01x19 - Charybdis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x19 - Charybdis

Post by bunniefuu »

The calamity Charybdis has awakened.

It's heading straight for
Capital City Rimuru.

It's after me it seems.


We've readied our forces
to face Charybdis.

Benimaru and his group.
Gobta and the Goblin Riders.

The High Orcs led by Geld.

Gabiru and his subordinates.

Also, King Gazel is providing support.

The Knight Captain Dorf
and Pegasus Knights.

Their presence is extremely reassuring.

It's only natural that I help my pupil
when he is faced with trouble.


For some reason King Gazel
thinks I'm a disciple of his.

Now, let's do this!


Take this, Hell Flare!

That was exceptional, Benimaru.

It burnt to a crisp.


Brother's attack wasn't enough
to destroy the beast.

I'm stunned.

Is that one of Charybdis' skill?


With the extra skill Magic Obstruction

the movement of Magicules is hindered
within a meter radius

reducing the effects of magic.

This is going to be difficult.

Follow the plan, attack them individually
and make them scatter.

I'll stop it from moving.

The rest of you, attack!

Lord Geld!

Come on!

What now?

My comrades can't make it.

How can I attack this thing?

Allow me to assist you!

Vortex Crash!

Lord Gabiru, you're so cool!


Help the injured!

Right away!

I had an easy time dispatching that thing

because you were able to stop it.

I'm grateful for your assistance, Gabiru.

We'll take it down!

Later, Geld.

I'll stop the next one myself.

Lord Gabiru, you're so cool!

On our pride as Pegasus Knights,
we will stop them here.


Some distract while others attack.

They enter into battle with clear tasks
and no fear of dying.

Hokurou is excellent in command.

He refined his teaching technique
after regaining his youth.

Hey, I want to join in the action.

Why are you here?

I told you to wait in the town.

Can't I at least watch?

There's nothing to do in the town.

Come on, I can--


Don't look at me like that.

Souei, now.

Enchanted Puppet Strings!

He's manipulating the Megalodons
to fight one another.

Everything comes naturally
for such a cool guy.

Wait for the right time to strike.


Leave it to us.

In the sky?

When did Ranga learn that?

Also, when did he and Shion team up?

I need to stand out
and take a more active role!

I share the same sentiment!

Demon Blade Decapitation!


Me, too!

I told you no already.

Now, all that's left...

Let's have a try and see
just how strong it really is.

Keep it up, Ranga.

How disappointing.

You may have improved

but you didn't manage to stop
even one of them.

I'll need to go
tougher on you in training.

I'll die doing anything
harder than this, old man!

Did you say "old man"?

Lord Rimuru.

Only Charybdis remains.

If this is its true strength,
it should be fine.


It's absolutely massive.


Based on its size, the--

Never mind that.

Tell me the easiest way
to defeat this thing.

She's gone silent.

That doesn't appear
to be having any effect.

You're right.

It might do something unexpected.

Keep vigilant!



Understood, my master!

Take evasive action! Get back!

I can't avoid all of them!


Stop playing around.


Use Shadow Step and escape.

I will shield Shion!


Do you want to die, Ranga?

I can handle this alone.

Lord Rimuru

has chosen a strategy with the
highest probability of survival.

Highest probability of survival?
Then I'll remain here.

Don't misunderstand me.

Before dying, the real me
would have withdrawn.

Don't worry.

Just like Souei.

Let's all get out of this alive!

The three of you really are foolhardy.

It's times like this

when you should rely on me.

Lord Rimuru!

Consume everything.


All those scales, gone in an instant.

I'll handle things from here.

Everyone, fall back and rest a little.

We can continue fighting!

Don't rush. Look.

The scales are regenerating.

If he uses them again,

I'm not sure I can protect all of you.

I'll fight it alone for the time being.

Wait for Benimaru's order to attack.

I wish you good fortune!

Be careful, Lord Rimuru.

Master, I will return to help you soon!

Now, I suppose I'll try whatever I can.

Maybe I hurt it a little?


Hey, does this thing
have Hyper Regeneration?


Based on the speed it
regenerates its bodily components,

there is no doubt that Charybdis

has the Hyper Regeneration extra skill.

Using Hyper Regeneration,

the scales will be regenerated
in three minutes.

There are three minutes before
it releases those scales again.


It's time for an all-out
attack on Charybdis!

Even if the effects are small,
we can't allow it any time to recover!

With the help of the Pegasus Knights,
our strength increased by over ten times.

I figured an all-out attack
would be enough to prevail.

The damage to Charybdis
must be no more than percent.

It's percent after an all-out attack.

This doesn't look promising.

What can I do?



Did you say "Milim"?

