04x193 - Coexistence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x193 - Coexistence

Post by bunniefuu »

Where am I?

This is a safe place.

There's nothing to worry about.




We won't harm you.

If we were gonna eat you, we would have done it already.


This is the second time we've met,

but I still haven't introduced myself properly...

I'm Naruto Uzumaki.

I'm the Hokage.

I'm kinda the leader of the Village Hidden in Leaves.

I don't look it, do I?

I'm against this. It's too dangerous.

You heard Konohamaru's report, didn't you?

Holding the enemy's precious card in our possession,

puts us in danger.

The Kara will definitely make a move to take him back.

There's even the possibility the kid himself is a spy!

Then that's all the more reason... I'm the most qualified for this.

Especially if they're really that strong.

This is unprecedented!

Child or not, he's a security risk

who'd normally be placed under strict confinement.

To have him be babysat personally by the Hokage?!

I'm a Jinchuriki.

In the past, Kurama here inside my belly

was feared as as the Nine-Tailed Fox Spirit.

If Grandpa Third hadn't stuck up for me,

I might have been put under confinement too...

I understand what you're saying, but the Kara isn't just our problem.

You can't decide this all on your own.

Yeah, I know.


As you can see, we have detected

nano-sized Scientific Ninja Tools all over his body.

We believe that they are effecting peculiar changes upon his very cells.

His body has the ability to suddenly expand

due to super rapid cellular division,

as well as instantaneously harden or soften.

In one instance, I observed him remodel

part of his right arm into a giant spear-like w*apon and attack a target.

It's correlation to science is unclear, but in addition, on his left arm,

you can see a mark known as a Karma.

As far as we can tell...

Its main ability appears to be neutralizing an opponent's jutsu.

We believe this is conceptually similar to the Scientific Ninja Tool tech

that is being researched by the Hidden Leaf.

This Karma has also been confirmed on Boruto Uzumaki,

the son of the Hokage.

We are currently investigating their connection.

I think I get the situation.

He's a dangerous entity who can't be let out of our sight.

I was wondering why you called for a Five Kage Summit...

Well, that was quite persuasive.

I'm grateful for the information.

You informed us of that organization known as the Kara before.

If that boy has something to do with them,

then this matter certainly cannot be handled by the Hidden Leaf alone.

Do you know what they're up to?

Aside from the fact that

the Kara is desperately trying to get that boy back,

we don't know anything.

I'm sorry.

That boy still refuses to even tell us his name.

Well, you said this before,

but you have no intention of confining him, is that right?

Yeah, that's right.

Instead, he'll be under my supervision.

He will be with me at every moment.

How are you going to handle your day-to-day duties like that?

By the way, this is a live feed.

As you can see, Lord Hokage is keeping an eye on the subject,

while simultaneously attending this conference.

I see... Shadow Clones, huh?

What a useful jutsu, indeed.

For now, I'll resist checking to see which one of you is the clone.

I, for one, support Naruto's course of action.

Having been a fellow Jinchuriki, I know the pain of confinement.

And besides, having Naruto with him would feel safer than any physical cage.

Well, I've spent years at the side of a Jinchuriki too.

If you'd proposed to place that kid under confinement,

I would have been disappointed in you.

No objections here.

I'm with the Hokage.

It looks like it's unanimous.

Thank you, everyone!

However, as you mentioned earlier...

your son also has that Karma thing, right?

Will he be all right?

Quite honestly, there's a lot we don't know.

But since Boruto has the same thing as that boy,

I'm hoping his presence will help get him to relax.

I don't know how things will play out, though.

Right now,

that kid who has the Karma like you is at the hospital, right?

After what happened in Ryutan,

what do you think is going to happen to him?

He seems to be quite important to the Kara...

There's nothing to worry about.

My dad and the others are keeping an eye on him.

We probably won't ever see him again.

What's the matter?

Oh, there's something I've got to do.

How unusual!

I never expected you to go home so soon after a mission.

I'm not going home.

Uh, it's just a quick errand, ya know?

I'm coming in, Mr. Mugino.

Umm, the key...

This place looks even more desolate now.

Okay, okay. Sorry I'm late!

I'll feed you now.

Here you go!


Man, no matter how many times I feed you,

you aren't warming up to me at all!

I'm sorry I let your owner die.

Mr. Mugino asked me to do this.

I'm going to take you home with me and—!


Big Bro!

What are you doing here?

Oh, Mugino had asked me to do something.

What are you doing here, Big Bro?

I was thinking of sorting the stuff he left.

That said...

This room looks sad and empty.

Mr. Mugino said that he didn't like being bound to things.

Well, that sounds just like him.

I'll help you out.


But there doesn't seem to be anything

that would require two people to handle.


The floor's rotting there!

You almost created more work for yourself.

You've been here before?!

This is the first time for me.

Well, about that...

Hold on a second.

W-What is it?

I've got nothing now.

Thank you.

I'll never forget what you've done for me!

Hey, that's gross!

Not only did you make me cover your tab,

but you made a genin pay for your meal.

Aren't you embarrassed?

I've hardly had anything to eat.

But if you can't pay your tab,

why can't you rely on Big Bro Konohamaru instead of me?

I couldn't do that.

Begging a friend for money is unethical.

I can't believe he spent a genin's entire paycheck.

He's so crazy.

It's not something to laugh about.

I had to work hard and adjust my budget afterwards!

