03x138 - Hiashi's Birthday

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x138 - Hiashi's Birthday

Post by bunniefuu »


A birthday party?


Father's birthday is coming up soon, right?

He hasn't seen his sweet grandchildren lately,

so he's been feeling a little lonely.

Even though he'd never come out and say it.

My sweet Boruto and Himawari…

Grandpa misses you so much!

Oh yeah! Boruto didn't come camping with us last time.

That's right!

And so, I'm counting on you to recruit everyone, Elder Sister!

Oh, and I think he'll be super happy

if he gets a surprise gift from his grandkids.

A birthday party sounds great!

I'll try to get the day off.

I can't wait to go to Grandpa's again!

Grandpa Hiashi's birthday, huh?

I totally forgot about it!

Hey, Boruto, you have to remember these kinds of things.

Oh? I thought you had forgotten too.

Still…it's so intense going to Grandpa's.

I mean, does he have to get so lovey-dovey?

Actually, when Grandpa gets angry, he's really scary.

That's really hard to believe.

I never seen him get like that.

Anyway, since we're going,

I want you both to get Grandpa a present.

Okay! I wonder what he'd like?

A present for Grandpa, huh?

What would make him happy?

Hiashi's Birthday

Oh, a birthday present for your grandfather? Hiashi's Birthday

I think that's something you should come up with by yourself.

I did, but nothing comes to mind! That's why I'm asking you guys!

Your grandfather's the head of

the main family of the Hyuga Clan, right?

Are the Hyuga amazing?

Why don't you know?

You're a ninja of this village, aren't you?

I think you could say they're among

the most famous and influential of the Leaf ninja.

Yeah, as they say,

"The Hyuga are the strongest of the Hidden Leaf."

What are they the strongest in?

It's got to be their Byakugan.

It's not only their ability to see through things

or their scope of vision…

But their Gentle Fist that's based on these skills.

That's an offensive and defensive art

that only the Hyuga can master.

Forget about all of that!

Isn't my grandpa known for something that he really likes?

If his own grandson doesn't know, how would we?

Yeah, I guess not.

Wouldn't it faster if you asked your parents?

Both Mom and Dad are having fun with this

and telling me to go and "figure it out yourself for a change."

That's what you get for always being so careless about these things.

Fine, if that's the case—!

Mitsuki, come with me for a bit.

That went well!

Hey, why didn't we go in through the front entry?

Because it'll be troublesome if we're discovered.

Not just because of my doting grandpa,

but because of Big Sister Hanabi too…


Who's troublesome now?

Oh, Big Sister Hanabi.


Trying to sneak into the house of a clan with the Byakugan?

There's no way you can pull that off!

I know, I wasn't thinking!

Although, I get your dilemma about choosing a present.

Even I don't know what my father would like.


You don't even know, Big Sister Hanabi?

I give up.

Hanabi Sensei, you're Boruto's aunt, right?

So, why does he call you Big Sis—

Hey, Mitsuki!

Why yes, I'm his Big Sister.

Father's at home, so why don't I ask him for you?

No, that's okay!

If he finds out I'm here,

he's gonna get all mushy on me again.

Yeah, you're right.

That would be embarrassing in front of a friend, huh?

Man, is he ever gonna get over being such a doting grandpa?

Pardon me!

Pardon me!

I am Gatai from the Village Hidden in the Cloud!

I'm here to challenge the celebrated head of the Hyuga Main Family,

touted to be the strongest among the Hidden Leaf!

If you brand yourself as the strongest,

then accept my challenge!

Old-fashioned guys like that still exist even now?

Is he a has-been shinobi who wants to prove his strength?

We get guys like him,

who still have the wrong idea, once in a while…

Picking a fight with Grandpa…

He doesn't know his place.

Is your grandfather strong?

The head of household isn't just for show.

A guy like that's a piece of cake for him.

Hey, Hanabi!

Are you here, Hanabi?

Not good!

I'm sorry, but can you take care of this like you usually do?

Okay, Father!



The head of the family is away?

Yes, unfortunately, he's out of the village.

I'm very sorry you traveled so far, but please take your leave.

I don't believe you!

Fighting you isn't gonna be the same.

Bring Hiashi Hyuga out here now!

I can't bring out someone who's not here.

I see how it is.

Is he afraid of fighting me?!

If he wants to run away from a challenge, then it's my victory!

The strongest among the Leaf? What a joke!

I should throw some salt to purify this spot.

