Shocking.

Oh, please, baby sis,

last time you cooked,

Jesus and his apostles

gathered at a long table.

See, you know what,

the last time you-

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

You two just stop it.

This is Christmas

for God's sake.

You two always do this.

You, you go after each

other like alley cats.

Now, Noel, you get the

big utensils and...

Do you hear me talking to you?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

And Naomi, you go make sure

the table's set perfectly.

You always give me the baby job.

Girl. Just go.

Jesus Christ.

Hey, everybody!

Y'all remember Keith.

Yes, of course.

How are you, Keith?

Would you care to join us?

No, no, Mrs. Chance.

I just, unfortunately not.

I just came by to

tell your husband

thank you for some

business advice he gave me.

With a little champagne.

That was very nice. Thank you.

Uh, you remember

my daughter, Noelle?

Don't you?

Of course. Hi.


Yeah. Oh.

It's your birthday, right?

Happy birthday to you.

Thank you.

Oh, it is your birthday.

Happy birthday, Noel.

Thanks y'all. Thank you.

How could we forget?

We always do that.

Aw, you only forget

what you want to forget.

It's a pleasure to

see everyone again

and I will be

letting myself out.

Happy holidays.

You too, baby.


May I have everyone's

attention please?

If I can ask everyone

to raise a glass.

As this year comes to a close,

I would like each

of us to, um...


I would like, I

would like each of us

to look at the year

that we've had.

Not the bad times,

but with the thought that

everything that

didn't go your way,

everything happens for a reason.

That's with everything.

Look, take a look at the stuff

that didn't go right for you

and you'll find

that it went in your

favor in the end anyway.


I can feel you.

I'm not gonna talk

long, I swear,

because I know you guys

wanna dive into the food

and eat some of

this delicious stuff

that my wife and my

sister-in-law prepared.

But I do want you to

keep a conscious mind

never to take anything for

granted, not your family,

not your health,

opportunity or money,

anything that can be here

today and gone tomorrow.


here's to life,

laughter and love.



Christmas just ain't Christmas

without the one you love

New Year's just ain't New

Year's without the one you love

Underneath the mistletoe,

I saw a face all a glow

Last year, this time

Now I stand all alone and

my house is not a home

Without that girl of mine


Christmas just ain't Christmas

without the one you love

And New Year's just

ain't New Year's

Without the one you love

12 o'clock and all is well

and I was doing oh so swell

Last year, this time

Going shopping for

presents together

And making vows to

leave each other, never

It was a waste of time


Christmas just ain't Christmas

without the one you love

Oh, oh, oh


Ryan, are those your gifts?

New Year's

Just ain't New Year's

without the one you love


- I thought it was a TV.

- A TV?

That's a very small TV.

I thought it was a remote.

Baby! Baby!

- Garvin!

- Oh my God, Daddy.

Oh my God, he's

having a heart attack!

Oh my God, Daddy.

Garvin. Baby,

just breathe, baby. Breathe!

Somebody call 911 now!

Breathe baby,

breathe, just breathe.

I have to admit, I wasn't ready.

I wasn't ready to walk

in my fathers shoes.

I wasn't ready to take care

of my mother and my sister.

But as he would always say,

"Stay ready so you don't

have to get ready."

Yeah. Well, I'll

just get started.

Won't make this any

longer than it has to be.

Again, I am so sorry

for your loss. Um...

As you know, I was your father's

attorney for over 20 years.

He meant a lot to me.

Thank you, Miles.


To start off,

Garvin left control of all

of his assets to you, Sheryl,

that means all bank accounts,

real estate properties

and cars and valuables.

Naomi and Noel will receive

a payment of $20,000 a month

until the family funds evaporate

or their untimely deaths.

Naomi, your daughter, Ryan,

will receive a lump

sum of $500,000

when she reaches the age of 21.

Now, there are other

incentives left to you all,

other family

members and friends,

but I will deal with

those people individually.

Now, as far as Chance

Vision is concerned...


All control of the

company has been left to

Noel Chance.

And Naomi.




- Her?

- Oh shit.

She hasn't worked at the

company a day in her life.

Yeah. Um...

Well, according to the records,

that's what he wanted

from the beginning.

Uh, wait, um, unfortunately

there is more.

Yeah, I don't know if this

is the best time to say it,

but I feel obligated to do so.


There is plenty of

liquid cash available

to meet Garvin's request.

However, if the company

continues the way it's been,

mixed with your lifestyle,

it will evaporate.


Are you saying that we're broke?


Not yet.

I will say that Chance Vision

has seen it's best days.

And to be quite frank,

the doors will close

sooner than later.

Now, if you have any

questions or concerns, um,

I'll be in the kitchen.

Making a plate.

I saw some mac and cheese

that had my name on it.

Looked delicious.

Thank you, Miles,

and help yourself.

Look, to be honest,

I saw it coming.

The company is dated

and we'll be in the red by

the end of this fiscal year

if I don't do something quickly.

I think you mean we, and I mean,

he just said we are not broke.


And, you know, you

can just stay at home

if you gonna take

Chance Vision as serious

as those dead end

companies you started.

Whatever, Noel.

They weren't dead end companies.

Well, let me

refresh your memory.

Does Tulip tummy tea

treatments ring a bell?

Who knew tulips were seasonal?

- I liked the tea.

- Mom!


I can't do it.

I'm not the business woman

that you know who is.

- Facts.

- You know what?

Look, let's just stop all

this bickering about the past.


Now, your father's wishes,

God rest my dear

sweet husband's soul,

they have been spoken.

Now, you two are now in

charge of the company.

This is gonna be a new

chapter for Chance Vision.



Sheryl, listen, um...

Things are far worse

than I said they were.

You know what, Miles?

Can we please just talk

about this another time?

It's just too much.

Uh, yeah, yeah...

Of course.

Back when I was a child

Before life removed

all the innocence

My father would lift me high

And dance with my

mother and me and then

Spin me around

till I fell asleep

Then up the stairs

he would carry me

And I knew for

sure I was loved

If I could get

another chance

Another walk, another dance

What now, Daddy?

I'd play a song that

would never ever end

I don't understand why you put

so much pressure on yourself

when you have help around.


Mom, you about to put up a whole

Christmas tree by yourself.

Putting up Christmas

tree decorations

is nothing like

running a company.

Sweetie, you need to give

yourself a break sometimes.

A break?

My company has put out

two flops this year,

I can't take a break.

Now, that's not

true, so don't say that.

It's been a year since Miles

told us we're going broke.

And don't say that either.

Mom, somebody's got to

try to save this company

and our lives.

Not to mention my so-called

partner or lack thereof

is absolutely no help.

That is what your

father always wanted.

Naomi has completely disregarded

everything that was in

place before she got there.

She doesn't show up to the

office and if she does,

if she does, she's late.

She wasn't even thinking

about the company.

- Well, she is now.

- Barely!

And can you please just

take my side for once?

Maybe you could fake it.

There are no

sides. Just stop it.

You two are always doing this.

- Shit.

- Uh. Excuse me, young lady?

Look, I know that

you're stressed.

Mom, I'm gonna call you back.


- Look like a mess.

- Noel?

