01x11 - (D) Game Over

Episode transcripts for the TV show "My Hero Academia". Aired: Apr 3, 2016 - present.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Manga series that follows Izuku who has dreamt of becoming a hero but there's a catch -- he isn't a Quirk.
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01x11 - (D) Game Over

Post by bunniefuu »

k*ll the Symbol of Peace.

All Might.

It's a pleasure to meet you.

We are the League of Villains.

I know it's impolite, but we
decided to invite ourselves in

to this haven of
justice to say hello.

And besides, isn't
this a fitting place

for All Might, the Symbol of
Peace, to take his last breath?


What's going on?

[VILLAIN A] Idiots, that's
Eraser Head! A pro!

He can cancel your Quirks
just by looking at you.

Class rep!


I have a job for you.

Run to the school and tell the
faculty what's going on here.

Yes, but‐‐

It would be disgraceful for
me to leave you all behind.

Use your Quirk to save others.

Be a real hero!

Black Hole!

[MINETA gasps] What do you
mean "fight"? Are you crazy?!


[IZUKU] Now's our chance.
We can beat them!

[IZUKU yells]

Take this! Delaware Smash!

[SEA VILLAINS screaming]

[yelling] Take this,
you villains!

You can eat my sticky balls!


‐‐[SEA VILLAIN A] Get off me!
‐‐[SEA VILLAIN B] I'm stuck!

You're gonna drown me!

Not too shabby.

You guys are amazing.
Both of you.

[TSUYU] I guess we passed
the shipwreck zone.

[MINETA chuckles]
I had a good poop this morning,

which makes my balls stickier.
They're not goin' anywhere!

Can't believe we managed
to get all of 'em at once.

It took everything I had
to keep my composure.

It was such a gamble, what if
they'd had reserves underwater

that we didn't know
about? They could've...

You're creeping me out.

Stop it. Please.


[TSUYU] Instead of second
guessing what we did,

shouldn't we think
about our next move?

Yeah. You're
totally right. Ah‐‐

Are you okay?

Yeah. Fine. Don't
worry about me.

We should make getting
help our top priority!

If we follow the
shore to the exit,

then we can avoid the
central plaza entirely.

Good idea.

That way we don't
run into the villains

Mr. Aizawa's facing
off with there.

[IZUKU] Yeah, but, can he
handle them on his own?

How long can he hold out
against a big group like that?

If he doesn't get some backup,

then he's just going
to overexert himself.

He'll end up defeated
by those villains

'cause he was trying
to keep us safe.

[gasps] Wait. Don't tell me
you're suggesting...?

Are you trying to get
us k*lled or something?

I'm not saying that we should

jump into the middle
of a battle. But...

Maybe we can find a way to
take a few of those guys out

and lighten his load.

[IZUKU] We'd had our first
real fight and won,

but that only
gave us false hope.

It made us think our
powers could actually

work against the enemy.

We'd soon learn
how wrong we were.

[TODOROKI] So the plan was to
scatter us, and then k*ll us.

You were woefully unprepared.

In fact, it looks to me as
though you've had no training.

You haven't the slightest
idea how to use your Quirks.

This power...

He froze us the instant
we warped here.

He's not a kid, he's a monster!

So cold...

Where is he?

I went through the trouble
of bringing so many friends

who're eager to meet him.

[TODOROKI] How do they
plan to k*ll All Might?

At first I thought
they'd gathered

a force of elite criminals who
could simply overpower him.


[TODOROKI] But that can't
possibly be their master plan.

Most these villains
are low‐level thugs.

Just pawns.


From what I can tell,

there are only four or five
truly dangerous people here.

If that's the case,
then what we need right now

is more information.

Listen well.

If you stay frozen,
your cells will slowly die

as your body succumbs to
frostbite and hypothermia.


[TODOROKI] Luckily for you,
I wanna be a hero.

So I'd like to avoid
any unnecessary cruelty.

But I can only do
that if you tell me

how you plan to k*ll All Might.

That's the only way
you'll survive.



These dudes are terrifying!

My whole life just
flashed before my eyes,

I think I saw the grim
reaper! What's going on?

Could you maybe take it
down a few notches?

Right now we need to focus on

getting away from these enemies.

Then pull out a
w*apon for me, too!

You're the one with
electrical powers.

Just zap 'em so we can run.

Were you not paying attention

during combat training?
Some partner you were.

I can cover my body
with electricity.

But if I try to sh**t it out,
it'll go everywhere!

I'd take you guys down
along with them!

Or did you want
shock treatment today?

I can't even call
for help because

there's still interference
jamming the signal!

I'm counting on you two.

I'm no help in this situation.

You've gotta get us
outta here. Please!

You're a real damsel
in distress, aren't you?

Uh‐‐ Ah!

[JIRO] New idea. You're
my human stun g*n.

Seriously? Come o‐‐


Whoa. Hey, this is working!
I'm super strong!