Why's Grandpa pretending to be out?

He should've just defeated him.

Who knows?

Whenever guys like that come around,

we handle it this way.

All the time?!

Maybe that guy is right?

Maybe he's really weak?

No way!

I'll have you know he's even stronger than Big Sister Hanabi!

Damn it, I'm even more confused about Grandpa now!

Wait up, Boruto.

Well, I guess it's too soon for Boruto to understand.

I sent them away as usual.

I'm sorry for the trouble.

No, it's an easy task.

You have your reasons for this, don't you?

It's easy to settle things with force.

But when I say the Hyuga is the strongest today,

it's not in terms of such strength.

If I had realized this sooner…


It's nothing.

Damn it!

He should've just put a pompous guy like him in his place!

Maybe your grandfather is a kind man?

He's definitely soft on me and Himawari,

but everyone talks about how super strict he was in the past.

Then maybe something happened that triggered a change in him?

Triggered a change?

If you figure that out,

maybe you'll get an idea of what you could get him.

You're right!

And someone who might know that is—

Hey, move!

That's my seat!

What's the big idea?!

Shut up!

Are you defying me?!

I'm the man who defeated the Hyuga, the strongest in this village!


The Hyuga Clan turned out to be pretty weak, didn't they?

Well, Hiashi Hyuga got scared!

He was scared and pretended to be away!

How far the Leaf Shinobi have fallen,

for a coward to claim to be the strongest!

That bastard!

I can't take this anymore!

Hey, you!

What is it, kid?

I'm the grandson of Hiashi Hyuga, the man you just dissed!

First, the daughter. Now the grandson?

It seems Hyuga is good at using

women and children to shield himself.

Shut your mouth!

I'll take you on in Grandpa's place!

It's too late to make excuses, kid.

That's my line!


Lightning Style: Pulverizing Lightning Rod!

Is running away all that you can do?

You make me laugh after talking so big!

I'd think twice before belittling me!

What's the matter?

At that rate, you're no match for Big Sister Hanabi at all.

Now you've made me mad, kid!

Oh no, this is causing so much damage!

Gatai's snapped!

I have no choice!




Eight Trigrams: Palm Rotation!


What are you doing here?

I heard that someone using the Hyuga name

was involved in a duel.

Damn it.

Hiashi Hyuga!

You dared to turn down my challenge earlier!

Due to my lack of foresight, my grandchild acted rashly.

However, if you insist on a duel,

I am willing to accept your challenge now.

What do you say?

No…I'm good.

That was amazing, Grandpa!

It's not amazing.

Using power and fear to settle things must never happen.

It breeds only tragedy.

And leaves enmity that can never be resolved.

But, why do you do things that can be misinterpreted as weak?!

I couldn't stand it that they made fun of you, Grandpa!

Just ignore them!

Things like that won't make the robust Hyuga waver.

I don't get what you're saying, Grandpa!


No, I'm in no position to arrogantly lecture you.

Long ago, I also lived a completely different life,

until I learned not to.

Learned? Who taught you?

That was in the past.

One day, you will understand too.

Your grandfather must have been super strong.

He was holding back perfectly so that he wouldn't hurt you two.

Mitsuki! If you were watching,

you could have told me when Grandpa got here!

But I'm more confused.

If Grandpa's so strong, why doesn't he like using his power?

Huh? Boruto?!

Huh? Miss Mirai!

I heard that some shinobi were fighting here.

What's going on? Don't tell me it was you?!

No, it wasn't me! It's all a misunderstanding!


You didn't pull a prank again, did you?

No, I haven't! I haven't!


Well, whatever.

Anyway, I'm always hearing from my mom

that Hinata's constantly worrying about all the trouble you get into.

So uncalled for!

Are your mothers close?

Mirai's mother, Kurenai, was the captain of my mom's team long ago.

Then why don't you ask her about the Hyuga Clan?

You're pretty sharp, Mitsuki!

Huh? What are you talking about?

I see.

Well, after hearing your story, I sort of have an idea.


But I'm not sure if it's okay for me to tell you.

Since it involves internal family affairs.

Oh… We'll leave you two alone.

Thank you.

I really wanna know about this.

You already know that the Hyuga Clan is split

into the main and side branch families, right?

Long ago, there was great conflict between the two families,

which were bound by a strict tradition of subjugation.

I've heard a little about that before.