- Hey.

- Hey.

Is everything okay?

You know what?

Somebody made a whole damn mess

with clearly no intentions

on cleaning it up.

The nerve of people,

it's just like...

Yeah. Yeah. The

nerve of people.

It just, uh...

How you been? It's been awhile.

You know, I've really been

meaning to come by the house.

First of all- Listen.

Don't, don't even, don't trip.

But I've been, um,

I've been good.

You know, I haven't

gotten out much.

You know, work, work, work.

Right. Work, work, work.

So how are things

at the company?

You know...

I realize my father left me

with a lot of work to do.

I can imagine.

I'll tell you something.

If anybody is built to

do that, that's you.

That feels great for

somebody to think that.

Thank you.

But I heard about you. Congrats.

- Mm-hmm.

- First look deal.

Okay. That's a major.

You know, your daddy

gave me a lot of advice

that could last a lifetime

and be honest with you.

I wouldn't even be here

if it wasn't for him.


My dad would always say,

"Everything is gonna happen

exactly the way that

it's supposed to."


So do you come here often or?


Come right here whenever

I need groceries.

Right. It makes a lot

of sense.


Maybe we can exchange numbers.

Yes. Uh, I mean...

Yeah, sure.

Yeah. Keep in contact.

We could have a drink.

Oh look, I love to drink.

We could talk

movies, TV and stuff

if you're up to it.

That sounds good. Yeah.

- Yeah.

- All right, well,

good seeing you, take care.

You too.

Do you come here often?

Of course she comes here often.

Really, Noel?

"I love to drink"?

That shit was brilliant.

- Ryan.

- Yeah?

You staying focused?


Okay. Let me...

Let me check and

see what you got.


Come on. This is unacceptable.

Now, you're gonna have to

learn how to do your work

without me sitting

here holding your hand.

Why do I have to do

homework? It's stupid.

Listen to me, baby.

You're not gonna be a

little girl forever.

There's gonna come

a time in your life

when you have to take

things more seriously

and you have more


You mean like Auntie Noel?

Like Auntie Noel?


I wanna be a boss like her.

All right, now, I hope everyone

had a great Thanksgiving,

but it's time to get back to it

and close this year

off on a strong note.

Over the last 20 years,

this ever changing industry

has increased it's

outlets tremendously.

Television studios and

network productions

have transformed into

studios for movies and TV.

And with your long

standing brain

as a notarized TV

production company

and us on the film side,

I think we can merge to

become a huge conglomerate

in this industry.

Now, Samantha, with

that being said,

I present to you CSV.

In translation,

Chance-Standard Vision.

Original content

across the board.

Like a small studio.

This is interesting.


And with the demand for

episodic TV and indie films,

I really think

we'll both benefit

from each other's notoriety.

Not to mention creating

an app down the line

with strictly our content on it.

And this means new

and exclusive content

that you only could get if

you have our subscription.

And all of your old

content and our content

will be made

available to go along

with new material

produced by you and us.

Beautiful. This

would be amazing.

Do you have something

particular in mind

that you want to go into

production with top of the year?

So, still, our team,

we're working out some kinks

and logistics, but we'll

be ready very soon.

Well, let's do that.

Things across town have slowed

down because of the holidays,

but I want to make a big

splash going into the new year.

My thoughts exactly.

Oh no, there's gonna be a

lot of changes around here.

- Seriously?

- What?

You're late. It's 11:30.

- What'd I miss?

- Hm. Everything.

Maybe you should start

checking your company email.

I mean, you are co-CEO.

I don't need a reminder.

Look, we have a

potential deal on the table

to merge with Samantha

West and Standard.

Along with her team,

we're just working on

some kinks in logistics.


Why, what?

Why are you merging with them?

I can't even remember the last

time they had a great show.

You know, that's not what

the ratings say, Naomi.

Okay, let me stop you

right there, baby sis.

What do they have that

we don't have right here?

You mean besides

a bottomless budget?

They have a long history of

success in the television space

whereas we'd have more

success with film.

Naomi, we have to

do something quick

or this company is gonna fold.

Well, then why don't we just

build our own TV division?

Then we could just walk into

the networks on our own.

- No-

- Oh.

- Hey, cuz.

- Hey.

- Hey.

- Hey.

Okay, so just a reminder,

you got to get ready for

your one o'clock Zoom call.

Okay and don't forget

your two o'clock

with the company's attorney.

Ooh, and what day

did you want to go

through that last walk through

for the New Year's Eve party?

- Ooh, now we're talking!

- Right?

Especially since we

didn't do it last year,

we got to come back with a bang!

Honestly, y'all, my mind

is on this Samantha deal.

You know, I came

across this girl online

and she is so funny.

- Online?

- Her name is Vida Rimone.

She does these skits and

I mean, super hilarious.

Ooh wait, I went to

high school with her.

Vida Rimone has

always been funny.

Like always.

Y'all still cool?

You know what? Yeah.

I mean, we talk here and there.

Ooh, let me show you her

web series 'cause it's hot.

Timothy, you're going to eat.

No. I'm not.

I'm calling your father.

Call him!

Right? Crazy.

So she has like

her own TV show on a,

on a website of hers?

Yep and she's got mad

content, like so much.

Listen guys, I don't

need an internet sensation.

I need security

and that is what Standard

has for Chance Vision.

Do I have a say in this deal?

Oh and you got a Zoom call?

Should I be in on that too?

I guess, Naomi.

Ooh, Terri.


Let's get that email

over to Samantha's team,

that way when she

gets to the office,

they'll have it.

Okay, got cha.

I don't want them

waiting on us for anything.

Mr. Bernie!

Hey ladies!

Hey, Mr. Bernie.

I barely see you

around here. How are you?

- We barely see her.

- Life is good.

Even when it ain't.


Mr. Bernie is

always dropping gems.

I was gonna stop in

and check on your mom

but I didn't want to be a pest.

Hey, you stop it.

Mr. Bernie, you are family.

You can never be a

pest, you hear me?

Oh, thank you.

Man, I miss Garvin.

I was just thinking about

when you two were kids.

Garvin couldn't stop

talking about you too.

Made me think about when you

was just an intern here, Noel.

The best damn coffee

maker in the industry.

That didn't last long.

When you brought that script,

"Taking my Lead",

to your father.

Our highest grossing

movie to date.

Just thinking,

having you two working

around here together

is just what this

company could use.

Some new energy.

Well, I'm gonna quit

running my mouth

and get on out of here.

So good to see you ladies.

Y'all have a great day.

Thanks, Mr Bernie.

- See you later, Mr. Bernie.

- Bye, bye.

All right, let's go.

That Zoom went great.

I feel like we got

a lot accomplished,

covered a lot of ground.

I bet. No one else

could get a word in.

All right, so if

you haven't noticed,

we changed a couple of

things around the office

since the last time you

graced us with your presence.

This is the

development department.

One head, three

employees, a few interns.

They read, breakdown all-

All the scripts that come in.

The beats, message,

character goals.

Dad has been making

films with that approach

since the very beginning.


You were listening, huh?

This is editing.

We do sound,

color-correction, ADR session.

Hey, guys.

Oh, look at that shot.

