02x19 - A Formidable New Enemy! Emperor of the Universe, Freeza" / "A Powerful New Foe! Frieza, Ruler of the Universe!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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02x19 - A Formidable New Enemy! Emperor of the Universe, Freeza" / "A Powerful New Foe! Frieza, Ruler of the Universe!

Post by bunniefuu »

Benefiting from Mister Popo's advice,

the g*ng obtains Kami-sama's spaceship.

Believing that there must surely
be Dragon Balls out there...

...Bulma, Kuririn, and Gohan

have blasted off into space for Planet Namek.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"A Powerful New Foe!
The Emperor of the Universe, Freeza."

Ugh, I am bored to death.

Good grief, this is only the seventh day.

There are still twenty-some more days to go.

I should have built a
hibernation device or something.

Are you guys doing your image training again?

That's nice for you. You can pass the time.

Whew, not bad! You sure are strong.

After all, you've inherited Goku's blood,
and had Piccolo train you.

Still, I'm surprised at how many
techniques you have, Kuririn-san.


...it's up to you whether
you train inside your heads,

but the room is starting to get pretty messy,

so would you mind tidying it up?

There is a lady present.

But Bulma-san, you're the
one who made that mess.

We've cleaned up our own stuff.

I am busy. I have a lot of things
I have to think about, too.

You guys are just riding along,
so that's fine for you.

A moment ago, you said you were bored.

You hush. I wish you could
be nicer to a delicate lady.

Ah, I'm so busy, I'm so busy...

if she's such a lady, I wish she wouldn't
parade around in her underwear.


So anyway, I've been
wondering about this for a while,

but when that Saiyan Vegeta fled,
where did he flee to?

Where, you ask?

I mean, the Saiyan's world has
been gone for a long time, right?

Oh, yeah. In any event, he had
taken some serious damage,

so I'd think it would be
somewhere with a civilization.

Do you suppose there's anyplace like that?

That brother of Son-kun's said
something earlier, remember?

"We exterminate the people who live on planets

that have good environments,
and then sell them to aliens."

I wonder if Vegeta went to
one of those alien folks,

and is having them treat him.

If so, then whenever he comes to Earth again

would depend on where that planet is.

If it's far away, that will buy us some time.

I have to say,

Earth has attracted the attention
of one heck of a bad guy.

T-To think that something like this would happen...

It has been days since Vegeta left Earth.

All right, here!

Something's coming!

Is it Freeza-sama?

It couldn't be. He just barely departed.

It's a round pod. That's a combatant.

The signal belongs to Vegeta-sama!

That's strange. We've received
no word that he was returning.

Could something have happened?

Hey this is the flight control room!

Vegeta-sama is about to arrive!
Fall out to greet him at once!

He's here!

It's just one craft, all right! Where is Nappa-san?

I-Is something the matter? He's not coming out.

Hey, his life sign readings are awfully low.


He's using his life support equipment!

This is bad! Hurry and carry
him to the treatment room!


You are healed. You may open your eyes.

Unfortunately, I was unable to regrow your tail.

No matter. it will grow back in due time.

Vegeta-sama, as mighty as you are,

you were put to quite a bit
of trouble, weren't you?

If this superstrong rubber
protector was left in tatters,

you were lucky to return to us in one piece.

It would take quite a bit
for this to end up like this.

What in the world happened
on this planet Earth?

Is Freeza-sama around?

N-No, he has departed.

He's already tired of this planet, is he?

U-Um, Kewie-sama said that...

...once your treatment was completed,
he needed to speak to you,

and to report to the Training Room.

Hmph, you tell him that I said, unfortunately,

I don't have anything to talk to him about.


Vegeta-sama, um, you forgot your Scouter.

I don't need it. You can have it.

I'll head for Earth first thing in the morning.

This time, I'll blow them to smithereens for sure.

No, before that, I'll go to Planet Namek...

Yo, Vegeta! Word is you got your butt kicked.

I hear Raditz and Nappa are dead, too.

Who was it that caused the supposedly
invincible Saiyans such agony?

Get lost, Kewie. I don't have time
to listen to your worthless drivel.

Now, just listen.

Freeza-sama is upset with you,
going off by yourselves like that.

If he's not here, he can't gripe about it.


remove that filthy hand of yours.

Still, Freeza-sama is a magnanimous person.

He seems willing to forgive you,

since you discovered
something quite sensational.


He was thrilled that he might be
able to gain eternal life and youth.

Say what?! Then, you mean
Freeza-sama departed for...

Hmph, Planet Namek.

Damn! He was listening in to what
we were saying on the Scouters?!

I have to beat him to it, or I'll be
that bastard's puppet forever!

You apparently wanted to use
the Dragon Balls to get eternal life,

but you'll have to give up on that now.

Once Freeza-sama has his wish granted,

he plans to exterminate the Namekians.

That bastard!

Hey, Vegeta!


Give me that!

I'm going to need it after all!


I won't let you do it! They belong to me!

Not again.

Four more.

Geez, Son-san, you can't do this.

Miss Nurse, I'm all right now.

Goku, you see, is immortal.

Oh, did I just do something?

It must be my age. Lately,
my mind has been slipping...

