02x20 - Rebellion Against Freeza! Vegeta, Burning with Ambition" / "The Rebellion Against Frieza! Vegeta's Burning Ambit

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x20 - Rebellion Against Freeza! Vegeta, Burning with Ambition" / "The Rebellion Against Frieza! Vegeta's Burning Ambit

Post by bunniefuu »

Gohan and the others,
in search of new Dragon Balls,

arrive at last on Planet Namek.

However, at that same moment,
Vegeta also lands on Planet Namek.

An even greater foe was
already lying in wait, as well.

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan paradise

Genki dama ga hajiketobu ze

Go Go Let's do it

Ugomeku ayashii enajii

yousha wa shinai ze mite'ro yo

Inochi ni kaete mo mamoru yo

Ai suru yuuki wo tsuyosa ni kaero

Yarinuku kiai de pinchi wo koete'ku

Tegowai yatsu hodo wakuwaku mo dekkai ze

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan chansu sa

Rakkii no kaze ni byunbyun notte

Dokkan Dokkan tsuite'ru

Dokkan Dokkan ashita mo

kotae wo mou tamashii wa shitte'ru no sa

Dragon Soul!

"Rebellion Against Freeza!
Vegeta's Burning Ambition."

Now there are three of them left.

Hold on to those carefully, Dodoria-san.

It appears that Vegeta is after them, as well.

Freeza-sama, Kewie has just
landed, in pursuit of Vegeta.

Also, the two large power readings

that appeared shortly before Vegeta arrived

suddenly disappeared, and remain so.

Our men are searching the area
where the readings came from,

so we should find out their source momentarily.

Well, the problem is how to deal with Vegeta,

who has turned against me.

In that case, you need not worry.

Kewie is on his way to dispose of Vegeta.

The two of them have always hated each other,

and their abilities are just about evenly matched.

Whatever happens, Vegeta
will not come out unharmed.

Vegeta, you won't get away!

I found you, Vegeta. I have
orders from Freeza-sama.

Do you read me, Vegeta? Now I can
k*ll you, without any reservations!

Don't make me laugh, Kewie.
Do you really think you can k*ll me?

Hurry up and get here. I'm waiting for you.

What are you, blind? Take a
good look at your Scouter!

My battle power is clearly higher than yours!

In any event, we can't just stay here, huh?

I'll let you guys take care
of getting the Dragon Balls.

Okay, I'm going back to Earth, so good luck.

Kuririn-san, someone is coming!

The readings vanished right around here.

Probably a Namekian.

Who is it?

It's probably a Namekian.

That's not a Namekian!

W-Who's that?

T-They're not Namekians. Who are they?

It doesn't really matter.

We've got orders to k*ll everyone on this planet.

Look at their outfits!

They're just like what the Saiyans were wearing.

But they aren't Saiyans!

I don't know what any of this means,
but I've got a bad feeling.

Y-Yeah. Any way you look at it,

those are not the sort of faces
that say "let's be friends."

Gohan, build up your Ki,
but keep your presence masked.


You see that? Their battle
power is pretty much trash.

Are these guys just tourists?

We won't have any fun if they get away from us.

Take out their spaceship first.

All right.

Oh, no! The spaceship!

These guys are unlucky to have
come here at a time like this.

Gohan, release your Ki.
These guys aren't all that tough.


Hey, did you hear that?

Not that tough? Does he mean us?

W-What's with these battle power ratings?!

--Let's get them!

Hey, nice, nice!

That was not nice!

What do we do about that?

Is something the matter, Zarbon-san?

Yes, Freeza-sama. it concerns the
scouts that were sent out earlier.

Apparently, these guys are
not your average people.

For a moment, their battle powers rose,

and then, after defeating our two scouts,

their readings disappeared again.

Ho, that is unusual. it doesn't
appear to be Vegeta, either.

No, Vegeta's reading is separate.

Both of these battle powers were around , .

, , you say? Nothing would
come of it if we left them alone,

but their attitude seems poor.

The next time they appear, eliminate them.

It's hopeless! it's all over!
I'll never get back to Earth again!

Bulma-san, for now,
let's get away from this place.

There could be trouble.
Someone stronger might be coming.

He's right. Those many Ki that we
sensed are apparently not Namekians,

but friends of Vegeta,

so we have to find someplace to hide.

We'll manage something.

I'm sure the Namekians will fix the spaceship.

How nice that you're so optimistic.


