03x129 - The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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03x129 - The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Post by bunniefuu »

There aren't enough Great Stone Faces!

Not just Dad's, but Mr. Kakashi and Granny Tsunade's are missing too!

That's not all…

The New City is gone, and the rest of the village looks different too.

Before we entered that weird dimension, he said...

I'm going to harvest the Fox's Chakra.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves

The Village Hidden in the Leaves I knew it.

The Village Hidden in the Leaves

Warning. Warning.

We have greatly deviated from our target Temporal Transfer.

Whoa! It talked!

We did not arrive at the targeted Temporal Transfer coordinates

set by Master Urashiki Otsutsuki.

You just said Temporal Transfer, correct?

This is the Leaf Village of the past, right?


The past?!


Just round the time the Fifth Hokage, Tsunade came into power.

The Fifth?

Are you serious?

Yes, I'm serious.

Where's Urashiki?

You said we deviated from the target coordinates,

are we in a different time?

Master Urashiki set the target coordinates for the Temporal Transfer back to

when Naruto Uzumaki was a young child.

But due to a malfunction in the Transport Space,

we've arrived at an earlier period than what was originally plotted.

Additionally, I calculate that Master Urashiki Otsutsuki,

who was separated from us, will arrive in a few days' time.

A few days later from now…

So, Urashiki was after Naruto, after all.


"I'm going to harvest the Fox's chakra."

In other words,

he was going to return to the past to drain chakra from a young and weak Naruto.

Fortunately, we got here before he did.

Going after Dad as a kid is—!

Anyways, we have to find Dad before Urashiki gets to him and

protect him, right?

That's right.

Now then.

Please allow me to advise you on a few precautions that you must follow

as people from the future, while you are here in the past.

Seriously, who the hell are you?

Aren't you part of Urashiki's g*ng?

I am Karasuki, The Noble Device used to execute Temporal Transfers.

The concept of being part of a "g*ng," is foreign to me.

Therefore, I have no interest in Urashiki.

My duty is solely to carry out Temporal Transfers,

and to inform you of any precautionary measures to take, post transfer.

You sure are stuffy and formal for a turtle!

What are those precautionary measures?

First, it's better to not let people of the past,

especially those with whom you have a deep connection,

know that you are here from the future.

If they found out our real identity and interfere, then what will happen?

You may end up influencing the future.

In the worst case, a single action made by you may change the future.

Therefore, I advise you to act with extreme caution.


Please proceed mindfully,

that a person or object that should exist in the future may cease to,

because of your actions.

Well, that's a piece of cake.

I'm starting to get excited!

I mean, we're in the Leaf Village before I was born!

I don't really understand your taste in clothes, Sasuke.

Bear with it.

You don't exist in this world yet.

It will be bad if someone sees you wearing a headband.

All right. I got it.

What happened to Karasuki?

He went inside his shell since he doesn't have enough chakra.

He's in my pouch right now.

I see.


It's a completely different village!

Hey, let's go eat a Thunder Burger from this era!

You really think that exists?

What?! It's not around?!


Who would have guessed Ichiraku was such a tiny shop!


I can't believe it!

Be quiet, Boruto.

Well, I just can't believe it!

Never mind that.

Let's find Naruto as soon as we can.

Our goal is to protect Naruto from Urashiki.

Where could Dad be?

Do you have an idea, Sasuke?

Back in the day, he'd either be at his place or Ichiraku, which we just saw.

Hey, isn't that person—?!

It's Sakura. This is bad.

Excuse me! Can I ask you something?

What do you think you're doing?

What do you mean? Sakura would know right away where Dad is.

Karasuki told us to act with caution.

Yeah, but—!

Did you just ask me something?

Oh no, well…

It's nothing.

It was just a mistake on our part.

There are too many people we know here in the village.

Think before you act from now on.

Yeah, but Sasuke,

if we're supposed to protect Dad as a child from Urashiki

then we have to eventually meet him, right?