Oh, for the love of...

These sponge cakes are delicious.



How many times must I tell you?

If you keep this up, you'll never be discharged.

But as you can see, I'm...

I'm sure that hurts. You have been
quite seriously injured, after all.

Now get back to bed.


Come on, Grandpa Glad-hands, help him up.

G-Grandpa Glad-hands?

Grandpa Glad-hands, am I?

My word...

"Grandpa Glad-hands."

Where is his wife, who was looking after him?

Oh, she must have gone up to the
roof again, to look up into the sky.

I wonder if Gohan-chan is doin' okay.

And after all my insistin' that
he send me a letter every day,

I haven't gotten a single one.

Come back to me soon, safe and sound.

days after leaving Earth,

Bulma and the others at last reach
their destination of Planet Namek.

We made it! There it is!

Wow! it sure is pretty!

That world is Planet Namek, huh?

No doubt about it!

The computer vouches that this
is the bona fide Planet Namek!

We got here just about right
on schedule, didn't we?

That's Kami-sama's spaceship for you!

That was smooth sailing, all right!

Sure was! Now, sit down and fasten
your seatbelts so we can land.

There's going to be a pretty hard jolt.


Begin landing procedures
for any suitable location.

We made it! We landed on Planet Namek!

We're here!

Hang on. I'm going to check the
atmospheric components now.

I made sure to install some
sensors. Aren't I prepared?

We'll be lucky if there's a
certain amount of oxygen.

I did prepare some atmospheric masks,

but our time would be limited,
and I don't know how much help--

This is a lot like the place
where Piccolo-san trained me.

Yeah, that place where we
fought the Saiyans first, right?

I guess he'd instinctively feel more
at ease in a place like his home.


You guys don't have the least bit
of common sense, do you?!

How can you just stroll on out here?!

You're as scary as ever...

For crying out loud. Well, as long
as there are Dragon Balls here...


Look! I'm reading them!

Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

K-Kuririn-san, I feel some strong Ki over there.


You're right.

I'm feeling a lot of them.

Yeah. And what's more,
they're all really powerful Ki.

W-What does that mean?

Oh, you guys. What are you talking about?

Those are Namekians.

As strong as Kami-sama and Piccolo were,

it's not at all surprising
that the Namekians at home

would have powerful Ki, too.

--These Ki feel a little bit evil, don't they?

It's all right, I tell you.

Kaio-sama said that Namekians
are peaceful by nature, didn't he?

Over in that direction,

there are four Dragon Balls gathered together.

Now, let's go and meet the Namekians!

Yeah... You're right. They must be Namekians!

I feel silly for being scared.

Haven't we seen that before somewhere?

It's a Saiyan spaceship!

I knew it!

--It can't be!
--Oh, no, for real? Why?!

Gohan, mask your presence! We'll be detected!


I-It's Vegeta. it couldn't be anyone else.

D-Damn it!

He's already recovered from his injuries?

Come to think of it, he knows
about the Dragon Balls, too.

W-What do we do? it's hopeless now!

All we can do is go back to Earth, right?
Am I right? Let's hurry back!

If that guy gets his hands on
the Dragon Balls, it's all over.

Bulma-san, please contact Earth,
tell them about this,

and then return there by yourself.

Gohan and I will stay here,
and try to collect the Dragon Balls.


it's all right. We'll have the Dragon Radar.

--Right, Gohan?


Once I get back to Earth,

I'll bring Son-kun aboard, and come right back.

The round trip will take a little over two months.

Sit tight, okay?

It'll be fine! Two months will go by like that!

It's just days! That's only , hours,

, minutes, or , , seconds!


Right, a little over two months.

Freeza, you bastard.

You're trying to grab them away
from me, but I won't let you.

I should be able to handle
everyone besides Freeza,

but I don't stand a chance fighting him head-on.

I have to steal the Dragon Balls
and gain eternal life, no matter what.

Tch! To think that I would wind
up using a Scouter again...

This way, huh?

He brought Zarbon and Dodoria with him.

W-What did you say?!

A-And then?

Yeah. So tell Son-kun and the others.

Do you hear me? Just don't
tell Chichi-san. Got it?

Yeah... Yeah... Like I said...

No! it's not like that! Sheesh!

Right! You got it? I'm counting on you. Bye, now.

For Pete's sake...

What's the matter, you two?

Huh? What?

W-W-Why is that thing coming here again?!

T-That's what I'd like to know.

I found it, Freeza-sama.

Oh, good, good.

Now there are three of them left.

At last, the evil mastermind Freeza appears.

Vegeta is also back in action,
and burning with ambition.

The trio unexpectedly find themselves in a crisis.

This is bad. This is definitely bad.

Will Gohan and the others be
able to gather the Dragon Balls

without any mishap?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Someone stronger than Vegeta?

Not even I have a chance of beating Freeza.

First, I'll take care of the minnows!

I have to train like crazy, and get much stronger

before I arrive at Planet Namek.

Hmph, I won't let anyone have the Dragon Balls!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"Rebellion Against Freeza!
Vegeta's Burning Ambition."

The home-grown Dragon Balls sure are big, huh?
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