03x60 - att*cked on Both Sides by an Internal Enemy?! Son Goku vs Artificial Human #19" / "The Unbeatable Enemy Within!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x60 - att*cked on Both Sides by an Internal Enemy?! Son Goku vs Artificial Human #19" / "The Unbeatable Enemy Within!

Post by bunniefuu »

The attack of the merciless
and brutal Artificial Humans

left Yamucha gravely wounded
and near death. But then...

Stop that!!

Come with me! I'm gonna
smash the both of you!

Very well. We will go with you.

You may choose where you would like to die.

Let's go!

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"Outflanked by an Inner Foe?!
Son Goku vs. Artificial Human No. ."

Yamucha-san, you say they drain power?

Yeah. I don't know what happened, exactly,

but all they did was grab me,
and my power disappeared in a hurry.

If that's true, then Doctor Gero
has invented a terrible device.

Oh, no!

We have to hurry and go
tell Father and the others!

To be honest, I don't want
to go! I've had enough!

I came this close to dying,
and I was powerless to stop them!


Yamucha-san, I'm going. I have
to take the senzu beans to them.

None of you guys get how terrible
these Artificial Humans are.

Damn it, I am not going there to fight!

I'm just going to observe!

Feh, dumb-ass.

Say, aren't you going, too?

Course I'm not goin'.

"Not goin" '? You're pretty strong, aren't you?

At a time like this, when our
friends and the Earth are in peril,

we need all the help we can get.

Darn tootin'.

"Darn tootin' "? Don't you
even care?! You disgust me!

I dunno how to fly.

Oh, sorry.

That's good enough, Son Goku.
How far do you plan on going?

Here will do! Make this the place!

You have no right to choose the location.

This is flat terrain, but it's
surrounded by rocky hills.

They figure they can hide among the rocks

and fight from there if they have to.

That's smart thinking on their part.

This is bad. They haven't started fighting,

and are keeping their Ki suppressed.

We can't tell where they are like this.

Where are you?! Where are you?!

Now, before we start fighting,
tell me, how do you know about us?

What's going on? Goku is out of breath.

And all we've done is fly here. Why?

Very well, I will tell you.

You'll probably wish you hadn't asked, though.

Son Goku, you have long
been under surveillance

by means of a microminiature insect spy robot.

At the Tenkaichi Budokai Tournament...

...as well as during your battles
with Piccolo and Vegeta.

In other words,

you have been continuously researched,

even after the fall of the Red Ribbon Army.

To see what it would take to defeat Son Goku--

what kind of Artificial Human
could prevail against him.

This is a personal grudge against me?

That's right. Because of you,
the Red Ribbon Army's dream

of world conquest evaporated, and
Doctor Gero was all that remained.

It almost sounds as though
you yourself were Doctor Gero.

Don't be absurd. I am
No. , an Artificial Human,

created by Doctor Gero.

Doctor Gero is dead, and no longer among us.

I see. But did you guys spy on the
battle on Planet Namek, as well?

There was no need. We had a total
grasp of your power and technique

right up to your fight with Vegeta.

Even if you were to improve
your skills any further,

taking your age into
consideration, we calculated

that it would be impossible for
any more large-scale power gains.

It sounds like you failed to
investigate the most important thing.

--You guys are beat!

Not knowing about him being a
Super Saiyan will prove fatal for you.

Super Saiyan?

This way!

I'm sensing an incredibly large Ki.

That's Father's Ki.

Yeah. But it's just the one.

Sure enough, I guess we can't
sense Ki from the Artificial Humans.

What a Ki!

So this is how incredible it is up-close, is it?

Both of you, keep out of this.

I seem to be their primary target, after all.

Indeed, you seem to have
powered yourself up remarkably.

No. , that technique appears
to be different from the Kaio-ken.

A curious technique.

It far exceeds the figures we had calculated.

However, it is not enough to rattle us.

It's still within the level where
even No. could defeat you.

Is it, now? Then why don't you
show me your strength, right now?

You've got him, Goku!

A-Amazing. What strength.
So that's a Super Saiyan.