That should zoom in. Get

a good closeup, right?

Well, what you mean

is the medium two-shot

then we cut to the wide

establishing shot to end the scene.

Yup. That.

I know my stuff.


Maybe y'all need me around

more than I thought. Ha.

Oh, so you thought

that was funny?




I am swamped in this

whole Davrow Motors case.

You don't even know what

I'm coming in here for.


I got a new happy ending spot.

And no, you don't have to

jeopardize your marriage.

- Absolutely not.

- Come on, Marcus.


Discovery. I'm in deep.

I don't even know if I'm gonna

get out of this case, bro.

You know what? When you

make partner, you gotta buy me

one of them fly suits,

at least to make it up.

Marcus, got a minute?

Sure thing.

This is Meagan Wright.

As of today, she is

our newest associate,

comes highly recommended.

I want her to work on the

Davrow Motors case with you.

I am really excited.

Um, I've heard great things

about the firm and you, Marcus.

I just won that product

liability class action

with your friend, Justin Curson.

Oh, Justin?

Yeah, Justin and I went

to Howard Law together.

Yes. I know.

Very well. Now that

that's all been established.

We're close to

closing this case.

You want to settle it out

before Christmas week.

I do not want to go to trial.

I know I can depend on you all

to be sure to make everything

I need accomplished.

Looking forward to

working with you both.


- Punch?

- Yeah.

Another time.

Definitely need a happy

ending today. He tripping.

Come on, man.

Thank you.

- Hey, baby.

- Hey.


Hey, Ryan.


I'm telling you, these

insurance companies,

they're the cheapest people.

This Davrow Motors

case is k*lling me.

Oh baby. You need me to go

up there and talk to Herman?



I had a tough day myself.

Did you have a

tough day at school?

No, Daddy.

No, my baby didn't

have a tough day.

You guys got some takeout?

Oh yeah, we just

grabbed it on the way in.

Where's mine?

Oh, well I figured that you

would have grabbed something

like you always do

when you work late.

You mean you couldn't

even just call me

to ask me for my order?

Well, you could have called me

and tell me that you didn't eat.

That's selfish.

- Excuse me?

- It's selfish.

Did you not hear me tell you

that I had a long day myself?

Oh, the job thing.

See how long that lasts, right?


What the hell is that

supposed to mean?

That means I'm hungry.

I'm gonna k*ll Naomi.

I'm gonna k*ll her.

- Oh morning, cuz.

- Where the hell is Naomi?

Um, well she was

just right here.

She was where? Where is she?

- She's uh...

- Hm, somebody late.

What the hell is this?

Oh, relax baby sister.

This place needs

some new energy.

No, what the hell do you think

you're doing to my company?

It looks like a ghetto

ass North Pole in here.

- Your company?

- Yes, my company.

Listen, this ain't a

damn night club, Naomi,

and it will not be ran like one.

You do realize we have one

of the biggest meetings

of the year tomorrow.

Well, just because

you can't have fun

and put in work

at the same time,

doesn't mean that I can't.

I will be ready.

Yeah, well, you

really better be.



Ooh, I like this.

I agree. It's lovely.


Well, I'll take it.

Great. Enjoy.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

Hmm. Hello Peter.

Hi! How are you?

Good. Thank you.

You look absolutely

beautiful as always.

- Thank you.

- Nice to see you.

Good to see you too. I

love this. I will take it.

This is absolutely awesome.

I'm getting ahead of

my Christmas shopping.

- Okay.

- Yeah.

Beautiful. And we

make it in three colors.

So keep it in mind for

the future, if you want

the other two colors.

I will.

But I'll just take

that today. Thank you.

Okay. How's everything?

- Everything's great.

- Good.


Oh, well, uh, you

know, let me try...

It happens. There's

a lot of fraud.

Security alerts.

Okay. Let's try this one.

This is a good one.



Wow, well okay.

Well you know what, Peter?

Third time's a charm.

That's what they say.

And this one

should be just fine.

Ooh, this is a good one.

It feels different.

We're good. It's yours.

All right.

Thank you. Um, just

wrap that up for me.

- I will. Thank you.

- Thank you.

All right, now,

the last time we met,

we talked about

merging our old content

and producing new content to

be available to the consumer.

Very eager to hear

what you've come up with.

Thank you, Samantha.

Much appreciated.

And now, here's our

new app for CSV Max.

Now, this interactive app

with hold the best new content

along with old that people

are dying to stream.

And along with

the live action app,

we can maybe have

a podcast division.

Which is a part of

a growing industry.

People ride in their cars

listening to podcasts.

People want information.

All of this sounds amazing,

very innovative and fresh.

I want to move

forward with this.

I'm sold.

So, what are your ideas

for the new content?

Well, what I

was thinking was is-


Is there something wrong?


I'm straight.

Well, you look like you

have a lot on your mind.

You have something to add?

Well, there's this

new young creator

you know, her

name's Vida Rimone,

she's the hottest

thing out there.


I'm very familiar

with that name.

My daughter talks

about her all the time.

Oh yeah, well,

I just think that

that's the content

that we should be

moving towards.

Oh, I'm into it.

I am into it.

Let's dig into this.

I want to hear a pitch.


That went okay today, kinda.

I got to tell you, little sis,

something about that Samantha

just does not sit right with me.

And I also think

that I ran my mouth

a little too much today.

You think?

I'm serious.

I just, I got, you know?

Caught up in the moment.

I just...

I think that we can

still run this ourselves.

We can do it ourselves.

Naomi, it takes time

to grow from nothing.

You don't understand that.

We need a lifeline.

Okay. I'm heading home.

I gotta go, you

know, pick up Ryan,

and Marcus is

working late again.

What's wrong with Naomi?

I'm good.

Wanna come over later?

You haven't seen

your niece in awhile.

Sorry. I wish I could,

but if you must know, I'm

meeting someone for dinner.

You are?


Do you have a date? Who is he?

Don't even worry

about it, please.

It's just dinner.

Okay. Well, don't you have

to go home and get ready?

No, my heels are right

there. I'll be fine.

Okay. Well, uh...

Don't forget we

have to, you know,

put the final touches on

the New Year's Eve party.

Night, night.

Said baby, said

baby, said baby

What you doing,

what you doing

Where you at, where you at

Oh, you got plans,

you got plans

Don't say that,

shut your trap

I'm sipping wine, sip, sip

In a robe, drip, drip

I look too good,

look too good

To be alone, woo-woo

My house clean, house clean

My pool warm, pool warm

Just shaved, smooth

like a newborn

We should be

dancing, romancing

In the east wing

and the west wing

Of this mansion,

what's happening

I ain't playing no games

Every word that I say is

coming straight from the heart

So if you tryna

lay in these arms

So wait, you got fired

from your first internship?

That shit is hilarious.

But it was inevitable.

I was doing way too much.

I mean...

You thought you

were the boss, huh?

Hmm, man, I'm telling you,

you couldn't tell me I

did not own that studio.

Ooh, that's good.

Yeah, so, what's up with you?

You know, what happened

on your journey?

Well, growing up, watching

my dad take loss after loss

and then go on a

hell of a win streak,

that was the beginning for me.