Sit back, you two.
You can count on me!

You are exhausting.


Try electrocuting
solid rock, kid!

[KAMINARI groans]





You're lucky that
worked out so well.

I'm sorry.

Next time I'll ask
before saving our butts.

[PRESENT MIC] Kyoka Jiro!
Her Quirk: Earphone Jack!

She can turn her own heartbeats

into explosively
amplified sound waves

by inserting her plugs!

Plus, she can hear
really quiet sounds.

So hip!

Damn it, Kaminari.

You couldn't have asked for
some kind of aiming gear

when you put in your costume
request form? I mean, come on!

[grunts] It's ready!

[JIRO gasps]

It takes me a little longer...

to create an object this big!

A blanket?

Is it supposed to be a shield?

You're looking at a
sheet of insulation

100 millimeters thick.
Go, Kaminari.

Heh. Badass.

Now I don't have to worry about

hurting my friends.
You guys are fried!


Now then.

I'm worried about
the rest of our class.

We should find them right away.

You're looking a little
overexposed right now!

Huh? I can make
some new clothes.

Momo Yaoyorozu.

Her Quirk: Creation!

She can create any
non‐living object she wants!

But she's only able to do
this if she understands

the molecular structure
of the item she's making.

Yaoyorozu is so punk rock.

Huh? Kaminari,
don't you dare look!


[KAMINARI laughing]

Denki Kaminari: Electrification!

When he goes over
his wattage limit,

his brain short circuits

and he becomes a huge
idiot for a while!

Listen to him babbling!

[MINETA whispering] Remember,
Midoriya, we're just here to see

how things are going, right?

[TSUYU whispering]

Yeah, I know.

We'll get outta here the
second it seems dangerous.

‐‐[AIZAWA grunting]
‐‐[VILLAINS groaning]

[VILLAINS groan]

[AIZAWA grunts]


First it was 23 seconds.

Final boss.

Then it was 24 seconds.

And then 20. Then 17.


[ALL gasp]

[AIZAWA pants]

It was hard to see

when you were jumping around,

but I've found your
tell. It's your hair.

When it drops, it means you've
stopped using your Quirk.

You're having
to blink more often.

Don't push yourself
too hard, now.

You might just fall apart.

Wouldn't that be a shame?


[AIZAWA grunts]

He destroyed my elbow.

[VILLAIN D grunting]


[AIZAWA panting]

[SHIGARAKI] That annoying
Quirk of yours isn't suited

for drawn‐out fights
against big groups, is it?

Don't you think you're a little

out of your element
here, Eraser Head?

You're much better
at working stealthily.

You're known for
surprise att*cks,

not fighting head‐to‐head.


[SHIGARAKI] But despite knowing
that, you didn't hesitate

to jump into the
middle of this fight.

To put your students at ease.


‐‐[AIZAWA grunting]
‐‐[VILLAINS groaning]

[AIZAWA panting]

[grunting, panting]

[SHIGARAKI] And look at you,
you're still standing!

You really are so cool!

Oh, by the way, hero.


I am not the final boss.

[AIZAWA grunts]


‐‐No, Mr. Aizawa...

[KUROGIRI] Ah, Black Hole,
the Quirk that sucks up matter

and turns it to dust.
Such an astounding power.

However, you're a
rescue hero, Thirteen,

skilled at saving
people from disasters.

Consequently, that
means you have

little fighting experience
or b*ttlefield awareness.

[THIRTEEN yelps]

[STUDENTS gasping]

He opened a warp gate!

[KUROGIRI chuckles]

How unfortunate.

You've turned
yourself into dust.

[STUDENTS gasping]

I'm sorry. He got me.


Iida, get outta here! Go! Now!


Use your Quirk to save others.

Be a real hero!



[KUROGIRI] A sheep trying
to escape from the wolves.

I simply can't allow that.


[KUROGIRI] If other heroes
arrive, it'll be harder for us

to put an end to All Might.

This responsibility...

...was entrusted to me!

Classmates! I'll keep you safe!


[TENYA gasps]

I've got him!

[TENYA grunts]

I'll be back in a flash!

You impertinent child!


[KUROGIRI] You won't set
foot outside those doors!

[TENYA] I'm close!
But what if it's locked?

Will I be able to
pry it open in time?

I have no time for this.

Be gone!

[TENYA grunts]

This was it.

Ya see? Good as new.

The evil that pros faced...

We'd gotten our first look,
but the worst was yet to come.

[AIZAWA gasping]

[SHIGARAKI] What do you
think of him, Eraser Head?

Hm... He's the bioengineered,

anti‐Symbol of Peace.
But you can call him "Nomu."


Say goodbye!

[VILLAINS groan]

‐‐[KIRISHIMA grunting]
‐‐[VILLAIN I groaning]


Think that's the
last of these guys.

Buncha weaklings.

All right.