It's a pain, but after we find Naruto,

we'll keep an eye on him from a distance until the very last moment.


We came all the way to the Leaf Village of the past,

but we have to stay hidden?

If there's a chance we might influence the future,

we have to proceed very carefully.

How boring.

– Ouch! – Ouch!

Damn it!

Watch where you're going, ya' know!

What did you say? That's my line!

You shouldn't be standing around here all spaced out!

This is the worst.

What the hell?




Dad? Who are you talking about?

Damn it!


Just leave him. We've got guys on our tail!

It's him!

He's the guy in the photo... He's Dad's master!

Oh yeah!

But anyways, this all happened because of you, Pervy Sage!

Someone's coming after you?

That's right!

Then leave it to us.

Are you sure?


We leave it to you!

You're not getting away, you peeping toms!



That idiot!

H-Hey, hold on!

You're making a mistake!

The culprits are an adult male and a child.

And besides, what's that in your hand?!


Why that old geezer!

All right! I think we gave them the slip.

You are such a perv, Pervy Sage!

Always sneakin' a peek!

This is all research, so that I can write an accurate novel.


I'm sick and tired of being punished by Granny Tsunade.

Fine, we'll just head to the next peep—

I mean, next research location.

What are you two doing?

– Sorry. – Sorry.

– Please forgive us, Lady Tsunade! – Please forgive us, Lady Tsunade!

That takes care of the two idiots.

Now then, you two.

Hey, we're not peeping toms!

After talking to these two, I already know that.

I'm Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage.

I don't recognize you two.

What business do you have in our village?

We're traveling performers.


We're traveling performers, journeying from village to village.

Oh, traveling performers, huh?



We're not as skilled as shinobi,

but we go around using a little ninjutsu in our act.

Ninjutsu, huh?

Something's sketchy here, ya know?

Do you two know anything about

the incident that occurred here yesterday?

We don't know anything.

A genin…

…deserted the village.

Deserted the village? A genin did?


That's why the village is under emergency alert.

You may not understand…

But with the village under these circumstances,

you'll have to be monitored for a while.

What?! Monitoring?!

We can't trust you just yet.

Right now, we have to do this with every person with even a hint of suspicion.

But, I'll allow the monitoring to be very lenient.

Do you have an issue with that?

No, we understand.

And so…

Jiraiya, Naruto…

I leave them to you.


Any complaints?

I have complaints, ‘ya know!


I understand Naruto… But why do I have to do this?

Besides, I'm busy.

I wouldn't mind if they were pretty girls,

but me keeping an eye on this runty brat and youngster?

Hey, Mister!


How's this?


This kid's showing off.

So, you can use the Transformation Jutsu?

J-Just a little!

Traveling performers have to keep people entertained, ya know!

Anyway, I leave it to you guys.

Hold on!

If I have to keep an eye on them, what's gonna happen to my training?!

We can train anytime!

It's just for a little while, so just bear with it.


Why can't you just do what you're told, Naruto?!

Even when I was your age, I was a lot better at obeying orders.


I wish I could see how you were back then!

Oh, shut up!

I've heard these lines somewhere before, ya' know…

You perv!

That was nerve-wracking for a minute there!

Damn it! Thanks to you two, I got more work heaped on me.

What did you say?!

In the first place, Dad—!

I mean—!

You guys were being stupid, and that's why it ended up like this!

Like I said, all that wasn't my fault. It was Pervy Sage's—!

Speaking of, where is Pervy Sage?

Then, how about we go get some tea?


Is he really one of the Legendary Sannin?

Are you sure it's him?

No, I'm not mistaken…I think.

He just doesn't learn.

Why don't you just give it up?

Shut up. I told you this is important research.

Never mind already… and just train me!

Training? Fine!

For real?!

Keep an eye on those two and make sure they don't try anything funny.

That's your training.


You planned to push this on me from the beginning!

Whatever. Just hurry up and do as I say.

I'm busy.

Hey! He's leaving!

Where are you going, ya know?!

Ultimately, he's just an old perv.

