01x15 - The Jura Forest Alliance

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime". Aired: February 20, 2013 – October 30, 2015.*

Moderator: Heroman23

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Follows a salaryman who is m*rder*d and reincarnates in a sword and sorcery world as a slime with unique powers and gathers allies to build his own nation of monsters.
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01x15 - The Jura Forest Alliance

Post by bunniefuu »

The day after defeating Demon Lord Geld,

representatives from each race
gathered together.

They came to lay terms in the aftermath.


Speaker Rimuru Tempest,

please begin the proceedings.


I've never chaired
a meeting like this before.

I'll just speak what's on my mind.

Afterward, I'd like to hear your thoughts.

I will begin by declaring

that I do not intend to charge the orcs
with any crimes.

I know the Lizardmen, who lost many,
may object to this but hear me out.

This all began from famine and starvation.

Under the same circumstances,

any of the other races
might make the same choice.

This is my public stance on the matter.

Well then

could we also hear your personal view?

I will take ownership of the orc crimes.

If there are any complaints, come to me.

Wait a moment.

You say that, but it doesn't benefit you.

That was my promise to Demon Lord Geld.

I see.


I feel that answer is disingenuous.

I suppose he was never
going to accept it so easily.

There is one rule mutually agreed upon
by all monsters.

"The strong prey on the weak."

You must accept that in any confrontation.

You lost your homes and village.

Do you have any complaints?

It would be a lie to say we didn't.

Going forward,

we will not be exposed like that again.

I see. That is just reasoning.


there is one thing
I would like to confirm.

What's that?

What will happen with the orcs?

You won't charge the orc for any crime.

Do you intend to take on
all of the survivors?

Despite their depleted numbers,

there are still , of them.

Yet somehow...

I'm aware this may sound
like a fanciful dream,

but I believe there's a way
for everyone to work together.

Work together?

In what sense?

The Lizardmen will provide a
clean water source and fish.

The goblins will provide living space.

Our village will provide everyone
with finished goods.

As their contribution,

the orcs will provide their labor.

The races of Jura Forest
will form a grand alliance

and develop mutually
supportive relationships.

It would be rewarding to create a country

where all races can live together.

Are you saying

we can take part in the alliance?

You have nowhere to go home to.

I have some good space, so work for it.

I don't need slackers.


Of course!


We will pledge our lives to our work!

We would be honored to
enter into an alliance with you.

Treyni, how do you feel?

I concur.

The Treants under my protection

will share the offerings of the forest.

I believe we can go some way
in alleviating the orcs' hunger.


as a protector of the forest.

I, Treyni, make the following pledge.

Lord Rimuru is to be made
the new leader of Jura Forest.


Under the leadership of Lord Rimuru,

the Great Alliance of Jura Forest
is established.


Somehow, I ended up as the leader
of this alliance

rather than Treyni?

Refusal doesn't seem like an option.


I'll do it!

Oh, okay.

This is how things are now.

I'm counting on everyone!

That's how

while I was left in a cold sweat,

the Great Alliance of Jura Forest
was established.

Do you need something?

Even within the tenets of
"the strong prey on the weak,"

hatred isn't something that
is reconciled so easily.

What we did to the ogre villages...

I cannot apologize enough.

I realize this is a selfish request.

But please

take my head and show mercy to the others.

After the battle,

we decided to continue
following Lord Rimuru

and granted us official titles.

I am a warrior

and Lord Rimuru's personal bodyguard.

I'm also his secretary.

Hakurou is an instructor.

Souei is a spy.

Shuna and Kurobe, who are in the village,
also have titles.


I was named as the Samurai General.

I oversee all military matters.

Now that I hold this position,

I cannot deprive our army
of such a capable fighter.

I will not tolerate any
transgressions toward Lord Rimuru.

But if you join the alliance

and recognize him as your leader,
we are not enemies.

I would never do him wrong!

He saved all of us.

I want to serve.

I have no hostilities.

In that case,

we are comrades
serving under the same master.

Serve Lord Rimuru as best you can.

I'll consider that as your apology.

I swear on my father, Lord Geld.

Benimaru is an adept leader.

I should learn from him.

I'll need to give him a name

as the new leader of the orcs.

In honor of Orc Disaster Geld's
dying wish,

I named you Geld.


Do well in leading the orcs.


The new leader of the orcs, Geld,
evolved into the Orc King.

After that,

I spent ten days

naming all , of the orcs.

It goes without saying,
I entered sleep mode after that.

By the way,

I gave the name Abiru
to the Lizardmen Chief.

His son Gabiru

was charged with treason.

I'm certain to be ex*cuted.

That's fine.

It's the only way to set an example.


if there is one thing I regret...

I wish I had asked him

why he decided to save my life.

I'm nothing but a worthless idiot.

Raise your head.

I will now pass my judgement.

At the very least

I can accept my execution with dignity.

Gabiru is to be excommunicated and exiled.

You can never again
call yourself a Lizardman.

You are hereby expelled!

What was that?

You forgot something.


Lord Gabiru!

Lord Gabiru!

We were waiting, Lord Gabiru!

We've been waiting forever.

Time is money.

What are you doing here?

I've been excommunicated!

If Lord Gabiru is excommunicated,

then all of us are.

That's right!

You guys are fools.

This situation is hopeless.

I know.

