02x51 - Furious Battle Cry of Goku! Make It in Time... The Resurrection Wish!" / "Goku's Furious Roar! A Last-Minute Wis

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x51 - Furious Battle Cry of Goku! Make It in Time... The Resurrection Wish!" / "Goku's Furious Roar! A Last-Minute Wis

Post by bunniefuu »


Are you all right?

Such tremendous power.

What's keeping him? What's keeping
Shen Long from granting that wish?

Come on, Shen Long.

By bringing back to life everyone
k*lled by Freeza and his men,

the Grand Elder will return to life,

and Planet Namek's Shen Long
should appear, as well.

There is no other way to save
Goku and the others now.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Goku's Furious Roar!
Be in Time... A Wish of Resurrection!"

Father, hang in there.

This is bad!

In a few minutes, this planet is
going to undergo a huge expl*si*n!

Full power!!


Well? Take that!

There's no way the likes of
you could beat me, Freeza!

Father's... Father's Ki has vanished...

Huh? S-Son-kun is...

You don't think he's been done in, do you?


Please take Piccolo-san and
head on back to Earth without me.

H-Hold on!



I am my father's... Son Goku's son.

Now, I... I have to fight Freeza.

You can't! There's no way you can beat him!

I'm sure Piccolo-san would tell me to do it, too.

Bulma-san, take care.

There's only one thing I can do!

W-What is going on?

Have we come back to life?

Something is wrong here.
What is with this earthquake?

A-And the sky is dark as well.
What exactly is going on?

W-Where am I? Am I alive?

I was successful.

Those on Planet Namek who
were k*lled by Freeza and his men

live once again.

Good work.

And now, farewell!

Oh, he did it!

He did it! Everyone has come back to life!

And the all-important Grand Elder?

What about Planet Namek's Super Shen Long?

It's all right, it has to be
all right. The sky is dark.

The Super Shen Long is proof that
the Grand Elder came back to life.

I'll confirm it now.

The sky...? What is this?

Is this a sign that the
planet is about to explode?

It looks like I should get myself
away from this planet right away.

If I get caught in the middle of the expl*si*n,

I'll lose a whole lot more of my strength.


What is this?

W-Why? Why am I back in mortality?

Good! Right according to plan!

Now, Kaio-sama, hurry!
Hurry and tell them the objective!

Right! The Grand Elder's
life is running out again!

I know.

Grand Elder of Planet Namek,
I am the Kaio of the Northern Galaxy.


I want you to listen closely
to what I'm about to say.

Now, you will face me!

Do you think a maggot like you
can fight against me, Freeza?

How sad. You Saiyans can't help but fight,

even when you're outmatched.


You, who are the last Saiyan, come at me!

What do you think you're doing?

Why, you little...!

Now then, what sort of death would you like?

I just have to keep Freeza
busy for a few minutes...

By doing so, he'll be taken out
with this planet when it explodes...

I know. I just had a great idea.

I'll stick you in the same grave as your father.

Well? Aren't you happy? You should
be grateful for my benevolence.

All right, there's a little can-do spirit.

Just a little while... longer...

What the hell is he thinking?

So that's it!

I see what you're after now.

You're stalling for time.

Isn't that right?

You've realized that this world
will only last a short while longer.


You, who k*lled Father, and Kuririn-san...

I'm not going to let you go on living!


That's more like it. it's no fun otherwise.

Pretty good going, for a maggot.

But I'm through playing around now.
I may as well let you see...

...me, at my -percent power,
like I was when I k*lled your father.

Father... Piccolo-san...

it's over.



Why haven't you gotten away?!

I told you to get out of here!


--Go on!


You're a pest who doesn't know when to die!

If you would have just remained
dormant beneath the ground,

you could have shared
your fate with this planet.

You people from Earth are beyond foolish.

It's beyond the pale that
you should be so uppity

as to challenge me to battle.

It's your own swollen head
that's beyond the pale.


Fine. I'll blow you to bits.

Just like I did to that earthling.