It's like he's on a different
plane than the rest of us.

Far different.


He's powered himself up far
more than our data predicted.

It's not possible.

This is bad! At this rate,

No. is going to run out of
energy before he can steal any.

Down there!

All right!


No need to worry. As a Super Saiyan,
Goku is unbelievably strong.

A-Awesome! Goku is so strong!

You're right. Maybe I was mistaken
about them draining energy.

Have you noticed it too, Gohan?


Son Goku is rushing this fight for some reason.

He's already expending nearly his full power.

And yet, why is he making
such a mess of things?!

Mess of things? What do
you mean, a mess of things?

Goku is utterly overwhelming him.

He's better than that!

As a Super Saiyan, Goku should
be much stronger than this!

U-Um, Yamucha-san was saying
that the Artificial Humans

are able to drain one's energy.
Could that be why?

What? Energy?

Yeah. He grabbed my face in his hand,

and when he did, without doing anything else,

it felt like my Ki was being
rapidly sucked out of me.

Nice one!

--Did you get him? Nice one, Goku!
--All right! Way to go, Goku!

He's had it now!

Way to go!

Hey, look at that! As badly as he's getting beat,

he's brushing it off like it's nothing!

He's an Artificial Human.

He probably doesn't feel pain or fatigue.

Damn it...!


H-He absorbed it!

Th-That's it, all right! Through their hands!

Son! Don't sh**t any Ki-wave blasts!

Apparently, they can absorb
Ki through their hands!

Don't let them grab you, either! Got it?!

They take in Ki?

Y-You've gotta be kidding.

H-Hey, Goku looks out of sorts.

H-Has he already had that
much Ki taken from him?

No, not once did he have any
of it taken from him directly.

All right, that one raised No. 's
maximum power level dramatically.

On the other hand, Son Goku's
energy has dropped significantly.

Now is your chance! Go!

Why, you...!

Don't sh**t, Goku!


D-Damn it!

H-Hey, it looks like he's
really having a hard time.

Are you sure he hasn't had
his Ki sucked out of him?

That's it, all right! Father is sick! it's his heart!

What? His heart?!

You mean, the viral heart disease
that guy from the future spoke of?!

That's impossible! Don't be ridiculous!

He got that wonder cure
for the viral heart disease

and cured it a long time ago!

Goku has just had his Ki
drained by those guys!


C-Can't breathe...
What's happening to my body...?

Goku! Here's a senzu! Eat it!

Th-Thank you...

J-Just what I need...

That's one of those senzu beans,
which restore physical strength,

and heal even serious injuries, is it?

Seeing as how he is here
after very nearly dying,

it would seem that they are real.

Th-The senzu didn't work!

It's the heart disease, all right!

But how?! He took the medicine
and cured it, didn't he?!

H-He never got sick.

He's been healthy this whole time,
so he never took the medicine.


Hey, he's no longer Super Saiyan!

What does this mean?!

Th-This is bad!
Goku's energy is being absorbed!

You will not be allowed to move
one centimeter past this point.

Would you like to try?

Yes, I would.


I can't call Piccolo's actions just now brave.

He was nothing more than a reckless fool.

He's fast. Too fast for us.

I-If we don't do something, Son will be...

Kuririn and the others are unable
to act to save Goku from his peril.

Will this go on until Goku is beaten?

His back is to the wall!

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Hito wa hashiridashitara

sora datte toberu n da

Sono mune ni fukihajimeru

yuuki no kaze ni noreba ii

shiranai uchi

karada ga uku darou

Tamesu kiryoku ga hane ni naru

Motto motto habataite tsuyoku

motto motto hayaku

Dare mo daichi kettara

sora datte toberu n da

Heya! I'm Goku!

What's the matter with my body?

Stand aside, Kakarrot!

I'm going to turn these
Artificial Humans into scrap!

I, the Super Saiyan Vegeta!

I know all of your combat skills.

Don't go thinking you're any
match for the Artificial Humans!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"No Chance of Victory for No. !
The Late-Arriving Super Vegeta."

Your energy will be mine.
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