04x165 - The Quadruplets' Duty

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x165 - The Quadruplets' Duty

Post by bunniefuu »

We've wasted quite a bit of time.

We can't let them gain more distance between us.

Let's hurry and catch up to them.


But we have to proceed with utmost caution.

If it's for a goal,

these guys won't think twice about risking their lives.

What's the matter?

Let's go!

– Yes, sir! – Yes, sir!

I gave my word.

You're the only one I'm letting live.

The Land of Haze, huh?

They should've stayed in their place.



The Cell looks like it's still stable.

We're close to the border.

Should we speed up our pace?

Hiruga… Eat.

I'm fine.

If you don't eat or drink, you'll hinder our mission.

So, you have to eat.

You don't need to split it into four anymore, do you?

It's just the two of us now.

We expected this.

The Land of Silence took us in as orphans, fed us,

and gave us our way of life, as shinobi.

Now, it's finally time to repay our debt to them.

I know that.

We should just eat.

It would make them happy.

You're right.

Let's go.

The Quadruplets' Duty

Yuuga died to stop them!

There's no way someone's co—!

It seems he couldn't stop them.

That means it's my turn, huh?

We don't know what they'll try.

Before they can use another troublesome jutsu,

we'll confront them first.

You guys will assist.

– Yeah. – Right!

No, you don't!

They should still be nearby!

What is this?!


That appearance!

My legs won't—!

Haze Ninja Art!

Forbidden Jutsu: Hellish Obliteration!

Of all the weird tricks!

Damn it!

Boruto, get down!

Lightning Style: Lightning Ball!

He's not letting us use jutsu!

Multiple Striking Shadow Snakes!

The Hashirama Cell!

Just go, Asaka!

I'll deal with them!

We only live for the sake of the mission!


Struggle all you like. It's useless.

The spirits of the underworld will drag everything down!

Why you—!

And what are you gonna do with that?

I'm gonna wipe that annoying smirk off your face with my Rasengan!

Try it, if you can!

Don't underestimate me!

Stop, Boruto!!

Don't try to stop me, Sarada!

It's not about that!

The speed at which you're sinking is different!

The closer you get to him, the stronger the jutsu's effect!


Sharp of you to notice.

I thought I'd let him get closer too.

Oh well, it doesn't matter.

If that's the case—!

Damn, it's like an antlion pit!

We need to get away from him!

Boruto, give me your hand!


Whatever you try, it's too late.

You're coming to hell with me!

No way!

You too?

Did you just realize it?

I'm the one who'll ferry you…

to the underworld!

What is with you guys anyway?!

Why are you so eager to throw your lives away?!

We're not throwing our lives away!

We're saving lives!

Saving lives?

With my death, a life will be saved!

That's your mission?

Don't you think an order like that is crazy?!

You'll never understand.

How I…

No, how my brothers and I feel!



The center of the Land of Silence is just up ahead.

Don't let down your guard.


I thought we could eat it all together, so I saved it!

Yoruga, that's your peach.

You eat it!

Hiruga, do you want to break the rule?

No matter what the situation,

we always split everything four ways, right?

There was a giant peach tree behind the orphanage, right?


We'd hide and eat to avoid getting found.

Do you think that tree's still standing?

If we complete this mission and return home alive…

It's been a while, but let's all go there!

Sounds good.

That's if we all make it home.

You won't be getting a turn, though!

How do you know that?

As soon as we enter the village,

we have to gather intel on the Hashirama Cell.

– Yeah. – Yeah.

We know who has it now.

Let's go on ahead.


It's a powerful barrier!

If we force it open, not only will they detect us… we'll die.

But if we waste time, those guys from the Leaf will get here.

Yeah, yeah… step aside!


Well… I guess it's my turn!

Hey, do me a favor.

Take this and bury it under that peach tree.

This way I'll be able to watch our land become wealthy and happy!

We leave it up to you!

Haze Ninja Art…

Forbidden Jutsu: Gate to the Afterlife!


Let's go.

Our promise…

You got it?

Promise me… in our homeland… okay?

I made a promise to Yoruga that I'd bring him back home.

