04x176 - Blockade the A-Un Gate!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x176 - Blockade the A-Un Gate!

Post by bunniefuu »


I-I drew a card!

What do I do next?!

This is why I don't like playing with newbies.

Don't listen to him.

Just hit him hard!

Yeah, just hit him with that.

Huh? With this?

Yeah, just hit him with that!

You can do it! Just hit him!

Okay. I'll hit 'im with this!

What? An ultimate combo?!

You can do that?!

You underestimated the power of linking.

Inojin, did you lose?

One more game!

Is your arm all right?

It's totally fine!

It almost feels better than before.


It doesn't seem like it's totally fine.

Boruto, you idiot.

They said it's going to take three weeks to heal completely.

With all those injuries,

your hospital point card must be full!

Yeah, whatever! Keep joking!

I heard you perfected your new Rasengan.

Yeah, but I'm forbidden to use it.

If I use it more, my arm could get destroyed.

If Mitsuki wasn't there with me, it would've been disastrous.

Don't worry about it, Boruto.

The direction of the wind will change tonight,

so maybe I should move the location.

Hey, Denki!

You by yourself today?

During this time of year,

the temperature up in the sky is higher than on the surface, so…


He seems to be thinking about something complicated.

Blockade the A-Un Gate!

Excuse me!

Sorry to call you in like this when you just got back.

Oh no, I can't just take it easy forever.

Considering the gravity of the topic,

we asked Lady Fifth and Lord Sixth to join us today.

I read the report you submitted.

But I thought it would be better

if the previous Hokage heard the details directly from you two.


What did you see at the scene?

Tell us every detail.

The ones we fought were named Victor and Deepa.

They're unknown figures not listed in the Bingo Books of any nation.

They were unlike anyone we've battled so far.

And their objective was the fruit of the Divine Tree.

The fruit of the Divine Tree?!

It seems a section of the tree that was left on the surface

after the Fourth Great Ninja w*r was retrieved and cultivated.

But what grew from it was a far cry from the real Divine Tree,

and imperfect.

Well, that's to be expected.

Who would try to tamper with the Divine Tree?

About that.

I found something very interesting at the site.

I asked Sai and his ANBU to do additional investigating

in the Land of Valleys.

We found Victor's secret room at the site.

This is the pattern that was drawn on the wall there.

This is–!

Doesn't it match the pattern and special features

that Shojoji said he saw?

Are you talking about that thing

that the members of Kara were researching?

So that means, the ones we fought were–?!

It's safe to assume that they belonged to the Kara.

There's more.

It seems they were aware of the fact

that you and the others had brought down Momoshiki, Naruto.

That's classified information known only to the Five Kage!

So that means this group called the Kara or whatever

has been watching us the whole time.

What is the possibility that these two were the leaders

and that the Kara has been destroyed?

Most likely, very low.

We should assume that they had associates.

If so, this isn't a problem only for the Land of Fire.

Yeah, I figured so too,

and dispatched messengers to the Five Great Nations.

They should be arriving about now.






There's one more thing.

There's the word "vessel"

that keeps popping up in Victor's research data.

Vessel? What does it mean?

I don't know.

But there's no doubt that it had great significance to Victor.

Maybe someone from his company might know?

We came up with nothing.

Most employees were unaware that

the Divine Tree was being cultivated in the company basement.

Only a few were authorized entry into the underground facility.

And just who were these few?

As to that…

He was alive?!

The doctor who was helping Ku?!

It seems he was involved in the conspiracy

that occurred in the Land of Valleys.

You mean, he was a member of the organization called Kara?

Well, we did search for his body after the incident,

but couldn't find it.

We suspect that data gleaned from research on the Fabrications

was being used for Victor's experiments.

Don't tell me that Grandfather Ohnoki was also involved

with the Kara?!

That's hard to imagine.

Our belief is that the doctor used Lord Ohnoki

in order to obtain experimental data.

If their tentacles extended all the way to the Hidden Stone,

the Kara is an organization with a pretty extensive network.

It's an issue that an organization that big

has never once shown up in our nets.

And we don't even know how long

this organization has been in existence.

Any news about those who were involved

in the Divine Tree experiments?

