05x28 - Video 101

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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05x28 - Video 101

Post by bunniefuu »

So, for your final project.

I thought we'd do something fun.

A music video.

Projects are due at the end of the week.

Good luck.

Umm, Mr.


What exactly are you looking for in the assignment?

I wanna do a good job so I can pass the class.

Don't ask me what I am looking for, Eileen.

Ask you what you're looking for in here.

Because making a good film Takes more than what you have, up here.

No way, name me one remade is better than the original.

Huh, hello, obviously summer camp slash down.

The original was totally shot in some guys backyard.


That was a prequel not a remake.

Your face is a remake.

Oh, burn.

That doesn't even make sense.

Hey guys, refills, refills?

Eileen, that's the third time you've topped us off.

Yeah, what gives?

Well, that's kind of this favor I want to ask you guys.

Look, I gonna make a music video for my introductory film making class, Which I only took because I am required to graduate.

But I don't know the first thing about this kind of staff.

You guys are so creative.

Can you help me?

Can we be in it?


Oh yeah yeah we can help.

Yeah, we watch tons of music videos.

We know all about this staff.

Sounds like a lot of fun, Eileen.

Well super.

I am so glad you guys are up for it.

I figured this kind of thing was up your alley anyways.

You will get an a*t*matic A with us helping you out.

a*t*matic A.

a*t*matic A gonna blow class away.

a*t*matic A make the teacher say hey.

Alright, I may not know much about music videos.

But form I gather, the coolest ones have dancing in them.

And it just so happens I've put together a little routine.

Now, follow my lead.

Five, six, seven, Eight!

Step, step, reach and up.

- Oh, man.

- No, you are getting it.

Keep going.

Okay, now, step to your left.

Arm, arm, jump.

left, left.

Oh, the other left.

There is only one left, Rigby.

I got it, I got it.

All right, you guys are nailing it.

I think we are ready to record.

Wait, you're gonna film here?

Yeah, why?

The park just So boring.

I like the park, there is a simple charm.

I guess.

But wouldn't it be cooler on, I don't know, a mountain top?

Or on the back of moving truck.

Or both at once?

And it's on fire.

We'd still do your dance.

Just in front something awesome.

Either way, it's totally up to you.

Sounds fun.

You guys were right.

What an impressive vista.

Yeah, good call, guys.

Good calls what I am all about.

Like that good call you made when you ate the sandwich off the side walk?

Hey, the side walk adds the flavor.

So do portable toilets.

Oh, burn.

Alright, places.

Wait, wait, stop, stop.

What's wrong?

Wow, idea.

Lighting bolt like right here, check it.

We keep dancing but the background keeps changing.

Boon, the arctic, boon, a volcano, boon, outer space.

Dude, you just blew my mind.

That sounds really complicated.

Auh, just fix it in pose.

Do you even know what that means?

Nah, but they say it all the time in those "making of " documentaries.

You're good at technical staff, Eileen, it can't be that hard.


If you think I can do it, then let's go for it.

Yeah, up high, Eileen.

Cut, cut.

Huh, what are you guys wearing?

Costumes, all the coolest music videos have them.

Too much?

Too much?

Well yeah, you both look insane.

Hey, sometimes you got to go insane to outsane , the sane.

You know what I am sane-ing.

No, look, I think we should just keep it simple.

Less is more is the way to go.

Why not go more is more ?

But won't it weird with just you two in costume?

We're way ahead of you.

How do you even dance in this?

Anyway you can.


Once more, from the top.

Five, six, seven, eight.

- Hi, Eileen.

- Ahhh!


What the heck is that?

Genuine zebra head.

Don't worry.

It's not real.

Rigby, I don't think we need props.

Don't listen to her.

Look, why don't we just try a couple takes with props.

And if you don't like it, you can just take it out later.

No biggie.

Though you would be taking out the most awesome part of the video.

I don't konw.

Look, Eileen.

This is your project.

Is this what you want?


Well, no.

I mean, it's not what I thought.

But I guess it's cool.

So, props to the props!

What's up?

Hey, just wanted to make sure you are okay.

You seem kind of frazzled back to the video sh**t.

Well may be a little.

Mordicai and Rigby have a lot of ideas.

Just don't let them steamroll you, Okay?

Oh, it's fine.

My friend Marcus is from classes coming over to help me edit it tonight.


Well, good luck.


What are you guys doing here?

We are here to help you edit it.

But I already have a friend coming by to help me.

Oh the dude Marcus?

We sent him home.

Yeah, we even gave hime a slice of this pizza we brought.

It's the first stuff, Poppa Greazeos.

No need to thank us.

Look, my project is due tomorrow morning.

I don't have much time.


Three people will make it go faster than one.

We will crank this puppy up out in no time.

Come on, Eileen.

I'm getting cold.

Let me in and eat me.

All right.

Edit it!

Edit it!

Edit it!

Edit it!

Edit it!

Edit it!

Let me just open Edit Max Pro.

I think there is some cool features in here.

What's a star wipe?

We got to use that.

I don't think we really need it, do we?

Oh, we need the star wipe.

We totally need the star wipe.

Look, let's just get started.




, what are you doing here?

I wanted to see how the video turned out.

Oh, no.

It's tomorrow today?

I still have to finish it.

No, you don't.

Cause we've done!

You are?

It just finished rendering.

All right.

Get ready to have your minds blown.

Genuine zebra h- e- a- d!

Genuine zebra head!

Ah, who made this garbage?

Dude, we did.

Oh, yeah.

I know we should use more zebra.

It is terrible.

I can turn this in.

I thought you guys know everything about music videos.

Yeah, watching them not making them.

Eileen, I hate to say this.

But you probably gonna fail fail.


fail fail I've never failed a class in my life.

Eh, it gets easier after the first few times.

Sorry, Eileen.

Yeah, sorry we messed this up for you.

Well, there is still an hour left.

We can re-edit it.

Re-editing this isn't gonna make it work.

Think Eileen.


Don't ask me what I am looking for, Eileen.

Ask you what you're looking for, in here.

There is only one way I can make this work.

Eileen's way!

好了 接下来æˆ'们这么办 All right, this is what we gonna do.

We gonna stick to the dance routine like I planned.

And we gonna sh**t it all in one take without stopping for anything.

But that's impossible.

No, it isn't.

I did the maths and it is totally possible.

Just dance from here.

Now places.


So how did you do?

a*t*matic A.

No, A.

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