I see.

So, the one who died that time was–!

It wasn't just Yoruga.

Yuuga fulfilled his duty as well.

And so, will I!

Back home, there's a lot of starving kids,

who're a lot like us.

If we have the Hashirama Cell, we can save their lives!

The Hashirama Cell isn't a handy object just to have!

Do you even know what it is?!

I don't need to know!

If our land says they need it,

our duty is to successfully complete the mission. That's all!

That's a ridiculous and messed-up order!

It's like they're ordering you guys to go and die!

Our land took us in as orphans.

They gave us warm meals.

Have you ever been close to starving even once?

Have you ever felt of the sensation of food

finally hitting your empty and husk-like stomach?!

You can't even imagine it

because you live the good life in a Great Nation!

Seriously, at this rate–!

If only my arms were free!

Damn it–!

Seems like we were misled…

What are you talking about?!

At this rate, he's gonna be the first one to get swallowed up!

That means, if he dies…

Then this nasty jutsu will—!

Have you finally realized it?

What do you mean?

You have to be first to—?

It's the one defect of this jutsu!

The user of the jutsu is the first to die, that's me!

So, all that talk about dragging us down was a bluff!

This was all just to buy time!

But that's more than enough!

It will be dawn soon.

Around the time when the sun starts to rise…

Asaka will already have crossed the border.

So that was your motive from the start?!

Until now, we had to take the long way,

because we were worried about the Hashirama Cell.

From here on out, he can take the shortest route straight home!

We win!


Hey, are you all right?!


Boruto, don't bother with him!

We have to think of a way to get out here as soon as possible!

Yoruga… Yuuga.

I'll be joining you soon.

Let's meet… under the peach tree!

Stop talking crazy!

There must be another way other than this!

Just hurry up and release this ridiculous jutsu!

Boruto, don't get close to him!

Struggle all you want!

Just a little longer!

I just need to buy a little more time!

Our one and only goal is to retrieve the Hashirama Cell, right?!

I know that!

Just keep arguing like that, until the sun comes up!

If he wants to die, let him!

Misplaced sympathy will only k*ll you!

Mr. Mugino is right!

You're telling me to just watch him die?!

He probably thinks this is his only option!

Don't assume and jump to conclusions about me!

You're just pitying me now…

because you don't want to feel guilt and pain later on

for leaving me to die!

That's exactly how a spoiled brat from a Great Nation would think.

Same to you!

Don't assume and jump to conclusions about me either!

Boruto! I said don't get close to him!

Come closer! I can just take you along with me!

I don't plan on dying!

I'm just telling you not to die!

Boruto, don't!

Boruto, stop!


Let's stop all this stupid stuff!

Stay away! You idiot!

What's going on here?

Mr. Omoi?!

Don't get near this swamp!

What happened?

That guy earlier wasn't normal.

My two subordinates were k*lled.

And he found out that the Haze shinobi have the Hashirama Cell.


So, he hasn't come around here yet?

Hey, you just said he's taken the shortest route back to your land, right?

If the person Mr. Omoi fought is heading straight to the Haze…

It's highly likely that they'll run into each other at some point.


Looks like the situation's changed, huh?

I-I don't believe him!

He's lying because he wants the Hashirama Cell!

Then go confirm it with your own eyes!


Damn it!

You're so reckless!

He's right! You could've died!

I couldn't help it.

My body moved before I knew it.

That's so like you, Boruto!

This doesn't mean I trust you.

This is just until I make sure Asaka's safe!

What a charming guy!



It looks like I'll only hold you back.

Don't worry about me. Go after him.

Understood. Leave the Cell to us.

Physical att*cks and all styles of jutsu had no effect on that guy.

Be very careful.

Please excuse us!

I can't believe the Cloud jonin were taken down!

I guess when he's locked in and after the Hashirama Cell,

he's impossibly strong!

It's one guy. If we all team up, we'll be fine.

Right, Hiruga?

My goal is to notify Asaka of danger.

I have no intention of joining up with you!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:


"Death Match"

I finally found you!

I'll be taking the Hashirama Cell now.
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