04x167 - Their Decision

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x167 - Their Decision

Post by bunniefuu »

Man, no patients, huh?

I'm so bored!

I wish a patient with a severed arm or something would walk in!


They're here!

We've been expecting you!

How are they?

They were given emergency first-aid.

But it was limited given the location and lack of equipment.

Thank you.

We'll take it from here.

You two need to get treated quickly as well!

We're ready.

Got it.

Ms. Shizune, I leave her in your hands.

All right. I got it.



Lord Seventh!



Boruto is–!

He'll be all right.

He'll come to right away.

Besides, Sakura's taking care of him.


You're right.

Konohamaru, don't be so discouraged.

This happened even though I was there with him!

Please forgive me!

Look at me, Konohamaru.

Danger goes hand in hand with a shinobi's mission.

And you know those two won't let something like this get 'em, ya know?

Yes, sir!

And Mitsuki?

You left him in Orochimaru's care?


He sustained serious injuries that were beyond

the scope of the physician who gave first aid.

This is risky.


The cells closest to regenerating are breaking down.

This is more serious than I expected.

That Mitsuki…

After all the times I told him not to use Sage Transformation!

You're worried about Mitsuki, aren't you?

He's a valuable sample.

Losing him now would be very disappointing.

That's all…

His organs are no good.

We'll have to regenerate them from scratch.

Let's get ready.

Is there enough time if we start now?

I just hope that his body holds up until then.

We'll cross that bridge when we get to it.


They called themselves Victor and Deepa.

Sasuke, does that ring a bell?

No, it's the first I've heard of them.

Seems they're not on the Five Great Nations' Bingo Book either.

More importantly, the issue at hand is the Hashirama Cell.


Why did such a dangerous object appear now, of all times?

We can talk about the specifics on how it appeared later.

Right now, we need to know why it was stolen.

It could be connected to that group known as "Kara."

We need to proceed while keeping the worst-case scenario in mind.


I know where Victor's company is located.

Please let me investigate!

That's easier said than done.

The Land of Valleys where the company's located may be small,

but it's still an independent nation.

The Leaf can't simply walk in and intervene.

Isn't there anything we can do?

I'll contact someone who has some influence in the Land of Valleys.

Give me about three days.

Sorry for putting you through this all the time.

I'm counting on you!

What's taking so long?

Be quiet!

If we lose the Hashirama Cell,

we may never get another chance to get it again!

It's been five years… no, more.

If that guy had only proceeded with the plan…

we wouldn't have had to go through this much hardship.

What hardship?!

All you did was cause chaos wherever you felt like it.

They might have noticed, you know?!

Why should that concern us?

Neither of us are trusted within the organization.

Don't lump me in with yourself!

You don't know me!

You're one to talk.

The rumor is that you were able to become a member

thanks to a huge investment made by this company.

Do you want to die, you bastard?

Oh, I'm so scared!

Anyway, just do as you're told and retrieve the item!

Fine, fine.

I'm bored sitting here anyway.


Ms. Shizune.

Thank goodness!

You seem alert.

Where am I?

The Leaf Hospital.

The Leaf?



You have to lay down.

You were given first aid at Dr. Yubina's facility

and were brought here along with Sarada.

Do you remember that?

You've been asleep all this time.

Hinata and Himawari have been so worried about you.

I'll call them right away!

Ms. Shizune?


Where's Mitsuki?

He's with Orochimaru.

He's been injured pretty seriously.

I see…

You're not surprised?


I'm not.

You got away with only a minor injury on this side.


I'm okay now.

It's not okay.

Your left eye could suffer some long-lasting effects.


Anyway, this Dr. Yubina is really skilled!

Otherwise, I don't even want to think what might've happened to you two.

Be very thankful.

We're going to do a complete physical next.

Just rest until we get the results.

This will be the last test.

It's gonna take a while to get it ready, so wait here.

I'm come get you.

We lost, huh?

I'm so mad.

My Sharingan was…


Are you crying?


Why would I cry?

My Rasengan…

…was useless, too.

Did you hear about Mitsuki?

I heard he's in bad shape.

I think he protected us.

Otherwise, we'd both… be dead.


Doesn't it worry you?

About the state they're in?

I wonder if they're okay.

The stress from experiencing an intense battle affected them, right?

But we can't show them we're worried.

They have to overcome it.

I just have a nagging feeling that something is bothering them…

I hope I'm just imagining it.


What's wrong, you guys? You both look so anxious.

It's because…

The rumor is that one wrong move could've k*lled them both.

And no one knows what happened to Mitsuki.

I'm sure they're super depressed!

We're here!

Let's go in!

– Yes! – Yes!

– Hey, don't push! – Whoa!


Hey, guys!

Oh, hey!

How do you feel?

You came to see me?

You didn't have to do that! Thanks!

You're looking quite well!

I guess we didn't need to worry.

What? Did you think I'd be all depressed and stuff?

Well, we heard you were hurt really badly.

Here's a get-well present from us.

It looks so good! Thanks!

Well, anyway…

Even if things didn't work out this time… uh…

That's not what's going on!

In fact, I'm refreshed…

…since we were completely defeated.

You weren't allowed visitors for a long time,

so we didn't know what to do!

I'm sorry I worried you.

Thank goodness!

I can't believe you're not depressed!

Yup! Not at all!

I'm totally fine!

See you, Sarada!

We'll drop by again.

Oh, hey it's you guys!

