01x14 - Foul Play in the Sky

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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01x14 - Foul Play in the Sky

Post by bunniefuu »

My invisibility formula is done.

Three, four.

Back, hah! Six, seven.

Eight, nine, ten.

- Hi, Billy!

- Hey.


Wish I had Jason's outstanding moves.

Oh, speaking of moves, would you mind taking these over of the recycling bin for me, Billy.

Oh! No problem.


Oh, man! I'm out of quarters.

Hey, geekhead.

Let me borrow a quarter.

Oh, jeez! Sorry, fellows, I don't have any to spare right now.


Get him! Hey! Moola.


Are you alright?

I'm always getting picked on.

I know somehting that will cleer you up.

You know my uncle the scientist is coming.

Even scientific achievement isn't comforting to me right now.

One, two, block three.

I know exactly what I'm going to do.

And five.

I'm going to enrol in Jason's karate class.

Block seven, eight.

Wonderful, I've got a plan.

Finster! Oh, Finster! What are you messing with there?

I need a monster, right away that's both invisible and clever.

Aha! I'll combine the speed of a panther, with the wisdom of the ages and the strength of ten angry octavian.

Slime K*llers.

Oh, you're going to love it.

Well, what are you waiting for?

Ah, nothing.

Class dismissed.

Practice and be ready for your test later today.

- Billy, you were great!

- Yeah.

I can't wait for you guys to meet my uncle famous scientist.

He just invented a new secret formula.

Isn't he a World Champion Martial Artist?

How did you know that?

The guy's a living legend.

Wow, a karate scientist, that's what I call an inspiration.

Hey, Billy, don't give up.

Maybe Trini's Uncle Howard.

Can give you some help.

You know, he'd be a perfect tutor for you.

Hey, what's this?

- Trini!

- Uncle Howard! Oh, these are my friends, Uncle.

Hi! This here is Billy.

I told you that you might be able to teach him some karate.

It's a pleasure to meet you karate scientist.

Yes, Billy, son.

Ah, with ancient Martial Arts skills, I can sharpen your body and your mind.

Great! And I have a few other things I'd like to teach you.


I think he's in good hands.

Dark Warrior, I want you to keep an on these three baboons.

Okay, go steal that formula.

- Ha ha!

- I shall not fail.

Let's see, I think the labratory's this way.

Hello, is anybody in there?

Nobody's home.

The formula.

Here, see if it's the right one.

Oh, let me try.

Nice bottle! I don't feel so good.

I don't feel so good either.

I wanted you to check it, not drink it.

How many times have I told you not to drink from the bottle with no label, you numbskulls! Nincompoops.


The formula wasn't in the labratory.

He must have hidden it.

Send the Putties to capture the old man.

I'll get him to give me the formula.

Ah, good! Billy, good! You're beginning to understand.

Oh, no! Putties! Put me down! Put me down, immediately! Remember, what you have have learned, Billy.

Uncle Howard.

I am the Dark Warrior.

What is it you want?

I want your invisibility formula.

I don't know where I left it.

Perhaps you have given the formula to your niece for safe keeping?

Her name is Trini, isn't it?

You keep Trini out of this.

If you don't give me that formula in one hours time, you and this cave will disappear from the face of the earth.

You'll never get away with this.

We'll see.

One hour.

Speak up, old man, stop struggling and tell me where the formula is.

Where did I leave that jar of formula?

Stop babbling, you have little time left.

Tell me what I want to know.

Hey, Billy.

The Putties, they grabbled Uncle Howard, I tried to stop them but I couldn't.

Wait, what?

What would they want with Uncle Howard?

I don't know, he's just harmless old man.

Trini, these were just delivered for you.

Ugh! This is weird! Who would send these?

- What's that?

- I don't know.

Signed the Dark Warrior.

Must be one of Rita's monsters.

Oh no! Uncle Howard, I don't have the secret formula.

Knowing him, he probably forgot where he put it.

Don't worry, Trini.

We'll find your uncle.

We better teleport to the Command Centre.

Welcome, Power Rangers.

I have been expecting you.

Zordon, what's going on?

A monster named Dark Warrior has kidnapped my uncle.


Trini, you uncle's creation has inspired Rita to hatch one of her most evil plots ever.

Behold the Viewing Globe.

Your uncle has invented a new invisibility formula.

A few days on any person or object will cause team to totally vanish.

Rita has despatched her latest evil villian, the Dark Warrior to get the formula from your uncle.

Her master plan is to use the formula to make you Power Rangers to disappear forever.

Dark Warrior is holding your uncle hostage in a adandoned cave.

He will destroy him if he doesn't get the formula.

Oh, no! Don't worry, Trini, we'll save your Uncle Howard.

Prepare to teleport.

Putties! Kimberly, Trini.

Uncle Howard! Quick we've got to find him.

Uncle Howard, are you alright?

Yes, thank you.

How'd you find me?

We got a message from the Dark Warrior.

Did he tell you about the b*mb?

Yeah, we've got to hurry.

Billy, can you disconnect it.

Ah, I can try.

Billy, use your karate training to focus your mental energy.

Right! Come on, Billy! Come on, Billy, you can do it! I did it! Good work! I wonder what I did with that formula?

Zordon, we freed Uncle Howard.

Good, now hurry to the park and put on end to Dark Warrior.

Now that my uncle's safe, let's put Dark Warrior's lights out.

- Yes.

- Right! It's Morphin Time!

- Mastodon!

- Pterodactyl!

- Triceratops!

- Sabretooth Tiger! Tyrannosaurus! Power Rangers! Hah! You fools don't have a chance.

I am the Dark Warrior.

Surrender fools.

No way! Oh, yeah! Dark Warrior, grow! This is your last chance, surrender.

No way! Then prepare for defeat.

We need Dinozord power! Let's do it!

- Power up!

- Yeah.

- Ready!

- Set! Get them! Ha ha ha! Let's bring this dude down to size.

Let's show him some Megazord power.

Prepare for your destruction.

- Alright, let's finish Dark Warrior.

- Right! Switch to Megazord Battle mode now!

- Right!

- Morphin! Start transformation sequence.

Megazord Sequence has been initiated.

Megazord activated.

We need the Power Sword now!

- Bring him down.

- Hiya! You dummies! Where's that jar?

That's good, Billy, but this is for next class.

Billy was awesome! He's great! It is my pleasure to promote you to yellow belt.


Billy, you were great! We're really proud of you.

Thanks, Jase.

You've earned it.

But I really just needed to prove it to myself that I could do it.

What's the matter, egghead?

He's okay.

Maybe he think he's too good for us?

My invisibility formula.

Come here.

Uncle Howard.

Look my formula.

Hey! Those bad boys need to be taught a lesson.

Uncle Howard, what are you doing?

Hold him, let's see how good this four eyed brain really is.

Let's go! Whoa! Fella's remember.

Keep your mental energy tightly centred like the nucleus of an atom.

Hey! That was great!
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