Blackjack Christmas (2022)

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Blackjack Christmas (2022)

Post by bunniefuu »

He ain't got no money.

Looking lovey as
usual, Mrs. Johnson.

Well, thank you, Joey.

You know that mouth
of yours gets sweeter

and sweeter with every card.

How about me, Joey?

Nice sweater, Mrs. Perkins.

I keep telling you
to call me Yollette.


So any plan for
the holidays, ladies?

Cooking for my family as usual.

Yeah, I'll do something
with my daughter

and my granddaughter,
but if I'm being honest,

I haven't really been
feeling the holiday spirit

since my husband passed.

Well, I'll tell you what,

you gonna get into
the holiday spirit

and see the holy ghost
if you win that hand.

Well, hallelujah.

And what about you, Joey,

what are you doing
for the holidays?

- Me?
- Mmhmm.

Now, you know we might
have a little age on you,

but we ain't blind.

- Just a little bit.
- Just a little bit.

We know you ain't single,

with all of that thunder
under that jacket.

Wow, that's a lot.

I'll be right here working.

We have customers 24/7,
and for some folks,

we're all the family they have.

Blackjack, darling.

Pay up, pay up.

What can I say?

I am on a roll.

You too.

Come on, give it to mama.

Come on.

Yes, boy.

That's it, that's it.

That's fine, that's fine.

I got some more.

Okay, come on.

Let's keep going.

What we got?

Here, take some of mine.

All right, yes!

Gimme, gimme,
gimme, gimme, gimme.

I'm a winner.

Anybody want a
toast, want a toast?

- That's right, hey.
- No, you ain't feeling it?

Okay, that's fine.

All right, you know what?

I'm gonna go all in.

Let's go ahead on it.

Let's do this.

Come on.
Have I give you some

of mine?
I'm feeling myself.

I'm feeling myself.

Yes, come on.
Come on, Joey.

- Come on.
- Come on, Joey

- Come on.
- Come on, Joey.

No, no, no, I'm good.



Can't win them
all, Mrs. Johnson.

Dolores, you ready to go?


The night's still young.

We've only been at the table...

For three hours.

Okay, well, who is counting?

Listen, okay, because I came
here to win and have some fun.

Well, I'm going to leave with
more than what I came with,

and you should too.

Don't get it twisted.

It looks like I'm
down on my luck now.

Does not mean I can't
make a comeback.

Ain't that right, Joe.

Absolutely. Mrs. Johnson.

And don't forget, you
still owe me the 200

from the last time we were here.

Really, Yollette?

Really, right now?

Okay, there, girlfriend.

Are you coming?

For the last time, no, I am not.

Let's play.

Suit yourself.

Merry Christmas.

Mmhmm, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, Yollette.


Okay, now that
Debbie Downer is gone.

Deal me two hands, Joe,
and make it snow.

All right, so, guess tonight
wasn't my night after all.

Do you know what?

I will be back to get it back.

Merry Christmas, Mrs. Johnson.


♪ Hark how the bells

♪ Sweet silver bells

♪ All seem to say

♪ Throw cares away

♪ Christmas is here

♪ Bringing good cheer

♪ To young and old

♪ Meek and the bold

♪ Ding-dong, ding-dong

♪ That is the song

♪ With joyful ring

♪ All caroling

♪ One seems to hear

♪ Words of good cheer

♪ From everywhere

♪ Filling the air

♪ Oh, how they pound

♪ Raising their sound

♪ O'er hill and dale

♪ Telling their tale

♪ Gaily they ring

♪ While people sing
songs of good cheer ♪

♪ Christmas is here

♪ Merry, Merry, Merry,
Merry Christmas ♪

♪ Merry, Merry,
Merry Christmas ♪

♪ On they send

♪ On without end

♪ Their joyful tone

♪ To every home

♪ Hark how the bells

♪ Sweet silver bells

♪ All seem to say

♪ Throw cares away

♪ Christmas is here

♪ Bringing good cheer

♪ To young and old

♪ Meek and the bold

♪ Ding-dong, ding-dong

♪ That is the song

♪ With joyful ring

♪ All caroling

♪ One seems to hear

♪ Words of good cheer

♪ From everywhere

♪ Filling the air

♪ Oh how they pound

♪ Raising their sound

♪ O'er hill and dale

♪ Telling their tale

♪ Gaily they ring

♪ While people sing
songs of good cheer ♪

♪ Christmas is here

♪ Merry, Merry, Merry,
Merry Christmas ♪

♪ Merry, Merry,
Merry Christmas ♪

Mom, we should go to
Puerto Rico or Cuba,

like a family trip.

That'll be really nice.

Yeah, I don't think so, honey.

Ma, are you sure?

Sure, I'm sure.

Listen, I just can't imagine
traveling any great distance

without your father.

Grandma, it'd be a blast.

That's what
Disneyland's for, honey.

Mom, there's so many
memories of daddy in the house.

Leaving for a bit
might do you some good?

Oh, thank you.

Not yet, okay?

Grandma, memories never go away.

They stay right
here in your heart.

And you're right, honey.

Like remember how Grandpa
used to read me twice a night

before Christmas or the story
about the corn husk angel

that your mom made you
when you were a little girl

in Jamaica.

And you know what?

I still have that.

Ooh, I love you to
pieces, princess,

but I need you to understand

that my soul is
still a little blue.

But Pastor said, when
you're under the weather,

you have to make
your own sunshine.

Marsha's right, mom,

you usually have all your
Christmas cards mailed out

and your decorations up
the day after Thanksgiving.

We can help, Grandma.

Besides, it'll be fun, and I
miss spending time with you.

Yeah, you know I
miss spending time

with you too, sweetpea.

Do you understand that
I was married to Grandpa

for 37 years?

It's a long time to be married
to one person, you know?

He was my best friend.

So weren't you
lonely all by yourself?

Ooh, I know.

You should move in
with us, right, Mommy?

Your grandma knows
she is always welcome.

Okay, enough about me.

How's work, Gloria.

Oh, it's been good.

It's busy.

My secretary can barely keep
up with the appointments.

Between botox, derma
fillers, laser lips.

It's good, mom.

I love it, and I am happy for
your bank account, but I just,

I don't understand why
people do all that stuff that

to their faces.

You know, I wanna look
the age I've earned.

People just wanna
look their best,

especially around the holidays.

All right, so you
dating anyone yet?


Oh, what?

You are too beautiful and
too young to be single.

Just please, don't do one of
those dating sites, though.

I think they're dangerous.

Ma, can we not talk about
this in front of Marsha?


I'm just saying.

Grandpa gave that scarf to you.


We went shopping for
it two Christmases ago.

You remember.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, honey.

It's okay, Grandma.

Once you put up your tree,
everything will be fine.

Oh goodness gracious, Marsha.

I'm sure you know that
Christmas is not just

about trees and
decorations, right?

As a matter of
fact, you know what?

I'm keeping it real
simple this year.

I'm not even gonna do a tree,
just the nativity scene.

Pass me the scones, please.

Mom, you can't be serious.

Oh, why can't I be?

And I don't wanna talk
about it any further.

Marsha and I signed
up to volunteer

for the church toy drive.

That's nice.

I'm sitting it out this year.

I've cheered long enough.

It's time for somebody
else to take the lead.

Marsha, honey, how are
piano lessons going?

I'm learning "Jingle Bells".

Aw, that's sweet.

You know, grandma
is so proud of you,

but I'm gonna need you to
pick that bottom lip up

off the floor, lift it, bottom
lip up, lift it, lift it up

off the floor, lift it.

Marsha's piano teacher
says she's a quick study.

Well, that doesn't surprise me.

She takes after her grandpa.

You know your grandpa,
God rest his soul,

he was the pianist
in the family.

Now don't ask me why your mama
had played to play the drums.

Mommy, what are you doing?

Let's, at least, split it.

No, thank you.

I've got it.

It's on me.

Okay, well, I guess
you're doing all right then.

What's that supposed to mean?

What, what?

Stop spying on me.

Spying, what
are you talking about?

You don't need to check
on me every time I go

to the casino, okay?

I can do what I wanna
do when I want to do it.

Mom, I know you're independent,

but I get worried when you
run off to those casinos,

and you've been going
a lot more lately.

Okay, is that a problem?

I don't know.

Is it?

I'm sorry, Ma'am.

Your credit card was declined.

And what, that
can't be possible.

Just run it again.

You know how
sometimes the strip...

I ran it three time, Ma'am.

Oh, well, that was stupid.


No, what, come on.

Now, all those bank fraud
whatchamacallits are gonna block

all my cards.

Give it, give it.
Mommy, don't worry about it.

I have it.

Here you go, thank you, Ma'am.

They don't teach them
at waitress school?

Oh God, I'm so embarrassed.

It's okay, Grandma.

Mommy's credit card was declined

when we were at supermarket
and she was divorcing daddy,

and we had to leave the
groceries right there,

I mean, the ice cream and
the hot wings and the butter

and the eggs and the milk.

Everybody was staring at us.

Now that was embarrassing.


Are we done, Marsha?

You good?

Tell me about that, honey.

