04x160 - To the Land of Silence

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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04x160 - To the Land of Silence

Post by bunniefuu »

What's that?


He's probably just a thief.

You don't have to go after him.

This area is already part of the Land of Silence.

There are many criminals here

who have no love for ninja from the Five Great Nations.

We don't want to let on that we're Leaf Shinobi.

Let's take off our headbands.


Why did it turn into a place like this?

It used to be ruled by a dictator named Gengo,

but he was deposed over a decade ago.

It was peaceful for a little bit,

but for many years since,

the struggle for power has continued.

So, now it's a lawless region where the world's fugitives escape to.

The Hashirama Cell can be found at the black market there, right?


Our mission's top priority is to retrieve the Hashirama Cell.

Frankly, I'm against bringing you all with us.

Why's that?!

One mistake in handling the Hashirama Cell

could result in death.

This is gonna be too much for a genin handle.

We can't allow any more victims.

I'll definitely recover the Hashirama Cell!

Act cool all you want.

Just don't act on your own.

This is a new mission ordered by Lord Seventh.

We can't fail.

I got it!


Seems like there's no one around.

It's gone to ruins.

Doesn't this nation have any shinobi?

They do.

They're just a little different

from what your idea of a shinobi is.

After all, there's no village or obligations to protect anymore.

In other words,

what's trusted here the most, is money and power.

Money and power.

You'll see when we get there.

We're close to the village.

Let's hurry.

This is the village with the black market.

There are so many different items here.

Though most of it is stolen or smuggled goods.

Have you noticed, Mugino?


This place is swarming with guys straight out of the Bingo Book.

Don't we need to capture them?

Rumors about the Hashirama Cell are so rampant

that even Miss Yubina's heard them.

Right now, we just need to retrieve it as soon as possible.

That guy with the scar on his cheek.

I've seen him before when I was on a mission in the Land of Rivers.

Many shinobi from the smaller nations

probably came here after hearing the rumors too.


Hey, you brat!

You're not getting away!

You're dead!

He's still a little kid!

There are a lot of kids here who think nothing of stealing.

They're younger than us, and steal to survive?

What a terrible place!

This is reality in a smaller nation.

I've seen many places like this on my missions.


How would you like one of these?

A headband?

Why do you have those?

It's about the only thing a fugitive ninja can sell.

I've got some from all of the Five Great Nations.


I'll give you a good deal!

Isn't a headband something a shinobi should be proud of?!

There are guys out there who'd sell 'em for money?!

Pride doesn't put food on the table.

People are desperately trying to survive here.

And in contrast, if you have money and power,

you can get anything you want.

Take a look.

An airship?!

Even stuff like that?!

Beyond this point is the most dangerous part of the village.

Based on intel that I previously received from an ANBU member,

there should be a proprietor of a shop

who knows a lot about every deal that goes down here.

I hear he's pretty sketchy.


In any case, don't let your guard down.

Let's go.


What are you in the market for?

Oh, what?

It's just an ordinary shop.

We've heard that you're familiar with

everything that goes on in this marketplace.

We're looking for a guy who sold a certain item.

So, you're not here to buy anything?

Who do you work for, you dogs?!

Dogs?! We're just—!

It's bad for business when you come in here and sniff around.

So, get out!


After I asked you so nicely to leave…

You're a foolish brat.

I guess this is what they mean by "sketchy."

I don't care, just beat that kid up…

…so, the other three will never think about

coming around here again!

Don't underestimate me.

Wanna talk now?

You're good, kid.


He said he'll talk to us.

You're so reckless!

So, where's the Hashirama Cell?

Oh man!

So, you guys weren't out hunting for me?

Don't scare me like that!

We don't want to cause any trouble.

We'll pay you for any information.

Then why don't you buy this from me?

This is a—!

An employee ID card from Victor's company?


About two weeks ago,

a guy in a white coat came around,

bringing the Hashirama Cell with him.

Does that mean someone who was with Anato took the Hashirama Cell?

After he got his money,

seems the guy disappeared without a trace.

Well, if you're carrying around a ton of money around these parts,

it's like asking to be targeted!

Are you saying he was k*lled?


Seems that's from what he left behind.

An employee ID from a major company is bound to bring in good money,

so I bought it.

But word about who buys what doesn't trickle down to me.

Seems we lost the trail.

Maybe the Hashirama Cell isn't even in this nation anymore?

Oh, don't worry about that.

It's easy to enter this nation,

but you'll be lucky if you manage to leave

with the shirt on your back.

If something as profitable as the Hashirama Cell

entered this land,

it won't be easy to take it out.

So, the Hashirama Cell is still in this nation?

If you want it so badly, ask The Ladies.

The Ladies?

I don't know if there's any connection,

but the word is that there's a rich guy in town.

The Ladies know all sorts of information.

Where do we find them?



Is this place?!

Don't get all shaken up, you two!

You too.


Drink up!

That must be them.

So obvious.

I'm getting a ton of money tomorrow.

The one I like the most will get whatever she wants from me.

We love you, Mr. Kirisaki!

That's Kirisaki?!

You know him?

He's a former Medical Ninja from the Land of Mist.

