05x35 - Take the Cake

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x35 - Take the Cake

Post by bunniefuu »

This is it, poeple-- The Big Day.

- What big day?

- What is he talking?

- Pops?

- Today's my dad's birthday.

Oh, yeah.

I remember that.


Does no one read the e-mails I send out?

Yeah, but it was just offers and stuff.

Anyway, everybody knows that Mr.

Maellard loves surprises, but they also know that he's impossible to surprise.

It must be from his time in the w*r.

He said he always slept with his eyes open.

That's why I've come up with the perfect plan.

Fake surprise.

See, it'll go down like this.

- Maellard will show up like - Hiya, Benson.

I'm here to pick up Pops for my birthday dinner.

And I'm gonna be all What?

I didn't know it was your birthday.

That's when I'll take him to the snack bar, where-- fake surprise.

He'll be so thrown off by it, he won't suspect a thing when I take him to the real party.

Wow, Benson.

That was the perfect surprise.

Here's $1 million.


Thanks, Mr.


You know, it was nothing, really.

So, yeah, that's how we're gonna do it.

Oh, that plan sounds wonderful, Benson!

All right, time for your assignments.

Skips, set up the table.

Muscle man and Hi Five Ghost, go buy balloons.

Mordecai and Rigby, you're picking up the cake.

- Really?


- Yep, it's prepaid and everything.

All you have to do is pick it up, just give them the receipt and bring the cake back.

That's it.

Pickin' up the cake, pickin' up the cake Pickin' up the cake, gonna do it great Just pick up the cake and try not to ruin my big day.

- I thought it was Maellard's day.

- Just pick up the cake!

Man, this place is packed!

Why does everyone need a cake so bad?

Dude, check it out.

This cake Benson ordered is crazy expensive.



Yeah, Benson's really going all out.

Hey, Mordecai, check out that line.

Nobody's in it.

It says, "prepaid," so, yeah-- let's do it.

I got my cake.

I got my cake!

Excuse me, I'm here to pick up a cake.

Oh, if you have a prepaid receipt, I can get that for you.

Yeah, we do!

Okay, it'll be just a minute.

Excuse me!

I was here before they were.

Sorry, ma'am, but prepaid customers take priority.

Hey, you two!

That's right, I'm talking to you bozos, you just cut the line!

Get back here and take a number like everybody else!

We didn't cut in line, this is the prepaid line.

That's a fine excuse-- for a bunch of line cutters!

Look, we didn't cut, okay?


This is separate line for people with prepaid receipts.

- But-- - All right, here you go.

Also, you guys get our last free cake pastries.

This is ridiculous!

I've been here longer than anybody!

I'm sorry, ma'am, but the sign says prepaid customers get tended to first, so maybe you should learn how to read.

Okay, thanks for the cake, bye!

Hey, I'd say this job was a piece of cake.

Aw, yeah, it was!

Hand me one of them victory pastries.

Aw, man, did you eat both of them?


The second one just fell in my mouth!

You're the worst.

What the?

Line cutters!

Line cutters gonna get cut!

She's got a cake cutter!

Let's get out of here!

Time to shake this cake witch!


What does that say?


I wish I could read!

Road cake!

Road cake!

- Road cake!

- Road cake!

Time for the meeting with accounting.

If we're late, Tokyo will drop the deal!

Come on!

Oh, boy.

Hello, Mr.


Where's Pops?

We're gonna be late to my birthday dinner.


It's your birthday today?


And I'm sure you don't have anything planned.

Of course, how could I?

I only just now found out about it-- just now!

But you know what?

I think Pops is at the snack bar.

Let me take you there.

Let's go see "Pops at the snack bar.

" Right this way.

I'm taking Papa Eagle out to the field.

We'll be back at the nest shortly.

Do you copy?

Who's the eagle again?

Maellard is the eagle, it was in the e-mail!


So I get that you don't have enough money for a new cake, but you really don't know how to make one?

Isn't it, like one of your food groups?

Hey, less judgy, more cakey!

There's not a lot of time, can you help us or not?

Does angel food cake cool upside down?

Yes, the answer is "yes.

" You guys are awesome!

This is even better than the cake Benson bought!

He should be paying us!

Come on, let's get this outside.

Eileen, what did you do?


It doesn't fit out the door!

Hey, I can't do the math if I don't have the whole equation.

I'm taking Papa Eagle out to the field.

We'll be back at the nest shortly.

Do you copy?

Who's the eagle again?

Maellard is the eagle, it was in the e-mail!

He knows I don't do e-mail.

Where are Mordecai and Rigby?

They should have brought the cake by now.

Let's go find 'em.

Oh, there you are!

What's the holdup, bros?

It's not our fault!

The cake won't go outside!

How'd it get inside?

That's not important!

Look, we just need to get it outside before Benson shows up with Mr.


Does anyone have any ideas?

Way to go, dudes.

You really messed up big.

Yeah, Benson's gonna be really bummed out.

If only there was a way to-- outside cake!

I might have something, then!

Here it is!

- What is it?

- It's my Handy Home Matter Mover.

I got it in the 1950s.

Gather 'round!

Gather 'round!

What you see before you will revolutionize how you move things!

Let me introduce the Handy Home Matter Mover!

Oh, my!

Does this sound familiar?

Say the missus wants to put a vase of flowers on the dining-room table, But she has her hands full with the kids.

Well, all you have to do is key in the coordinates, aim, and hit the switch!

I'll take it!

A teleporter?


It's perfect!

Well, I don't see Pops out here.

Are you sure?

Maybe you should check behind the counter.



That was a good one.


And you thought I forgot your birthday.

Well, it's certainly thoughtful of you to come up with this one surprise for me.

It's no trouble, one surprise is the least I can do.

Let's head back to the house for Pops.

Yes, I'm sure Pops is very lonely, waiting all by himself.

Wait for me!

- Are you sure this will work?

- It looks really old.

Okay, I think I got it.

Papa Eagle is coming to the roost, get the eggs ready!

Come on!

Come on!

Hurry up, bro!

I expect that everyone's ready to cr*ck the eggs.

Sorry for all the work calls, but we've got a real eagle problem at the moment.

But anyway, I'm sure Pops is somewhere around here.

I'm sure he is.

Surpri-- Can you wait here?

I think I almost got it.

Oh, there you guys are.

Did I not make myself perfectly clear?


Papa Eagle is out there and no cake and no guests!

What part of "surprise party" do you not understand?


It'll be fine!

We just had a few setbacks.

- There was this angry woman - And these shaggy-looking business guys But C.


and Eileen helped us make this better cake.

It just a little too big to get out the door.

- But now we got this teleporter, so-- - Are you kidding me?


I've got this whole surprise party planned out, and now there's no surprise!

- But the teleporter-- - Forget the teleporter!


We can still save the party!

This is how they throw a birthday party?


There's no one here!

This is how they treat me, after all I've done for them?

It's lonely at the top.

Lakme - Flower Duet Surprise!

Papa is so surprised, he doesn't know what to say!

That was the best birthday surprise of my life!

Where am I?

You're in the hospital.

You've been in a coma for three weeks.

Sir, I can't tell you how sorry I am, I just-- What do you have to be sorry about?

I've always wanted to be in a coma.

I'm impressed, you figure out what to get the man that has everything.

This birthday really takes the cake.
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