04x39 - Party Re-Pete

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Regular Show". Aired: September 6, 2010 – January 16, 2017.*
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Series revolves around the daily lives of two 23-year-old friends – Mordecai (a blue jay) and Rigby (a raccoon) – who work as groundskeepers at a park, and spend their days trying to avoid work and entertain themselves by any means.
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04x39 - Party Re-Pete

Post by bunniefuu »

Wow Benson!

You can really dance.

I've just getting warm up!

- He's gotten loose!

- I didn't know it had it in him.

Yeah, Benson finally ask out Audrey on a date, and she said yes.

Oh, that explains it.

We should get him to ask Audrey out more often.

Benson your going up!

Bow down to the party king!







It's a quarter past nine.

Benson's never late!

Cut him some slack.

He was literally parting all night.

Unlike someone I found face down in the nachoes.

- Dude!

- Guys come quick.

Is your party just not getting started?

Party Benson!

- Party Benson

- Awesome party,man.

I known.

Don't wait, call Party Starter and ask for Party Benson!

- Party Benson.

- Oh my!

Something real strange is going on.

We better go check up on it.



Are you home?

- Benson?

- Oh no.

- He's not here

- wait,what's that?

It looks like one of those paper tongues looking party favours or whatever they called.

Dude, don't you remember what Benson told us?

Hey, what did I tell you about those paper tongue party favour things or whatever they called.

I hate having those things anywhere near me, if you ever see one in my house you'd probably assume I've been kidnapped or something.

Let me see that thing.

Looks like we should pay these guys a visit.

Come on, just let us in.

We've been here for half an hour.

They'll never gonna let us in.

What about those guys?

Hey, do you guys work here?

- Doubledap.

- We got the Vince.

- We got the Tommy.

We are the vice

-presidents of the party.

Epic, dude.


We're looking for our friend Benson.

Have you see him?

We don't known any Benson,but if you're looking for Party Benson, you have to call the hotline like everyone else.

Can we talk to Party Benson then?

Yeah, can't help you grandpas, we don't know you.

Step side, our 24/7 party requires fresh fill.

- Sushi?

- Sushi, the Chinese food?

We're done with you hush mellows.

Now go back to the park before we kick you out ourselves.

Wait, how did you know we from the park?


Moving these dudes from the privacies!

- Those guys are such jerks.

- Yeah, something weird is going on.

Yeah, Benson won't abandon the park not even to keep the party going.

Which I admit is the respectable life choice.

There's got be a way to reach Benson!

Hello, the lames of suits told us what to do.

Hello,Party Starter?

Yeah it's an emergency.

I am a helpless loser with no friends and I can't get the party get started.

My name?


No ,I am fine, I err fall down the stairs.

Anyway, on your hottest partier.

Yeah,Party Benson,that's the one.

Anyone got 15 bucks?

- You got the 15 dollars?

- Benson,there you are.

Oh, thank goodness!

Alright ,let's get this party started!

Alright enough.

Benson, this isn't you!

Of course it's me.

Party Benson!

just like you ordered.

- Don't you know us,Bro?

- All I know is it's party time!

- Snap out of this.

- Hands off man.

This is hopeless, just let him go.

Party is over.

Did you say the party is over?

Then my job here is done.



Oh no, Benson bloated!

Pops, there is got to be an explanation.

- What is this?


- Wait, where're the party girls?

There they are.

We got follow them.

- So many party options.

- There are some kinda of elevators up ahead.

What is this place?

Party Zoe?

Party Robert?


Benson, are you ok?

What happened?

I am ok, I am ok.

It all happened after that party Remember saying goodnight to Audrey, then I walked to my car.

That's when two guys wearing suits stopped me.

They said they liked my partying and asked if I want to go pro.

I said no then they said they at least like to induct me to the party hall of fame.

I said sure.

They showed me their cloning equipment, and explained they cloned the best partier in the world to keep the party going.

By the time I realized there is no party in hall of fame.

It was too late.

I can't believe you actually thought there was a party hall of fame.





I am just glad you guys were able to save me.

Looks like we saved the case of the missing Benson.

Let's roll.

We got to save the rest of these guys.

Come quick.

- Party Pete.

- Party Pete in the house.

- Rigby

- What?

The buttons are real close together.

Party Pete, are you ok?

Ya, but it's not Party Pete,it's Party Hermanverfer.

Thank you for saving me,now I can go back to do what I real love to do.

Playing Sudoku.

Open those other two.

let's get out here.

I don't like that.

What happened?

Is the party over?

Not yet robot bro.

We got check.

- Oh no guards.

- Don't let them escape.

There is only one way out.

We got to party through!


Hey, party people, drink up.

- Someone's about to get soda pop!

- Let's dance.

But I'm still thirsty for a bar kick it!

- There's the exit.

- Let's get out of here.

Hey, why are you going?

the party is just getting started!

Yeah, thanks, Party Pete.

We'll take it from here.

Step by side.

What, you think we won't sh**t?

No way, man.

You fools need us.

Oh yeah?

Disco is dead.

Oh man.

Then the eighty is so over!

No one ever order this two in years.

You're are best sellers, and cloning is the future of partying.

And that's why we were keeping you right here.

Now back to the lab.


Guys, take cover.

My life is more important than your party!

You're kidding.

You are the aging park manager with anger problem.

Hey Party Pete, think you can drink this whole can of Soda?

Yeah man.

Lay it on me right here.

You got it,man!

- We came when we seen the expl*si*n.

- You guys got here fast.

Of course we did, we are the police.

See, is this the guy from the underground party cloning?

Looks like the party is over.

We will get you for this .

Benson bro.

Yeah we just want to pay off our student loans.

Say it to the judge.

Thanks for getting me out of there, guys.

I should have known not to cut loose on a weekday like that.

I guess I go back to sorting time sheets and multi Vitamins.

Well, that's not gonna work.

This calls for a celebration!

We got the best party of starteder in town.


I mean Hermanverfer.

Why don't you stay and party with us?

I am all parties out.

I wish to complete the puzzle.

or pay the painter a visit.

Besides I am not like Benson.

He is the real deal.

Yes,he is.
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