Great Sage, use your expert analysis.


There are life signs confirmed
within the form Charybdis occupies.

It seems to possess a vehement anger.

Vehement anger?

Towards Milim?

In other words,

did Charybdis come to our town
because Milim is there?

I was certain it was because
Veldora is inside me, or something.

I must be overthinking things.


I can rely on Milim to resolve this.

She's sleeping!


I wasn't sleeping!

I was awake all along!

No, you were definitely sleeping.

I was just meditating.

I was doing my best to support everyone!


it seems like this thing has
some sort of issue with you.


It appears to be using that guy Phobio

and occupying his body.

That guy?

So, I thought it was coming after me

and that's why I asked you to stay back.

Are you saying you want me to fight?

It came here for you

and we just got in the way.

It's fine. There's nothing to worry about!

I'll take care of this!

Be aware.

Phobio works for the Demon Lord Carrion.

I prefer we help and keep him alive.

That's no trouble at all!

I'll demonstrate how much
restraint I've learned recently.


Is she serious?

Get away from here immediately!


I've seen that skill before.

Now, I'll show you one of mine!

This is what we call restraint!

Drago Buster!

How is that restraint?


Excellent restraint.


The Magic Core of Charybdis
was removed from Phobio

and has been consumed.

Once it's isolated, analysis will begin.

That should do it.



I appreciate your assistance.

We defeated Charybdis thanks to you.

No, we weren't the ones
who defeated Charybdis.

Would you care to explain this?

Well, you see, actually

this girl is Demon Lord Milim.

Demon Lord?

I see you enjoy a good joke, Rimuru.

If you had such a powerful
magical w*apon at your disposal,

I would have liked to have known
about it earlier.

It isn't a joke!

I'm a Demon Lord!

I defeated Charybdis!

I understand.

You prefer to keep the details
of this w*apon a secret.

I get it.

It's never good to reveal all your cards.

I'm telling you, I'm a Demon Lord!


could have wreaked havoc on humanity

so its defeat is fortuitous.

I must report to my king.

Until we meet again.

Come on!

You were a real help.

Give King Gazel my regards.

Hey, are you awake?

Where am I?

It hurts.

Do you have any recollection
of what you did?

I'm so sorry!

I've done something terrible
to Lord Milim.

I've also caused all of you
so much trouble.

Why did you--

How did you know
where Charybdis was sealed?

There's no way you happened
to find it by chance.

That's right.

Yes. That's...

Masked Harlequins named Tear and Footman?

This kind of mask?

No, the Harlequins I met

were a girl with a teardrop

and a fat man with an angry expression.

Excuse me.

That sounds like Laplace.


Laplace approached me

and claimed to be a servant of Gelmud.

He wore a mask like the one
Treyni described.


he claimed to be vice-chairman
of the Moderate Harlequin Alliance.

Now the dots are connecting.

I see.

This individual was called Laplace?


We should remember that one.

Yes, my brother.

A mysterious group

called the Moderate Harlequin Alliance?

They pretended to help

and used you to achieve their ends
without getting their own hands dirty.

They sound like real trouble.

I don't know anything about them.

If interesting people like that are around

I would definitely like to meet them.

Perhaps, this wasn't Gelmud's doing

and it was Clayman
plotting something in secret?


He loves devising plots like this.

Demon Lord Clayman.

Regardless of who plotted this,

I am responsible for what happened.

This doesn't involve Demon Lord Carrion,
and so take my life and be done with it.

If you're more cautious next time

you won't be fooled like that.

You can move, right?

You're free to go.


what I did is unforgivable.

I have no desire to take your life.

Right, Milim?

Yes, that's right!

I was going to strike him
but I guess I've matured a lot.

You intended to hit him.

I'm not upset at all, so I forgive you.

There we go.

Don't worry about it.


Carrion, is that okay with you?

Lord Carrion?

You figured it out, Milim.


I see. That's Demon Lord Carrion.

Thank you for sparing this guy's life.

I owe you.

You're the masked Magic-born
that defeated Gelmud, right?

Yes, that's correct.

Have you come here for revenge?



I'm sorry.

My subordinate was reckless.

That means my supervision was lacking.

I hope you'll forgive me.

I'm indebted to you after this incident.

Whatever happens, you can rely on me.

In that case,

I would like you to join a non-aggression
agreement with our nation.

That's what you want?

Very well.

The Demon Lord... No.

I, Carrion, the Beastmaster of Eurazania,
swear on my name

to never raise a blade against
you and your people.


Let's go.

He's losing a lot of blood!

See you again, Rimuru.

Okay then...

It's over.

Let's go home!


Next time, "Yuki Kagurazaka."
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