How about we all celebrate
our time being together

as a family and enjoy this
Christmas tea like we used to do?

- How about it?
- Can we do that, please?

Yes, toast, cheers?

For family.

Merry Christmas.

Mrs. Johnson, there have
been substantial withdrawals

from your account
over the last year.


So two of your credit
cards are maxed out,

and the other flagged
for suspicious activity.

Hold on, so I treat my family
to our annual Christmas tea

and you call that suspicious?

Last week, there were
two cash withdrawals

for $5,000 each.

And why is that
any of your business?

My responsibility as your
private banker is to advise you

and to make sure your
assets are protected.

On a personal note,

I understand everyone
grieves differently.

Why don't you get to
the point, Ms. Patel?

It says here you've applied

for a $250,000 home equity loan.

Are you remodeling?

Okay, we're done here.

Your husband's pension,
social security, stocks,

and the life insurance
should be more than enough

for you to live comfortably.

Hold on, so are
you trying to tell me

how to spend my own
money, Ms. Patel?

I'm only advising
against unnecessary debt

at this stage in your life,
and if you're not careful,

there'll be nothing left.


I can help create
a budget if you like?

No, I would not like.

First, you humiliate me
in front of my family,

and now you think you are
gonna put me on some type

of an allowance?

Over my dead body.

I'm only trying to protect you.

Girl, please, who do
you think you are kidding?

You are trying to make
sure you keep my account

and protect yourself.

Okay, all right.

Your card will be
operational immediately.

Oh, I know it will be.

It shoulda' never
been unoperational.

What kind of bank
business is this?

Tell me how to spend my money.

Happy holidays, Gloria, and
I hate to bother you at work,

but you told me to call if there
was ever another emergency.

Your mother just left
here, and she's threatening

to close all of her accounts.

Your father named you
co-trustee for a reason.

Damn it.

Where's the mail?

She got but one thing to
do but drop off my mail.

Whoa, what the hell?

Why is the mail always late?

Ma'am, we are doing
the best we can.

It is the holiday.

It is practically next
year, and I'm still waiting

on my pension check.

A person can starve to death.

Ma'am, to be honest, even
when the check's on time,

you still say it's late, so.

Oh, did you...

Ah, I found it.

Thank you, Ma'am.

Merry Christmas.

I'm Graham, your new neighbor.

Uh-huh, no time to chat.

You move in safely here.

Yes, Frank's pension
check, finally.

Uh-huh, oh, huh.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Everybody wants their
money, right, everybody.

That was, what is this?

Oh, what is this?

Bring your poker face,

because you have been dealt
an exclusive invitation

to Holiday Casino Night,
Kingston, Jamaica?

Saturday, December
11th at six o'clock.

Yes, yes, yes, dress code,
festival elegant, yes.

I'm totally going.

Yes, okay, okay.

I can't miss this.

All right, so, see, how
am I gonna find $8,000

without that nosy banker
in my business, ah?

We can do this.

We can absolutely do this.

Come on.

Yes, yes, the stars line up.

Come on.

Well, this a surprise.

Is who died?

No one died, Corrine.

I can't just call my baby sister

and wish her a happy holiday?

So, what's up?

Nothing's up.

I mean, we haven't
talked in a while.


Yeah, I mean, you
sound great, by the way.

You know how, working two job.

Wait a minute, is
Gloria, Marsha all right?

Yeah, no, they're fine.

Why does something always have
to be wrong for me to call?

We had just met, ya know?

And you know you ain't never
called to make no small talk.

Well, you're right.

All right, let me
just get right to it.

I wanna throw you a
big birthday bash.

You hit your head?

Stop being salty, Corrine.

I mean, it's your 50th.

What kind of sister would I be?

All right, look, look.

Well, I'm gonna
tell you right now.

Me not getting on nobody
plane to come to California

and die in someone earthquake.

Would you stop?

I'm coming to Jamaica.

Where you staying?

With you, of course,
in my old room.

Come on, won't that be fun?

Me not so sure.

Just think, you can invite
some of your old friends,

like Tuffy.

She died.

Oh, sorry.

Okay, our cousins then,
and what about onion

and Froggy, right?

They moved to Canada
almost a decade ago,

but you know what?

I could invite some
of my church family,

and there's other people in...

That would be perfect.

As long as you keep it small,
you know, that would be fine,

because you know,
Corrine, I'll tell you.

If there's one thing I've
learned since Frank's death

and the pandemic is
that you gotta make time

for your loved ones, you know?

Because you just never know

when the good Lord is
gonna bring you home.

I'm sorry, when you get save?

Let's just say
I've been inspired.

Please say yes.

All right, all right, all right,

but I must have the
party in my yard.

All right?

And no alcohol, oh, and there
must be plenty good music

and dancing and singing,
and you know what?

You can have a little,
tiny bit of alcohol.

Okay, yeah, okay.

Okay, sounds like a plan.

I will see you soon, Sis.

Okay, Sis.

See you soon.



God, help me.

God, help me, cheese on rice.

Hey, Mom, I need to head to
the clinic for my next client.

What's the emergency?

Well, nothing.

I was just thinking about
the conversation that you

and Marsha had
about traveling and.

Mmhmm, Aunty Corrine
already called me.

When were you gonna tell me?

Oh, well, you know, it
was so spur of the moment.

I almost forgot it
was her 50th myself,

but I'll be back in
like four or five days.

Seems ambitious a week
away from Christmas,

and I wish I could go, but
I can't drop everything

during the busiest
time of the year so.

No, no, no, I
totally understand.

That's why I didn't
even bother calling you.

Well, I'm glad that that
you two are finally speaking

again after all these years,
and I think it's really sweet

that you're doing this for her.

I can't think of a better
Christmas or a birthday gift

than you being with your sister.


Well, Mom, I hate to rush you,

but I really need to
head to the office.

So just make sure you call
me as soon as you land

and have tons of fun and
take lots of pictures, okay?

I will, and I love you.

I love you, I love you.

I love you too, Ma, bye.

Ah, I'm going to Jamaica!

Lorna, this is Gloria.

My mom is heading to
Jamaica for a quick trip

to visit family.

Whatever you do, don't
freeze her plastic.

If you have any questions,
give me a call, thanks.

Can you say win, can you say
win big at black Jack, what?

Jamaica, yes, baby, yes!

Ah, Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas.

Oh, that's gorgeous.

I'll bring that bag.

An original back there?

Everything here
is original, Ma'am.

Well, this is nice
quality things here.


I might come back and do
a little shopping myself

at some point.
Of course.

Okay, I will be back
for these in seven days.

Gorgeous, right?


Since you want a quick
loan, I can cut you a deal.

- Okay.
- 8,000.


Oh, sir, these are
Japanese akoya pearls with,

look at that.

There are two carrots worth of
diamonds on the clasp alone.

Ma'am, I don't
have time to argue.

Fine, I'll take 10.

The offer is eight,
which is generous.



I'll get the paperwork ready?

I'll need your ID.


Dolores, over here!

Dolores, come now, come, come!

Really, she parked
a country mile away.

She couldn't get any
closer like everybody else?

I'm already sweating
out of my ears.

Starting already.

Hey, Corrine.

Hey, other side.

Was just gonna give you a hug.

It's Covid.

- Yeah, okay.
- Oh, no, no, come,

meet me in the back.

What is the problem?

All right.

All right, let's do this.

- So.
- We can, okay.

I got it.

How was your flight?

Safe, okay.

You wear your mask?


Okay, good, hands.

Give me your hands.
Yeah, yeah, yeah,

let's go.

- All right.
- Okay.

Sit in the back.


Get in the back.

Come now.
Oh, come.

I have been
vaccinated, you know?

So what?



Nothing, is the AC on?

No it's broken.

So just go ahead and buckle up.

Corrine, it's all this
plastic and this mask.

I can barely breathe
back here much.

Dolores, Dolores, why
you whine so much now?

- It's hot.
- Fine, fine.

We can both take off our mask

once we get to the house, okay?

Just drive, girl, drive.

- Buckle up.
- I feel like I'm in a coffin.

You whine like a.

♪ Don't care what they say

Okay, here we are.

All righty then.

Come on in.

Come on in, and welcome home.

Oh, okay, just as I remember it.

Now, why would I
change perfection?

Because it's the 21st century.

Oh, do you want some sorrel?

- Yes, please.
- That's right.

It's nice.

Nothing different.

Look at us.

Look at mommy.

Here we go.

Thank you.

You know, I have this
exact same picture

and look at us how we.

Yeah, yeah, it's nice.

It's nice, it's nice.

I forgot how good this
is, girl, girl,

and I forgot how
humid it gets here,

because I am
absolutely drenched.

Do you hear me?

Green arm?

I just need a shower.

Okay, but do you forget
where your room is?

Not if you haven't
changed anything.

Well, there are
fresh sheets on the bed

and towels are in the
cupboard, and remember,

we have a water t*nk.

So short showers, please.


And once you get settled,
I would really like to go

over the guest list
and the menu, you know.

Okay, but I'm...