I never had another job.

I went straight from

college to Chance Vision.

To VP.

Hell no. See, mm-mm.

Garvin Chance didn't give

me anything easy ever.

- Oh really?

- No.

I worked my way up just

like you, as an intern,

but people will swear I'm in

position because of my father.

That's why you go so

hard, prove people wrong.

To a degree, I guess.

Just know I ain't get

nothing easy from my father.

If I could not do the job,

I wasn't getting the job.

Even down to playing pool.

He would kick my until I went

home, crying to my mother.

That's what made you tougher.

Gave you that tough skin

so by the time you stepped

foot into Chance Vision,

you were ready.

Exactly. Ready from the start.

Whew, now I've got to...

Now it's all on me. Well...

Me and my sister.

How's that working out?


It's going all right I guess,

but I feel like I don't

have a choice but to,

to make it work,

especially because we have

this deal on the table

with Samantha West.

- At Standard?

- At Standard.

So basically what we want to do

is build like a

mini studio, right?

Their TV content,

our movie database,

but in a subscription app.

- Right. That makes sense.

- It makes sense, right?


I'm talking about work too much.

- No, no.

- I am. I am. Just be honest.

It's okay.

You know, I never really

tried my hand at TV.

But a good friend of

mine, Michael Green,

is trying to do

something similar.

You know he just

became the head of TV

over at GTI Streaming.

Yes, I know.

The Michael Green.

I have been a fan of

his since I was a kid.

Actually he would

be the ideal person

I would want to build my

vision with this company.

What he's done with

the television space,

literally a dream come true.

I'm sorry.

It's okay.

Noel, I said I was

not gonna turn this

into a work meeting and

I'm talking about work.

I just wanted to

put it out there.

It's fine.

What are you doing

for the holidays?


It's going to be the

first one without my dad

so it's gonna be a

different kind of holiday.

Not to mention it's my birthday

and the day that he passed,

it's a lot to even think about.

- That's right.

- Mm-hmm.

But I'll be straight.

You know, holidays just aren't

the same without my mother.

You know, when she died,

it just lost that

family feel, you know?

She was the glue.

Trust me, I get it.

My dad would always say that

things in life are temporary,

which is why I was

always so scared

at the thought of getting

attached to somebody

and knowing it could

just end abruptly,

and then my dad dies

out of nowhere is...


I'm here for you if

that means anything.

It does. Thank you.

I appreciate that.

So, uh,

if I decide

to show up to the

venue on New Year's Eve

do I get a all access pass?


I don't know, I'll

see what I can do.

I want something

flashy over here.

Not the usual Christmas lights

that my father and

sister would go for.

See, you are talking

my language, mama.

I'm thinking pinkish lights

streaming across the walls.

Yes. Yes.

So let's make this a party

to celebrate my father,

but mark a new reign.


And I was thinking about putting

the photo booth over here.

I think that's a good

place to put it, right?

Hey guys, sorry I'm

late. Did I miss much?

Just about an hour's worth.

How'd that hour

do on the budget?

You may proceed.

Again, the photo

booth will go over here

and the DJ booth

will go back here.

Oh, I was thinking

the DJ would go here,

you know, like up on

a high, high stage.


She got a new boo or something?

Might not be a bad thing.

Maybe she get that

stick out of her ass.

What was that?

Moving right along. Hmm.

Well, the bar will go

right here against the wall

taking up that entire space.


Okay guys, are we almost

done? I have a really busy day.

Oh, really. Is that right?

Carl, I'm sure it's

gonna be another classic.

I'll see you soon. Okay?

- I'll see you.

- Yeah, whatever.

She must be.

Listen, she just

popped right in.

I know, right?

- This space is amazing.

- I know, it's beautiful.

You're gonna love it.

Oh, let's k*ll this.

Oh my God.

I love the suit for the record.

How was the drive in?

Good, thank you.

Mrs. Chance, let me start out

by offering my

condolences for Garvin.

He was an amazing person.

Well, thank you. I really

appreciate that, Mr. Payton.

No, call me Dan.

Please have a seat.

When my assistant told me

you were selling the company,

I got to admit I was shocked.

Your husband has a

hell of a catalog.

This will be a great

opportunity for us.

Yes, I also think that

it's best for the family,

you know, to branch off

into some new endeavors.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong,

but didn't he leave the

company to your daughters?

Yes, this is true,

but you just leave

that part up to me.

Sounds good to me.

Blessings and love

on this time of year

There's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas

Blessings and love

on this time of year

It's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas

The only reason my family

ever put any real

energy into the holidays

was because my father

always believed

the spirit of the season

was based on giving

is better than receiving.

The better you are at giving,

the better God will

bless your receiving.

Blessings and love

on this time of year

There's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas

Blessings and love

on this time of year

It's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas

Blessings and love

on this time of year

It's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas

Blessings and love

on this time of year

It's something about

when the family's here

Christmas, on Christmas


what's it like being married

to an heiress of an empire?

It didn't really feel like that.

- Hmm.

- Oh, not until now.

I mean...

Her and her sister, they

taken over the company.

That's if they don't

k*ll each other first.

I see.

A little bit of an adjustment.

You sure you wanna do this?

'Cause I told you I was all

city in high school so...

Yeah, that's back

when they was playing on

the Peach Baskets, right?

About 30 years ago.

Oh, that's cute.

Ooh, you got some jokes.

Ooh, Marcus is funny.

Go on, Dr. Naismith.

It's a joke to

you, bet. It's a bet.

Come on.

You okay?

It's just this thing with Naomi.


We haven't been on the

best of terms and now-

Instead of supporting a new

endeavor, you downplayed it.

How you know that?

And not to mention,

you've just been so busy

going after your own goals,

you didn't even realize she's

going after her own thing too.

How am I gonna tell

her that I made partner

when I haven't even

been supporting her?

Wait, what?

You did what?

Yeah. Herman told

me earlier today.

Oh my gosh.

I'm so happy for you.

- It's crazy.

- Congrats.

I'm proud of you.

Hey, baby.

I thought you might be hungry,

or more so thirsty.

Naomi, Meagan. Meagan, Naomi.

Hi. Yes.

It's so nice to

finally meet you.

I heard so much about you.

It's funny. I haven't

heard anything about you.

Oh no, babe. Meagan is the

the one that helped us out

with the Davrow Motors case.


Well, um...

I'm gonna head

over to my office.

I'm pretty sure it's

time for me to go home.

So um, it was so

nice to meet you.

Don't forget your shoes.

Your little work wife is cute.

It is me and you if I fall.

Keith, I'm not playing.

You just keep quiet

otherwise you're gonna

scare away the rats.

The rats?! Uh-uh.

I'm gonna open my eyes.

Don't you open those eyes.

Now walk, you're almost there.

Right about


Open them.


You were listening, huh?

Of course.

Wow. Okay.

I have not played pool

in a long time.

Maybe it's time for you

to knock that rust off.

Oh, so you saying you

ready to get this work?

Hey, be careful

what you ask for.

Hm, you know, today was not

a good day for me.

It was the first time

I had to go Christmas shopping

without my dad so, you know?

But this just made me

feel 10 times better.

So thank you.

