03x76 - Tenshinhan's Do-or-Die Shin Kikoho! Save Your Brother-in-Arms, Son Goku" / "Tien's Desperate Attack! Save Your F

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x76 - Tenshinhan's Do-or-Die Shin Kikoho! Save Your Brother-in-Arms, Son Goku" / "Tien's Desperate Attack! Save Your F

Post by bunniefuu »

Cell had absorbed No. !

As Cell strives to reach his
perfect form, his next target is...

... No. !

What are you waiting for?!
Get out of here, now!

Why, you...!

Th-That's a tremendous Ki!

W-What's happening?


T-Ten-san... is dying...

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"Tenshinhan's Desperate Shin Kiko-ho!
Save Your Friends, Son Goku."

T-Tenshinhan-san is hanging tough,

but his Ki is dropping quickly.

Tenshinhan's Shin Kiko-ho
uses fair amount of energy.

Even so, all he can do to
stop Cell's movements.

At this rate...

S-Stop, Tenshinhan!
Don't use the Kiko-ho any more!

--Can you fly?
--Yeah, more or less.

Come on, now's our chance.

Let's go, No. !

Y-You won't get away!

Why, you...

Stop it, already! Stop, Tenshinhan!

If you use the Kiko-ho any further,
it's gonna k*ll you!

When I say stop, I mean it!


Damn, she got away.

You can't move, huh?

Who would have thought that
someone like you would get in my way?


D-Damn it...

if I just left you there, you'd die anyway...

...but I'll still k*ll you.


So you're Cell, are you?

Son Goku...

You look to be one out-of-this-world monster.

H-How did he just appear?

I'd like to settle things right here,

but in my present state, there ain't a
chance in the world that I can beat you.

But just you wait one day!

I swear, I'll mop the floor with you!

Of all the nonsense to come out of your mouth!

In one more day, you're going to defeat me?

--That's right!
--What can you hope to do in just one day? Eh?

It's Piccolo's Ki!

Piccolo is still alive!


Tenshinhan, you stick with me!


Ah, there he is!

Hey! Piccolo! Stay with me!

H-How did they both just move?

In that brief instant...

Piccolo, Tenshinhan, you're both gonna be fine.

When we get back to Kami-sama's palace,

there'll be Karin-sama's senzu beans.

You're thinking of escaping?
I won't allow that, Son Goku.

H-He's gone.

An odd technique. Son Goku,
when did you learn that move?

It doesn't matter right now.
I have to catch No. .

She's together with the damaged No. ,

so she couldn't have gotten too far away.

Ah, it's Bulma-san!

Huh? What is it, Trunks?

B-Burin... Buburin...

Huh? Kuririn? Where? Where is he?


You were right!

Way to go, Trunks! Nicely spotted!

You really are a genius.

Just what you'd expect from a child of mine.


Bulma-san, please give me the controller

to shut down the Artificial Humans, right away!

Yes, I know.


Wow, this is the controller, huh?

But you have to be within
ten meters when you use it,

or it won't have any effect.
Don't forget that, okay?

Ten meters?

Th-That's pretty close, huh?

Even so, I worked my heinie off to make it!

I-I know.

I'll use it with care.

Let's see, also...

I took the battle wear that Vegeta asked for

and had the same kind made up for everyone.

Will you take them with you while you're at it?

They're light, and extremely tough.

Goku and the others are
the ones who need those.

They're up at Kami-sama's palace right now.

Bulma-san, could you
deliver them there, please?

Kami-sama's palace? That's way
up above Karin Tower, right?

Yes, that's right.

Sure, I'll take them there.

Meanwhile, Kuririn, good luck
destroying those Artificial Humans.


Okay, let's zip on over to Kami-sama's palace!

B-Buburin, bye-bye.

I've gotta say, Tenshinhan,

that was a crazy thing to do!

I was really worried about you, too.

But Tenshinhan-san, thanks to you,

No. got away without being
assimilated by Cell. That's great!

Still, that monster Cell has an
unnatural amount of strength.

Frankly, no one will be able to beat him.

Not even Vegeta, and not even Goku.
That's what I believe.


Goku! Vegeta and Trunks
soon coming out of room!


I'm terribly sorry to have kept you waiting.


We really have been waiting.

Dad appeared to surpass
the Super Saiyan boundary

about two months after we went inside.

He still did not seem satisfied with that,
and so the rest of the time up to now--


Nobody asked you.

Hmph, it looks like it
went well in there, Vegeta.


But then, you're wasting your time
if you go inside and train now.

That's because I'm going
to take care of all of them--

Cell and the Artificial Humans.


Vegeta, I don't know how
strong you might have become,

but you give them too little credit.

