03x156 - I Can't Stay in My Slim Form

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x156 - I Can't Stay in My Slim Form

Post by bunniefuu »

Butterfly Mode!

Well? What do you think about your dad in slim form?

The Secret Jutsu of the Akimichi Clan, the Butterfly Mode…

greatly expands your physical abilities through controlling one's calories.

You try it too, Cho-Cho.

Do I have to?

I think that earnestly training

makes the dumplings you eat afterwards taste better!

I'm not in the mood for that.

Okay! Then how about if I add sweet bean soup onto that?

Well, you leave me no choice, Dad!

Let's do our best!

Super Cho-Cho Butterfly Mode!


I can't get to full power at all.

Actually, it feels like my power's dropped from before.

I Can't Stay in My Slim Form

I Can't Stay in My Slim Form Cho-Cho, the Butterfly Mode is

the Secret Jutsu of the Akimichi Clan, so it's critical that you master it.

After seeing how your power isn't manifesting

and how you return to normal so quickly…

It looks like you're not releasing your power completely.

What, really?

You burn so many calories with this jutsu

that you end up losing weight after you use it.

That's why we have to eat a lot to return to normal.

Oh, I see.

Cho-Cho, I guess this means you aren't going all out yet.

What does that mean?

How do I put it?

Cho-Cho, when you activate Butterfly Mode,

what do you think about?


I wonder?

What do you think about, Dad?

For me, it's about wanting to protect

those I want to protect with everything I've got!

Your feelings must be that intense

in order to release the hidden power inside you.


Okay, why don't we call it a day?

Then Dad, let's go to the sweets shop!


I'm going to get sweet bean soup,

sweet bean rice balls, and sweet bean cakes…

I guess we'll just have to wait until you get the knack for it.


Dumplings after training are definitely the best!

Dad, I'm getting the sweet bean soup for the last course, like you promised me.

Of course!


Anko Sensei!

Choji, Shikamaru was looking for you.

Oh! I forgot I promised to meet up with him!

Cho-Cho, enjoy the sweet bean soup with Anko Sensei!

Oh, and you can get the sweet bean cakes to-go!


Hey, Pops, I'd like three orders of sweet bean soup, please!

Same here!

I'm sorry, but we've run out of sweet bean soup for the day.

What?! How can a sweets shop run out of their sweet bean soup?

I already have the taste of sweet beans in my mouth,

I can't go off-theme!

I guess I'll just have the sweet bean rice balls then…

I'm so sorry.

We're out of that too, as well as sweet bean cakes…

Everything with sweet bean in it.

To begin with, our supply of azuki beans haven't been delivered.

– What do you mean – What do you mean

– your azuki beans haven't been delivered? – your azuki beans haven't been delivered?

Delivery wagons carrying azuki beans have been getting robbed recently.

It's not just us, but many shops are in a tough spot.

Azuki bean thieves?


Who steals azuki beans?!

Supplies are low due to a bad harvest.

So, thieves are stealing azuki beans, then reselling them at high prices.

These thieves are unforgivable.

Yup, unforgivable!

Totally unforgivable!

Our sweet bean soup is our most popular item.

So, my business is plunging!

I don't know what to do anymore.

Not being able to eat sweet bean soup is making my feelings plunge too.

We're supposed to have a delivery tomorrow.

I just hope they don't get robbed this time.

We'll reach the ridge soon.

All right. Got it.

Anko Sensei…

Let's make sure we capture those thieves!

Of course!

We're not gonna stand by and let any more azuki beans get stolen!


That's a good amount of beans they've got today.

That will fetch a nice price.

Thank you very much.

Let's go!

Let's do this!


What?! Who are you?

Are you Anko Mitarashi of the Leaf?

So, they hired bodyguards?

You can't have them, you azuki bean thief!

Get ready!

Pretty eager bodyguards, huh?

Run! I promise we'll protect the azuki beans!

– Okay! – We're counting you!

To think we'd see the Anko Mitarashi, guarding azuki beans.

Cho-Cho, be careful!

Try not to damage the sacks!

I wish I could just wrap this up fast with my Human Boulder…

You can't! This isn't about you!

It's all about the azuki beans first!


This is all for sake of sweet bean soup, sweet bean rice balls, and sweet bean cakes!

Multiple Striking Shadow Snakes!


You think all your childish tricks will work?!

Lightning Style: Whip Dance of Fools!

Guess all that eagerness from before was just a bluff.

Anko Sensei!

You don't amount to much, Anko Mitarashi!

You're next!

You're a pain!

I'm definitely going to get revenge for the azuki beans!

Partial Expansion Jutsu!

What the—?!


Shut up!

Wanna fight?

Oh, no! The road!


The azuki beans!

I…have to protect them!

Sweet…bean soup!

Sweet…rice balls!

Sweet…bean cakes!

Nice azuki beans…

I will not drop them!

Aww, too bad. The azuki beans fell!

Anyway, that girl was super strong!

I've never seen that jutsu before! Wasn't that amazing?

Quit your admiring and go salvage what we can,

so we can make a little money at least!

Let's go!

– Right! – Right!

At least the azuki beans are safe.

We did it, Anko Sensei!

Anko Sensei?

Anko Sensei?


Where are you, Anko Sensei?


Anko Sensei?


Are you inside?

Can you hear me?

I can hear you!

Cho-Cho, are you okay?

I'm totally fine!

How about you, Sensei?

I'm okay!

Never mind me though. Can you move this boulder?

Leave it to me!

I won't just move it, I'll crush it!

I just need… to get back to normal.


Really? I can't get back to normal?

I can't…

What's wrong, Cho-Cho?

Well, you see…

I'm in my slim form because

I used my Super Cho-Cho Butterfly Mode…

Is there a problem?