Hmph, you're finally here...

...you moron.

The time is finally here, when we
can settle the score, as rivals.

However, you've lost your touch.
With that battle power,

you have no chance of beating me.

As rivals, you say?

Well, let me show you something.

When I was on Earth, I picked up
something interesting from them.

What, how to run away quickly?

How to control my battle power.

How to control your battle power?

Take a good look at my battle
power rating on your Scouter!

I-Impossible! Our battle powers
have always been evenly matched!

You imbecile! I have been constantly
engaged in actual combat!

The fight I had on Earth nearly k*lled me.

Did you think I would remain
evenly matched with you,

with you staying all curled up next to Freeza?!

, ... , ... , ... , ...!

What happened, Zarbon?

I-I think it was a malfunction,

but the Scouter I had set to Vegeta
had a rating of around , .

, ? That really must
have been a malfunction.

Your Scouter is an older model, after all.

I'll get the correct reading with mine.

What's the rating?

T-That's impossible! Is my newer
model malfunctioning, too?

It's risen to , !

, ? Are you saying that his
battle power is higher than ours?

I-It can't be. His battle power
topped out at , .

There is no reason to be surprised.

Vegeta has been fighting
at the forefront, after all.

He must have come across
some trick while he was on Earth.

But sir...

it is only , . At that level,
if you fight him together,

it will be enough to beat him, will it not?

W-Wait, Vegeta! I just had an idea!
Let me team up with you!

I-I'll help you! I've never been fond
of Freeza-sama-- I mean, Freeza!

N-Not a bad idea, right? W-With your
battle power, if we teamed up,

I think we could handle Zarbon and Dodoria!

Just keep spouting your worthless lies!

You are one thoroughly sickening bastard!

Believe me, Vegeta!

Ah! Freeza-sama!


You fool!

I don't care how much your
battle power has risen,

if you took that unawares,
you don't stand a chance!

You wish.

That was a perfectly pathetic strategy,
coming from someone like you.

I'm stunned.

W-When did you...?

If my battle power has risen,
it means my speed has risen, too!

Which means, you've completely
enraged me with that move!


What a messy firework.

V-Vegeta's rating of , was genuine after all.

He defeated Kewie like it was nothing.

It is no great concern.

Now, to look for the fifth Dragon Ball.

Thanks to their Scouters,
they'll know what action I've taken.

Even if I'm careless enough to get close to them,

though I may be able to take Zarbon or Dodoria,

not even I could beat Freeza.

Judging by the transmissions from Freeza's men

that I heard on my Scouter,

the Dragon Balls don't have any effect

unless you have all seven
of them together. All right.

I'll find just one of them.
Once they've gathered the other six,

I'll find an opening to steal them.

If it goes right, I'll have them all,
and gain eternal life.

Then defeating Freeza will
be more than just a dream.

I am reading ten or so
Namekians in that direction.

Very well. it sure would be nice
if they have the fifth Dragon Ball.

Please be sure not to let your guard down.

After all, it appears that there
are some other curious fellows

out there beside Vegeta.

--Yes, sir.
--Now, let us be going.

Once he's out of the way, I'll be Number One.

L, the Saiyan, Vegeta,
will rule the entire universe!

Bulma-san, we have to hurry it up a little more.

We'll be spotted out here.

You guys can fly, right? Then take me and fly.

We'd like to do so, but we have
to walk to mask our presence.

Bulma-san, up there is a good place.

It will be hard to spot us inside that cave.

How long am I going to have
to live in a place like that?


Do you sense any Ki over there?

You're right. These Ki feel
different from those others earlier.

They could really be Namekians this time.

Hide! There are some other Ki
coming this way from over there!

--What, now?
--Come on, hurry!

What in the world is going on?!

They're coming this way.

Do you think they know about us?

I don't know.

They're here!

T-They're gone. Thank goodness.

Apparently, we weren't what
they were after. But then,

what exactly was that just now?

What's the matter, you two?

B-Bulma-san, would you confirm
something with the Dragon Radar?


When you checked earlier,

there were four Dragon Balls
gathered together, right?

Would you see where they are now?

All right, I'll look.

All four of them are moving! Which means...

Yeah, no doubt about it!

Those guys just now were
carrying the four Dragon Balls!

T-They were?

I knew it.



--Gohan, did you see him?

The strange one who was
flying second from the front?


I sensed a tremendous power from him.

T-The moment I saw him, I was petrified.