Keep an eye on them, huh?

This sorta turned out okay.

We get to stay close the whole time.

Hey, c'mon!


I'm gonna keep my distance for little.

But there's no need to stay hidden anymore right?

Sakura and I are too close.

If we get involved with any more people that we know,

it's possible we'll affect the future.

Yeah, but—!

Do not leave Naruto's side, not even for a moment.

I'll keep my distance and maintain surveillance.

I heard from Lady Tsunade, but are they the…

What? You're the kid from earlier.

Huh? You know him, Sakura?

No, sorry about this morning! I mistook you for someone, ya know!

Ya know?

You're just like Naruto!

– Huh?! – Huh?!

– We're not alike, ya know! – We're not alike, ya know!

See what I'm talking about?

No way! We're not alike, ya know!

Can you stop joking around, Sakura?

Huh? That's my line, ya know! You peeping ninja.

Peeping? Did you—?!

I-It's nothing! It's nothing!

Sakura as a kid is just like Sarada, after all.

Hey man, stop saying too much!


Hey, what happened to the other guy?

I heard there were two people being watched.

Huh? Hey, where's that guy?

Oh…He had something to do.

Hey, c'mon! Give me a break, will ya?!

I'm the one who's gonna get punished, so we have to find him right away.

Don't worry.

He won't go too far.

How am I gonna explain this to Granny Tsunade?

Are you sure you can handle monitoring them?

I'll be fine, just fine!

Watching a brat like him is a piece of cake!

Brat? Speak for yourself!


You two really are alike.

– Like I said! – Like I said!

– We're not alike, ya know! – We're not alike, ya know!

Oh well, I'm going home.


Sakura, you didn't come to help me with the monitoring?

Since you two seem to be getting along, I wasted my time worrying.


So many things happened today, I'm exhausted.

I'm gonna go and look for a place to stay.

Hey, where do you think you're going?!

It's bad enough I lost the guy.

I can't afford to let you get away!

NO RUNNING IN THE HALLWAY I don't want Granny Tsunade to yell at me…

At the very least, I don't want you to run away.

So, you're gonna stay at my place from the time you sleep until you wake up!

Oh yeah…I didn't catch your name.

It's Boruto.


Nice to meet you!

I'm Naruto Uzumaki.


So, this is Dad's childhood home.

Pay no attention to the mess!

You live alone?

Yup. I've always lived alone, ya know?

I don't know my mom and dad.

– Oh! – Oh!

Well, let's have some dinner.

Since you're my guest, I'll make you a feast!

A feast?!


MISO RAMEN A feast, huh?

All right! It's ready!

It's my favorite ramen from my special stash.

If you're still hungry, you can have another one!


SALT RAMEN MISO RAMEN I guess childhood favorites stay with you.

Did you say something?


Thanks for the food.

What's wrong? It's gonna get cold.

Thanks for the food.

This is kinda good!


Hey, are you still up?


Is that guy your dad?

No, he's my master.

I figured as much.

You don't look like him.

So, what's your dad like?

My dad is…

amazingly strong, and it seems like everyone depends on him.

He's really busy and doesn't get to come home a lot.

Oh, is that right?

But when he is home, I guess he's so exhausted that he's completely useless!

Oh, what's that like?

On my little sister's birthday, we got a special cake all ready for her.

But my dad was so tired, he dropped the whole thing before we could eat it!

You're right! He's a totally useless dad!

But you know, it seems like you enjoy talking about your family a lot.

Even if your dad's like that, you don't hate him, do you?

Yeah, I don't hate him.

Naruto, Lady Tsunade's assigned a direct order for all genin to assemble!

Another annoying order?

Hey, so besides you, Miss Sakura, who else is coming?

Uh, let's see…

Neji's team and Ino's team, and…

Well, you don't know them.

I'm getting bored with monitoring, so we'll go too!

Next time on Boruto: Naruto Next Generations:

"Genin, Assemble!"

A direct order to assemble all genin?

What's that about?

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