I'll take care of you.

Come on and follow me!

That's the spirit.



After going through all that trouble

it must be tearing you up inside
that a new Demon Lord wasn't born.

I suppose.


I did witness something interesting.

That slime.

What should be done?

I wish you all the best.

If you need any assistance,

I'll make some available for cheap.

Demon Lord Clayman.

It's been three months
since defeating the Orc Lord.

The orcs that evolved into high-orcs

and quickly learned new skills

under Kajin's instruction

and are now a dependable labor force.

It's great seeing those houses go up.

We're producing clothing and tools, too.

And we built an aqueduct!

There are working toilets

with water and sewage services!

We're also building roads.

The things I learned as a general
contractor are coming into use.

This will be great for trading with
the Lizardmen and other areas.

The bath I requested is nearly complete.

This is great fun!

Right, Ranga?

This village is becoming
an even better place

now that everyone is working together.

Yes, my master!

As you command!

A peaceful place.

At long last, our town is complete.

But it was never going to be that easy.

Lord Rimuru, there's an emergency.

There are several hundred Pegasus Knights
headed in our direction.

Your Majesty, what's the bad news?

The Orc Lord was defeated

and the w*r is over.


The remaining , orcs
have ceased their rampage and dispersed.

They've evolved into high-orcs.

How could that be?

Several high-ranking Magic-born allied
and brought the w*r to an end.

It seems clear that the Magic-born
all serve under that slime.

He has command over Magic-born

and the ability to evolve monsters.

If this matter isn't resolved

it could lead to this country's ruin.

Why don't we go and get a real sense
of this slime's true character?


The Hero King of the Dwarves

Gazel Dwargo.

Lord Rimuru, what should we do?

I would like to avoid a fight if we can.

It's no problem.

We can beat them all back.

If fighting breaks out,

evacuate the townsfolk.

We'll stall long enough to give you time.


It's been a long time.

It has been a while, Kaijin.


Is this the slime?

I'll introduce myself first.

My name is Rimuru.

I may be a slime

but I prefer you don't call me that.

I am the leader
of the Grand Alliance of Jura Forest.

This isn't my true form

but it's easier
to speak with me like this.

So, what's your business here?

I'll get straight to the point.


I've come to ascertain who you really are.


Using my sword,

I will expose your true nature!

You boast about being
the leader of this forest,

so I have no other choice
than to teach you your place.

Unless the sword you carry is an ornament,

it will serve you to accept my request.

My King, really?

A true fight will resolve this
in the quickest manner.

Fine. I accept your request.

You'll come to regret saying I boasted.

You win if you can defend against
my sequence of att*cks.


do not underestimate the skill
of Master Swordsman Gazel Dwargo.

Got it.

In that case,

I will serve as a witness to this event.

Is that a Dryad?

I apologize for accusing you of boasting.

I'm starting to get a better grasp
of the circumstances.



that is a matter unrelated to ascertaining
your true character.

Now that this fight has a witness

all that's left is to cross swords!

Yes, that's right.

I'll win easily

and then have you explain
the meaning behind all of this.

If you defeat me, you'll get your answer.


Is that all the power you have, Rimuru?


I'm still just warming up.

Don't hurry me.

He's definitely strong.

But I won't lose to him so easily.

That stance.

Prepare yourself, Rimuru!

Gloom, Thunder of Heaven and Earth!

The next strike is coming from above!

You managed to block my sword!

That's all.

The winner is Rimuru Tempest.

After crossing swords, I now understand.

You are not an evil being.

Are you serious?

I'm impressed you could counter my
Gloom, Thunder of Heaven and Earth attack.

Well done, Rimuru.

No, it was just a coincidence.

My master uses that attack

so I saw it a lot while training.

That's it, really.


Could it be that your master is...

Well done, Lord Rimuru.

The demon swordsman.

You no longer look like the little boy

I found lost in the forest.

Pardon me, Dwarf King.

It's splendid to see
that you have surpassed me

in the art of swordsmanship.

I'm honored to hear you say that.

Hakurou was his master?

You never know how things
will connect in this world.

I see.

You were investigating the collection
of monsters that defeated the Orc Lord.

We needed to determine whether
they would be friend or foe.


There's something I want to ask you.

Would you like to agree to an alliance?

If you are capable of controlling
this vast expanse of forest,

you could obtain wealth and power
surpassing that of my own country.

At that time,

it will be useful to have the support
of another country.

I would really like that, but...

Is that okay?

Doing so essentially recognizes this group
of monsters as a legitimate nation.

Wouldn't that be the case?


This arrangement

benefits us as well.

Both sides stand to gain from this.

I suppose there's no reason to refuse.

I happily accept.



what will be the name of your country?

The name of our country?

I didn't think about that!


If I take from Jura Forest

and my name, Rimuru Tempest...

The Jura Tempest Federation!

The Jura Tempest Federation.

Way to go, Lord Rimuru!

From now

our country will be known as
the Jura Tempest Federation.

And let's name this town Rimuru!

Capital City Rimuru!

It's embarrassing to--

Capital City Rimuru!

No other name will do!

I agree.

It's a name worthy of this town.

Then it's decided.

On that day,

the Jura Tempest Federation
and Capital City Rimuru were established

marking their names for the first time.

Next time, "Demon Lord Milim att*cks."
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