Every single one of them is either dead or missing.

That's right! That doctor…

called himself and others, "Outers."


Probably some kind of code word used by the members.

Sai, have you heard anything on your side?

I just remembered something.

What is it?

When Sasuke and I went to the Hidden Rain to investigate,

we encountered a young man…

But Kara is different. They're my hope!

I was just thinking maybe he was also an Outer.

Maybe it means an outside collaborator

who supports the Kara's ideology?

Perhaps by taking advantage of outsiders like that,

is how they've avoided falling under our scrutiny?

That means there are scores of people like them

scattered inside all Five Nations!


There's a high probability that they're lurking

even in places outside the Hidden Cloud and Hidden Rain.

Of course, they could even be here in the Hidden Leaf.

Spies in the village? C'mon!

Wouldn't that explain how information about Momoshiki was leaked?

Depending on the circumstances,

we may have to investigate everyone in the village.

You suspect our own people?

If it's necessary, I'll use any means it takes.

It's to protect the village.

Shikamaru's concern is warranted.

It's not just the people who live in this village.

How many people do you think come and go every day in the village?

When you consider that, they could easily be

one of the passengers on the Thunder train.

Are you saying that we have to limit people's movements?

The battle against the Kara has already begun.

We have to avoid a situation where they inch closer

and overwhelm us while we waste time dawdling.


If we close our gates,

it's gonna have a big impact on people's lives.

And it'll cause anxiety among many people.

But isn't it our duty to protect those very people of our village?


It itches under these bandages and I can't stand it!

You shouldn't scratch too much.

Stop it, Boruto!


Thank goodness!

What are you doing, Denki?

What is that huge thing?

Is it a new kind of training?

I don't think that's the case.

Can you help me haul this to the top?

The top?

Over there.

Why do we have to lug something this heavy?

Soo heavy!

What is this?

I'll explain everything once when we get to the top.

I think you'll get it faster when you actually see it.

You're late, Denki.

We brought the fuel!

Thank you!

Anyway, I think the direction of the wind tonight

is going to change and start blowing south.

So, about the explanation?

Sorry, Boruto!

But would you mind taking out what's inside and spread it out?

Spread it out? Here?!

Can you wait a day for my decision?


But let me know by tomorrow, whether to blockade the gate or not.

Lord Seventh!

May I help you something?

I just came to see how things are going.

You check who's coming into the village over there?

Well, yes.

But now, it's really just a formality.

Compared to the past,

there's a lot more people entering and leaving,

so there's just not enough staff to conduct a thorough check on everyone.

Hey, that's too much information!

B-But… we stay alert day and night for the safety of our village!

I see.

I leave it in your hands.

Damn it!

I can't believe Denki made us haul this thing.

Of course, we're doing our best on site.

But it's totally possible we could miss something.

Thanks for going through all the trouble.

I think we have no choice

but to limit some movement in the village.

Allowing people to freely enter and leave

makes it easy for enemies to enter too.

The Byakuya g*ng incident and

the kidnapping by the Mujina g*ng are prime examples.

That's for sure.

It's graffiti by people from somewhere else.

It seems it was just a prank.

But it goes to show there are some with little love for this village.

It's unfortunate.

It seems you haven't decided whether to close the gates or not.

Compared to the past,

things are much more open in the village.

While it's good that things are open, it allows other things to enter.

We can deal with an enemy we can see.

But when they're invisible, it spells trouble.

Oh, my!

I've never seen that kind of fish before.

This fish isn't from here.

In other words, it's a non-native species.

It's kind of a nuisance, but…

When you eat it, it's quite delicious.

You're the one who'll make the decision.

Whatever you decide,

as long as you believe that's the answer,

everyone will understand, Lord Seventh.

I-It's rising!

So awesome!

That's awesome, Denki!

I can't believe a giant balloon can float like that!

Of course, it can! It's a balloon!

This is so exciting!

– It is! It is! – It is! It is!

Don't take your eyes off the altimeter!

Operating instructions are written on the paper.

Leave it to us!

Upwards toward infinity!

– Go! – Go!

What are you guys doing?

– Lord Seventh! – Lord Seventh!