While you were inside that room,

Cell assimilated Artificial Human
No. and got even stronger!

His strength is astonishing.

Vegeta, I went and had just a
glimpse of the advanced Cell,

and he was an unbelievable monster.

Ah, there it is!

Hmm? What's that?

--What was that? What was that?
What was that?!

Looks like he's upset about something.

Oh, well.

Wow! So this is Kami-sama's temple, huh?

Hey, guys?

Where are you? Come on out if you're here.

That's Bulma-san's voice.

Ah, there they are.

Bulma, what are you doing here?

Kuririn told me you guys were all here.

Hello there.


Hey, hold on, you're Trunks,
aren't you? isn't that right?

--Why is your hairstyle different? Is that a wig?

Oh, and you're taller, aren't you?

Here in Kami-sama's temple,
there's a mystical room,

where one year inside is the same
as a single day on the outside.

I trained with Dad inside that room.

Huh? Say, Vegeta's hair hasn't
grown at all, considering.

A pure Saiyan's hair stays the
way it was when they were born;

It doesn't go through any weird changes.

Is that right? Then no wonder
mine's like that, too.

You never noticed before now?

Nah. I did think it was a little strange, though.

Oh, for heaven's sake.

This is no time to be discussing
something so unimportant.

Just why are you here, Bulma?

Oh, right, right, I forgot.

Here. it's the battle wear that
Vegeta asked me to make.

Its defensive strength is
incredibly high, you know.

So I went ahead and had them made
for everyone, and brought them here.

Wow, this brings back memories.

These are the clothes I wore on Planet Namek.

Wow, this is lighter than it looks.

It was a real effort to duplicate
the material they're made from.

That's our Bulma-san!

Oh, dear, you flatter me.

Huh? Aren't you going to put yours on?

I don't care to wear the same
clothing as Freeza and the Saiyans.

Nor do I.

I'll die before wearing
the same outfit as Vegeta.

Don't be so fussy.

This is pretty easy to move around in.

Like I said before, Kakarrot, it won't
do you any good to wear that.

You won't play any part in this.

Because you're going to defeat
that monster Cell, right?

That would be better than anything.

Well, I guess I'll go defeat Cell, then.

I'll take you to him, using my
instantaneous Movement.

Don't be ridiculous. I don't
need any help from you.

Bye, now.

My, my, he's as bull-headed as ever.

Well, I'll be going, too.

Yeah. Oh, just a sec...

These senzu are for you and Vegeta.
Take them with you.

Thank you very much.

Good luck. But don't get in over your head.

If it gets dicey, get out of
there right away. Got it?

Yes. Thank you for everything.

Goku-san, good luck in your training, as well.

Don't either of you two go dying, now.


All right, Gohan. Now it's our turn
for some father-son training.


Damn that No. . Where did she disappear to?

She's together with the injured No. .
She can't have gone too far.

Given No. 's speed, I must
have overtaken her by now.

Since I can't see them,

it would appear that they are
hiding on one of these islands.

Very well.

Do you hear me, No. ?!

Show yourself!

Show yourself, or I will destroy
these islands one by one!

This is no bluff!

You might think that I won't do it,

since I won't be able to reach my perfect form

if I end up destroying you!

I'm afraid not! it's true, I do
want to reach my perfect form,

but as I am now, I am already
without peer in this world!

I know you can hear me, No. !

Come on out immediately!

W-What is with that enormous voice?

I-It sounds like it's coming from
the sky, far away from here.

Listen up! No. !

If you don't come out, I will
destroy all of these islands!

You got that?!

Damn that freak.

It's all right, No. . Don't move.

He may say that, but he won't
actually destroy anything.

He's quite fixed on reaching his perfect form.

No. ... You won't show yourself, huh?

You're going to make me
go through with it. Fool.

Well then, I'll start by flushing
you out from that island.

Hey, isn't that where the
loud voice is coming from?

W-Why is he hovering in the sky?

I-I-It's the devil.

Looks like Cell has gone into action with a bang.

Cell's devilish clutches close in on No. !

Will she be able to escape from him?

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Hito wa hashiridashitara

sora datte toberu n da

Sono mune ni fukihajimeru

yuuki no kaze ni noreba ii

shiranai uchi

karada ga uku darou

Tamesu kiryoku ga hane ni naru

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Dare mo daichi kettara

sora datte toberu n da

This is the Saiyan prince, Vegeta!

Cell, make this entertaining for me.

I hear you even lost to No. .

I'll k*ll her, too. As long as
I harbor this pure hatred,

I will not allow anyone to surpass me, Vegeta!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Beyond Super Saiyan!
A Dauntless Vegeta Strikes Cell."

My destiny is governed only by my will.
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