01x29 - The New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x29 - The New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

Post by bunniefuu »



At long last!

I'm holding

my father's sword!

Puppets how vulgar.

Perfect timing

We can indulge and test our Mist Blades!

Causing a sensation with countless Paper b*mb explosions

the expl*sive Blade Shibuki, the Spatter.

Not bad.

How lovely!

The bewitching Long Blade Nuibari, the Sewing Needle.

It sews everything together to halt any movement.

Oh! I want to try it out on humans right now!

The Blunt Blade Kabutowari, Helmet Splitter!

This is fun

The Severing Sword, the Executioner's Blade.

No doubt about it, a sword worthy of the Demon Zabuza!

The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!

My father, Raiga Kurosuki's sword!

Hey, c'mon leave some for me.


With these blades, we can begin our revolution.

Do you seriously think you can pull off such a thing?

Just by gathering together the seven Mist Blades?

You don't seem to get it, Kagura.

I have backers.

People connected to the Feudal Lord of the Land of Water.

What ?!

They don't agree with moderates like Chojuro.

Once this blows over, we'll replace the Mizukage

with you.


Yes, you.

Remember what I told you back then?

That I would protect you?

Lord Yagura's kin will once again rule over the Blood Mist Village.

How lovely!

Besides, we've already made a move against the Hokage's son.


There's no turning back now.

Don't worry.

I will create the place where you will belong.

The blood of the great Lord Yagura flows within you.

You are destined to become the next Mizukage.

Tell me, Kagura

Have I ever lied to you?


Relax, Kagura.

We'll do all the fighting.

You just stand back and watch, as our leader.

I-I !

We can't change it.

Not this village, nor the destiny of your bloodline.

I will build a village

one that the blood inside your veins will be proud of!




The New Seven Ninja Swordsmen The key to this vault

should be extremely difficult to duplicate.

Where's the key now?

Kagura has it.




He still hasn't changed his mind, has he?

And he forced Kagura to give him the key?

Rather, he probably coaxed Kagura into it.

He can be very convincing.

This is a declaration of w*r against us.

What will you do, Lord Sixth?

Who else knows about this?

Just myself and your close aides.

I'm imposing a gag rule.

The Seven Ninja Swordsman are symbols of the Hidden Mist.

If they dare pose as the Swordsmen and try to harm the village

It is our duty

to execute them!

And are you saying that includes Kagura?



Hold on a minute!

Boruto Uzumaki!

What are you doing here?

Don't tell me Shizuma and his g*ng

Kagura's not a bad guy.

Shizuma is just exploiting Kagura's weakness!

I know he just went along in order to rescue me!

Even still, this does not involve you.

This is solely a problem of the Hidden Mist.

No matter what his reason, he turned against the village.

They're all trying to turn this village into the Blood Mist again


Are you lumping Kagura in with them?!

He's not doing this because he wants to!

You know that better than anyone else!

Boruto I'm grateful for your kindness.

However, Kagura is a shinobi too.

If he breaks the rules,

he must suffer the consequences as a shinobi.

“As a shinobi”?

But you don't really want to k*ll Kagura, do you?

Sacrificing a life to protect the village

Is that what a Mizukage does?

The Hokage that I aspire to be

would never do that!

I won't make you try to understand.

It's just this is all I can do right now.

Put simply

It would be okay if this wasn't a rebellion, right?


Those guys are just plain thugs,

not the New Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Kagura and I just got caught up in a fight with them.

Boruto, what are you saying?

Just that, we're gonna get back at them now.

This is just a fight between kids who don't know any better!

I get it.

It's just a fight.

That's all it is.

And that's the idea you came up with?

But we have roll call at ten tonight.

We have to get back, or else our Sensei will

Don't worry!

We'll wrap this up by then!

Pretty ingenious

However, did you think we'd approve of such a plan?


Boruto !

It's the wound those guys gave me!

If I go home all beat up like this,

and Dad sees me, he's not gonna be quiet about it

Are you okay with this?

This might turn into some kinda diplomatic incident

H-Hey, c'mon!

You've got guts, kid.

You heard him, Chojuro. What will you do?

I have just one condition.

I'm coming with you.

Huh? Lord Mizukage, you are?!

I'm not going as the Mizukage.

I'm merely being a guide for the field trip.

That's what I like to hear!

Remember, there is a time limit.

If we go over that

Don't worry. That won't happen!

We'll check on their whereabouts.

Go and take care of whatever you need to.

Thanks, Mr. Chojuro!


Protect that boy's future

as the Mizukage.


I didn't think you'd bring up Lord Seventh for this.

You know, that was the last thing I wanted to do.

But it's worse not being able to help a friend.

We now have the Mist Blades and Kagura.

We can finally begin.

We're going to rip everything apart in this weak village

Like how the Samehada does.

Sounds good. We're all sick and tired of this village.

We're happy to follow you.

To live through adversity,

with comrades who share the same vision

That's the way my father lived and died.


We're gonna live in this era, as shinobi!

I just can't oppose Mr. Shizuma

It's not because of past obligations,

or the fact that I caused that sword wound.

He is the only one who accepts me for who I am.

So Boruto

If you appear before me again

Even if it's you, I have to

We cannot change the past.

My destiny isn't going to play out like a game.

This sword is heavy.

Perhaps, I don't have the right to wield it.

I haven't seen Boruto since this morning.

I wonder where he went?

Not just him. Kagura too.

Oh? Now that you mention it

I'm gonna go get some fresh air.

I wonder what's up?