I got you.

And this ass-kicking

I'm about to give you

is about to make me

feel 20 times better.

- Okay.

- All right. You ready?

- I'm ready.

- All right.


The dreams you

try to sell me

I can't afford 'em

The stars mean more when

Don't stop, hold

me, feels like

The world's about to end

And I just need your hand

Don't stop, hold

me, feels like

The world's about to end

And I just need your hand

Hey y'all. My mail.


Okay. So I just want

to know who he is.

Has Samantha called?

No, not yet.

That's weird. She

was agreeing with this.

We're trying to close

before Christmas.




Who is it?

Well, if you must know...

Keith Austin.

- Shh.

- The producer?


Hey, Noel.

I'm still having

doubts about this deal.

Look, Samantha was a good

friend of daddy's for years

and a close friend

to the company.

Are you sure he was

a close friend of dad's

or just a person who worked

in the same industry?

Naomi, we're good. Okay?

We did not sign a contract yet,

she can't make a move that

we wouldn't know about.

We're good.

Okay. If you say so.

Keith Austin.

Samantha West.

This is a surprise.

No such thing. Everything

happens for a reason.

So what can I do for you?

I'll make this quick.

I'm making a few

changes to my network

and I want you to

be head of film.

You'll have your very own staff

and full control

over the department.

Not to mention, a very

lucrative base with incentives.

You don't need to

decide right now,

but I do need an

answer by next week.

Wow, that's funny

'cause didn't you recently

just have a meeting-

Merry Christmas, Keith.

- Hey.

- Miles!

How are you?

Yeah. I'm good. I'm good.

Come on in.

Well, I've been trying

to get ahold of you

by phone for the

last couple of days.

Maybe even a week.

I know. I'm sorry.

It's just been such

a hectic month.


We go through this

every few months.

Look, I'm just trying to help.

And you guys need a lot.

Okay, Miles. What's going on?

Well, I've been going

through the family financials.

Okay, so how serious

is it now?

Well, to be quite frank,

you can no longer

afford this estate.

And the good news is that

the real estate market

is very strong right now

so you'll have no problem

selling this property.

Now you probably won't

make what you put into it

because it's so custom to you,

but it's still worth

a pretty penny.

Miles, no!

This home is the

heart of my family

and I can't imagine

leaving here.

I know what you mean.

Now, I feel the same

sentiments, but Chance Vision

can no longer sustain

this level of living.


I'm so sorry.

- Oh, come on, love.

- Okay, I'm just saying.

- Just saying.

- All right.

So what I was saying was...


Maybe I could grant

you an all access pass

to the New Year's Eve party.

- Oh yeah?

- Mm-mm.

Do I get to bring

a plus one plus one?

A plus one like who?

Ah, you know, I

might just want to

have a date with me on my arm.

So you know, neither

you or your date

will make it into the new

years messing with me.

- Ouch.

- Ouch, yes.

Ouch, yes, that's it.

I'm just playing with you.



I want you to be my plus one.

I would love that.

Go on, answer it.

No, it's cool, I'm good.

Answer it. It

might be business.

Go ahead.

Hey Terri, what's

up? You good?

Where the hell you been?

Okay. Have you seen

any of my texts?

No. I'm on a date with Keith.

Look, do yourself a favor

and check your messages

and let me know if you

need me to come over there

and help you with him.

Girl, help me with him for what?

What are you talking about?

Look at your

messages and call me back.

All right. Bye.

Noel, you know, I

already got the suit I did

and I'm thinking about

putting on already, right?

It's gonna be so

beautiful. So fly. So...

Look, I can explain.

I'm listening.

Samantha comes by my job one day

with this random ass offer.

What did she say?

Tell me everything.

She said she starting

to film division

and she wanted me to head it.

You didn't think

to tell me that?


But I didn't think she was

gonna write no blog about it.

What has the blog got

to do anything about it?

You were supposed to tell me.

Wow. You ain't shit for that.

Noel. Come on, now.

Is this what you

came around me for?

I did not say yes.

But did you say no?

- Noel.

- You didn't. Wow. Okay.

- Noel, come on now.

- Don't Noel me.


Soon as you brag about a

n*gga, they embarrass you.

Oh my God. Mommy,

it says "Boss lady."

I love this so much.

I'm so happy you

like it, sweetie.

Here. Noel, open your gift.

Mom. I'm good.

I'll do it later.

Why'd you call us in here?

Merry Christmas to you too.

I called you here for

something serious.

I mean, I hate talk

about this on Christmas,

but I don't know when

we will all be together

in a room again.

Now, don't say that.

We've just been busy at

the office. That's all.

You know, maybe you're right,

but it's come to the

point where we need to

slow things down.

- What? Slow what down?

- Our lifestyle.

As much as I hate to

admit it, Miles was right.

We haven't made the money

that we're accustomed to

the past few years.

So, what, what are you saying?

Girls, I'm sorry, but we...

We can no longer afford

to live in this estate.

What the hell is

that supposed to mean?

I mean, Mom, you just

spent God knows how much

on decorating and not

to mention these gifts.

Excuse me, but for

your information,

I have been cutting

back on my spending.

Oh, I can't tell.

Whatever work needs to

be done around here,

I don't need pressure from y'all

if y'all not putting

in the work with me.

Okay, I think

you've been putting

a little too much whiskey

in your eggnog, baby sister.

Don't talk to me

like I'm your child.

Just look.

Calm down.

I have a plan.

This will solve all

of our problems.

Yeah. What's that?

Absolutely not.

We're not selling the

company. Are you crazy?

- Noel.

- Ah!

This is the way you choose

to honor my father today?

Noel, would you calm down?

I'm not calming down.

You know how hard

my father worked

to build this

catalog he has today

and you just want to throw

it away for some pennies?

How could you disrespect

my dad like that?


This plan can solve

most of our problems.

We can start all over again

and build a new catalog.

And is she in on it too?

No. She doesn't

know anything about this.

Noel, look, we just

need to find a-

Whoa, whoa, Daddy didn't

leave the company to we.

He left it to me.

And me.

And you know what? Whatever.

I say no.

And if y'all want to help

out with this company,

how about y'all try not

helping with the company?


Oh, thank you, auntie.

I love it.

Oh, you're welcome, sweetie.

Noel, baby, why don't

you come over here

and open the rest of your gifts?

Mom, I'll be over there later.

You act like this every year.

Maybe you'll snap out of it

when you finally get

a family of your own.

You mean like your

favorite daughter?



It's always gotta

be about her. Always.

What'd you say?

'Cause I am two

seconds off your ass

for that shit you pulled in

that meeting with Samantha.

Or is it just possible

that I came up with a

better idea than you?

Yeah. That's what I think it is.

I can just see the insecurity

just jumping right off of you.

Naomi, stop it.

Now, you know she

didn't mean it.

She just angry.

Nah, you know what?

Y'all make me sick.

All my life you cater to her

and you treat me

like I ain't shit.

Look, little girl.

You watch your mouth.

Now I let you slide

the first time,

but you watch your

mouth in my house.

This ain't your house,

this my daddy house.

You just live in it.

You're drunk.

You need to go lay down before

I slap the shit out of you.

