01x25 - The Turbulent Field Trip

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x25 - The Turbulent Field Trip

Post by bunniefuu »

LEAF NEWS THE MIDDLE SEA SECURITY ISSUE Regarding the state of affairs with The Land of Waves,

LEAF NEWS THE MIDDLE SEA SECURITY ISSUE our Feudal Lord of the Land of Fire, Lord Ikkyu Madoka, released this statement:

THE MIDDLE SEA SECURITY ISSUE "The risk they pose to the security of the middle seas cannot be overlooked,

cannot be overlooked, hence we will maintain a resolute posture."

What a disturbing subject

It just means a lot of people still don't believe the w*r is over.


We're lucky things went so smoothly in our village. Right?

We have everyone to thank for that.

Yes, you're right.


Everyone worked hard together to secure peace in Hidden Leaf Village.

That makes me very proud.

My only worry is that the current Hokage is you.

Iruka Sensei

Because you always got into trouble as a kid.

Anyway, what's so urgent that the busy Lord Hokage

would come to the Academy personally?

Oh yeah, that's right.




SEVENTH HOKAGE I've been in regular contact with the Land of Water,

SEVENTH HOKAGE and we're finally about to reach a settlement.

From this year, the Academy's field trips are gonna be fancier!

The Land of Water? And it's not for a mission?

Isn't it a good idea?

Is it?

Without a doubt,

it requires a bit of courage,

but maybe it's time we took a step forward

I can't do it like Mitsuki can.

Was it like this?

Boruto! What are you doing?

Well, everyone keeps saying you wear a wig, so

Was that a Wind Style just now?

That's not part of the curriculum yet

R-Right! That's what I wanted you to see!

I've been practicing and deepening my skills at formulating ninjutsu.

Don't skirt the question!

What are you doing, Boruto?

What are you doing here, Dad?!

I'm working, ya know!

Listen, if you're gonna pull some pranks,

do it with some more finesse!

Shut up!

I don't need you tellin' me that, Dad!

What did you say?!

What about it?!

These two

The Turbulent Field Trip

What's up with that?

He tried to pull a prank on the principal yesterday

So that's his punishment.

What an idiot.

LAND OF WATER FIELD TRIP It's the first time our academy is conducting a class field trip

LAND OF WATER FIELD TRIP outside of the village.

LAND OF WATER FIELD TRIP This is really a milestone.

Everyone must exercise extreme caution.

The Land of Water?

The ocean fresh seafood grilled right on the beach

This means I have to buy a swimsuit!

The Land of Water Hidden Mist Village.

Nothing good comes to mind, are we gonna be okay?

That's all in the past though, right?

Well, it's got nothing to do with us

You will be representing our village.

Don't cause any trouble.

If something does happen,

consider the field trip cancelled immediately.

This means, no classes for a while, right?


Hey guys, a field trip isn't for fun.

Don't be such a downer!

You're such a buzzkill.

Just listen, guys! Boys are such idiots.

LAND OF WATER FIELD TRIP Okay, I'd like to select a student leader for this field trip.

Any volunteers?

What? No one?

Of course not.

Who would want to be responsible for this class of troublemakers?

Who'd volunteer for such a thankless job?

I hope I don't get picked!

I hope I don't get picked!


I think Boruto Uzumaki would be good as our trip leader.

That's a great idea! I think he'd be perfect too, Sensei!

Boruto's cheerful and always at the center of everyone's attention.

He'd be perfect.



No objections here!


Huh?! Huh?!

Since he always wants to take the lead for anything!

Is that right, you all?

So, this is what Boruto meant by being classmates?


[Class Rep, help me!]


I think our field trip leader wants to say something.

Hey guys! How did you get swayed so easily?!

You think you can decide this so irresponsibly?!

What about my opinion?! Respect what I want too!

Besides !

We're counting on you, leader!

You guys decided on your own!

But I honestly think you're the best one for the job.



It's the best choice in order for the class to come together.

Th-Then I guess I have no choice!

You guys better listen to me then!


Hey, you've gotten really good at handling Boruto.

See? You're messing around again.

Don't embarrass us like that when we're in another village.

What a drag.

Do you guys only think about messing around?

About that

It sounds like the Hidden Mist Village is really rural.

Is there anything to do there?

Don't worry.

I don't know what it's like there, but I'll liven things up.

What's up with that confidence?

For better or worse, you made me the leader.

I wish I could see that determination of yours

during regular school hours.

Don't get too carried away.

That village used to be known as the "Blood Mist Village."


There's nothing good about the place.

Iwabe did something happen?


Anyway, if anything happens, I'll pulverize ‘em.

Just leave it to me.

See ya.

"If anything happens"? Are you kidding?

Weren't you listening to instructions?!

Sarada seems awfully excited.

Handkerchief, a change of clothes, school supplies


Games, charger, shinobi card game

Do you really need those things?

As long as I have these, I'll manage somehow.

I just hope your teacher doesn't scold you.

You're so lucky, Big Brother!

Right? I'll bring back lots of souvenirs for you.

That's a promise, okay?

I don't know how things are in the Land of Water.

Don't you dare do anything dangerous.

And make sure follow all of your sensei's directions and !

I know.

I'm going!

Have a great time!

Oh dear.

LIGHTLY SALTED CONSOMMÉ I have so much stuff, it's ridiculous.

CHOCOBAR I have so much stuff, it's ridiculous.

That's for sure!

CHOCOBAR Want one?

CHOCOBAR Th-Thank you!

Isn't it amazing?

What is?

Beyond this ocean are several other lands and many villages.

It's hard to imagine.

What? Why're you so sentimental?

I'm allowed to be sometimes, aren't I?