Sarada and I have some field trip leader business to take care of.

Since we have to make sure you guys have fun during the field trip, got it?


W-What's going on?

Oh, this and that.

So, if we don't make it back by roll call,

can you make up some excuse for us?

We're counting on you!

Hey, wait!

What was that about?

That was really sketchy.

Maybe he got mixed up in some trouble again?

So we can't just ignore it like the last time, right?

Uh Boruto said to leave Kagura to him

But I wonder if he'll be okay?


Funny you should mention that name just now

I thought I felt someone watching all this time

It was you, Suigetsu.

If you're planning on rescuing Boruto, forget it.

He told me to tell you, "don't get involved any further."

Why is that?

I don't know!

Anyway, it will be bad if

the Hidden Mist learns about your connection to us.

Don't give me that look.

I feel the same way.

I was looking forward to coming home for a mission after all this time

and then this happens.

Why the hell are guys like that calling themselves

the New Seven Ninja Swordsmen?

They're just brats with absolutely no experience with w*r.


You don't like them, Suigetsu?

You can tell me, then.


Tell you what?

You came all the way here,

so you must be investigating something, right?

Like looking for their Achilles' heel?

Didn't I just tell you? You're not to get involved.

Knowing him,

he's already figured out that I'll do what I want.

And you never listen to orders,

that's why I'm keeping an eye on you.

We chased after Boruto, but

We might have stumbled onto something really bad.

What do we do?

Well, first of all

All right, don't move

or I'll k*ll you.

So, what are you up to?

Can you stop messing with them?

They're my friends.

I know.

I was just joking around, right?

I never thought I'd see you two with that look on your faces.

Hey, c'mon

Hey That's it!

Being outnumbered and confronted

that would be a good excuse.

Don't get carried away, Mitsuki.

Fine. Since you're gonna crush Shizuma in my place.

So, you really don't like him?

Thank you

I think we'll be able to save Boruto, thanks to you two.

What's going on?

To be precise, grown-ups were using the field trip as a cover

for some nasty business.

This flashy memorial is a symbol of the past

that the village forces on us today.

Don't you agree, Kagura?

Mr. Shizuma

If you're saying that

you will fight for the ones who have been forgotten,

the ones who have not been memorialized here

I will follow you.

Your words give me strength, Kagura

All right! New Seven Ninja Swordsmen!

We will light the first fires of revolution here!

That's enough, you disrespectful bastards!


You ended up coming.

The Hokage's son is here.

You are a bigger idiot than I expected.

Have you come to die?

Yeah, because I'm an idiot.

I've come looking for a fight!

A fight?


You heard him correctly.



You're alone?

You really underestimate us, don't you?

And you think you can take us all on, by yourself?


As Boruto just said, this is a little scuffle between children.

And I happened to pass by in time to stop it.

He's making fun of us!

Shizuma, this is our chance to take the Mizukage's head.

You're right

Shall we do this, then?

Red Mist Barrier.

This is the same as Hachiya's!

I wish you wouldn't put this in the same class as that childish trick.

Get back!

The magical sword Sewing Needle,

sews everything together to halt any movement!

Mister Chojuro!


The expl*sive Blade, Shibuki

expl*si*n can break apart solid earth

and one by one, you'll become its fodder.

Damn it, where am I?!

What a downer.

Those brats are just an impediment.

Is that right?

They have much more promise as shinobi

than all of you here.

I fell pretty far.

I've got to get back quickly

I think I'll get more resistance from you

than that pampered boy up there.

But I won't let a kid like you get in my way.

You no longer possess the Hiramekarei.

Our three Ninja Swords will cut you down.

You seem to really despise me.

Damn right, we do!

Do you know what you did to our village?

You turned it into a cheap tourist destination

for guys from other villages.

It makes me wanna vomit!

We are shinobi.

How are we supposed to use the jutsu

that our parents passed on to us?!

As it is, this Mist Blade is a worthless treasure.

But Shizuma is different from you.

Instead of rotting with the village, he gave us a reason to belong!


Oh, the feel of flesh being torn away

I can feel it through the threads.

I admit, there is some merit to your dissatisfaction.

And any failure to ease the strains between us

is my fault as the Mizukage.

No kidding

Then you can die willingly

in front of the memorial stone!

Don't try to deny it

There are those who weren't laid to rest here,

in this hallowed memorial for the w*r dead!

He's talking about the Fourth Mizukage Yagura and his faction

They were relegated to being from a loathed past,

so their existence was erased.

We represent those whom you've tried to erase!

So Shizuma's aim is to take their discontent

and attempt a coup d'état?

Yeah, Shizuma is different from you.

He understands our anger.

And Kagura is a part of us now, the Seven Ninja Swordsmen.

Well I wonder about that.

There may be a different way of life for Kagura.

Hah, that's a little too late.

He can't live anywhere else, but beside Shizuma now

How can you afford to be concerned about Kagura?

We're about to k*ll you!

Damn it

Those three are just wasting time by talking,

when they should be finishing him.

But I don't blame them

considering how long we've endured our discontent.

Still, who knows when reinforcements will arrive

Don't toy with them too much, Shizuma

Where are you Kagura?!

The Sharingan? I've heard rumors

To think, I'd get to experience the real thing here!

What a score!

I'll cut out both of your eyes

with my Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!

You want these Sharingan that much?

We've gotta take care of you guys in time to make roll call!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!"

In any case, I've gotta see through her Lightning Blade!

"The Sharingan vs. The Lightning Blade, Kiba the Fang!"
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