Because sometimes,
you know, Americans,

you tend to casualize certain
events, but we, Jamaicans,

we regard them with
a deep, deep respect,

and we don't want my 50th
birthday party to come some kind

of lackadaisical indulgence.

Of course not.

Just one more thing.

You know, sometimes, you
tend to get a little happy

and forget yourself.

I recall that being
the other way around.

No, no, no, no,
no, no, no, no, no.

That's fair, but I haven't had
a drop in a long, long while.

Oh, okay.

So if you don't mind, I just
need you to behave yourself.

All right?

Because me don't want to
suffer any embarrassment.

Yes, you don't have
to worry, Sister.

I promise.

Listen, this is going to
be unforgettable.

Oh, thank you.

I'm so happy, I'm excited.

All right, all right, go on.

Shower, shower, shower.

Yes, shower, please.

All right.

Perfect, just perfect.

God, please help
me get through this,

and I promise I will
never, ever gamble again.

This is the last time, I swear.

I swear.

Thank God there's
a breeze out here.

Ooh, I thought I was gonna
suffocate in my room.

Plenty hotels in town, you know?

I'm not complaining, Corrine.

I'm just saying, my menopause.

What about you?

It's best not to fight it.

Yeah, I believe that
God wants women to sweat

out the sorrow.

Oh, look, look, look, a
yellow-billed hummingbird.

You know, as a matter
of fact, this morning...

Do you have a landscaper?

For what?

I wanna have your grass
cut so it can be nice

for your cozy, little party.

Yeah, about that.

It's a little difficult keeping
the party cozy, you know,

once the word get out.

Okay, so how many
people are we expecting?

Well, about 20 or 30, and
then there's a cousins coming in

from the country, and of
course, there's Aunt Gracie

and Uncle Phillip and...

They're still alive?

Well, you would know
that if you kept in touch.

Remember when you and
mommy left for the states?

Yes, it was Aunty and
Uncle who helped raise me

alongside Granny,
God rest her soul.

Yeah, I remember.

A split tail hummingbird.

That means good luck, you know.

I'm gonna need it to pull

off the best
birthday party ever.


Okay, so, let's
talk color schemes.

What are you thinking?

Well, I really like pink.

Oh, okay, pink it is, yes.


Dolores, I know I don't show it,

but I really am so
happy that you're here.

I mean, I can't believe
that you came all this way

just for me.

Anyway, enough of that.

- Yes, enough of that.
- I better go

and start getting ready.

Okay, for what?

For church, we leave
at eight o'clock sharp,

and so if you need
anything pressed,

the iron is in the closet.

Oh, you know, I
plan to sleep in.

Excuse me, what?

But you know what?

Who can't use a little
more church, right?

Exactly, especially this
time of year in anticipation

of the birth of our
sweet baby Jesus.

Ha, Amen.

Amen, but can I get a key?

For what?

Well, I need to run some
errands for the party and.

Oh, yes, yes, of course.

Here, come, you
can use this one,

but you must remember
to bring it back, okay?

Me don't want my key laying
around someplace in California.

Like anybody's
gonna break in here.

Is what's that?

So happy to be back in here.

I'm happy to be back here.

Yes, I'm happy you're here too,

Yes, yes.

Very happy, very happy.

All right, don't
stay up too late now.


♪ On your knees

♪ Oh, hear the angel voices

♪ Oh, night divine

Yes, father.

♪ Oh, night when
Christ was born ♪

Thank you, Jesus.

♪ Oh night divine

♪ Oh night divine

- Yes, hallelujah.
- Hallelujah, hallelujah,

hallelujah, hallelujah.

Thank you, Father.

All right, all right.

Oh, God is good.

Let the church say, Amen.


Let the church say Amen.


Praise the Lord!

Praise the Lord!

And let the church say Amen.


- Amen, Amen
- You no, Brothers

and Sisters,

Christmas is always special,
special time of year.

Cherish even more when family
from near and far gather

together like this, Amen?


Brothers and Sisters, Christmas
is also a time of giving.


Because you have
to give to receive,

so the good book said.

Therefore, I pray
that this morning,

all of you are in
a generous spirit

with your offering, Amen?


Praise the Lord?

Praise the Lord!

Pass the collection plate.

No one in this chapel has
demonstrated generosity more

than this lady that I am
about to introduce to you.

Imagine in these perilous
times getting on a plane,

risking life and limb
just to come here

to celebrate her baby
sister's 50th birthday.

My God, Brothers and Sisters,
I give you none other

than Sister Dolores
Allen Johnson!

Stand up, Sister!

Stand up, stand up!

Let us make her feel welcome!

Stand up, Sister Dolores!

Let the people see
you and know you!

You too, Sister Corrine!

Stand up, stand up!

Daughters of Cornelle
and Patricia Allen.

That's right, Mommy and Daddy.

Granddaughters of, sorry.

Granddaughters of Percy
and Violet Sharod.

Did you know that?


Nieces of Phillip
and Gracie Allen.

Clap them hands, Clap them.

Make them feel love.

Clap them.

All right, all right, sit
down, sit down, man, sit down.

Brothers and Sisters,
I want to talk to you

about the Christmas season.

So we need to be
thinking about the needy


And not the greedy.

Thank you, Pastor, teach, now.

We need to give

so that we can receive
our blessings, Amen?

Come, come, tell it.

Church need a new roof.


Pastor need a new car,


Pastor need a new house

It's true, you know.

Closer to the church
so I can get here faster

to administer the blessing.

Yes, hallelujah!

Praise the Lord!

Yes, thank you for coming.

Thank you, oh, Amen.

Thank you very much.

This is my sister, Dolores.

It's nice to see you.


Take care, brother.

Hi, you have a
gift for me later, pastor?

Ah, we'll see, we'll see.

All right, all
right, all right, all right.

Take care.

Safe travel, safe travel.

All right, good, nice, nice.

Yes, Dolores Johnson, VIP guest

for the blackjack invitation.

Oh, of course, I am excited.

I just wanna make sure
you receive my wire.

Great, thank you, yes,

and happy...

Ruby Bradley, remember me?

Hi, of course.

I'm just ordering some flowers
for Corrine's birthday party.

And we're so excited.

Sandra Stewart, our
mothers worked together back

in the day at Boston
Monte Hospital.

That was a long time ago, wow.


So wasn't that a
wonderful service?

Absolutely, Pastor Price

always delivers a
memorable holiday message.

Yes, well, it was
good seeing you both.

You know, I'll see
you both at the party.

I need to get back to
these arrangements.

We were so excited when
Corrine told us you were coming

back home to plan this
big birthday bash for her.

Yeah, well, originally
we were planning

to have a little party here
for her at the sanctuary.

We can still do a
little something for her.

Nonsense, Corrine's
big sister come

all the way from California.

We wouldn't dare take away
that privilege from you.

How long are you staying?

Oh, I leave Friday.

Ah, quick trip.

Well, I gotta get
back for Christmas.

Oh, to Gloria and Marsha.

Yeah, how do you know them?

Yeah, Corrine speak
about them nonstop.

Of course.

I'm doing the Mannish water.

The what?

You forget?

Goat head soup.

So ladies, here's the thing.

I haven't solidified
the menu yet,

but I'm thinking that sounds...

Absolutely delicious.

I see you met my besties,
Sandy and Ruby, right?

Oh, oh, look, look, look,
excuse me, excuse me.

Pastor gave me this lovely
reed for Aunt Gracie

and for my birthday, he
is donating the tables

and chairs for the party.

Oh, well, now that is wonderful,

- Yes.
- But now let's talk

about the menu,

because I'm think finger foods,
and we just keep it light.

Girl, you got jokes.

British gone a long time.

Jamaicans come to a party
to eat with knife and fork,

not starve to death,
especially at Christmas time.

Wait, now I thought
this was my party.

- It is.
- Okay, so let me do the menu.

In fact, I show
it to you already.

We're going to have curry
goat and boiled banana

and yam, yes.

Mouth start watering already.

And ox tail and bread fruit.

Look, absolutely no finger food.

I don't want my friends
coming to my party

and talking about
me behind my back.

People can be wicked, you see?

Okay, but who is
doing all this cooking?

We are.

Well, most of it.

You're getting the rest
of it catered, right?

Right, right.

Okay, and Emily and Aunt Gracie,

they're making my
birthday cake, yes.

Dolores, you can
do the decorations.


By the way, we are going
over to Aunt Gracie's

and Uncle Phillip's
for dinner tonight.


I wish you would've
told me sooner.

Well, I thought you
would've been happy.

When was the last
time you saw them?

I just thought I
would see everybody

at your birthday party.

Well, call us if you
need anything, bye.


Get ready to deck
the halls, Darling.

Your friends are lovely.

I know.

A tragic construction.

Oh my gosh.

- Oh.
- Okay.

Come here.

Oh, Dolores.

Oh my goodness, you
look just the same.

Well, you don't.

It's been so long, Dolores.

Look at you, come, come, come.

Why Americans diet so?

You look skinny.

Well, if you say so.

Aunty, I'm sorry I
came empty-handed.

Well, I didn't.

Excuse me.

Right, get in.