By the way

Why'd you nominate Boruto as the leader for the field trip?

Yeah! It could've been anyone else, right?

So why?

Well, I thought he

What about me?


Go away!

Why? I wanna look at the ocean from the deck too.

You're so laid back.

And you're too tense!

You've been so spirited lately.

Got a problem with that?

No, it's fine.

I'm not interested in becoming the Hokage.

You're the only one in the entire village

who can't see how great Lord Seventh is.

And I'm the only one who sees what a loser my dad is.

People say your dad was unbelievably strong.

Isn't that cooler?

We're not talking about him.

I want to become a shinobi like Lord Seventh.

Oh yeah?

If you're that determined to become a Hokage,

then you should take over as the field trip leader.

I nominated you to be the leader,

to prevent you from going off on your own and making trouble.

All so that we can have a fun trip.

That's so underhanded!

Is that befitting a woman who's gonna become the Hokage?

It's not funny!

It's not funny!

It's not funny, ya know! Hey, Sarada! I am not gonna get involved with that.



Ugh! So you had the card!

Damn it!

I don't have any red cards!



I win.

Aw, damn it!

I couldn't use anything in my hand!

For a while, I thought I had a chance.

You lost big time, Boruto.

Shut up.

I want to win in one big sweep!

What's the point, though, if you don't have the hand?

Let's do one more round!

Fine by me!

Sure, and you'll end up losing again, Boruto.

Not this time!

This is boring This is boring

Nothing but mist.

And the scenery hasn't changed at all.

I wish we'd get there already.

These guys


What's the matter, Boruto?

I was looking for the toilet.

This boat's so big, I got lost.

What about you?

Figured as much

Oh yeah

That Wind style "swoosh" of yours

How do you do it?

You mean, the Wind Scythe?

Yeah, that one.

I tried it last time, and it didn't work.

Well, I wouldn't want it to be so easy to copy.

Oh yeah?

I think I almost got it

Besides, you don't know about Chakra Natures yet


Field trip leader

It's coming into view

The Village Hidden in the Mist

See? Amazing, huh?


I heard it was really rural

It's even more modern than the Hidden Leaf Village.

Everyone, line up for roll call!

Stay together!

Our guide from the Hidden Mist will be coming shortly,

so behave yourselves.


You think they're teachers from here?

Welcome to the Hidden Mist Village.

I'll be your guide from today, I'm Kagura Karatachi.

Thank you for coming, Lord Kagura. He's so different!

Of course. I know! I know!

I'm honored to be your guide.

Kagura Karatachi, is a close aide to the Mizukage.

He's not much older than you guys, you know.

What?! What?!

He's totally different from the boys in our class.

He seems pretty hot,

but I wonder about he's like on the inside?

He's kinda like a sword.

I'm so happy to be able to welcome

the son of the legendary Naruto Uzumaki, the Seventh Hokage

and his classmates.

C-Cut it out, all right?

My dad has got nothing to do with this.

I'm Boruto Uzumaki

You can just call me Boruto, okay?

All right.

Then you must call me Kagura.


Nice to meet you, Kagura!

I'd heard stories, but this is amazing.


Could you please?

SHINOBI CARD GAME Whoa! This Shinobi Card Game isn't even on sale in Hidden Leaf Village!

Looks like it's a limited edition


What should we do? Should we buy it?

If we split the cost, we could

This port town is the hub of distribution and trade,

and we get goods from various lands.

And it's a bustling tourist destination.

Wow The Hidden Mist Village is really something.

I'm glad you like our village.

We're very proud of it.



Are you a Kagemasa fan too, Kaguya?

Uh Yes.

His movies are great, aren't they?

This is a super-limited item you can get only at theaters!

Name your price!

How much will you sell it for?

There it is

The unpleasant true nature of a rich boy

Why didn't say you liked Kagemasa earlier?


The boys are monopolizing Kagura's attention!

I just hope their stupidity doesn't rub off on him.


Aw man! Don't go disappearing on us!

C'mon, please? Iwabe

Boruto, you're friends with Iwabe, right?

Go and look for him.

Denki, keep an eye on him.

What?! What?!

Where I go is my business, isn't it?

You can't just go somewhere. This isn't our village.

Still, it's pretty amazing.

It's almost overkill.

It's all a cover-up.

Remember, I told you?

This used to be a terrible village.

They covered up their worthless past with all these new buildings.

But that's all in the past, right?

This is supposed to be our field trip.

So let's enjoy ourselves!

Whoa !



Sorry about that.

C'mon, let's go.

Hey, wait up.

You're the one who bumped into him.

Huh? So what if I did?

Brats from the Hidden Leaf have no business nosing around our island.


You knew that we're from the Hidden Leaf Village?


I could tell instantly because of your gloomy faces.

Too bad, I thought this was a pretty cool village


Let me teach you some manners

you brat!

Cut it out, Hassaku.

Leave these kids alone.

You're only embarrassing yourself.

Fine, Shizuma.

So fast!

Boruto Uzumaki

The Hokage's son huh?

You have nice eyes.

Huh? R-Really?


And you stood up to Hassaku.

You've got guts.

You gotta be like that, to be a ninja.

Let's go, Hassaku.

Sorry about this.

Enjoy yourself in the Blood Mist Village.


The ones from earlier, and Kagura

We don't see guys like them in the Leaf.

Kagura Karatachi

Seems he's a close aide to the Sixth Mizukage.

He's been chosen as a successor

for the new Seven Ninja Swordsmen of the Mist.

He seems like a man who has great prospects for the future.

He's considerate towards others and he's competent!

Next time on Boruto Naruto Next Generations:

"The Mizukage's Successor."

Huh? I'm more awesome!

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