What greatly determined how Mr. Hiashi lived his life,

was an incident where his twin brother who was in the side branch family,

sacrificed himself for the sake of the main family.


All in order to take responsibility for a problem that occurred with another village,

Hiashi or Hizashi… One of the brothers had to die.

So, then…don't tell me—!

Hizashi willingly sacrificed himself.

But it's fact that he took the place of Hiashi, the head of the clan.


It was all for the sake of the Hyuga Clan,

and subsequently, for the sake of the village.

As if to compensate for his younger brother's death,

Mr. Hiashi hardened his heart and

continued to try to be an authoritarian clan leader.

So, that's why Grandpa was so strict in the past.

But Mr. Hiashi regretted it.

Ultimately, being such a stern disciplinarian

ended up making life quite painful for many…

including Hinata and Neji.

No wonder Grandpa said that earlier…

Using power and fear to settle things must never happen.

But don't worry. The Hyuga have changed now.

The devoted and loving man you see now,

is the real Hiashi that he suppressed for so long.

So, that's the real reason—?

Try to cut him a little slack sometimes, okay?

I'll try, ya know!

Are you done with your talk?

So, is your mission accomplished?

Yeah, the mystery's been cleared up!


The gift! The gift!

I haven't figured that out at all!

So, you're back to square one.

Aw man! After learning about all of that,

I'm even more confused about what to get him!

There's no need to think too hard about it.


It's not like your grandfather wants you to know about the past, right?

That's true, but…

I'm sure he considers the time he spends with you now is priceless.

He's finally found happiness filled with calm and peace.

The time he spends with us now?


HYUGA Happy birthday!

The kids got you a present!

This is for you, Grandpa!

For me?


Mommy and I picked it out!

Oh, this is—!

Don't get sick, stay warm and healthy forever and ever, Grandpa!

Well, doesn't that bring tears to your eyes?

I will wear it and cherish it!

You have a present for him too, right?


Hey, Grandpa, can you come out to the garden?

The garden?

Is your present that big?

Nope. We're gonna make it together, ya know!

A celebratory picture!

This is—!

What a great idea!

How long as it been since we took a family photo with all of us together?

But Boruto, you used to hate taking pictures with me!

That's 'cuz you'd always try to squish your face right next to mine!

But I figured something like this is super important.

We're a family, ya know?

It's important to leave a record, that we're happy and doing well, right?


Let's take a family picture like this every year!

Until I become the "strongest" most amazing shinobi.

I'm so happy, Boruto!

This is a wonderful present!

Wait! Just not that, okay?

Boruto! Boruto!

– Dad! Help me! Grandpa is—! – Hey! Why are you running away, Boruto!


Okay, line up! We're gonna take a picture!

Smile, smile!

You didn't put the idea for that in his head, did you?

No, I didn't do anything.

I think he came up with that on his own.

I see.

In the past, I believed that harsh discipline and a stern attitude

bred strength of the strongest kind in order to protect the clan and the village.

If things had remained the same, tragedies like Hizashi and Neji,

would have continued and ultimately destroyed the Hyuga Clan.

But it's different now.

You changed everything, Naruto.


It's because you confronted Neji with truth and sincerity,

though I'm embarrassed to admit,

that I was finally able to come to an understanding with him.

Just as you declared long ago,

you changed Neji, me and the Hyuga Clan.

You're the one who changed the clan, Father.

Thanks to you, I'm surrounded by a new family like this,

and I'm able to experience happy and memorable moments with everyone.

I'm truly blessed.

So, what did you end up giving for a present?

Forget about that already!

Your grandfather was pleased, wasn't he?

The thing is, he was overly overjoyed—!

Hey, Boruto! Perfect timing!

Why are you here, Grandpa?!

I came by to spend some time with you!

How have you been?

How have I been?! You just saw me yesterday!

So, what? It's fine!

It's not fine, Grandpa!

Stop it!


Yup, I think that's what you'd call being "overly overjoyed."

Aw, man!

– Yeah, but I'm a little jealous. – C'mon, stop it!

– Up we go! – You're embarrassing me, Grandpa!

Hey, how's Team doing these days?

Our mission success rate's getting better!

But I haven't been able to control my arm strength that well.

By arm strength, you're talking about the Secret Jutsu

that's been passed down in your clan, right, Enko?

If it's going out of control,

maybe it means your summoning power is growing?

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"The Terror! Enko Onikuma"

If this continues, Tsuru and Doushu are gonna abandon me!

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