Hello, Aunty.

This is a gift for
you from Pastor Price.

Oh, thank you.

Put it on the table.

Oh, excellent.

Look like a bad storm coming.

Oh, not really, just heavy rain.

You know how it is.

Okay, it's all right.

Well, anyway, we're
sorry that we're so late.

We had made a slight detour.

We went to visit mommy
and daddy's grave site.

Of course.

I know.

Of course.

Aunty, your Christmas
tree is beautiful.

Well, I try, but
Emily does a great job,

and speaking of Emily,
she's in the kitchen.

I don't think you've ever met.

So come on.

Secondly, kitchen is
where you need to go.

You need bread fruit and banana.

You have to get some
banana bread fruit,

some corn meal porridge.

Oh, yes, of course.
You trying to put extra junk

in my trunk?

You're too skinny, man, come.

Ah, here we are.

Hey, Corrine.

Hi, Sweetheart,
something smells good.

I want you to meet
your cousin, Dolores.

Wow, hi, so nice
to finally meet you.

Welcome home.

Thank you, and she is right.

It smells great in here.

So tell me, what kind of
vegetables do we have?

I'm a vegetarian.

Whatever that means, come.

- Oh, Aunty.
- Uh-huh.

I can't stay tonight.

I have plans.

I understand.

Come, Dolores, your Uncle
Phillip can't wait to see you.

Phillip, come on,
come on, Phillip.

You remember Delores?


Okay, here we go.

I'm gonna slide
around you right here.

So happy holidays, Uncle.

All right, night, everyone.

Enjoy the dinner.

- G'night.
- Nice to meet you, Emily.

Like you stole
your mother's face.

See, not fair that one child
should get all that beauty.

Oh, stop, you're making
me blush, and you know,

you are quite handsome yourself.

Don't tell him that.

It'll go to his
head, even at 82.

Well, you know what they say?

The older the moon,
the brighter it shine.

True that, Uncle, true that.

Where is Gloria?

It's just me this
time, next trip.

You girls still
fighting over the house?

No, Uncle, Corrine
lives in Grandma's house,

and I live in California.

There, isn't always with us.

Some days are
better than others.

You know, Aunty, I
miss you in church today.

Oh, I had a little
ache this morning,

but look, God won't mind
if I take one day off.

I've taken several.

Candles are beautiful, Aunty.

Nice touch.

Almost forgotten that.

Now Marsha is
growing like a weed.

And Gloria's a spitting
image of your mother.

Why my sister not here?

Phillip, Patricia
died a long time ago.

Oh, okay.

Let us bless the food
before it get cool.

No, uncle, we already...

Dear Lord, thank you for
bringing us together as a family,

by your merciful grace, for
the nourishment of our bodies.

Bless my sweet wife,
Gracie, my nieces, Emily.

What you name again?

It's Corrine, Uncle.

No, the pretty one.

Phillip, God bless
Corrine and Dolores, Amen.

Please pass the
color loaf for me.

Certainly, Uncle, here you go.

You know, Dolores,
I thought you'd have

been wearing the pearls?

I didn't wanna fly
with them, Aunty.

I understand.

That was a precious gift

that wealthy Japanese
woman gave your mother.

Yeah, well, mommy took
good care of that lady.

You know, it's still a
mystery to me how Mommy managed

to stash those pearls away
into a safe deposit box

that nobody knew about.

Maybe she should
know their worth.

Do you?

Now, Corrine, like
I've said before, if I,

if we decide to sell mommy's
pearls, you will get your half.

Why don't you let me buy a
birthday cake from the bakery

and save everybody the trouble?

Nonsense, I have
everything I need

to make Corrine's birthday
cake, and that's that?

Thank you.

Yes, Ma'am.

What was the word in church?

Oh, Pastor was talking about
the importance of forgiveness

and not holding grudges, and
then he asked both myself

and Dolores to stand
up and be acknowledged

by the congregation.

For what?

For her coming all
this way for my birthday.

Well, that was nice.

Yes, oh, and then
he also, of course,

mentioned the both of you,
in fact, the entire family.

It was very nice.

Would you please pass
the rolls, Dolores?

Thank you.

You're welcome.

I can feel this one.

This is it.

This is gonna be
like the big win.

I'm so glad.

All right, come on, girl.

Okay, that's a good start.

All right.

Come in.

Dolores, good morning.

Oh, I see your up early.

Well, I'm leaving for work,
and I'll be back for lunch.

You need anything?

No, but why didn't you
tell me about Uncle Phillip?

I mean, he is my uncle too.

You mean the one you
ain't even know was alive?


I'm sorry.

You know what?

Let's not start today
on a sour note, okay?

I am doing my best to get
reacquainted with you,

because you realize
it's been a while

since we spent
any time together.

I know I'm set in my ways, but
please know that I am trying,

and you know, I realize
that you're trying too.

Otherwise, why else would you
have come this way, right?


All right, later.

Okay, later.

Okay, what other reason?

Are you kidding me?

Ooh, this is gonna be good.

I feel it.

I feel it.

Can't get there fast enough.

What the hell?

Excuse me, excuse me.

Excuse me, excuse me!

Do you know what time it is?

Dolores, long, long time.

It's me, Trooper.

Corrine told me to get the
yard ready for the party later.

Right, but do you
have to do it right now?

Yeah, me want to beat
the rain, you know?

Gonna want to come make
a strong appearance.

Plus, everybody been
keeping parties in the yard

since the pandemic.

So me busy, but you
look good, though.

Yeah, you too, but
can't you come back later,

like tonight?



Dolores, Dolores!

It is noon.

Is why you're
still in bed sleep?

I have splitting
headache from all that salt

in Aunty's food, and your
gardener decided to do the lawn

at the crack of dawn.

Which you asked
for for my party,

and in case you hadn't
notice, I do not have a maid.

So I would appreciate
coming home

and finding my house the
same way as when I left it.

Okay, okay, I'm
going to clean up.

You can't down upon bucket
and draw water, you know?


I said, you cannot sit down
upon a bucket and draw water.

It's a shame you don't even
remember your own first tongue.

Look, you know, Granny, she
left his house to me, all right?

And I plan on keeping it right.

You're not gonna come up in
here and invite rat and roach

to eat out all the
wood up from under me.

Okay, would you stop?

And for the record, Grandma
left this house to both of us.

Which you wanted no part of.

You call it a shack,
from what I recall.

So much for us trying
to get along, huh?

And don't chip my dishes.

I am not a child.

♪ Jingle bells, jingle
bells, jingle all the way ♪

♪ Oh, what fun it is to ride
in a one horse open slay ♪

Yeah, very good, Marsha, and
these cookies are delicious.

You did such a good job.

You have the key to
grandma's house, Right?


I was thinking maybe we
could put up some decorations

before she got back?

Oh, sweetheart,
that's a beautiful idea,

but I don't...

But what?

Baby, can you
answer that for me?

Okay, Mommy.

Thank you.

Hey, Gran, how's Jamaica?

It's wonderful.

What you up to?

Nothing much, wrapping
presents with mommy,

and we just baked some coconut
cookies using your recipe.

Well, that sounds amazing.

Well, now would
you be a sweetheart

and put mommy on the phone?

Okay, Gran.

Here you go, Mommy.

Thank you, babe.

Hey, Ma, how's it
going down there?

Well, your militant
Aunty is driving me nuts

with all of her n*zi rules.

She just has her
old routine like you used to.


Mmhmm, wait,

hold on one second.

Somebody's calling me.

Hey, Aunty.

Hello, Gloria darling,
yes, it's Aunty Corrine.

I am so sorry to trouble
you, but your mother, oh,

she is grinding
on my last nerve,

and I'm getting so sick
and tired of tip-toeing

around my house on
eggshells trying

to pacify her own jealousy
of our relationship.

I know, I know.

I don't know why she's so
jealous of our relationship.

That's what
makes your mother's visit

so puzzling to me?

Well, maybe the holidays
inspired her to mend the fence

after all these years?

No, no, no.

Something's not right.

I can just feel it, you know?

Yeah, she hasn't
been herself lately.

You right about that.

She been sleeping all
hours of the day staying

in her room playing Solitaire
with dirty dishes just pile up

in my sink running up my blood
pressure and my water bill.

I have to constantly remind
myself to forgive things

that seem unforgivable.

Yes, yes, like
your ex-husband running off

with the secretary.

Well, I still need
more prayer on that one.

All I know is Mommy means well,

and she wants your birthday
party to be special tomorrow.

Huh, ya, man, you know,

she barely lift her
finger for that?

Aunty, I hate to rush you,
but mommy's still holding.

So I need to get back to her.

I love you.

I love you too, baby.


Sorry, Ma, I didn't
mean to keep you

on hold that long, Ma.

Yes, yes, I'm here,
longest hold ever.

I started to hang up.

Ma, I'm sorry.

Okay, so what were you saying?

Do you know what?

I have held you long enough,

so I'll let you get
back to wrapping, okay?

Love you.

Not dance or care about birthday

at Christmas time.

All right, wait, I haven't
danced like that in years.