Let's hurry and find
the rest of our class.

If we're both still in the USJ,

then everyone else
probably is, too.

And not all of them have
the offensive skills we do.

We gotta make sure they're safe.

Especially since we
screwed things up

when we got in the way earlier.

If Thirteen had been able
to suck up that villain,

then we never would've
been separated like that.

We have to make it up
to the others!

You wanna track
everyone down, have fun.

But I'm gonna go destroy
that warpy bastard.


Our physical att*cks
didn't hurt that guy.

C'mon. Don't be an idiot, man.

Shut up!

I'm gonna take him down because
he's their way in and out.

If I cut off their escape
route, they'll be stuck here

and have to pay for
what they've done.

We'll just have
to figure it out.

Hope you had fun chit‐chatting.

Too bad you let
your guard down‐‐



If all these villains are small
fries like these guys were,

then our classmates
can handle 'em.

That reaction time was insane.


Since when do you act
so calm and rational?

Usually you're all like...

Die! Die! Die!

I'm always calm and rational,
you red‐haired loser!

Yeah! There you are.

[KATSUKI grunts] Go find the
others if you want to.

Wait, hold up!

I think what
you're really saying

is that you believe
in our classmates.

And that's thinkin'
like a man, Bakugo.

Damn it! He's too fast!


I see 'im. Up there!

I have to help the others.

We found you!



That's six of them down.

We're reducing their
numbers, but very slowly.

I hope it helps in the long run.

I have no time for this.

Be gone!

[TENYA gasps]

[KUROGIRI gasps]

I don't know what his Quirk is,

but he's wearing some
kinda weird armor.

So he must have a physical
body inside here somewhere.

Now! Run, Iida!

You pest! How dare you!

[TENYA grunts]

I've got you!

Not so fast!

[SATO grunts]

[SATO grunting]


[TENYA grunts]

[KUROGIRI growls]

Engine... Boost!

He's going to call for backup.

It's over.

[AIZAWA groaning]


You can erase peoples' powers.

That's irritating, but
it's nothing impressive.

When faced with true,
devastating power,

you might as well be
a Quirkless child.

[AIZAWA panting]


[AIZAWA] He's breaking my
bones like they're twigs.

I'm positive I erased his Quirk.

That means he's super strong,
even without powers.

[AIZAWA groans]

[AIZAWA] I think he's
as strong as All Might.

[AIZAWA groans]

No... No!

I can't watch this anymore.

We should be getting out of
here super‐fast, shouldn't we?


Tomura Shigaraki.

[SHIGARAKI] Kurogiri, did you
manage to k*ll Thirteen?

[KUROGIRI] The rescue hero
is out of commission.

But there were students
I was unable to disperse

and one of them got
outside of the facility.


[SHIGARAKI growling, panting]

Kurogiri... You fool...

If you weren't our warp gate,

I'd tear apart every
last atom in your body.

[SHIGARAKI grunts]

[SHIGARAKI] There's no way
we can win if dozens of pros

show up to stop us.
It's game over.

Back to the title screen.

And I was looking forward
to finishing this today.

Damn it. Let's go home.

Huh? Did I hear that right?

Did he say they're
gonna just leave?

That's what it
sounded like to me.

[gasps, whimpers]
Yes! That's amazing!

We're safe and we
don't have to fight.

Uh, yeah. But...

I have a real bad feeling
about this, Midoriya.

It seems weird that they'd
retreat at this point,

even if help is on the way.

All Might's probably coming.

Don't they wanna k*ll him?

They must know UA will beef up
their security after this.

So now's their best chance.

What's going on here?

Why is this "game over," huh?

Oh, before we leave,

let's make sure the
Symbol of Peace is broken.

Let's wreck his pride.


Let's make this hurt.

You really are so cool...

[AIZAWA grunting]

...Eraser Head.

[AIZAWA groans]

Crap, crap, crap, crap, crap!

This guy's clearly different
from the ones we fought before!

I've gotta save Asui
and get us outta here!

You! Let her go! Now! Smash!


[IZUKU panting]

What? My arm's not broken.

I can't believe it!
After all that training,

now's when I'm able to
get a good Smash in?

All right!

[IZUKU gasps]
Where'd he come from?

Wait, hold on.
It didn't... hurt him?

If the villains
spent so much time

planning this attack,

then they probably figured
out a way to k*ll him.

No way...

You're pretty powerful.

This "smash" of yours...

Are you one of
All Might's disciples?

Doesn't matter. I'm
done with you now.


[IZUKU yelps]


[IZUKU grunts, gasps]


Have no fear, students.

I am here!

Look, we're saved!


He's here... All Might...


Looks like our game's
getting a "continue."

Don't worry, class. I am here!

Next time: "All Might."

[ALL MIGHT] Not to spoil
things, but these evildoers

are going to be hitting
my weak spots pretty hard!

Go beyond!

Plus Ultra!
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