No, she could do

the simplest things

and you throw a parade for her,

but I bust my ass to be great

and all I ever get

was a pat on the back.

Well, that's your fault.

That is your problem because

you expect a congratulations

for every little damn

thing that you do.

You better mind your business

because all you know how to do

is spend money

and play dress up.

Well, you act like

you're in control.

You act like you

know everything,

which is why we didn't tell

you that daddy was sick

'cause we didn't

want to watch you

act like you knew exactly

what to do to help him.

Everybody knew he

was sick except for me?

Okay, look guys.

Y'all needs to chill.

Okay. We need to

just let this go.

Oh no, no, no. I'm

not letting it go.

I am so tired of letting it go.

I am tired of her talking to me

like I am not the older sister.

You walk around here like

you're some boss bitch.

Ain't done right since he died.


Happy birthday to you.


Naomi, stop it! Naomi, stop!

Stop it!

Stop it! Naomi!

Get up, girl. Stop it!

- Noel!

- Stop it.

- Stop!

- It's over!

I hate it here!

Damn it.

She asked for it.

'Tis the season

To be jolly

But how can I be

when I have nobody

The yuletide carol

Doesn't make it better

Knowing that we

won't be together

A silent night

I know it's gonna be

Joy to the world

But it's gonna be sad for me

What do the lonely do

At Christmas

- Hey.

- Hey.

I hope you're up

for a little company.


I like your hair.

Thank you.

A lot was said the other day.

And as..

As much as I try to brush it off

as just a family

argument, I couldn't.

Look, Mom, I got

a lot on my plate

so if you're here to tell

me how wrong I was, I know

Everything you said on Christmas

was right.


I wasn't there

for you growing up

as much as I was with Naomi.

- Mom-

- No, baby, just...

Just hear me out.

From the start, you were

so strong and independent.

You reminded me of

myself growing up.

I mean, you knew

exactly what you wanted

and you went after

it just like I did.

But when your father's

company took off, I just,

I just fell into

this supportive role.

I mean, it was so typical.

Mom, don't. Don't say that.

It was a different era.

You and Garvin, you

were just so close.

I felt like

you didn't need me as much.

Mom, I did need you.

It just seemed like I

never impressed you.

Oh no, baby.

You always impress me.

And even more so now.

I'm sorry,

because I should have told

you the Garvin was sick.

The stress had become an issue,

but the last thing he wanted

was for you to know how

it was affecting him.

I knew something

was wrong with him,

but Mom, I just felt like he,

he had it under control.

Oh, baby, we all could have done

a whole lot more

differently to help.

I got to make this

right with Naomi.

You will.

Not to mention, put the

finishing touches on the party

and figure out what we going

to do with our company.

You two still want to move

forward with this party?

Oh, we have to.

Daddy looked forward

to it every year.


I wanted to give this to you

when we had a moment

the other night.

I was too busy acting

a fool. Huh?

There's more at the house.

I really wanted you

to have this one.

This is your birthday present

from last year

from your father and I.

And it's just so sad that he

was unable to give it to you.

And I didn't think that it

was appropriate until now.


Noel Chance.

CEO of Chance Vision.

It's the one you got daddy

when he first got

his production deal.

The best birthday present ever.

Here's a Christmas present...

Look, Daddy!

Teacher says, "Every

time a bell rings,

an angel gets his wings."

That's right.

That's right.

A few of us, we're gonna go out

to officially

celebrate the case.

Want to come?

I think I'll pass.

What's the problem?

Oh, you wanna know

what my problem is?

It'd be a start.

You're my problem.

And the way you treat

me like a servant a

and not like your wife.

Because I asked you for

a little bit of support,

I'm treating you like a servant?

What'd you just say?

Is that the best that you got

and you call

yourself an attorney?

You know what?

I'm not even gonna do this.

Don't try to manipulate this.

Don't try to manipulate this!

You act like you're the only one

that's trying to

do something big.

I'm sorry I don't have a

multi-million dollar company

handed to me by a rich daddy.

I had to grind for everything

and I need a little bit

of support from my wife.

You know what?

And since we in the

spirit of truth telling,

when's the last

time we were alone

and you gave me any

type of intimacy?


Maybe you should have taken

more courses in biology

or psychology for that matter

and less in criminal law

for you to understand

this feminine mind, honey.

Well, maybe you should have

paid attention to your mother

and how she kept her husband.

Well, I guess you summed

it all up with that one.

Sure did.


Hey, it's me.

Look, I know you're not

messing with me right now, but

I really need you.

- What the hell is this?

- We might need it.

Now, where is she?

Is that her?

- Oh, yeah.

- Okay. Let's go.

Where's my husband?

Please don't do this here.

No, no, you're not

gonna tell me what to do,

but you can't tell

me where he is.

Our entire firm

is right over here.


Let's just go talk

right over there.


Okay. Enough is enough.

All right. They still act

that you got going on.

Mm-mm. It's done. It's over.

I got your number.

Hold on. What act?

I got it.

She really not trying

to hear all that.

He's married and

I know that you know

things have not been perfect,

but that's my husband

and I love him.

Yeah. Something you look

like you don't know about.

Hold on. Wait a


Is there a problem here?

- Oh.

- You tell me.

Uh, babe. I got

this. Thank you though.

Thank you.



As in my girlfriend, Skylar.

- So, your girlfriend?

- Mm-hmm.

Nor your BFF?

Girlfriend, yes.

- Oh damn.

- Oh, okay. Um.

I got it. Trust me.

Okay, so um...

I'm gonna go to the car.

But you keep this.

What you talking about?

Would you get that

thing outta here!



Wow. Well I'm

so sorry, Meagan.

You know what? It's okay.

I can't even stand here

and act like I haven't

been exactly in your shoes

and done exactly

what you just did.

Well, uh, where the hell is he?

He's actually on

his way home to you.


He said that he didn't like

celebrating without you.

Oh my God, and my ghetto ass

is over here acting a mess.

I'm so, I'm...

Don't beat yourself up about it.

Okay, well, can you

tell your girlfriend

that I'm sorry too?


Oh, and that I love her shoes.

No problem.

Do you have any plans

for New Year's Eve?

- Girl.

- Do not say one word.

Do not speak.

I cannot hear it right now.

You don't even know

what I was about to say.


I did it this time.

I keep my title as the girl

that just cannot get shit right.

- Don't say that.

- Oh.

Now, don't.

Don't start being

nice to me now.

Come on. I am the

worst, big sister ever.

No, you're not.

It was funny.

All this time I have

been acting like...

Like I hate certain

things about you,

but the truth is

I admire them.

Even your birthday being on

Christmas. That's pretty cool.

I was just being a brat.

I just, I think I

just always wanted

to be the kind of sister

that you could depend on.

Well, um...

I've always looked up to you.

Might've never said it.

Always envied your confidence,

the way you could

walk into a room and just command

attention with your smile.


I always thought the only

way I can get attention

was if I got straight A's.

Not to mention,

I can never dress like you.

Well, I suck at everything else.

I still don't know why dad

gave me the company too.

I mean, I just keep losing.

I'm probably gonna

lost my damn husband

when he finds out about this.

