03x59 - The Pair Who Don't Leave a Trace! The Artificial Humans Appear" / "Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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03x59 - The Pair Who Don't Leave a Trace! The Artificial Humans Appear" / "Undetectable Monsters! The Androids Appear!

Post by bunniefuu »

In preparation for the showdown
with the Artificial Humans,

the warriors engaged in intensive training.

Three years have gone by in the blink of an eye.

And now, it is the fated day!

What is it that awaits Goku and the others?

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"A Pair Who Give Off No Presence!
The Artificial Humans Appear."

Hey, Gohan! We'll get there in time;
You don't have to fly so hard.

You're gonna use up your
strength before the fight!


Son Goku, how about it?

Do you honestly think we
can win against this foe?

Ain't no way of knowing until I see them.

I'll give you an answer after we get started.

You're nice and laid-back, huh?

I'm sure that we can beat the Artificial Humans.

Still, I can't shake this
bad feeling out of my head.

Bad feeling?

Piccolo, do us all a favor. if you get
into any trouble, don't be a hero.

If you die, the Dragon Balls will be gone, too.

Father, look! it's Kuririn-san!


H-Hey! You've gotten bigger, Gohan.


What's wrong, Kuririn?

We ain't seen each other in all this
time, but you seem bummed out.

How am I supposed to feel all festive

when we're about to
tangle with those monsters?

I'm not a Super Saiyan.

Nine kilos southwest of Metro South.

That's it! That's the island!

It's a pretty huge island, huh?

Yeah. This is bad. it's got a fairly
large city on it, too, doesn't it?

We'll have to lure the
Artificial Humans away from here,

or the people on the island could
become casualties of the fighting.

You're right.

I'm sensing two huge Ki
coming from near that mountain.

That's probably Yamucha-san and the others.

All right, let's go.

It's them, all right.

It's Goku and the others. Hey!


We've been waiting for you.
You guys are a little late.


Yoo-hoo! My, you sure have gotten
bigger, haven't you, Gohan-kun?

This ain't too bright.
What are you doing here, too?

I'm observing, of course.

It's okay. Once I get a look at
the Artificial Humans, I'll leave.

I-I'm more surprised by the object
you're carrying there, Bulma-san.

You and Yamucha-san
have gotten married, then?

He's not my kid.

We've long since broken up.

You'll be stunned to hear whose kid he is.

Your daddy is Vegeta, huh, Trunks?

How do you know that?

I haven't contacted anyone,
because I wanted it to be a surprise.

I-I-I just got that impression, sort of!

I mean, his face kind of
resembles Vegeta, right?

You guessed his name right, too.

Really? Amazing! I-l wonder if I'm psychic!

Is he really Vegeta's child?

So, where is Vegeta, anyway?
I don't see him around.

I don't know. it's not like we're living together.

But I'm guessing he'll be here before long.

It looked like he was undergoing some
incredible training to get ready for today.

Oh, he's coming. He'll definitely be coming.

I left Chaozu behind.
Frankly, he's not up to this fight.

Um, what time is it now?

Let's see, half past . They should
appear in another minutes.

Now's your chance. You should leave here.

Especially since you've brought a baby along.

I told you, I'll leave after I get
a look at the Artificial Humans.

minutes, huh?

Here, Kuririn-san, you give it a try.

Who, me?

Hmm, what kind of face should I make?

Uh, I haven't done anything yet.

Someone is headed this way.

It's nobody evil.

Huh? Could it be Vegeta-san?

Nah, he's evil.

Ah, over there, over there!


Whoo, guess I made it in time.

You came to fight, too?

These're from Karin-sama. They're senzu beans.

Wow, you saved the day!
That's Karin-sama for you!

Well, give 'em hell.

Hey, Yajirobe, you're fighting, ain't you?

Unlike the rest of you idiots, I'm not suicidal.

Like I'm gonna hang around with you!

Don't you think it's strange?

It's well past o'clock now, and I
don't sense any hint of the enemy.

Now that you mention it...

Maybe he really was pulling our leg.

I mean, Artificial Humans...

Still, he did say around o'clock.

It's only : , so it's too early to tell.

You have to admit, though,
we're not sensing any strong Ki.

If these guys are that awful,

we could tell where they are anywhere on Earth.

W-What was that?!