He caused an incident with his suspicious Medical Ninjutsu,

and he's also in the Bingo Book.

It's weird that he's here in this town.

High-level Medical Ninjutsu is essential

to handle the Hashirama Cell.

He could be connected in some way.

You're all so cute!

Thank you, Mr. Kirisaki!

So smooth!

Oh, please, Mr. Kirisaki!

I have a good idea!


Mr. Kirisaki!

You sure can hold your liquor!

This isn't enough booze!

You're so cool!



Can I join you too?

Yeah, yeah!

You're so cute!

Come here!

My Sexy Jutsu is a hit, ya' know!

I didn't expect to meet

Hey! Mr. Kirisaki!

a girl like you in a village like this.

What the hell?!

That makes me so happy.

Oh, Mr. Kirisaki!

Hey! You've got some nerve!

But isn't it Mr. Kirisaki's choice?

Oh, you all look alike!

Are you quadruplets?

What of it?!

Even your earrings are identical.

How funny!

So what? You man-stealer!

Will you keep your hands off? Mr. Kirisaki is ours.

They're so scary, Mr. Kirisaki!

Oh, how cute!

You girls can leave.

I'm tired of seeing the same faces.

I'm so sorry!

You're pretty spectacular!

Aren't I? People say that to me all the time!

I never thought that worthless jutsu

would ever come in handy!

He's pretty good!

Hey, why do you have such a large briefcase?

I'll tell you when we're alone.

Oh, Mr. Kirisaki!

Then why don't we get out of here?


You want to be alone with me?

You perv!


Thank you very much!

Over here! Over here!

How far are we going?

We're almost there!

Come closer.

Oh, stop!

Aw, come on.


Why you!


You had a bad look in your eyes!

You thief!


That's enough.

Don't interfere and don't sneak up on me like that!

A Transformation Jutsu?

Damn it, you tricked me!

Wind Style: Gale Palm!

This one's on the house!

Don't make me waste my time.


He could have at least thanked me for saving him, damn it!


Are you okay?


Where's Kirisaki?

This is bad.

We need to move.

There's only liquor in here.

You said you were expecting lots of money.

Is it for the Hashirama Cell?

I don't know.

You being here in this village, means there's a reason, right?

If you tell us everything, we'll let you go.

Or do you want us to turn you over to the Hidden Mist?

I thought I'd get a ton of money, but it was a grave miscalculation.

I was just called over here

because I have knowledge about the Hashirama Cell.

I know nothing else.

Who did you deal with?

I told you I don't know!

What he looks like, his name… Nothing.

I was just told to come to a certain place.

Where's that?

The Hinode Bridge, tomorrow morning at A.M..

That's where we're supposed to meet.

Okay, I told you everything, so let me go!

Not gonna happen.

We're going to confine for a while longer.

Hey, cut it out!

What are you doing?

Transform into Kirisaki?

That's right.

The one who has the Hashirama Cell expects Kirisaki to be there.

I'll pretend to be Kirisaki and approach as close as I can.

The challenge will be how long you can fool them.

The mission's only goal is to retrieve the Hashirama Cell

and return to the Leaf Village.

If we can secure the Hashirama Cell,

there's no need for bloodshed.

What if the opponent att*cks?

Even if there is a skirmish, we can't k*ll our only lead.

Even if he resists, we have to capture him.

Also, we don't know how strong this opponent is.

Taking into account the risk involved,

we'll operate in two teams.

Boruto and I will go to the bridge.


Mugino our jonin, will stand by in case fighting breaks out.

Sarada will follow their movements with her Sharingan.

Yes, sir!

If any fighting ensues,

we'll proceed into a pincer movement.


The enemy believes that Kirisaki will be alone.

This is a dangerous mission where we'll be using deception

to get close to the enemy.

Leave it to me!

Someone's coming.

Mr. Kirisaki, I presume?

And who might this be?

He's my assistant.

We were not told that an assistant would be present.

He's my porter.

Since I'm a surgeon, carrying around a heavy bag

would make my hands tremble during surgery.

Very well.

Are you the one who has the Hashirama Cell?

No, I am merely the butler.

The butler?

I have come for you in place of my employer.

Where is your employer?

An unpolished place like this is most unsuitable

for such a beautiful person as my employer.

The beauty of my employer puts even flowers to shame.

Not even the priciest gem can rival my employer!

My employer is the hope of my heart!

Something strange is going on.

I'll treat any patient!

Do you have the money you promised?


Then, tell me who your employer is.

Before that…

I would like to proceed with a test

to see if you are the real Mr. Kirisaki.

A test?

The Hashirama Cell?!

If you are indeed the real Mr. Kirisaki,

you should be able to treat this.

Why would you do something like that?!

Hang on!

What are we supposed to do?!

Why does the butler have the Hashirama Cell?

I can't believe they'd do this just to test the skills of the person

they're making a deal with!

What do we do?

The old man's gonna die if we do nothing!

He's our only lead!

It's all or nothing.

Even just a slight possibility is the only thing we can bet on!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Castle of Nightmares"


"It's all or nothing?!"

Is that really okay, Big Brother?!
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