We're gonna figure this out.

What did daddy always say?

There's a lesson in every loss.

Okay. Well, I do

have one question.


A bat?

A bat?

What the hell

were you gonna do with this?

Why do you even have this thing?

Girl, I use it for

protection. I ain't got no man.

Speaking of which,

is Keith coming

to the New Year's Eve party?


Another one bites the dust, sis.

It's a long story.

But look,

thank you for bringing me

It really means a lot to me

that you asked for my help.

You don't do that too often.


Naomi Chance never does that.

Thanks for having my back.

I said some pretty crazy

things to you the other night.

You did.

You did.

No, I probably deserved it

and I damn sure

didn't expect you

to come throwing me

over their couch like...

Oh, man.

And for the record,

I always love when you

call me baby sister.

That hair is cute.

Ooh, thank you girl.

Hey Noel.

Mr. Bernie?

What are you doing here?

Just getting the place ready

for y'all to come back.

I'd ask you the same thing

but I think I know the answer.

Why'd you say that?

Your dad used to come in

here all hours of the night,

all the times of the day.

He used to drive your

mama crazy.

You know, I got, uh, I've

got to figure something out,

Mr. Bernie, or we all

gonna be without a job.

That's the thing.

Garvin mastered the art

of trust in his team.

A real boss knows

how to delegate.

Tell me, please, how?

Well, he had a confidence.

Trusted his moves.

And he was always positive.

I'm learning.

I have a long way to go before

I'm anything like my father.

Don't be so hard on yourself.

He shared with me

plenty of ideas

that never made

it to the surface.

Why though? I mean, Daddy

always had great ideas.


And he would come up with

some of the dumbest ideas

for movies I ever heard

of in my life.

That made him slow

down, take his time.

sh**t when he was open.

Pass the ball to a teammate.

And he never ever

worked with a person

that wasn't a good person.


You can get this.

I'm gonna head on back.

Start doing my work.

But Noel,

don't doubt yourself.



Thank you.

Thank you, Mr. Bernie.

All right, let's see.

You are so hot.

Your waist is a 16.

Your face is a 12.

Hey, Terri. real quick.


Do you still have that

connection to Vida Rimone?

Okay. Bet. Send

it to me. Thanks.

- Would you calm down?

- I'm calm.

I mean, I'm kind of calm.

Why are you so calm?

Because I know we got this.

How can you be so sure?

Shh, shh, that's her,


So nice to meet you two.

Terri been bragging

about her two big cousins

ever since high school.

But before we start, I

just want to say this.

I'm really sorry about your dad.

We appreciate that, thank you.

Yeah. Thanks.

And we appreciate you coming

to meet us last minute, too.

- Of course.

- Want some coffee?

Uh, yeah, no.

Not really my thing.

All right, look, we're not

gonna waste your time here.

We absolutely love your content.

Oh. Thanks.

And at this point

in our company,

we've had tons of

success with movies,

but we want you to lead

us into the world of TV.

We are offering you a chance

to develop your own show.

Don't get me wrong. I

just, I gotta be honest.

I really like my

independence, my control,

and it might not be as much

money, but I own my stuff.

And my views online

been going up

by the thousands every day.

No, no, no. We respect that

and as you should, right?

But the world needs to see

your content on a high level.

At Chance Vision you'll

have full control

over what you want to put out,

the writer's room and you'll

retain partial ownership.

That's great.

My gosh, it's like my life

is just opening up

all of a sudden.

How so?

This is the third

offer that I got

in the last month and a half.

Samantha West, over at Standard.

Oh, she threw up a

big old bag at me.

Y'all know her?


Um, but are you

signing with Standard?

I mean, I'm kind

of considering it.

They don't really have any

black content there, you know?

And I'll be the first.

- But-

- That's fine.

You know, Vida, you're

entitled to choose

at your convenience.

- Yeah.

- But let me just be honest

with you here.

We need you at Chance Vision,

and not just as a

creative partner.

We specialize in working

with great people.

Now, we'll give you some time

and you let us know when

you're ready to sign.

In the meantime, what you

doing for New Years?

You know I love music

And every time I

hear something hot

It makes me wanna move

It makes me wanna have fun

But it's something about

this joint right here

This joint right here

Its makes me wanna, ooh

Let it go

Can't let this thing called

love get away from you

Feel free right now, go

do what you want to do

Can't let nobody take it away,

from you, from me, from we

No time for moping

around, are you kidding

And no time for negative

vibes, 'cause I'm winning

It's been a long week,

I put in my hardest

Gonna live my life, feels

so good to get it right

See, I wouldn't change my

life, my life's just fine

It's a whole lot of

money in this mother


It's a whole lotta

money in this mother

Ain't no came

in with no broke

That broke get old

Ain't no came in with no

shit, the get too bold

I'm allergic to that no,

my wrist game on cold

I might paint my coupe bright,

just to match with my toes


I can't wear the you wear

because it's cheap to me

It's some money at my

table, grab a seat with me

Cost a ticket just to

cover all my legal fees

I don't hang with jealous

b*tches, that's a weak disease

Don't run up

If you broke and in my

business, th5n just shut up


I invested in my

body, I'm done up

I look good, I lik5

to him when the sun up


I put all my jewelry

just to go to the bodega

To the two best

daughters in the world.

Here's to you, Mommy.

Yes and to you.


I am so, so proud of you two.

Not just for this

incredible party

but for the women

that you have become

and the women that you

will continue to be.

And we're proud of you.

For what?

For always being the

rock of this family.

Mommy, none of this

happens without you.

Uh, about our finances.

Don't, don't worry about that.

I have a really great...


We have really great

feeling we'll be just fine.


What the hell?

Happy belated birthday.

What are you doing here?

Mama, you remember Keith.

Yeah. It's nice to see

you again, Mrs. Chance.

You have a beautiful

daughter too.

Well, thank you, Keith.

Noel, can I talk to

you for a second, please?

Okay, look, are y'all

gonna stand over here

looking cute all night or what?

- Yes, let's go.

- Let's go.

Look, I get Naomi was

trying to play matchmaker,

gave you an invitation, but

I have nothing to say to you.

Noel, I messed up, all right?

I should have told

you about Samantha.

So why didn't you?

Because things were so good.

And I just...

I didn't put two

and two together.

You never said no to her offer

and I'm telling you

that never sat well-

I should have told you

about her from the rip

and I'm sorry.

Things were going

so great between us

that I didn't want to

bring anything negative

to the table early.

Noel, I was not

gonna take that job.

So why didn't you just say that?

Because I was trying to,

but you never gave me a chance.

You just judged the situation

and you cannot communicate

outside of a business arena.

And this is life.

Life is not business, it

requires real communication,

human communication

and that's key.

And as far as I'm concerned

about the Samantha West ordeal,

she's gonna be dealt

with really soon.

She will be hearing

from my attorney.

Yeah, well, she should be.

I'm communicating to you

right now that I'm sorry.

And I miss you.


Yeah, you are sorry.

You miss me, huh?

I do.

How much?

A lot.

That ain't enough.

- Oh, that ain't enough?

- That ain't enough.

Say I wanna leave

you in the mornin'

But I need you

now, yeah, yeah


We did it.