Ah! it's Yajirobe!

Look! There's something there!
That's what att*cked him!

They've landed in the city!

Where did they go?!

Did you see, Goku?!

N-No. I couldn't tell who they were.

W-What's going on here?
I didn't sense any Ki at all.

I-It's because they're Artificial
Humans. Th-They don't have Ki!



If we can't sense their Ki,

we'll have to look for
them directly, with our eyes.

All right, everyone split up and look for them!

Bulma, hang onto these for me!

Remember, don't get in over your heads.

If you spot them, let the
rest of us know immediately.

Gohan, you see to Yajirobe.
He should still be alive.


Let's go!

sh**t, who are they? Where did they go?

I should have asked Trunks to show
me a photo of them, or something!

Damn it, where are they?!

H-He just flew here...!

It's not them... nor them...

Hey, have you seen anyone out of the ordinary?



Are you all right?

W-Who were those guys?!

Are those guys really even here?!

Hey, look! it fell into the sea!

Hey, did you guys see that?
A Skycar just blew up!

Did you see it?


Hey, move out of the way!

I said, move out of the way!

You blasted fool! What are you
doing in the middle of the street...?

A scream!


A human with an extremely high
energy value is coming this way.

Is my search system malfunctioning?

It is no malfunction, No. .
I am picking up the same energy.

But it far surpasses any human data.

We have already located... Son Goku.

I-It was around here.

W-Where are they? Where the hell are they?!

It was awful.

Hey, you there!

Who was it that did this to these guys?

--Did you see them?
--U-Um, it was an odd-looking pair.

Th-They were there just a
moment ago, but they've vanished.

Th-They've vanished? Damn.

I-I guess I should call in the others.

No. it is not Son Goku.

He doesn't match our data.

There is a % probability
that he is the human Yamucha.

In any case, we can obtain
a great deal of energy.

Th-Then again, if they're not even here,

there's no point in calling the others.

Do you guys know where the pair
who committed these murders went?

Y-You mean...

We're the ones.



M-My power...

There's a large Ki, dropping wildly! Who is it?

I-Is that Yamucha-san?!

They've shown themselves!


You bastard!


Yamucha is still alive!

I left the senzu beans
back where we were before,

so take him there and give him one!

A-All right.

We're counting on you, Kuririn.


So you're the Artificial Humans, are you?

At last, we get to see your faces.

That's curious. How did you know
that we were Artificial Humans?

What's more,

you apparently knew that we
would appear on this island, as well.

Why is that? Answer me.

Who can say? Why don't you try
to force the answers out of us?

That we will.

Wait! There will be too many casualties here.

Let's move to someplace uninhabited.

Is that okay with you guys?!

Someplace uninhabited? Very well.

But there's no reason to go
to the trouble of relocating.

Stop that!!

W-What was that? What just happened?

I-It's them. They're the ones who did this.

H-How awful...

--Look out!

Why, you...!

I thought I would make us a
place that was uninhabited,

but apparently, you don't seem to like it here.

Come with me! I'm gonna
smash the both of you!

You will be unable to defeat us.

Very well. We will go with you.

You may choose where you
would like to die, Son Goku.

Why do they know Goku's name?

We know who you are, too, Piccolo.
And Tenshinhan, isn't it?

We can ask questions later.

Let's go!

It's Father and the others!

Those guys are with them.

What?! Oh, they're changing locations.

Th-This is bad! I have to
tell Goku and the others!

Those guys drain your power!

The Artificial Humans appear at last.

Shrouded in mystery as they are,
what is their objective?

And what of their startling ability
that Yamucha speaks of?

This indeed marks the beginning of
a new battle for Goku and company.

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Once someone starts running,

they can even fly through the air

Just ride along on the winds of courage

that start blowing within your heart

and before you know it,

your body will start to float

The drive you have to try will be your wings

Flap your wings ever more mightily,

ever more swiftly

Anyone who kicks off from the ground

can even fly through the air

Heya! I'm Goku!

You've been watching all
of our battles up to now?

That's right. At your level, No.
could defeat you all by himself.

Heh, you guys are gonna lose.

I'll turn Super Saiyan and finish this all at once.

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Outflanked by an Inner Foe?!
Son Goku vs. Artificial Human No. ."

Huh? Father is acting differently than usual.
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