Oh, Trooper, would you
be a sweety, please,

and fetch me a glass of fruit
punch with just a splash

of gingerbeer?

No problem, honeybunch.

I'll soon come back.

All right, thank you.

So nice, why don't
you just marry him

and put him out of his misery?

At your age, I don't
see many options.

Beggars can't be choosers.

Okay, all right, Uncle,
while I appreciate your wisdom,

me not begging, all right,

and me doing plenty
fine by myself.

I am waiting for a man

that is my equal,
not a man-baby.

This is sweet, you know.

Come, wait.

One more dance, okay?

Yeah, my pleasure.

You all right?

You okay, Sis?

Yeah, just feeling
a little woozy.


Old age already setting in.

Snab the man now.

Phillip, it must be the heat.

Dizzy from all
that twirling, right?

Yes, and now isn't
everybody having a good time?

Isn't it crazy how
fast time flies

when you're having
fun though, right?

I would like to say something.

Okay, Uncle.

Happy holidays to everyone.

Happy holidays.

And to whoever make that
Mannish water, very tasty.


What a joyous occasion this
is for my niece, Corrine.

Oh yes.

Who having

To endure, man.

To endure, yes.

- Celebrating.
- Having endured struggling

with her birthday be overshadowed
by this Christmas holiday.

A very big bless
up to you, me dear.

To Corrine!

To Corrine!

- To Corrine!
- To Corrine!

- To Corrine!
- To Corrine!

And that was so
touching, Uncle Phillip,

and my goodness,
Sister, a birthday

and a wedding announcement,

now, who could top that?

You sure know how
to keep a secret.

Goes to show you.

It's never too late
to jump the broom.

- Happy birth...
- No, no, no.

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Happy birthday to
you here, Corrine ♪

♪ Happy birthday

Everybody, now.

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Happy birthday

♪ Happy birthday to
you dear, Corrine ♪

♪ Happy birthday

Okay, now, come on to make a
wish and blow out the candles

before they melt, Sis.

Come on, Corrine.

That must be some wish.

Give her a minute.

50 years is a long
time to find a man.

Somebody help her up.



We're leaving.

Move until you get
Aunty out into the car.


Her face in her own cake,

the funniest thing
this eye ever see.

Okay, you guys
heard Uncle Phillip.

Corrine just had
too much to drink,

but it is her birthday, right?

So who can blame her?

Get a hold of yourself.

Okay, bye-bye.

Phillip, come, let's go.

Okay, come on,
Sister, I got you.

Okay, okay.

A little bit here,
come on, dear.

Okay, there you go.

Okay, now you see what
happens when you micromanage.

I've never seen her drink
a drop a day in my life.

Yeah, shouldn't
you be going, Emily?

I think Aunt Gracie
and Uncle Phillip are

in the car waiting for you.

Right, okay, yes.

If I don't see you
before I leave,

have a safe trip back to
California and Merry Christmas.

Yeah, you too.

I'll lock up on my way out.

Oh great, thank you.

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us

♪ I ain't worried about
the things I gotta do ♪

♪ All I want you know
is how I love you ♪

♪ Spending time with
family and my friends ♪

♪ People we're all
together till the end ♪

♪ Cause all I wanted were
the days of the year ♪

♪ All I want to do is
stay right here, yeah ♪

♪ Playing and
laughing together ♪

♪ We got no worries
we'll never ♪

♪ I entertain, I
know the games ♪

♪ We keep it moving,
cause we are changed ♪

♪ Jesus will say, living again

♪ We celebrate forever, no end

♪ Friends and family

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us

You could run for
Jamaica in the Olympics.

You could give Elaine
Thompson a run for her money.

Driver, why are we still here?

♪ Jesus will say, living again

♪ We celebrate forever, no end

♪ Friends and family

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us
Oh, this is beautiful.

Oh my God, yes, yes, yes.

♪ Take me home,
where I wanna be ♪

♪ With all my friends
and my family ♪

♪ Having fun making memories

♪ When I'm felling
down, it's my remedy ♪

♪ Yeah, we dealing with
no negative energy ♪

Oh, right on time.

This is where I belong.

Ah, yes, it is, Mrs. Johnson.

Happy holidays.

Yeah, well, they will
be, right after I win.

All right, well, let's
find you a black jack table.

Follow me.

Here you go.

Thank you.

Good luck.

Oh, no luck, honey.

Luck is for losers.

I came to slay,
but thanks anyway.


Okay, tis the season
to be jolly, right?

So make it jingle
jangle for me, baby.

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us

Yes, what can I say?

I am on a roll!

I'll take that.

Thank you, thank you.

You gonna take that,
and I'll take that.

You okay, baby?
♪ Home for the holidays

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us
I'll take all that.

Yes, thank you.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, I'll give you that.

No, guys, didn't I tell you?

Did I tell?

I'm a slayer, 'cause
I'm a player.

Thank you, thank you very much.

I'll take all of that.

Thank you, a little
reluctant on that.

So sorry, Mrs. Johnson.

I'm gonna have to
ask you to leave.

I guess you weren't
as lucky this time.

I have to escort you to leave.

All right.

All right?

So sorry, okay.

Thank you.

Pull over.

Yeah, pull over.

Daddy, why is that lady
standing here in the water?

Miss, are you okay?


Are you okay?

Your dress is getting wet.

I'm fine.

You don't look fine.

Thank you.

For what?


Come, Kia, come.

Merry Christmas.


Ma'am, we're here.

Yeah, yeah, got it.

You look like you
lose everything.

Why couldn't I just stop?

It's on me, Miss,
early Christmas present.

You need help getting
over the gate?

No, no, no thanks.


Sure you don't need help?

Is why you coming back here?

You scared me.

Let's talk later.

I'm tired.

You should be tired after
all that dog hot and scheming

but no, but we gonna
talk right now.

Is where you went last night?

I went to have some fun.

Is that a crime?

Then why you deceive me, huh?

I trusted you.

What are you talking about?

You know what?

It doesn't even matter.

It doesn't matter how
much a pig tried to hide

under sheep wool,

because his grunt gonna
always betray him.

All right, if you must know,

I went up town to
the play cards.

Right, which is the real reason
you come back home, right?

Okay, now you...

No, no, and you just use
me for a place to stay.

How could you do that?

- Okay, now you're
- How could you?

Just tripping.

You are tripping.
No, me not tripping!

No, you are the one
who is tripping!

You are the one who's not
playing with a full deck!

You know, the rich,
ooh, the rich shall fall

into temptation and a
snare with strong women

and destruction, when...

Oh, would you stop with all
the Bible beaten, Corrine?

Don't you ever get
tired of wearing

that nearer-to-God-than-thee

You know what?

Mommy, she made such a
big mistake taking you

to the states before me.

Okay, you need to let that go.

No, no, because you think
you're so much better than me?

Well, you're not!

I waited for years for
Mommy to send for me,

but she died, right?

And I lost my chance.

No, you lost your chance,
because you got pregnant,

and there was no way Mommy
was in it for you after that?

But you know it
was not my fault!


You know better than to walk
through those gulleys at night.

Okay, besides all that, Mommy
could barely make rent trying

to feed me, cleaning hotels,
but you know what she did do?

She managed to send a
Western Union home every week

to help take care
of you and Gloria.

I watched her work herself
to death, and when she died,

I thought I would
die too, but instead,

I chose to drop outta school,

pick up where she left off
cleaning toilets for you.

That's enough!

No, no, you wanna had a
conversation now once and for all.

Let's have it now!
No, we're gonna have

this conversation,
but you keep trying

to change the subject!

No, you're not listening!

I wasn't married, nor a mother,

but I loved Gloria a thousand
times over as if I gave birth

to her myself, and when
Grandma told me to take her,

there was my faith that carried
us, and I never looked back.

Your faith?

George, your faith.

You must be given joke right
now, because that attack,

he nearly k*lled me,
and my depression.

Dolores, I was so young,
and it was just to much.

You are so selfish!

- What the hell!
- My Frank,

- Oh, Frank!
- My Frank adopted her.

He never asked any questions,
and he never knew the truth,

and neither will Gloria
unless you unlock that secret,

because I plan to take it to
the grave like I promised.

You know, I can't
believe you would bring

up such a painful in my past.

- This is you...
- Bring it up!

It's just like you to do
that, but I'm telling you.

None of that, none
of that at all,

has anything to do with why I
woke up vomiting last night!

- What?
- Yeah, you heard me!

I had to drive myself
to the emergency room.

The doctor, him tell me
I'm dealing something,

some allergic reaction to
a thing called Zopidem.

What, I never heard of that.

Yeah, no, but you
heard of Ambien, right?

Oh, Corrine, I'm sorry.

- No, you don't sissy me.
- I'm so sorry.

- No, I don't want to hear it!
- I didn't mean to...

Me don't want to
hear your foolishness

with everything you got boiling
up in that brain of yours!

You're gonna save it!

Dolores, you are sick!

Don't touch me!
No, no, no,

Don't touch me, you are sick!

- I need you to hear me.
- And you need help.

Release me now.

Release me now.
Okay, no, no, no, please.

