04x161 - The Castle of Nightmares

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x161 - The Castle of Nightmares

Post by bunniefuu »

The Castle of Nightmares

What's he trying to do?

Damn it!

He's making sure the person he's making a deal with is the real deal.

To the point of sacrificing himself?

More importantly…

The question is, how do we heal him?

He's our only lead!

I'll take a look.

What are you going to do, Big Bro?!

He's in the same state as Mr. Anato!

There's no way to cure him!

We have no choice

but to change our strategy at this point.

We should find someone who might know who this man is.

Big Brother?

No way!

He's getting better!

Don't tell me…

Did you use that?


Was that—?

The antibodies from Mitsuki's body.

Miss Yubina gave me just one vial.

We were planning on taking it back to the Leaf for analysis.

I never imagined it would come in handy in this way.

I must hand it to you, Mr. Kirisaki.

Your skill is admirable.

You are so reckless!

Even though the potency of the Hashirama Cell was weakened…

its efficacy was still very alarming.

One mistake and you could've died, did you know that?

I would gladly give my life in service to my employer.

Now, let me show you the way.

Hold on!

I've proven myself and my skill.

Isn't it time you revealed the identity of your "employer"?

Taking the doctor to meet someone whose name we don't even know,

just doesn't feel right.

If you come with me, you'll know right away.

It seems these talks are getting nowhere.

My regards to your employer.

Please wait just a minute, Mr. Kirisaki!

I understand! I will tell you.

My employer's name is…



Sakuya resides in Fushuu Castle located in the village

and is quite a beautiful person!

And you intend on taking us to this castle?


There is a powerful barrier around the castle,

and you cannot enter unless you are with me.

Death awaits anyone who tries to break in.

I thought we could go on ahead

once we got the name and location, but…

Our role is to be their backup.

We'll maintain our distance and keep following them.

We know who has it now.

Let's go on ahead.


Do you think it will work?

We just have to leave the rest up to fate now.

This is going to be a long battle.

Get ready!

Lady Sakuya is a goddess of beauty!

Just a slight touch of her fingers, as white as snow…

…makes one feel like they are ascending to heaven.

And what does this beauty, Lady Sakuya, want with me?

Has she taken ill?

Certainly not!

Lady Sakuya is the picture of health.

There's just one slight problem.

Lady Sakuya!

Pretty flowers were in bloom, so I picked and arranged them for you.

I'm sure gazing at them will help you feel better.

I hope there aren't any bugs on them!

Time is a cruel mistress!

Lady Sakuya is the model of perfection…

But she is unable to counter the passage of time.

And one wrinkle after another…

is ravaging her beautiful skin.

In other words,

I've been called for the sake of youth restoration surgery?

We heard from the seller that

youth can be restored by using the Hashirama Cell,

so Lady Sakuya acquired it.

All this for something like that?!

Can the Hashirama Cell make you young again?

That's impossible.

They don't even understand what the Hashirama Cell is.

The flower has a wonderful fresh scent!

How dare you! How dare you!

Please forgive me, Lady Sakuya!

I hate my wrinkled face!

Where's the doctor! Isn't the doctor here yet?!

The Hashirama Cell is my only hope to keep on living.


Bring back my beauty!

That's Fushuu Castle!

What's this?

What's going on?

What a pitiful way to die…

They probably tried to break in and got caught in the barrier.

Dispose of the body somewhere outside of the village

before word of this reaches Lady Sakuya.

I'm sorry you had to witness such an unpleasant incident.

Was it an intruder?

It's not unusual.

There are many scoundrels who try to steal Lady Sakuya's jewels.

Please enter.

Looks like infiltration went successfully!

Get this done right, Konohamaru.

Why are the mirrors shattered?

It was per Lady Sakuya's orders.

She said she doesn't want to see herself in an unsightly state.

First, let me verify the Hashirama Cell with my own eyes.

It's all for nothing if I can't use the Hashirama Cell.

Lady Sakuya keeps the Hashirama Cell in her possession at all times.

Then let us meet Lady Sakuya right away.

Hey, as soon as we enter the castle,

I want you to hold back the butler.

In the meantime, I'll grab the Hashirama Cell.

Please, right this way!

Lady Sakuya's chambers are up ahead?

Yes, but…

Before that…


This is a room of traps that

the previous lord of the castle built to capture intruders.

What's the big idea?!

This syringe contains the same Hashirama Cell

that was injected into me earlier.

Please show me how you use this to turn your assistant young again.


Hold on, hold on!

You want me to turn him into an infant?

I cannot allow you treat Lady Sakuya from the get-go.

First, I have to witness that it really works.

