01x10 - Happy Birthday, Zack

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Power Rangers". Aired: May 23, 1994 - present.*
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A closeknit band of teenagers in fictional Angel Grove, Calif., transforms into a uniformed team of superheroes ready to take on any villains.

Seasons 1-3: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers; 3.5: Alien Rangers; 4: Zeo; 5: Turbo; 6: Rangers in Space; 7: Lost Galaxy; 8: Lightspeed Rescue; 9: Time Force; 10: Wild Force; 11: Ninja Storm; 12: Dino Thunder; 13: S.P.D.; 14: Mystic Force; 15: Operation Overdrive; 16: Jungle Fury; 17: RPM; 17.5- RV: Mighty Morphin (re-version); 18: Samurai; 19: Super Samurai; 20: Megaforce; 21: Super Megaforce; 22: Dino Charge; 23: Dino Super Charge; 24: Ninja Steel; 25: Super Ninja Steel; 26-27: Beast Morphers; 28-29: Dino Fury; 30: Cosmic Fury
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01x10 - Happy Birthday, Zack

Post by bunniefuu »

Ah! After 10,000 years, I'm free.

It's time to conquer earth.

Alpha, Rita's escaped.

Recruit a team of teenages with attitudes.

♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Mighty Morphin' Power rangers ♪ ♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ You mighty Morphin' Power Rangers ♪


( people screaming )


( carnival music playing ) All right, heads up, everybody.

Witness the Zack man on stilts.

- Ha ha ha! Yeah.

- Keep it up, man.

You're doing great.


No way.

I could never do that.

The only thing I can balance is shopping bags



- You know, on my arms.

- Ha ha ha! Remember to keep your center of gravity correctly proportioned, OK?

Check this out.

( laughter ) Yeah.

This is all right.

- Whoa.


- Whoa.




Aah! Aah! Whoa! Oh, my big, strong hero.

( kisses ) Aw, man, get up.

BILLY: Looks like you overleveraged yourself.

Come on, still head.

Let's check out the rest of the fair.

Don't frown, My fellow clown.

We'll get them.

We'll get them all.

Ho ho ha ha ha ha! Whoo!

( barker talking ) Come on, Sylvia, let's go see the clowns.

So is great, cousin Trini.

BULK: Heh heh heh heh.

Look at that.

( blithers )

( cackles )

( humming )

- Ta


- All right.

- That was great.

- TRINI: How's it going, guys?

Guys, This is my cousin Sylvia.

Sylvia, that's Billy,

- Kimberly, Zack and Jason.

- Hi.


Juggle my eggs and make them fly.

Won't one of you

- give it a try?

- I'll make an attempt.

Ah would you look at that?

It's our favorite group of pinheads.


( cackles )

- Come on.

Didn't you guys see the sign at the front gate?

No geeks allowed.

Heh heh.

Better get out of here before this gets messy.

- Heh heh heh heh.

- BILLY: 1, 2

- 3

- Ha ha ha! Only one nailed me.

Ha ha! That's all.

Looks like the only mess around here is you guys.

Hey, guys, they're doing gymnastics over these.

Let's go watch.

Can I stay here and play with pineapple?

Syliva, we're supposed to stick together.

How about we go see some gymnastics, and then we'll come back?


- OK.

- Come on.



I'll catch you later.

RITA: Ha ha ha ha ha! Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! That's right.

Walk into my trap, pinheads.

( cackles )


( hums )

- Finster! Finster! The fake carnival is working.

The power pip

-squeaks are falling for it.

It's almost time for phase 2.

Now, what about the clown?

Is he ready?

- I don't want any mistakes.

- Oh, yes, my queen.

I trained him myself.

first, he'll use his magic power to turn the Power Rangers one by one into cardboard cutouts.

Then, he'll transform into a horrible pineoctopus and terrorize the city.

RITA: Excellent.

Have him use that rat Sylvia as bait to get the rest of them.

- Finster, don't blow it this time.

- Yes, o hideous one.

Of course, of course, of course.

Phew! Uh


Hey! Whoa! Oh, oh! Take a look.

Come here, Baboo.

Ooh, look at it.

Oh, nasty one, the clown hasn't gotten the Power Geeks alone yet.

Is he waiting for an invitation?

Get the Power Geeks! Pineapple's making his move.

I love it whan a plan comes together.

- BOTH: Get those Power Geeks!

- Oh, yeah! BARKER: Step right up.

Man, I thought we were going to watch gymnastics.

You see that?

Hurry up, Trini, I




-I estimate we'll lose structural integrity

- in about 8.

3 seconds.

- TRINI: Ha ha ha!

- KIM: Quick, quick.


- ALL: Aah! Whoa!

- TRINI: We did it, guys.

- Syliva, look.

- BILLY: Uh, uh we're in imminent danger of collapse.

- Sylvia!

- Aah! I can't believe she left like that.

Guys, I have to go look for Syliva.


I should've kept a better eye on her.

- Sorry.


- Bye.

( people screaming ) TRINI: Syliva! Syliva! WOMAN: Whoo! You're a fun friends, Mr Pineapple.

I've got a new trick to show you.

( hums ) Syliva, we were supposed to stay together, remember?

Come on, let's get back to the fair.


Not so fast, baby


- Syliva is staying with me.

- Clown, back off.

No, Trini, no.

He's my friend.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Uh


I guess she's a bit bored.

Ha ha ha ha! TRINI: What have you done?


( cries )

- Let's go to the sky wheel.

- No.

Let's go to the tilt



- Guys!

- What?

This fair must be one of Rita's traps.


Look what that clown did to Syliva.

