03x145 - Breaking out of Hozuki Castle

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x145 - Breaking out of Hozuki Castle

Post by bunniefuu »


From today, I'm standing in as the lord of the castle,

and I'll be looking after you all!

Standing in as the lord of the castle?

What happened to Mr. Mujo?

The lord has fallen ill.

You're gonna be released from this castle.


Your transfer to Hozuki Castle Number has been authorized.

By early next week, you'll be reunited with your old friends.

That's not good!

Not there!

The way it stands, we have to do it before he's transferred.

What are we going to do?

We're gonna take Kokuri and break out of here.

Break out?!

They're coming.

All right.

You there, inmate!

What are you doing?

Nothing, ya know!

Breaking Out of Hozuki Castle

Why do we have to clean this up?!

If you have any complaints, tell the idiot who left the window open!

Report back to me when you're finished.

You won't be let out until you're done.

That went well.


Time's running out.

We need to talk fast.

We have three days until Kokuri is transferred to Hozuki Castle #.

We have to break out of here before that.

Where did we end our discussion last time?

Thank you, for everything that you're doing for me!

I can't just leave everything to you guys!

Leave the clean-up to me!

Let's go over each of the points again.

There are three conditions essential to breaking out.

One, checking out the escape route.

How's that going, Mitsuki?

These guys checked it out.

I think we can secure a safe route

where we can avoid detection by the guards.

Two, obtaining a boat to take us off the island. Boruto?

For that, I think the information we got from Doragu will come in handy.

Two types of ships come and go from this island.

One is the same transport ship that brought you here.

The other is the food supply ship.

Why do you ask?

You plannin' on stowin' away?

Like I'd do something so dangerous!

The next landing is tomorrow morning.

In other words, you only have from tonight until morning to break out.

And third is how to release

the Celestial Prison jutsu that's been placed on Kokuri.

That's the most troublesome.

It takes a huge amount of water to undo the Celestial Prison.

Sorry for all the trouble.

Getting the water ready was your job, right, Sarada?

How's it going?

Hey! That's why I asked you to tamper with the drinking water t*nk.

Did you forget?

We've got that covered, right, Mitsuki?


How did they get in there?!

But what does tampering with the drinking water

got to do with releasing the Celestial Prison jutsu?

The area around the above-ground water t*nk is heavily guarded.

It's impossible to get Kokuri near it.

We have to aim for the t*nk that's underground.

There's a t*nk underground?

When potable water is running low,

sea water is gathered into this t*nk and filtered.

It's usually empty, but now…

Hurry and move that underground t*nk!

Or I'll flush you down the toilet!

Yes, sir!

But isn't security tight around the spare t*nk too?

Look next to it.

This is the old water t*nk.

Their system was changed five years ago, and it's no longer in use.

So, security should be minimal.

The valve that will also divert water to the old t*nk is situated in the courtyard.

When they start filling the t*nk with sea water,

I'll turn the valve to fill the old t*nk too.

You can easily be spotted there. Are you sure about this?

It should be okay if I wait to move until dark.

So, all that's left is…

to clean this room.

It's not sparkling clean, but…

Good job, Kokuri!

Looks like it's okay.

Now's the time, Sarada.

I'll let you know when I've turned the valve to divert the water.

How? We're not allowed to go to the library until evening.

I guess communicating by book is impossible…

How about that building?

We can see that window from our cell too.

Then when the light from that window goes on and off twice,

it means everything is ready. How about that?

Two times, huh?

We're counting on you, Sarada.

Kokuri's life depends on this.

Leave it to me. Obtaining the water is my job.

I'll make sure it's done, no matter what it takes.


Yeah, we'll leave right away.

It's not that!

Did he see us?


I'm just here to get the bird droppings.

I'm not interested in you guys.

What do we do?

He's the guy who snitched on his friend in the past.

Leave him to me.

What are you gonna do?

I'm going to try and talk to him.

And if that doesn't work, I'll restrain him.

You two, please proceed as planned.

I have to put this back in its original place before anyone notices.


Let's go and report that we've finished our work.

We can't afford to raise suspicion.

Is everything going to be okay?

There's no use in panicking.

What happened to your Celestial Prison?

We were sent here on a secret mission.

If we don't get Kokuri out of here, he'll be k*lled.

So, we can't have you telling anyone about what you just saw.

I just told you that I don't care

if you and that woman with glasses are working together.

I can't trust you.

The rumor is that you talk to Benga.

Rumor, huh?


Your pulse rate hasn't risen at all.

You used to be admired by the inmates long ago, weren't you?

That's just a rumor, too.

Is it also just a rumor that you ratted out your friend?

Your pulse just went up.

I once infiltrated an enemy organization.

It was hard to live with a secret.

So, when I see someone suffering from the burden of keeping a secret…

I know how they feel.

You're hiding something.

And it's something very important to you.

Why are you so curious?

Maybe I'm intrigued by someone who grows flowers, like you.

Did your friend really die because of you?

It's almost like I k*lled him.

It was right after I came out of solitary confinement for the umpteenth time.

You're still alive, Kedama!

We missed you!

When's the next time you're gonna punch a guard?

That was a long time!

I was getting tired of waiting.

So? How's that plan going?

My friend Kiku and I were planning to break out.

I tore down the wall that connects the flood gate.

We just have to wait for rain now.

Our target was the flood gate

which opened only when rainwater was about to overflow.