Like you did to that earthling?

You mean Kuririn?

You mean Kuririn?!

Grand Elder of Planet Namek,
Namek could be annihilated at any moment.

You should have one wish
to the Dragon Balls remaining.

Y-Yes, Kaio-sama.

Ask your Shen Long immediately

to send everyone there,
except for Freeza, to Earth.

I understand, Kaio-sama.
I am grateful for your concern.

However, one must convey their
wishes to Shen Long directly.

I shall contact the one
closest to him, and relay your--

No, don't do that!

Change that wish!

Goku? Are you listening in?

What's this?

Don't make it everyone
there, except for Freeza--

change it to everyone there,
except for Freeza and myself!

Goku, I know how you feel,
but for now, you have to get to Earth.

If you don't let me settle
things here with Freeza now...

...I will hold it against you
for the rest of my life!


Please, Kaio-sama!

But Goku...

Do it now! We ain't got any time left!

All right. Goku, I won't say another word.

Not if that's how badly you want this.

I was supposed to have been
k*lled by Freeza, so why...?

The one closest to him is Dende, is it?

This is the Grand Elder.

So then, you are all right?
But what in the world...

Ask questions later. I have
an urgent request for you.

Shen Long should be near you,
waiting for the final wish.


It's true, we have only had
two of the wishes granted.

I want you to go to him at once,
and tell him the third wish.

Yes, sir. But what is it?

The third wish is that you want
to relocate everyone here,

except for Freeza and the Saiyan
named Son Goku, to Earth.

And Gohan-kun said that
we were all ready to launch...

Is he really serious about fighting Freeza?

He should just get Son-kun and
bring him back here right away.

I'm supposed to be dead.

Freeza saw to that.


Make sure you get back home alive, Goku.

Yeah. You know, you really racked
your brains on this one, Kaio-sama.

So that's the Shen Long of Planet Namek, huh?

Now I can fight you without
anything holding me back.

Th-That's what was coming
from the Dragon Balls!

But the Dragon Balls were
supposed to have turned to stone...!

Now's my chance!


Do not interfere!

Where's Freeza? And Kakarrot?

Dende, it's up to you.

Please be in time.


Well? Have ye no other wish?

Y-Yes, I do!

If so, then speak it now!

Okay then, the third and final wish!

Make me, Freeza, immortal!

Oh, no!

Ah! Freeza!

Make me, Freeza, immortal!!

Poppolunga, Freeza pot Son Goku

pupirito lonlonpa papipupo paro!

Very well, understood.

I shall remove all others to Earth,
leaving these two behind.

Why, you little kid!



Kakarrot! You finally became a Super Saiyan!

Y-You're here, too! Why?!

Why are you alive?!

Why, you...!



Apparently, you didn't get your wish granted

because you don't speak the language here.

That gave me a scare, too.

That was the kid that I k*lled, wasn't it?

They brought the folks
you guys k*lled back to life

using the Dragon Balls on Earth.


And then, with the Dragon Balls here...

What was the wish that that kid had granted?!

He relocated everyone on this world to Earth,

with the exception of you and me!

The planet has started to contract.

There are probably only two
minutes before it explodes.

Will you be k*lled by me first,
or will the planet explode first?

Either way, since you can't
survive in the vacuum of space,

your only choice is to die.

Maybe. But I've been waiting for this moment.

The moment when just the two of us
can fight to our hearts' content.

Hmph, it sounds like you want to
settle the score with me, Freeza,

and you're prepared to give your life to do it.

Hand-to-hand combat, huh?

All right. You want to mix
it up that badly, do you?

Remaining on Planet Namek,
a world on the verge of dying,

Goku and Freeza are about to
engage in the ultimate slugfest!

Will they be able to reach a conclusion

before Planet Namek explodes?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Is that all you've got, Freeza?


I asked you if that was all
you've got at your full power.

Why, you monkey! I am not about to lose!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Two Who Remain On a Vanishing Planet!
This is the Final Showdown."

Let's finish this, Freeza!
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