You two came by as well?

I'm coming in!

Mr. Shikamaru!

Don't get up.

We finally got permission from the Land of Valleys.

They'll allow us to observe Victor's company.

All right!

Now we can uncover their evil deeds!

Hey, easy there!

They're only allowing you to observe their medical tech and nothing else.

You can't just go there and start a fight.

What you're saying is, to do what needs to be done,

but don't get caught, right?

I'm sure you know that

this is not going to be an easy mission.

I'll peel their masks right off their faces.

No matter what it takes.

Do you actually understand what this means?

Of course, I do!

I'm a shinobi.

If I fail, I won't cause you any trouble.

You're taking on a lot.

Thank you!

But I totally understand how you feel.

For their sake as well, do not get caught.

No matter what it takes.

I won't!

Oh, a turtle.

Oh dear, your face shows something portentous.

What's the big idea?!

The shadow of death follows a close friend of yours.

The only one who can cast that shadow away, is you.

Who are you?

I am the owner of this shop.

Since ancient times,

the shell of a turtle has been used to divine one's fortune.

But, whether you believe me or not is all up to you!

I'm glad that both of them seem to be doing quite well.

The way they're going,

they'll both be discharged real soon, right?

What is it, Iwabe?

You haven't even touched your food.

I'm just worried.

About what?

Boruto was weirdly cheerful.

I thought he seemed pretty normal.

He was too normal.

Remember, this is after he almost died.

Now that you mention it,

Sarada's cheerfulness seemed a little forced too.

You're right.

Knowing him, if he was really okay,

he'd be super mad at himself for losing, right?


But he was unusually calm.

A shinobi who's lost his will to fight can't go on.

Are you saying they're going to quit being shinobi?!

But we're talking about those two!

We just have to keep an eye on them both, for now.

– Right! – Right!

How does it feel?

Any discomfort?

I think I'm fine!

Thank goodness!

Nothing serious showed up on your complete physical either.

I can walk around on my own already, right?

Just in case, we're gonna keep an eye on you for one more day.


Get some rest.



Here we go.

Don't get him riled up too much.

I know!


He's not here.

Maybe he went to go get a test?

At this hour?

What's going on?

Oh, it's Sarada's mom!

Do you know where Boruto is?


Sarada, I'm coming in!

She's not here!

Where did they go?



Where could they have gone?


What is it?

Was he acting weird yesterday

to hide his true intentions?

What do you mean?

It wasn't 'cuz they've lost their will to fight.

It's the complete opposite…

They made their minds made up!


Made up their minds for what?!

What else?!

To avenge Mitsuki!




Meaning, they're not gonna take their friend's defeat sitting down?!

If that's it, they're being too reckless!

There's no way they can win.

Calm down, everyone!

If that's the case, I think I have a hunch where they might be.



Let's go.

If we get going, we can cross the border before the sun sets.

I've already gotten permission from Lord Seventh.

Do you really get it, though?

I'm going under the pretense of being an observer,

but I'll be walking straight into the lion's den.

Of course, I know that.

I also know that you can't forgive Victor.


Are you going to leave without telling them?


If I tell them, they'll want to come with me.

Wise decision.

But I don't think that's gonna happen.

Big Brother!

How are you both doing?

Yeah, we're totally fine.


Mitsuki saved our lives, didn't he?


I don't know what jutsu he used, but he rescued you from that battle.


Mitsuki's really doing that badly?

I'm so sorry!

It was my responsibility as your captain.

We're going to sneak into Victor's company,

and I swear, we'll uncover them!

I know how much you want to come with me, but…

Hold on!

There they are!

Wait a sec, Iwabe!

It's not like that at all.

We don't want to go with you.

That battle made us realize something…

I hate to admit it, but we're weak.

Now that we realized this…

We've decided to become stronger!

We'll keep training.

As long as we can't beat him, we can't move forward.

We just wanted to let you know, Sensei!

I see!

You two are starting to look like real shinobi.

Hey, I have high hopes for you!

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

I see how it is.

Oh my, I guess we worried over nothing again.

The hard part is just beginning.

We both have to double up our strength many times over.

I promise you, I will. You'll see!

Don't forget those words until the next time we meet!

See ya!


There he is!


Mr. Sasuke!

Can you help train—?



I mean, I guess I should have expected that.

Sorry, Boruto.

I can't teach you how to make your Rasengan more powerful.

Why aren't you asking Naruto?

You still can't be upfront with your dad?

It's not that!

It's just…

Did you spend the night here again?

I had no choice!

I wanted to read up on the intel from the investigative team about the Kara.

You don't have to go through each and every thing!

Everyone's doing their best!

I have to know everything.

Everyone in the village is my family.

It's just that…

I feel like I'll slack off and take advantage if I train with a relative.

Well, excuse me.

No, I didn't mean it like that–!

This is the one time I want training to be extra hard on me.

Mr. Sasuke, is there anyone else who would be good?

Let's see…

The only other person in this village who can use the Rasengan is…

For some reason, I'm getting a bad feeling in my bones…

I've had a bad feeling in my bones all day!

Hey! Kakashi Sensei!

Is this what it was?!

My premonition was right.

Oh hey, Boruto! Been a while!

Nice weather we're having today, eh?! Well, see you later!

Hey, hold on a minute!

I have a favor to ask you.

What is it?

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Training Begins!"


I want you to oversee my Rasengan training!
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