I know you what you like

I feel it comin'

Time is of the essence

I tried to teach you


We used to cut a

rug at this thing.

I should have never let

it get to this point.

I'm sorry.

I was so wrapped up

with my own career

that I couldn't support you

when you needed it most.

It's both our fault.

I was so caught up in

building something of my own

that I lost sight

of some things.

And then when I actually

started working at the company,

I don't know, it was like

a fire was lit under me

and I lost track of what

was important at home.

Your father's

company is important.

That's generational, baby.

I should have been there to

support you long before that.

Well, I owe you a thank you for

all the times you

supported me in the past

and I took it for granted.

I'm always gonna

be in your corner.

I just miss having fun, baby.

I know.

I hate it here.

What the hell is so...

Oh, stop.

I know, that was

so embarrassing.

You and your sister.

A bat, baby?

A bat?

Hey, you two.


Aren't you so proud of him?

Proud of what?

Oh, wait.

Oh, you didn't tell her.

Okay. Well, I just did that.

After we won the case,

my firm made me partner.

What?! That's amazing!

And yes, I'm very proud.

I'm not surprised.

- Okay. We should get a drink.

- Yeah, let's do that.

Another one please.


I'll be right back.

Let me go grab my sister.

I'll be back.

Aw, y'all so cute. I'm so sorry.

Can I borrow her real quick?

I'm sorry, I'm sorry,

I'll bring her right back.

She gon' run away

when it gets hard

She can't take the pain,

she can't get scarred

She hurt anyone

that gets involved

Don't wanna commit,

why take it this far


- Hey.

- You made it.

I mean, I had to,

I wanted to get here

before the ball dropped.

No date?

Girl, no date, but by

the looks of this party,

girl, I might with a

date and a husband.

You know what?

Something you two said

really, really stuck with me.

You know, I've been

in so many meetings

with different companies.

You know, all they been

trying to do is sign me.

Nobody even cares about what

type of person that I am.

They just trying to

throw money at me

and they made me feel

like I need them.

But you two,

y'all made it clear

that y'all need me.

Well, we had a good teacher.

And you know what?

Not for nothing.

I heard what Samantha

was trying to do to y'all

and who's to say that she

wouldn't do that to me?

And you know what?

To be honest, like I

really look up to y'all,

like y'all are two

fly black women

doing this thing at a high

level in this industry.

Okay? And that does

not go unnoticed.


So I guess we can figure out

a deal next week or something.

Yes! Yes!

Well, if y'all will

excuse me, black queens.

I'm gonna go try to

find my first husband.


You go get 'em.

I will!

Uh, wait, Naomi.

What's wrong?

You were right.

About what?


She was exactly what we needed.

- Thank you.

- You're welcome.

You know, you will also

right about Samantha

and you were also right,

you know, about us building

our own TV department.

Are you feeling okay?

Where's my sister?

I'm feeling good.

Don't push it. Okay?

You're pushing it.

Wait, wait, wait.

Was that Vida?

That was her. Guess what?

- What?

- We're signing her.

Ooh, yes!

Now that's what

I'm talking about.


Aren't you tired of uh, you

know, just being my assistant?

Oh, hell no.

Okay. I am not being both

of y'alls assistants.

Y'all asses are crazy.

Well, we were thinking

more than just an assistant.

What do you say to

a real promotion?

What'd you think about

being head of operations

at Chance Vision?

For real?

See? Okay! Now that is

what I'm talking about.

Ooh! Yes!

If you gonna be coming

to a Chance party,

you gonna have to be right.

All right. Now you straight.

- You look beautiful.

- Thank you.

Keith Austin.

- Mike.

- It's a pleasure.

Glad you could make it.

Yes, yes, yes.

Noel, this is Michael Green.

Michael Green, this

is Noel Chance.

Noel, it's a

pleasure to meet you.

No, no, the

pleasure is all mine.

Yeah. Mike's the

head of TV development

at GTI Streaming.

Of course he is.

Listen, thank you for coming.

Do you need anything?

Having a good time?

I am, but I enjoy

myself even more

if we could set

up a time to meet.

I'm a huge fan of your father

and what you've done

with Chance Vision.

I would love to extend

ourselves to you

if you're interested

in an overall TV deal.

Wait, whoa.

Seriously, just like that?

Just like that.

I've been a fan of your

work since I was a kid,

we used to rent all your

movies at Blockbuster.


Now she's showing my age.

Listen, let's set

up a call for next...


let me talk this

over with my sister

and we'll get back to you.

No pressure.

So we'll talk next week.

We'll talk next week.

I look forward to it.

Fellas, I gotta run.

I got to prepare for this

speech, but forgive me, okay?

Nice to meet you.

Okay. Okay.

She's lovely. Well done.

Excuse me. Good

evening, everyone.


First and foremost,

I would like to thank

all of you for coming

to Chance Vision's annual

New year's Eve party.

Our lovely servers this evening

will be handing out glasses

of champagne to all of you.

Now I'm gonna be quick.

I know we only have

a couple of minutes

before the ball drops,

but I need some help.

Naomi, come on up here big sis.

- Baby.

- Okay.

Go on, get up there.

Come on girl, we ain't

got a lot of time.

All right.

Our father would

always preach to us

about how important family is.


And not just family by blood,

but the bond you

have with someone

is what makes them family.

Most of you in here have

had many interactions

with our dad, so y'all know

what I'm talking about.


this has been a year

like no other for us,

but I know daddy would tell us

that there's a

lesson in every loss

And this past year has shown us

just how true that is.

So I guess we'll just

leave you with this

and of course, this

is how our father

would end all of his speeches.

Let's keep a conscious mind

to never take

anything for granted,

not family, health,


money or anything

that could be here

today and gone tomorrow.

He would say move genuinely,

move with confidence

and never, ever doubt yourself.


Here's to life,


and love.



This past year has definitely

been one for the books,

but with this family,

nothing is surprising.


So yeah, I'm

getting along with my mom

and my sister and I

might've found love,

but we'll see about that.

And most importantly, I

think we made our dad proud.

Happy New Year!

We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up everybody and sing

We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up everybody and sing

Everyone can see

we're together

As we walk on by


And we fly just like

birds of a feather

I won't tell no lie


All of the people

around us they say

Can they be that close

Just let me state

for the record

We're giving love

in a family dose

We are family

Hey, hey, hey

I got all my sisters with me

Oh, oh

We are family

Get up everybody and sing

Sing it to me

We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up everybody and sing

Living life is fun

and we've just begun

To get our share of

this world's delights


High hopes we have

for the future

And our goal's in sight


No, we don't get depressed

Here's what we call

our golden rule

Have faith in you

and the things you do

You won't go wrong, oh no

This is our family jewel

We are family

Yeah, sing it to me

I got all my sisters with me

Sing it to me

We are family

Oh, I can hear you now

Get up everybody and sing

We are family

I got all my sisters with me

We are family

Get up, get up y'all

Get up everybody and sing

Whoa, hey, hey, hey

Blessings and love

on this time of year

There's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas

Blessings and love

on this time of year

There's something about

when the family's here

On Christmas, on Christmas
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