- You need help.
- I need you.

I'm sorry.
You need help,

- I'm sorry!
- And plenty of it!

- I'm so sorry, please.
- Don't touch me.

Oh, father, me, father, me,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- You're testing my faith
- please, please.

Right now.

Dolores, I will always
be grateful to you

for taking in my Gloria,
but in the name of God,

Jesus as my father,
me don't know

how I'm ever gonna forgive
you for this betrayal.

You poison me?

Oh Jesus, Jesus.
Sissy, no.

You poison me!

You poison me

to go and gamble?
Oh, I'm sorry.

- No, you know what?
- I'm sorry.

I want you out of my house!

- I'm sorry, please.
- Get out of my house!

Get out!

Get off of my house.

Corrine, I'm so sorry.

I'm sorry.

Looks like I forgot to clean
the kitchen before I left.

Yeah, it smells like it, Ma.

Okay, I'm on it.

This isn't like you.

I got it.

Ma, you know you slept
the whole ride back

from the airport.

Did I?

You know, I could've
taken an Uber.

You didn't have to pick me up.

I had the time.

Marsha's at piano practice.

You still haven't told me
why you came back early.

Yeah, I'll tell you later.

You didn't even
notice the wreath Marsha

and I put on your door.

Oh, honey, I'm sorry.

That was thoughtful.

It was beautiful, thank you.

Okay, so I wanna hear all

about Aunty Corrine's
birthday party.

I saw the pictures on Instagram,

and they made me so jealous.

So you haven't heard?

Heard what?

Aunty Corrine called, but
she didn't leave a message.

What happened?

I'm sure you'll
find out soon enough.

You two seem to keep in touch.

Yes, I stay in touch
with my Aunty, who I love.

Is that a problem?

Just don't think I'll
ever see my sister again.

Mommy, stop being so dramatic.

I'm sure whatever happened,
it wasn't that bad.

It was that bad, all right.

Is that why she's been
blowing up my phone?


Gloria, I don't wanna
talk about it, okay?

Could you

just leave it alone.
Ma, seriously.

Gloria, I'm asking
you to leave it alone.

- Ma, I'm just...
- Gloria, stop it!

I don't want to talk about it!

Leave it alone!

Ma, why are you acting so weird?

I asked you to let it go.

Leave it alone.
Mom, just tell me!


- Please, just tell me.
- Let it go!


- Hello.
- Hi, Aunty Corrine.

I'm sorry, I'm just
getting back to you.

Can you please tell me what
happened with Mommy, everything?

Pawn shop?

Well, my husband
passed two years ago.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm divorced.

Any kids?

Yeah, one son.

He lives in Maine with his
wife and one grand, Ella.



Yeah, a daughter, Gloria, and
a 12-year-old granddaughter,

Marsha, but wait,
did you say Maine?

Yeah, my son's a marine
biologist, and he loves the cold.

He didn't get that from me.

May I call you Dolores?

Yeah, sure.

Would you like to get
a bite to eat, Dolores?

No, I don't know.

That sounds like a possible yes.

Oh, did the sun just get
brighter or did you smile at me?

Okay, okay.

- You smiled at me.
- Dinner it is.

You smiled at me.

Do you do dinner?

Okay, but aren't you out
here to get your workout

on Mr. Naughty?

Uh-huh, intuitive too.

I'm gonna pick you up at six.

That's good for you?
I'll be ready.

Okay, watch how fast I am, now.

You ready?

Oh, naughty or nice.

Okay, Mr. Graham.

My first attempt was online.

We exchanged a few texts,
and then we decided to meet.

Not here, I hope.

Give a brother some credit.

Anyway, she's speed dating.

Her next victim was at
the same restaurant.

No, okay, now that
is absolutely horrible.

See, this is

why I won't do online dating.

Maybe you won't have to.

Why don't you tell
me a little bit more

about your sister from Jamaica?

Did I say something wrong?

No, it's just that things
have been tense between us

for a long, long time.

Sibling rivalry?

Kind of, but worse than that.

You know, I came
over to America,

she was left behind in
Jamaica, and it's complicated.

Immigration is
always complicated.

Just look at the news.

Yeah, no, life is
complicated, and you know,

it's not to say that
mine was better.

In fact, in many
ways, it was harder,

because I was away from
everything and everyone I loved

and listen, it was tough
navigating in America alone, poor.

You know, I guess it wasn't
my pride that kept me

from writing home for help,

but then I met my
husband, Frank, right?

Everything changed for me,

but my sister doesn't
see it that way.

Well, how could she

if you don't tell
her your whole story?

Okay, well, that would be
where my pride comes back,

because you know, we've
been on this love-hate cycle

for so long that
it's just, kind of,

the way it is, you know?

We just even talk about
it, well, until recently,

and didn't go very well,
and I was the reason why.

You wanna talk about it?

Look at me telling you
all my personal business,

and I don't even know you.

You know they say sometimes,

it's easier to
talk to strangers.

If you knew what I did,

you wouldn't be sitting
here with me right now.

Nah, I'm hard to shock or shake.

Yeah, but do you mind if
we just change the subject?

Sure, you wanna know
what my granddaughter wants

for Christmas?


Me to move to Maine.


We love to go fishing together.

That's sweet.

Yeah, I'm giving her my
old three piece fly rod.

Yeah, I wanna surprise her.

I'm gonna engrave
it with her name.


Mmhmm, and my son, he's always
wanted my vinyl collection.

I'm just really excited to give
them these particular gifts.

I just think that is
absolutely beautiful

that you're giving gifts
that they actually want,


Because I'm ashamed to
say, I haven't even thought

about buying Christmas
presents for anyone.

Well, let's go
shopping tomorrow,

and I can also help you put
up those Christmas lights.

Hmm, maybe, I don't know.

Well, the offer stands
if you change your mind.

Thank you, Graham.

I have had a really
good time tonight.

Glad we get to do it again soon.


Have you started
going to the meetings?

Now, see, all of this
policing isn't helping any.

Believe me, I want things to go

back to the way they used to be,

but if you don't
stay out of casinos,

including online betting,
the bank restrictions stay,

and do I need to include
scratchers too, Ma?

Listen, I told you.

I am not gonna go share
my personal business

with a bunch of strangers,
and that's final.

Fine, suit yourself.

Okay, are we done here?

Because I'm gonna go
ahead and take my walk

and then go try to buy some
groceries on my new allowance.

Mommy, I'm just
trying to help you.

Please think about the meetings.

Mmhmm, thinking.

I love you.

Can you believe that
they were spying on me?

Okay, how about we do
something different, okay?

After all, it is the holidays,

although you just can't
tell nothing by sitting

up in your house, Girl.

Dolores, how old
are those bananas?

Okay, not you too.

Get off of my bananas.

What you got in mind?

You wanna do like some
kind of a casino cruise?

Oh no, let's do something
for us, like a day-spa,

mani-pedis, massage.

Hmm, maybe, but I'm
thinking if I can just get

to that casino one more
time before Christmas,

I'm sure I would
hit, and you know

how I can feel it.
Gloria, stop, stop!

Dolores, I go to the
casino to have fun.

- Yeah.
- That's it,

no habit, and of late, I
have not been having any kind

of fun going with you.


How long have we
known each other?

Long time, right?
Forever, yes.

Good friends, okay,
so I'm gonna be real.

Since Frank died,
you have changed.

Do you realize if I can't
go to the casino with you,

you ghost me.

Well, now that is not true.

Oh, yes, it is true.

You don't call.

You don't ask how I'm doing.

You don't ask about
the family or nothing,

and then when I can go with
you, you sit at that table as if

in a trance.

You gamble.

You have to gamble.

Whether you're up or down,
whether you're winning or losing,

you have to gamble, and
Dolores, I'm afraid.

I'm afraid that you
will do anything

to win regardless
of the consequences.

I cannot continue to enable you.

You need help, baby.

You need help, and
when you get that help,

I want you to call me.

Call me, and I
will be there, Sis.

I will be right there.

I love you.

I love you.

Oh, oh, I love you, honey.

Get some decorations in here.

It's Christmas time.

Do something to
make yourself happy.

Cheer yourself up.

- Okay?
- Mmhmm.


Good afternoon.

Oh, good to see you again.

What do you got?

Well, take a look at that.

Beautiful time piece, huh?

Beautiful, right?

Mmhmm, sounds good,
looks good, yeah.

- Nice piece.
- Yeah.

Six grand.

Six grand, what?

Crystal is scratched,
your spring's overwound.

Rolex's aren't cheap
to repair, you know?

Okay, but that is
worth at least $15,000.

Ma'am, with all due respect,

you came to me
looking for a loan.

I'm in business
to make a profit,

and after you leave, I'm
closing the shop for Christmas.

Okay, fine, I just
thought you'd be reasonable,

let me get back my pearls,

and make a little
profit for myself.

Those pearls were sold.

Wait, what?

I told you I'd be back for them.

In seven days.

Listen, I have to
get those pearls back.

They were my mothers.

Who did you sell them to?

That's not how my
business works, Ma'am.

Yeah, no, everybody's
got a price, okay?