When I'm like this,

I'm full of charm, but I'm powered down.


Usually, I can transform back right away,

but for some reason, not today.

Maybe you just performed the real Akimichi Butterfly Mode,

and not the copycat mode you've been doing up to now?


But I haven't been able to do it at all…

Did I perform it just by chance?

If that's the case,

Dad would eat a lot to return to normal, so…

I gotta eat something too!

Here we go!

It's not working. This isn't enough calories!

I have to eat until I'm full.


Azuki beans! We have azuki beans!

I think I saw cooking supplies mixed in with the rest of the cargo.

Make sweet bean paste with the azuki!

That's it!

All right!

This should do it!

Sorry, mister…

But I'm gonna use just a little bit of the beans.

Those lady bodyguards wasted our time!

Forget them. The azuki beans are more important!

Azuki beans!

Right! Get them back! Every single bean!

I hope the bags aren't damaged.

It's getting there!

Looking good!

Hurry! Hurry!

Does it smell like azuki beans getting cooked to you?

Boss! Over there, Isn't that—?


There was just a little bit of sugar, but without mochi rice cakes,

I guess I can't actually call this sweet bean soup.

I'll save some for you too, Anko Sensei.

Thanks, Cho-Cho!

Thanks for the food!

We lucked out!

The azuki beans and the cart are all intact.

It'll take some work, but we can haul it away just like this.

Where are the bodyguards?

Be careful. They could be nearby.

What the hell?!

That scent from earlier really was from some beans getting cooked.

Damn it! Our precious azuki beans!

Whose azuki beans are they?


You're that bodyguard from earlier, aren't you?

That was some jutsu!

You're slim all of a sudden.

You caused us a lot of trouble and wasted our time, you know?

I think you have the wrong person!

Hold it!

You azuki bean thief!

You're one to talk!

Too easy!

I have to eat quickly and get back to normal.

This doesn't taste good…

I really have to get the azuki beans to the sweet shop…

so the owner can make some really delicious sweet bean soup.

Damn it, where did she go?

She's quick!

I wonder if I'm good now?

Not yet, huh?

I'm sorry, Anko Sensei!

I said I'd leave some for you, but I'm gonna eat it all.

All right!


What's happening out there?


I see!

You're turning the cart into a raft to move the goods.

Gotta hand it to you, Boss! You're so smart!

Well, that's what it takes to be the big boss,

you know what I mean?

Where have you been all this time?

Just taking care of a little business.

By the way, I ran into that crazy strong bodyguard.


And what happened?

Well, she ran away.

Well, never mind.

Forget about her. The beans are safe.

Hey, you guys!

Where did you go?!

Damn it!

Why do you keep getting in our way, you azuki bean thief!

You're the thieves!

What? She got big all of a sudden!

You're really interesting!

I'm taking back all the azuki beans.

Oh! There she goes again.

Get ready!

This whip is specially made.

If you try to escape, it tightens!

I'll just rip this thing apart!

Expansion Jutsu!

No way…

Didn't I tell you it's useless?

All right!

Lightning Style: Whip Dance of Fools!

Cho-Cho! What happened?


What's going on?!

Cho-Cho, are you okay?

Anko Sensei!

Oh, I see! Anko Mitarashi's behind that boulder.

If that's the case,

I get to k*ll two birds with one stone right here!

It's your punishment for wasting our time!

Oh yeah! Butterfly Mode!

I was able to do it earlier!

Why isn't it working?

Why I can't use it at the most crucial moment?

If you had run away earlier, you would have lived.

You're just like a moth to a flame!

Boss, just get rid of 'em!

All right, I guess I will!

Uh-oh, at this rate…

What do I do? What do I do?!

It's about wanting to protect those I want to protect

with everything I've got!

Your feelings must be that intense

in order to release the hidden power inside you.

To protect those I want to protect with everything I've got!

That's right! The ones I want to protect…

are Anko Sensei and the azuki beans!

I'll show you!

A bug's a bug, but I'm…

A butterfly! Ya got that?!

This thing…won't work on me, ya got that?

This time, get ready for real, you azuki bean thieves!

Anko Sensei!

Cho-Cho, are you hurt?

I'm totally fine! How about you?

It's nothing. Thank you, Cho-Cho!

It was no problem!

The azuki beans are safe as well.


I'm sorry! I ate all the sweet bean paste I made earlier!


The sweet bean soup is back!

You're right!

That's right!

Cho-Cho and Anko Sensei captured

the thieves that were stealing the azuki beans.

And they brought the beans back!

Cho-Cho, thank you very much!

When it comes to food, you're super pro-active, Cho-Cho!

Well, yeah!

I just really wanted to eat sweet bean soup. That's all.

You don't do things halfway when it comes to food, right?

Thanks for the compliment!

That wasn't a compliment.

Actually, Cho-Cho performed her duties admirably this time.

But it's also a moment of accomplishment for her personally,

because she was able to perfectly activate the Butterfly Mode,

the Akimichi Clan's Secret Jutsu!


So, you won't lose power even if you get slim?

Well, it looks more like my Super Cho-Cho Butterfly Mode

has become a Super Duper Actual Super Cho-Cho Butterfly Mode.

That's a lot of words.

Anyway, the azuki beans got here safely, thanks to you.

And we can all enjoy sweet bean soup now.


When Cho-Cho gets super serious,

she can super get things done, right?!

That's super right!

Pops! Five more sweet bean soups, please!


About the organization called "Kara" that Shojoji mentioned…

Did you find out anything about them?

We've located a place that could possibly be

a hideout in the Village Hidden in the Rain.

I've heard that village hasn't recovered completely after the w*r.

It's the perfect place for shady individuals to hide.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Kara's Footprints"

We have to confirm if Kara really exists or not.

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