Dad? What are you doing here?

We're helping Denki with his experiment.

Experiment? What kind of experiment?

A wireless experiment!


Like the thing you wear on your ear during missions?

In principle, yes.

I improved it by increasing its power

and expanding its range much farther.

By transmitting from the balloon we just launched,

theoretically, our voices should reach all the way to other nations!

Uh, which one is the switchover valve?

We've gone pretty high up, huh?

Not even!

If we use this burner, we'll go even higher—!

The instructions!

Don't panic.

For situations like this, all we need is guts!

See?! We're getting there!

Other nations? That far?


But for this experiment,

Denki's got a friend in a town near the border.

He sent them the same machine over there.

If this experiment works,

we'll start hearing his voice, but…

That town takes a whole day to get to, right?


I have a feeling it's just too far.

Boruto, what's the altitude of the balloon?

Around .

It has to go a little higher, or it won't…

Not yet?!

I do not know!

It's not gonna last much longer!

This is Denki Kaminarimon in the Hidden Leaf Village.

Can you hear me?!

We'll reach target altitude soon!

C'mon, hang in there!

Can you hear me?

This is Denki of the Hidden Leaf.

Can you hear me?

I hear you Denki!

I can hear your voice!

Hey Denki! You did it!

The experiment is a success!

Congratulations, Denki!

It is the signal that it was a success!


He did it, huh?!

Are you a genius or what?!

I'm so shocked!

How wonderfully strange.

Talk about a man who can get things done!


We can't hear his voice anymore.

The balloon's altitude decreased.

I have to think of a way

to keep it up there for a longer period.

Too bad.

So, we can't just start using it on missions yet?

Still, it's an amazing accomplishment!

Maybe soon, it will get easier to speak

to people in the Land of Iron, huh?

You're right!

Yeah, that's right!

One day, if this technology can connect people

from all over the world…

we can help each other right away whenever trouble happens!

Our world will be much closer and interconnected!

Denki! You just got powered up!

Oh, it's descending!


We are out of fuel!

What do we do?

We'll get you right now!

Aw, man!

The wind's gonna blow them away!

Let the air out slowly!

Hey, this doesn't look good.

We have to go after them quickly!

Maybe we should just leave them.

Iwabe, just jump out!

Are you crazy?!

Okay, I gotcha!


All right! I've decided!

Originally, chakra was a power to connect people with each other.

It's fundamental to us shinobi.

If we do anything to sever that connection,

it will be like we're strangling ourselves.

Yesterday, those kids made me remember that.

I will not blockade the gates of the Hidden Leaf Village.

Good grief.

Knowing you, I figured you were going to say that.

Without a doubt, there is a risk.

And we've got to be concerned

for those who risk their lives every day to protect the village.

So, I want to reevaluate

our entire surveillance system in the village.

Can I leave that to you, Sai?

I'll get on it immediately.

I'm in agreement with that.

But we don't know when this enemy could strike.

So just waiting around for it to happen is an issue.

The Kara's hideout is somewhere out there.

We'll coordinate with every nation to find it.

In other words, Victor…

You're trying to tell me, that everything was Deepa's scheme?

I have proof that he pulled one over us, Jigen.

You can rest assured.

I retrieved every part of Deepa's body that remained.

Our secret has not been revealed to those shinobi.

Still, I find it strange.

That you weren't aware of

what was going on right under your nose.

I nearly died from all of this!

I lost my company too.

Anyway, what's the condition of the Vessel?

Everything is going favorably.

The Divine Tree, huh?

Something only fools would come up with.

If you want to fulfill your wish, stop dreaming absurd dreams.

I shall take your warning to heart.

Everything is going favorably, hah!

How annoying.

I didn't take into account any interference.

Now that my plan has gone awry, there's just one path left for me.

I'll just have to take his Vessel.

It's amazing you got chosen to take part in the operational test

for the sensing system, Inojin!

Well, sensing isn't something that's hard to do.

Yeah, the Yamanaka are specialists at sensing and transmission.

Aw man, an operational test is beyond a pain!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"The Iron Wall's Sensing System"

Though, I'm way more suited for the Super Beast Scroll!
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