What do we do?

He doesn't have another one of Mitsuki's antibodies.

I mean, there's no way he'd okay this…right?



Are you serious?

But before that… bring me a drink!

The best you've got!

A drink? Before surgery?

I have to drink to keep my hands steady.

Without it, I won't operate!

Are you okay with that?

I'll have it readied immediately!

Someone! Is anyone around?

Hey! Anyone?!

What are you thinking?

A change of plans.

I'll try to buy as much time as I can here.

You go and retrieve the Hashirama Cell.

Do it quietly.

Don't forget that we're right in the middle of the lion's den.

I got it, Big Bro!

Good thing I had a Shadow Clone out just in case.

Bring me the best stuff you've got in this castle!

Bring it immediately. Don't forget the glass either!

Please wait just a moment, Mr. Kirisaki!

Things sure soured quickly.

I gotta quickly find where Sakuya is, or else!

But which way is her room?

This scent!

Is it this way?

They're on the move.

The rest is going as planned.

Don't mess up.

I know, Asaka.

I know the whereabouts of the fool who stole the Hashirama Cell.

It seems he sold it off in the Land of Silence.

Well, he certainly chose a troublesome place to go to.

But, if it's in that Land…

It won't matter if we get a little rough.

How would causing a disturbance from our side benefit us?

Don't do anything reckless! I won't allow it!

Hey! Where are you?!


Are you up?

Where am I?

At a hospital.

You were dying, and someone brought you here.

You'll be safe here.

When he wakes up, thank him.

He saved your life.

As for me,

I would have liked to have seen a bit more pain, but…

This is the best of its kind.

It has a nice color.

Just have one glass, please.

We mustn't keep Lady Sakuya waiting any longer.

You're so stingy!

By the way, you haven't told me how you got the Hashirama Cell.

There was a fool

who apparently worked for a medical equipment company somewhere.

He stole something that their research team discovered.

And you bought it from him?


I was doubtful at first until we actually used it.

We transplanted it into a young girl we captured in town…

In a blink of an eye,

she turned into such a repulsive creature.

What happened to that girl?

Who knows?

I had her tossed out of the castle, and she disappeared.

In any case, I doubt if she survived.

Now then, Mr. Kirisaki!

Please drink it down quick!

The smell of perfume keeps getting stronger.

Just standing here like this makes me sleepy.

You can say that again.

Then just go to sleep.

Found ya!

Now, how do I get close to the Hashirama Cell?

And he told me to do it quietly, too!

Phew! Is she taking a nap?

Lucky me. This saves me some time.

I'm gonna grab the Hashirama Cell while I can.

Did you guys do this?!


We can't wait any longer!

If you're not going to perform the surgery—!

Hold on!

There's one more thing I want to ask you…

Something terrible has happened!

A Leaf shinobi has snuck into Lady Sakuya's chambers!

What did you say?!

Please come with me!

Not good.

I guess we've got no choice but to go with brute force now.

Who are you?

Do these ring a bell?

Those earrings! I've seen them somewhere.

No way! You're from earlier!

Thanks for interfering back then!

But it's a good thing we kept an eye on you.

So, you used us?


They're coming this way.

Are you after the Hashirama Cell?!

Of course!

Don't think you can get away.

We never once thought that we could get away easily.

That's why you're going to come in very handy.

What do you mean by that?


Why are you here?!

Lady Sakuya!

Lady Sakuya!

Wait! This isn't—!

You tricked me!


You were Leaf shinobi?!

– What's that?! – What's going on?!


Lady Sakuya has been m*rder*d!

Leaf Shinobi are the perpetrators!

Everyone, come to the great hall!

It wasn't me!

What the hell are you doing?!

This one's a freebie!


Where did those guys go?!

Boruto, what happened?!

Every lackey in the castle is headed this way!

The butler's been k*lled!

As well as Sakuya!


All right. That should do it…

The barrier's undone.

Let's go.

After this, he'll buy lots of time for us.

Well, that scent…

is pretty noticeable.

Open up!


Bring an ax!

Poison, huh?

I wonder if Boruto and Sensei are okay.

Shinobi from the Hidden Leaf k*lled Lady Sakuya…

and stole her treasure!

They're still in the castle!

If you capture them, you'll get a reward!

They really messed up!


This is bad.

We're totally surrounded!

All the troublemakers from town are coming after us.

Hey, it looks like we've been framed!

So, does that mean it's us against all of them?!

Our top priority is to get the Hashirama Cell!

We've got to escape from this town somehow!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

“Escaping the Tightening Net”

Getting away from that many people? I'll show you how it's done!

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