So can you just
contact the buyer

and tell them I will pay double.

While you stand there trying
to sell me a watch, really?

Look, I would like
to close up early

and get home to my family.

Okay, I understand that.

We can work this out, though.

We have to work this out.

But I've already sold it.

These were my mothers.

It was an heirloom.

It was a family
heirloom, please.

Ma'am, you should leave now.

I am getting my
mother's pearls back.

I can't, why would he sell them?

I told him I would be back.

This is interesting
kind of casino cruise.

Cruise which gamble 24-7.

Are you a compulsive gambler?

Is gambling
disrupting your life?

Take this short
test and find out.

All right.

Sold things for cash to gamble?

Gamble until your money is gone?

Engage in desperate
or illegal acts?

If you answered yes
to these questions,

find a gambler's anonymous
meeting near you.

But you guys are doing great.

You should be proud
of yourselves.

Pat yourself on the back.

You guys are wonderful, and
now it's time for our speaker.

- Hey, everyone.
- Hello.

It's always great
to be at a meeting.

My name is Graham, and I
am a compulsive gambler.

This is always a happy time

for everyone, but the
holidays can also trigger us.

You don't have to let it.

Help is a phone call away.

Even after 11 years,
I have to be vigilant.

I come from a good family,
two hard working parents.

I'm the first to graduate
college, got married,

had a son who, because
of this program,

still speaks to me today.

I would tell his mother
I was going to work,

but I'd go to the casino.

I played to chase the high,
and I lost everything.

I gambled away my home, my
marriage, and losing my family,

that shook me to my core,
but it was a wake up call.

You know, at first, I was
reluctant to ask for help,

but I realized if
I didn't change,

I would lose my son forever.

It's never too late
to turn it around.

Thanks for letting me share.

Happy holidays.

Thank you, Graham.

That was on point.

If you new, I hope you'll
stay, and not to embarrass you,

but to get to know you,

would you like to share your
name, Ma'am in the back?

Okay, well, we have plenty
of literature up front

and Christmas cookies.

So help yourself, and if you
have attendance cards I need

to sign, put them in my
sleigh, and don't forget.

We have one more meeting
before Christmas.

- Amen.
- Amen.

- Amen.
- Amen.

Fancy meeting you here.

Yeah, we have a
lot to talk about.

What do you say we have a
meeting after the meeting?

You know, after I got
over the shock of seeing you

at the meeting, your
testimony, it made me realize

how blind I'd been, how selfish,

because my daughter has really
just been trying to help me,

and all I've done
is push her away.

You're lucky to have her.

You know, we think people can't
see through us, but they do.

Yeah, I guess I'm
just not ready to admit

that I am a compulsive
gambler like you.

You know what I mean.

Look, people don't have to
hit rock bottom to realize

that denial is the real enemy.

You believe in God?

Yeah, of course.


So you believe in a power
greater than yourself.

Tonight, we prayed
about the courage

to change the things
we can, right?


And you told me
you had the courage

to take that online test.


What were the results?

Hey, it's okay.

You're too beautiful a person
to quit before the miracle.

What miracle?

You told me you believed in God.

I do.

Well, this year,
my brother invited me

to his New Year's Eve party.

That's wonderful, right?

He hasn't spoken
to me in many years.

So if you don't have plans,

would you like to be my date?

I would love to, actually, yeah.

That's good.


Hello, Dolores,
is what's happening?

Who die?

No one died, Corrine.

Please don't hang up.

I know it's late, but there's
something I gotta tell you,

and it can't wait.

Fine, I'm listening.

So I realize that I have a
problem and that I hurt you.

All right, go on.

And I'm so sorry.

I'm also ashamed to admit
that you were right.

I had one thing on my mind
when I came to Jamaica.

Look, it's no secret that
you have a sickness, okay?

Yeah, well, there's
something else.

I made a devil's bargain.

Hello, Dolores?

Mommy's pearls,

the one heirloom she
left us, they're gone.


Yes, yes, Dolores,
I'm still here.

Look, this phone, it
keeps cutting out.

Look, I heard you say you
have made a devil's bargain

when you're poisoning
me to go and gamble.

All right, so why you must
call me in the dead of night

to rehash some bad news?

Look, the only saving
grace about all of this is

that mommy is not alive
to know this sorrow.

So you're lucky I'm
such a forgiven person,

but I'm gonna tell
you right now,

I must get up early
in the morning.

So I am going back
to sleep, all right?

So just good night, good night.

Are my girls.


Hi, hi, my babies.

- Hi.
- Hi, Marsha.

Hi, Gloria.

Get up here.

Come on, come on, come on.

Come here, munchkin,
Grandma, you put

up the lights
and give your grandma a hug.

And a Christmas tree.

How's my big girl?

I knew you would do it.

They're beautiful.

- Hi, baby.
- Are you okay?

You look a little tired.

Well, I didn't sleep that well.

I had a lot on my
mind, but I'm fine.

I'm good, I'm good.

Okay, well, we just came by
to drop off these presents.

Thank you.

Here you go.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

Hi, I'm Gloria,
Dolores's daughter.

And I'm her
granddaughter, Marsha.

Hi, you must be so
excited about Christmas.

It's so nice to
meet both of you.

I'm Graham Wilkes, and I've
heard so much about you.

Good things, I hope.

Oh yeah.

Are you my grandma's helper?

Sort of, I'm your
grandmother's new neighbor.

Wait, is your house the
one with all the candy canes

in front of it?

Yes, I'm the one with the
spirit on the block.

Graham offered to put these
Christmas lights up for us.

Isn't that nice?

Yep, thank you, Mr. Wilkes.

I thought grandma would
never get around to it.

- Marsha.
- Okay, Marsha.

I can't wait to
turn the lights on.

Me too, princess, and how
about we do that together?

- Okay.
- Okay.

Ma, can we talk for a sec?

Sure, oh, Marsha, sweetpea,

would you help Mr. Wilkes
untangle the rest of those lights

for me, please?

Come on, Mr. Wilkes.

You good?

Yeah, all right, I'm
gonna follow your lead.

What's up?

Mom, what was that?

What you mean what, girl?

Okay, I'm timing you, 10.

Ma, you really think it's
a good idea having strangers

in your house.

You barely know this man.

Okay, would you stop?

Graham's harmless.

Well, you might
wanna pump your brakes,

because you can't
be too careful.

Okay, now you're
starting to sound like me.

Now stop with all that,
stop, and before you ask,

There you go, and
I'll hold this piece.

I started going to meetings.

Mommy, that is so great.

Come here.

Yes, yeah, it is,

and I'm gonna keep going,

because I was actually inspired
by what I saw and heard.

I'm so proud of you.

Thank you.

Now, how about you go over
there and chat with Graham,

just a little bit, please,
for me, for me, for me?

Just try?

No problem, see?

Okay, I will try
to get to know him.

Okay, that's all I'm asking.

Thank you.

Hey, Marsha, grandma needs
Santa's helper in the kitchen.

It's hard to believe
that Christmas day is right

around the corner.

Yeah, the year flew by.

Listen, Graham, I know
that I was a little guarded

with you earlier.

Oh, no, it's okay.

I understand.

You have no idea what
a relief it is to know

that my mom has
someone to talk to.

It's been really hard, and
I can't really get into it,

but I wish there was a way
that I could thank you.

Actually, there is something
I could use your help with.

Okay, tell me, what?

Can you keep a secret?


Dolores's daughter, okay.

You're gonna be tough
like that, right?

Okay, all right,
so here it goes.

It's beautiful.

You did a great job, Grandma.

Thank you, princess,
beautiful just like you.

Come on, everybody.

Let's take a picture.

Oh, well, now
that's a good idea.

You got your phone?

Yeah, do you mind?

Of course not.

Okay, smile.

There you go.

Thanks, Graham.

Ooh, I'm gonna post this one.

Oh, this is so cute.

You too.
Okay, no, no,

but delete that one,
because I look crazy.

- Ma.
- Yeah, you do.

Yes you do.

I am so happy right now.

Last year, it was with my daddy.

I mean, I love my daddy and all,

but it was freezing
cold in Mammoth.

Oh, but I thought
you like to ski?

I do, and I love the
snow, but I hate the cold.

Someday, I'll invent a way
to ski and stay to warm.

I know you will.

I love your imagination, Marsha.

Mommy says little girls
with big dreams grow up

to be woman with big
jobs like Kamala Harris.

That is true.

So what are you doing
for Christmas, Graham?

You know, I'm just
hanging around the house.


Yeah, my son is
taking his family

and visiting his mother
this year on the holidays.

You know, sometimes
divorce is hard

on the parents too, Marsha.

Ooh, I know.

You should have Christmas
dinner with us, right, Grams?

Absolutely, yes.

Jesus, please take the wheel.

Mr. Wilkes
shouldn't be all alone

on Christmas day all by
himself living right next door.

That's not right.

That's like saying there's
no room at the inn,

like baby Jesus.

Plus, we always
have plenty of food.

Isn't Christmas about sharing?

Yes, baby, it is.

Mr. Wilkes, would
you like to come

to our always delicious
jamerican Christmas dinner?