H-He could be much, much
worse than even Vegeta.

I-It looked like there were
some other heavy hitters there,

but he, for one, is in a league of his own.

Worse than Vegeta? Oh, no. Who was he?

I-I don't know, but I think
they were Vegeta's friends.

They all had on the same sort of clothing.

Damn it, how are we supposed
to get the Dragon Balls

away from those guys?!

Say, look here.

That group is headed
toward another Dragon Ball.

What's going on? Do they have a Radar, too?

What location is it?

About kilometers in this direction.

Kuririn-san, that's the place where we sensed Ki

that you said could be Namekians.

I'm going to go there and see what's happening.

I'm going, too!

J-Just a minute!

Are you going to leave me here, all by myself?

It's far safer for you to stay here

than it is to fumble your way around.

When you put it that way, you're right.

Okay, we're off.

Hurry back, okay?

Remember, Gohan, hurry, but suppress
your Ki as much as you can.

--Can you do that?

All right!

There they go. I wonder if they're really all right.

Oh yeah, I have to contact Earth.


So then, are Gohan and the others okay?

Yeah. They did in fact arrive
safely on Planet Namek.

But Gohan and the others aren't
the only ones who went to Namek.

That Saiyan named Vegeta is also there.

Vegeta?! He's there?!

And that's not all. In addition to Vegeta,

there are a over a dozen of
his friends on Planet Namek.

The spaceship they rode
there in was blasted by them,

and they can't get back to Earth now.


What's more, they said that at least one of them

had a Ki that was greater than Vegeta's.

It can't be! A Ki greater than Vegeta's?
There's a guy like that?

Yo, you still alive?

What?! Here I come all this way
to see ya, why the long face?

The senzu beans're finally ready.
Just a few of 'em, though.

Karin-sama said to take all seven
of the senzu beans that're ready.

Wow, all right! That's what I call good timing!

Hurry up and give me one!

S-See here! You mustn't give
strange foods to patients!

Here ya go.

I've been waiting for this moment!

Here it is! Kaio-sama sent this
new gi to me, just for this day!

All right, I'm off to Planet Namek now!

Oh, thanks, I'll take the
remaining senzu beans with me.

Planet Namek? How are
you planning to get there?

When Bulma's daddy came to visit me,

I made sure to ask him to build
me a spaceship, just in case.

A spaceship? You mean like Kami-sama's?

That was made from stuff that ain't from Earth,

so not even Bulma's daddy could pull that off.

S-So then...?

I thought about it hard,

and realized that there are two
other Saiyan spaceships on Earth.

The spaceship my brother came here in,

and the spaceship that I came
to Earth in when I was a kid.

O-Oh, right!

I had Bulma's daddy go look for it.

My brother's blew up with that other one,

but mine was from way back,
so it ended up unharmed.

I'm having him repair and reconstruct it.

Kinto Un!

Okay, I'm gonna go save them.


Take me to Bulma's house!

He's going to save them? From what?

As it turns out...

if things're as hairy as all that,
why'd that bastard look so happy?

It must be his Saiyan blood, I'd say.

It goes without saying that
he wants to save everyone,

but more than anything,

he seems to get a huge thrill
from fighting someone strong.

That guy ain't normal, all right.
I can't keep up with him.

Unbelievable. To think that
there's someone out there

even stronger than Vegeta!

Dark clouds loom over Planet Namek.

Will it be Vegeta who has his wish granted?

Or will it be the evil mastermind, Freeza?

Hurry, Goku, to Planet Namek,
and its throng of powerful foes!

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Tobu n da mugen no sora e

Jetto kiryuu ni nokkari

doko demo iku yo sokkou

Mukoumizu tte saikou

Let's go tip-top! All right?

Me mo sameru you na aoi chikyuu

kakegaenai kono hoshi yuzurenai kara

Hajiketobase kamehameha

Yabame no kono jidai

sekai wo mamoru tame umareta kara

Yaburekabure omoikiri

Yaru n da furupawaa

Kibou ga ore no buki dakara

mirai shinjite

Heya! I'm Goku!

Whoo, this spaceship sure is huge!

I can get to Planet Namek in six days aboard this?

The people of this planet are so stubborn.

They seem to all want to be k*lled
together, young fellows and all.

Rats, what mean people these guys are!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Protect the Dragon Balls!
The Namekians' All-out Attack."

They all look just like Piccolo-san!
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