She's been subatomically transduced into a 2

-dimensional state.

KIM: There's gotta be something we can do.

The quasitronic molecular generator in my garage could be the answer.

Trini, you take Syliva to Billy's place, all right?

Have Alpha teleport down to help you.

- We're gonna warn everyone here.

- Right, OK.

BARKER: Only a dollar gets you the thrill of your life.

Ride the sea dragon.

Attention, everyone! Get out! Rita's attacking the park! It's a trap! Bipedaly ambulate to the hearest convenient outlet!

- Everybody run!

- Run!

- Come on, let's go!


( crowd screaming ) This way! Come on, go!

- Everybody out!

- Come on, everybody! BILLY: Run, run, come on, go! All right, come on, hurry up! ZACK: Oh, man.

Something tells me these guys aren't here to juggle.

- I bet they work for Rita.

- We can take these harmless clowns.

( gasps ) Oh, yeah, some clowns, huh?

You guys ever been afraid of clowns before?


( laughing )

- Aah! Leave them and come with me if you want to save little Syliva.

All right, clown.

What have you done to Syliva?

JASON: Billy, don't go.

Come on.

I don't have all day.

( laughter ) Hey, look, It's Rita!

( laughs ) Always remember.

The hand is quicker than the eye.


( Putty screams )

- You're going down, clown.

- No more clowning around.

( laughing ) All right.

That Pineoctopus is wonderfully wicked.

But what if he fails?

He should have some help.

- You're right.

Where's Goldar?

- You called, o wicked one?

First I want you to go down to earth.

- Then what?

- Attack!

( laughing )

- Man, that's one big Pineapple.

- It's Morphin' Time, guys.

- Mastodon!

- Pterodactyl!

- Triceratops!

- Tyrannosaurus! BOTH: Yah! What is it, Alpha?

What's wrong with her?

The analysis shows that the only critical thing she's missing is H20


- You know, water.

( laughing ) Kimberly, what happened to the monster?

I don't know.

He must have slipped away when the Putty Patrol showed up.

I think


- Aah! He headed for the park.

If you disconnect the electrodes, I'll apply the water.

Nothing is happening.

I don't understand it.

Yah! I will reevaluate the amount of water needed.

Of course, that's it.

- I have it! More water!

- Ohh.

Oh, my.

Detection alert.

Detection alert.

- Hiding, hiding, hiding.

- What's going on?

Trini, what did you do that for?

( laughing ) Wait, don't finish them yet.

These pathetic Power Pups are mine.

( laughing ) Now to make cardboard out of the lot of you.

Don't worry.

It won't hurt a bit.

But it might hurt a lot.

( laughing )


( sneezing )

- Go away, fools! So, your suits protect you from my magic.

Well, I have other tricks up my sleeve.

Your fate is sealed! Victory is mine!

- What a fruitcake.

- There is no escape! You're doomed! I am the mighty Pineoctopus! I cannot be beaten! No way, Pineapple face.

We'll never give up, never.

You're no match for me, the great Pineoctopus.

Why don't you give up and make it easy on yourselves?

( laughing )

- Aah!

- Aah! All right, now grow!

( roaring )

- Pull back and regroup.


( roaring )

( laughing ) Hey, guys, Alpha figured out how to save Syliva.

She's all right!

- Way to go, Alpha.

- Big deal! You're the ones I'm after.

She was just the bait.

- Now I've got you.

- We need Dinozord Power, now!

- Rangers, log on.

- Zack here.

Ready to jam.

- This is Billy.

All systems go.

- Trini here, up and running.

- Kim here.

Let's get this clown.

- Power Rangers, synch up.

All right, Rangers, move out.

Cover me, Jason.

I'm going in.

( laughing ) Hey, Billy, see if you can tie him up a bit.


Deploying hooks now.

- Precisely on target.

- Yes! Billy, good shot.

- Good shot, Billy.

- Time to teach that Pineoctopus a lesson.

I think we should freeze him up just like he did Syliva.

- All right, guys?

- Right.

Leave it to me.

One Pineapple

-fravered icicle coming up.

- Great! Let's get him, Jason.

- Right.

Activating Megazord Power.

- All right, let's do it.

- ALL: Morphin.

According to my calculations, a multiphase energy blast should overload him and bring on his destruction.

- Yeah.

Let's finish him off.

- Right.

- Yeah!

- All right! Not good enough.

Switch into battle mode, now.

- Got it!

- Morph.

Battle mode sequence, engage.

COMPUTER: Megazord Sequence has been initiated.

♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ COMPUTER: Megazord activated.

♪ Go, Go, Power Rangers ♪ ♪ Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers ♪

- Way to go, guys!

- All right! But, my queen, it wasn't my fault.

I can't believe you messed up again! I told you should have stayed and helped, but you wouldn't listen.

- What do you mean, me?

- Temper, temper.

Have nothing


- Ow! Can't you do anything right?

You make me sick.

Get out of my way, you nitwits! Now I've got to come up with another plan.

BARKER: Step right up.

Hot dogs, hot dogs.

- Get your hot dogs.


( people laughing and screaming ) Do you think Billy could teach me how to walk on stilts?


I don't think he's the one who can teach you.

Hey, looks like Billy's trying to reach new heights.

With my latest invention, it makes it easy for anybody to walk on stilts.

Even me.


I'm really sorry about what happened today.

That's OK, cousin Trini.

I shouldn't have wandered off.

- You taught me that.

- I did?

Yeah, you're a pretty good baby


Thanks, Syliva.

Ohh, ohh! Whoa! Well, Billster, I guess inventing has its ups and downs.

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