Are you sure it's going to rain tonight?

My dad was a fisherman and reading the clouds was something

he pounded into me until I was sick of it.

It will rain like cats and dogs tonight.

Just trust your friend Kiku!

Come to the meeting place at midnight.

Don't be late!

But the sun set and there wasn't a single sign of rain.

If it didn't rain, the plan was going to be postponed.

I wasn't sure if I should go or not.

And when it finally did start raining, it was way past the rendezvous time.

Sorry I'm late!


Why…were you late?

We made a promise…



Phew, that was close!

If you had come on time, there really might've been a prison break.

I'm grateful, Kedama.

Aren't I the one you want?

That's right.

This place used to be peaceful once.

But these days, even the weaklings are copying you and defying me.

Do it. I'm prepared.

If I k*ll you right here, the prisoners will consider you a hero.

I'm going to do just the opposite.

I'm going to praise you for reporting a prison break

and being a model prisoner.

Just as Benga wanted, the inmates turned their backs on me.

Anyway, that's about the level of trust among prisoners.

Why didn't you deny it?

If I had been there on time, he wouldn't have died.

No matter what I say, it doesn't change the fact that I k*lled him.

It seems like you plan to take Kokuri and escape.

But be careful. Trust is a fragile thing.

Boruto is okay.

Once he decides to trust someone, he never wavers.

I wonder about that.

I won't tell anyone, so relax.

I decided never to get involved with anyone…

…ever since that day.

But actually, you don't like doing that, right?

Otherwise, you wouldn't grow flowers.

It's just to k*ll time.

Doragu, come here!

If you need something,

I wish you'd contact me through my secretary.

Would you rather be dragged out?

Man, you can't even take a joke?

Having to act defiant when your underlings are around…

Must be tough for you.

Well, I have to keep up the façade.

Anyway, Doragu…

There's been a rash of strange happenings lately.

Do you know anything?


Don't act dumb!

I'm asking if there's anything suspicious going on with the inmates?!

Do you know who you owe for your current status in prison?

You, Mr. Benga!

Do you want it all to come out into the open?

Please, just not that!

Then cooperate.

Now that you mention it…

That kid Boruto was asking around about the food supply ship.

That smells suspicious.

Anything else?

That apprentice journalist named Sarada.

Seems she was asking Tsukiyo a lot of questions

about his relationship with you.

What did you say?

This should be good.

Now, I just have to destroy my notes in my room and turn on the valve.

Then I can send Boruto and Mitsuki a signal,

and then, we'll be done.

No one saw the woman with glasses?!

Split up and find her!

And when you do, bring her to me!

It's bad I didn't get to destroy my notes,

but I can't risk getting caught.

Any signal?

Not yet.

Never mind that. How'd it go with Kedama?

About that…

I think we're okay.

Hey, Kedama.

Have you seen that woman with the glasses, the apprentice journalist?


You don't need to know that.

Have you seen her or not?

I haven't.

Let me know if you do.

That's your specialty, right?

You always look so gloomy.

Make sure you put away the tools!


What's going on?!

Over there!


I wonder what that was…

In any case, let's let Benga know.

I have to let Boruto and the others know.

I just hope Tsukiyo hasn't told her about this.

Just how much does the woman with glasses know?

The sound of good luck? My foot!

If she finds out about this, I'll be fired.

Of all the luck!

This sound is…

What are you doing here?

I was on my way back to my room to pack.

You're leaving? So suddenly?

I did quite a bit of research, so…

What kind of research?

What did you hear?!

Don't think you can thr*aten me.

I grasped a lot of what's happening here.

A lot, you say?

Even when Lord Mujo collapsed…

I understand you two were alone.

And the sudden order to transfer Kokuri…

The timing was too convenient, don't you think?

If you understand, let me pass.

So, you figured it out?!

That's why you came here?!

I can't let you go then.

I don't understand a word you're saying.

Fire Style: Flame Bombs!

And here, I'm trying to hold back!

Who'd have thought the one negative legacy of this castle would turn into an asset!

Not even a shinobi can ever escape a pit like that.

Stay there and write your articles until you die!

I decided never to get involved with anyone…

…ever since that day.

But actually, you don't like doing that, right?

Otherwise, you wouldn't grow flowers.

Mr. Benga, what happened?

Oh, I'm fine.

Looks like there's a small gas leak in the basement.

Don't let anyone go near for now.

What about the search for Sarada?

That's finished. It's over.


Didn't you hear me say it's over?!

Anyway, isn't it time for roll call?!

This doesn't concern me.

Sarada's late.


The supply ship arrives tomorrow morning, right?

But there's been no signal.

Maybe something happened to Sarada.

If Miss Sarada failed, it will be impossible to break out, right?

That wouldn't happen, right?

I can't take this.

My stomach's starting to hurt.

What do you think, Boruto?

Should we cancel?

Sarada said she'd do it, no matter what it took.

I'll take her at her word.

I figured you'd say that, Boruto.

We'll make our move as scheduled!

Kokuri, it's just a little bit longer until we rendezvous with Sarada!

But Miss Sarada hasn't contacted us at all!

Do you think she's okay?

I'm sure she's fine. We'll meet up at the t*nk as planned.

Mitsuki! How are the guards?

Seems they're moving around.

I've let my snakes know to contact me ASAP if anything happens.

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Executing the Prison Break"

We can't turn back now. We can only forge ahead!

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