Anyway, I'm more surprised that

this is the first time you've been to Mr. Mugino's place.

He never really talked much about himself.

He was an enigma until the very end.

Mr. Mugino was really strange, wasn't he?

Yeah, during missions, he was always so serious.

I've known him for a long time,

but even I've never seen him crack a joke during a mission.

He said a lot of harsh things to me too.

But thanks to that, I learned a lot.

And every time when we'd get back to the village,

he'd go bar-hopping every night

and his wallet would be empty all the time.

It was hard to believe he was the same guy.

I've never met anyone who had such a ridiculous lifestyle.

So true!

And what was especially bad...

...was that despite all of that, you just couldn't hate him.


That being said... there's really nothing here, is there?


What's this?

This looks like Grandpa's handwriting.

He held onto something like this?

He apparently looked up to my grandpa,

but come to think of it, he never told me why.

About that...

I can't express my gratitude in words.

I had no idea that happened.

You're the first one I've told this story to.

So, not even Big Bro Konohamaru knows about this?

Of course not.

This story is too embarrassing to tell.

What's the matter, Boruto?

It's nothing...

Um, I think you should hold on to that.

I'm sure that Mr. Mugino would like that, ya know.

I see. I understand.

I already fed you, remember?

I had no idea he had a turtle!

Be careful, he—!


Would it be okay if I adopt his turtle, Boruto?

Yeah. Please do so.


Where are you taking me?

To my house.

We're going home.

We'll be living together starting from today.

My wife's cooking is really good!

Look forward to it.

I figured as much.


You may be Hokage or whatever, but...

I'm not gonna let you use me however you want.


I figured it wouldn't be this easy.

You good now?


I took a straight route.

But he got ahead of me despite taking a roundabout way?!

A bit short for a pre-meal run.

Are you done?

Let's go.

I guess it's gonna be impossible to get away from him.

Well, we're here.

From today, this is gonna be your home.

Is tea okay?

Yeah, thank you!

Please think of this as your own home and relax, umm...?

Isn't it about time you told us your name?

I keep telling you I'm not a member of Kara and

I don't have any information worth knowing.

Come on, relax a little.

As I said, this will be your home for the time being.

Stop it, that's so creepy!

What's your deal?

What are you after?

Members of Kara are after you.

I'm saying that we might be able to protect you.

You just want to keep me close at hand while I'm useful to you.

Well, your powers should be able to act as a shield.

Good grief... He's super cynical!

I won't run away anymore... for the time being.

Well, I hope we can get to know one another more.

I'm home!

Welcome back, Big Brother!

He came home at the perfect time.

Mom, is dinner read—?


You're... that kid with the Karma!

What are you doing in my house?!

Listen, Boruto.

Due to circumstances, he'll be living with us for a while...

I'd like it if you guys could get along.


With... us?!

What's the meaning of this?!

Well, I thought this would be for the best,

circumstances being what they are...

Try to be understanding.

How can I?!

This guy caused that huge mess back in Ryutan!


Besides, he escaped from a super-secure research lab.

Having a guy like that here in our house,

is like inviting him to go on a rampage!

You're quite noisy, aren't you?


This is your home, isn't it?


What did you say?!

I don't agree with this one bit.

Not with what you did in Ryutan or with letting you stay here...

You're going to stretch out my clothes.

Let go of me.

Cut it out, you two!

Stop right there, Boruto.

What are you thinking?

Don't give me such a scary look.

This is no time to laugh.

You saw what he did...

as he was rampaging!

How can you let a guy like him live here with Mom and Hima?!

Don't worry.

I'll be constantly watching his movements.

But that's not a guarantee.

He's incredibly powerful!

I don't know what he's been through,

but I also have no idea what he's thinking...

I can't even imagine what he might do.

Well, did you know that there was someone in the Hidden Leaf

who was exactly like him?


Don't change the subject!

Hear me out...

He didn't ask for it, but he was incredibly powerful.

Because of that, people kept their distance from him.

He was always alone.


talking about yourself, aren't you?


That was a painful time.

The cold stares directed at me

were more painful than any kind of training.

Without my friends,

I would have probably been pushed over the edge.


Right now, I can kinda understand

why people had given me such cold stares.

I'm sure that they were afraid.

Why wouldn't they be?

I was a brat who couldn't control himself,

who also had the power to destroy the village.

But the thing is, Boruto...

If possible, I don't want you to be one of those people.

Personally speaking.


Just wait...


I don't trust you one bit.

But I also don't want to assume you're bad

just because I don't know what you're thinking.

That's why...

I'm going to make sure for myself.

If you want to stay here, don't do anything funny.

You think I'm here because I want to?! Huh?!

What did you say?!

Wanna fight?!

Aw, c'mon!

What's the matter, Hima?

Hey, you jerk, do you realize what you just did?


That vase you just broke!

Himawari worked hard

to make that for our mom for her birthday.

Sorry about that.

It wasn't intentional.

It's Kawaki.


That's my name, damn it!

I'm Boruto!

Remember that, freeloader!

I'm about to leak, get out of the way!

I'm first! That's a given 'cuz this is my house!

This isn't a contest. My bladder's about to burst too.

I'm first. Wait your turn!

Always got something to say, don't ya, freeloader?!

I'm saying I'm first!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"The Uzumaki Household"

Shut up, the both of you!

The bathroom's occupied!

Go do your business outside!
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