I would be delighted, Marsha.


All right, well, I hate
to break all of this up,

but I still have errands to run.

All right, so come on,
my little blizzard.

What's the rush?

Christmas, I still
got things to do.

Okay, bye, boo-boo.

I love you.

Love you, Mom.

Bye, Grandma.

Bye Mr. Wilkes.


Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas to you.

She's wonderful.

Mmhmm, I know.


I swear that little
girl leaves magic

wherever she goes, okay?

I know where she gets that from.

We should go now.

We'll have time to
catch that last meeting.

Okay, let me get changed.

Okay, me too.

I'll meet you out front.

Hi, my name is Dolores, and
I am a compulsive gambler.

I came here from
Jamaica with my mother

when I was a little girl and
there was no room for mistakes

or getting in trouble,
and then I found love,

and my husband, Frank,

and I lived a really
good life together,

and then he died, and
I was sad and lonely.

So I turned to the
casino for a false sense

of family, I guess.

I mean, at first it
was just recreational.

I've done some terrible
things recently

that I'm really ashamed of,

and I don't wanna lose
what's left on my family.

They're all I have
and all that matters.

Thank you, and thanks for
being here on Christmas Eve.

One day at a time, give
it up for our girl, Dolores.

Let's close up this meeting.

It's Christmas.

I will get the glasses.

I still can't believe how I was
shaking and how you fell out

of the sky into
my life in a time

when I needed a friend the most.

Well, I'd like to be more
than that if you let me.

You sure we're
not going to fast?

I can go any speed
you want me to.

I've learned that
waiting is an action.

Yeah, it is.

So why don't you wait
for me in the living room,

and I'll be
in there in a minute.

Go on, go, go, go, yep.

Sounds like a plan.


Okay, here we go.


Merry Christmas!

You nearly gave
me a heart attack.

Oh my goodness.

Look, Grandma!

I see it, sweetie.

How did you manage
to pull all this off?

All that
matters is that we did, Ma.

Is that right?

They did all the decorating.

I just got the tree.

I am so thankful and blessed.

Is how much longer I must hide?


Oh my God.

I told you I had
to get up very early

when you call, right?

I'm so sorry.

It's all right.

You know, at the end of the
day, I only have one sister.

Me too.

I'm so happy to see you.

Ooh, Ma, that smells so good.

So can I get a taste.

Ah, you wait like
everybody else.

Fine, mom.

I can only imagine all the
plotting and planning you had

to do to pull this off, missy.

Well, so just how serious
are you and this Graham?

Nevermind all that.

We're just friends.

Hand me the pepper.

He seems like a keeper.

He is rather wonderful.

And you deserve it, Mom.

I was so busy with Marsha and
work that I didn't realize

how lonely you were.

No, honey, listen,

it's okay, okay?

You are such a blessing.

To have a mother like you.

I mean, that too.

Oh, and before I forget, I
believe these belong to you.

Did you just pull that
out your black mama's purse?

Yes, like mother, like daughter.

Oh, okay.

All I need is a debit card.

- Wow.
- Yeah, and you know,

at the meetings, they've
been really pushing us

to be honest.

So there is something
important I need to tell you.

Not now, Ma, maybe not ever.

Whatever it is, it can wait.


Come here.

I wanna show you something.

Sit down.

What you up to now?

I don't know if I can
take another surprise.

What is this?

But don't you wanna open gifts
with the rest of the family?

Not this one.

I want it to be just you and me.

Okay, beautiful bow.

Thank you.

Let's see what we got here.

Who are you?

I love you.

I love you too.

God, I love you.

Oh, sh**t, now you gone
messed up my mascara.

Look, Mommy, Daddy
got me a new laptop.


It's top of the line
and better than mine.

Well, let's put this away now.

- What are you doing?
- Your turn.

Dolores, what is this?

Now, you know we don't
exchange presents.

That's just for the young.

What, nevermind all that.

Open it, open, open.

All right, all right.

Your mother sure
bossy, you know.

I know.

I wrapped it.

Had to make you work
for it a little bit.

Apparently, okay, all right.

All right, all right.

Dolores, oh, Jesus,
Mary, and Joseph.

- Breathe.
- I can't believe it.

Breathe, Sister.

And you're giving
me Mommy's pearls?

Yeah, it's your
turn to enjoy them.

Oh, oh, thank you.

Thank You so much.

Dolores, thank you.
Come on, come on.

Let's put them on.
Oh my gosh.

Let me help you now.

Oh, they're so beautiful?

Oh, thank you, Father.

Oh, thank you, Father.

Okay, stop moving.

Oh, Dolores, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

- Okay.
- You know,

it's not just about
the pearls, you know?

It's about Mommy's
energy that is in them

and your energy too.

That's what make them
so special to me.

I never thought I'd see the day.

Oh, my father,
but you know what?

You messed wrong
for sure this time,

because me never
gonna take 'em off.

No, wait, no.

Let me see, let me see.

Oh, excuse me, baby, excuse me.

Go, go, go.

Oh boy.

Look what you done started, Ma.

Oh, they look so good.

Oh, want to forget about
my two favorite ladies.


Grandma, you remembered.

It's the scarf you wear to
tea, the one grandpa gave you.

Yeah, you like it?

I love it.

How about that?


Mom, Grandma's
cookbook, are you sure?

Positive, you've always
said you wanted it,

and this Christmas is more
than just giving gifts.

It's about receiving and
passing our history forward.

Yes, I tell you what, Marsha.

You're gonna be
eating a lot of ackee

and shellfish too hard to brake.

Come on, move, move, move.

And I'm gonna need a
lot of help making it so.

I suggest you come
and ask me for that,

because you know, your mother,
she can't cook, you know?

Oh, mommy.

You know nana
can cook, huh, boo?

She almost burned
down the whole house.

Are you serious?

- No, no,
- Ma.

That is not what happened.

Wait, wait, hold on.

This one says that it's for
a Mr. Wilkes from Santa.

- For me.
- Yeah.

Well how does Santa know

that I was gonna be here?

Oh, cause Santa knows
everything, right, boo?

We might need a little
help though, guys.

- All right, we got this side.
- There you go.

No, oh my God.

Oh my Lord.

This is one of the best
fly rods on the market.

How did you know?

Well, don't look at me.

I said Santa knows everything.

Oh, man.

I feel a little strange,

because I don't have
gifts for y'all.

Oh, no.

Graham giving comes
in all kinds of ways,

and the gift of you being
in our lives is priceless.

I prefer cash, though.


You would say that, Aunty.

Actually I do have something
that I would like to share.

Okay, more surprises?

I like the sound of that.

- Ain't you gonna?
- Some of that.

Come, sit.
Have a seat.

- Okay.
- Okay.

We gotta surprise.

See what we got now.
Wonder what this is about.

♪ Oh, Holy night

♪ The stars are
brightly shining ♪

♪ It is the night of our
dear savior's birth ♪

All right, come now.

You sound like you're dying.

Come, pick it up, pick it up.

♪ Long lay the world in
sin and error pining ♪

♪ Till he appeared and
the soul felt its worth ♪

Come along so!

♪ A thrill of hope, the
weary world rejoices ♪

♪ For yonder breaks a
new and glorious morn ♪

Sing it, baby!
♪ Fall on your knees

Let me hear it!

Yes, yes!
Mean it!

♪ O hear the angels' voices
Yes, daughter!

♪ O night divine

And the ballad here.

♪ O night when Christ was born

♪ When baby Jesus come down

♪ O night divine

♪ O night

For love and for family,
everybody, big bless up.

Come, now.

- Big bless up.
- Big bless up.


♪ O holy night

Yes, thank you, Father.

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us

♪ I ain't worried about
the things I gotta do ♪

♪ All I want you to
know is how I love you ♪

♪ Spending time with
family and with friends ♪

♪ Keeping love
together till the end ♪

♪ Because I ain't worried
about the days of the year ♪

♪ All I want to do is
stay right here yeah ♪

♪ Playing and
laughing together ♪

♪ We got no worries, no, never

♪ I entertain, I
know the games ♪

♪ We keep it moving,
cause we have changed ♪

♪ Jesus will say, living again

♪ We celebrate forever, no end

♪ Friends and family

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us

♪ Take me home
where I wanna be ♪

♪ With all my friends
and my family ♪

♪ Having fun making memories

♪ When I'm feeling
down, it's my remedy ♪

♪ Yeah, we dealing with
no negative energy ♪

♪ We're moving as
one, that's synergy ♪

♪ And this where I
belong, it's meant to be ♪

♪ I just want to stay
here like infinity ♪

♪ Wake up in the morning

♪ Thanks to the Lord
where my joy is ♪

♪ I can feel the
love all around me ♪

♪ Think how far we've
come, it's astounding ♪

♪ And we can't
forget the reason ♪

♪ We can only love
because of Jesus ♪

♪ Family gather
'round the tree ♪

♪ Hope it never ends,
I don't want to leave ♪

♪ Friends and family

♪ We need family

♪ We need Christmas

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us home
for the holidays ♪

♪ It brings us
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