01x17 - Dawn of the Fierce Battle... The Star of Hope Is Piccolo's Homeland[16]/Dawn of the Fierce Battle! The Star of H

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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01x17 - Dawn of the Fierce Battle... The Star of Hope Is Piccolo's Homeland[16]/Dawn of the Fierce Battle! The Star of H

Post by bunniefuu »

It was a final gamble.

Gohan, having become a Great Ape,
struck one last blow for good measure.

As Vegeta was trying to withdraw,
a fateful moment arrived.

Th-This is for everyone you've k*lled!

Say your prayers!

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Dawn of a Fierce Battle... The Star
of Hope is Piccolo's Homeland."

You've outdone yourselves to come this far.

I wasn't sure how this would turn out.

I'm not supposed to take sides,

but that Saiyan was a villain

who plunged the whole universe into terror.

I couldn't help it.

This doesn't mean that the root of this evil

has been completely eliminated, though.

Not the root of it.




W-Was that you who just
spoke inside my mind, Goku?

Yeah, that's right. I can't talk very loud, after all.

K-Kuririn, forgive me for asking,
but would you let him live?

A-Are you out of your mind, Goku?
This guy k*lled our friends,

and was going to k*ll everyone in the world!

If we let him go now,
he's sure to recover his strength,

and then come back here!

Y-You're probably right.

If you're thinking that maybe
he'll have a change of heart,

the way Piccolo did,
then you're greatly mistaken!

He's not like that!

I-I know. I know how ridiculously
strong that Vegeta guy is, too.

Still, although I ain't able to explain it too well,

s-seeing him there,
about to die, made me think...

"What a waste."

W-What a waste?

A-After training at Kaio-sama's place,

I thought I had reached my peak.

B-But that Vegeta guy there
had far surpassed me.

It surprised me. To be honest,
I was overwhelmed.

But then, somewhere in my heart,
I was happy and excited.

Must be because I'm a Saiyan, too.

Whenever I see anyone strong, my heart leaps.

I know this is wrong, but please...

...give me another chance to fight him.

All right. You do have the right
to ask for your own way.

It's because of you, Goku, that we
still have the Earth that we do.

But you listen to me, Goku!

You take care of him next time
with devastating power!

Yeah... I'll be sure to...

Remember this well, you trash.

There won't be any more miracles.

The next time we meet, I'll k*ll you all...

You can look forward to that.

Damn it...

Are you okay?

You can rest easy, now.

He left, eh?

I gotta wonder, why didn't that peabrain...

...finish the guy off?

Sorry about that, Kuririn.

Don't worry about it.

It didn't seem right doing
that to everyone who died,

but then again, it just might be
possible to bring them back to--

H-He couldn't be...!

Hey! Hey!



Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan!





Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan! Are you okay?

Wake up! Your ma is here!

Gohan-chan! What an awful
mess you've been through!

G-Gohan is fine.

Goku is in far worse shape than he is.
You see? You see? Over there.

You poor thing, bein' forced to go through this!

You're never leavin' your ma's side again!

You poor thing! Gohan-chan! Gohan-chan!

That's just not right.
Goku had a rough time of it, too.



Are you okay, Son-kun?

T-This is brutal.

S-Sorry, I let the Saiyan get away.

Oh, no, just being able to drive
him off is quite an accomplishment.


C-Calling him strong doesn't begin to cover it.

B-Bulma-san... Yamucha-san
and everyone else besides us four

were k*lled...

Mm-hmm, we were watching it on TV.

B-But with Piccolo dead, Kami-sama is also...

That's right. Which means,
the Dragon Balls, as well...

I know that much!

You knew, didn't you?


If only Piccolo were one
of the ones who survived...

Well, excuse me fer livin'.

That's right! All you did was run
around! You didn't fight one bit!

W-What was that, ya big--

A good-for-nothing jerk like you
ought to just die right now,

and take Piccolo's place, you idiot!!

If it wasn't fer me, these guys
wouldn'a survived, neither!

Yer really burnin' me up!
No more Mr. Nice Guy fer me!

All right, all right!

Forget about that, we have to hurry
and get the injured to a hospital.

I don't have any more senzu beans left.

Easy, easy... easy, now...


The others' bodies are around here, right?

Um... a little farther that way.

Bulma-san, don't cry. T-The chances
of this might be extremely slim...

...and maybe a little bit ridiculous...

...so listen, but don't get your hopes up.

There is a chance that those
who were k*lled by the Saiyans

can be brought back to life again.

W-What do you mean?


It's kind of a nebulous idea...

K-Kuririn, now that you mention it,

you said something about that to me, too.

What do you mean by it? Tell us.

T-The truth is...

H-Hold on a minute. I'll tell you later.

Muten Roshi-sama, land here.

We have to get everyone's bodies aboard.


Over the Star

Taking wing

like a sh**ting star across the sky

Watching over you from here

T-There isn't one.

He blew himself up, into little pieces.

Spanning the distance

Good grief, how awful.

Let my prayer find its way to you

I really do wish we could
bring them all back to life.

You're the Star

The way things stand, their
sacrifice has been too great.

You can see the blue earth, can't you?

Karin-sama, all I feel is anger...

...over my own powerlessness.

Calling to you, far away, from the heart

transcending time

Let my prayer find its way to you

Let my prayer reach the skies


Gohan-chan, are you awake?!

Relax! it's Ma! it's your ma!


You poor thing! What a terrifyin' ordeal!

But you're all right now!

Yes, well done. Outstanding!

We made it through!

How? Where's the Saiyan?

He ran away. He got away from us.

B-But then, we all gave him
a real thrashing, right?

He might not ever come back.

Where's Father?!

I'm in the back, Gohan.

I somehow managed to survive,
thanks to you guys.

Hey, that's all fine an' all...

...but yer Goku's wife, right?
Quit just worryin' 'bout the kid,

an' start lookin' after yer husband some.

H-How rude! No way!

It's because of Goku-sa that
Gohan-chan suffered so!

There was no reason to drag my boy into this!

That's not true, Mother. Father was--

I am far more worried about Gohan-chan's future

than I am worried about the Earth!

Goku, is it okay if I slug her?

Kuririn, would you tell us
about what you meant earlier?

O-Oh, right. Mm-hmm.

The Saiyans seemed to know that
there were Dragon Balls here on Earth,

probably through Goku's brother's radio.

They also knew they granted wishes.

So, as long as they were here,

they were going to obtain the Dragon Balls, too.


But when they saw Piccolo's face,
they said something strange--

that he was a "Namekian."

Apparently, Piccolo was an alien.
And Kami-sama, too, I guess.

That ain't so surprisin', given his face.

The critical thing is what came next.

Nappa! k*ll them!

B-But what about the Dragon Balls?

No matter! I have an idea!

If we go to that Namekian's
home world of Planet Namek,

they're sure to have even more
powerful Dragon Balls there!

Feh, that's what they said? Big whoop.

I heard them, too!

They said the Namekians had the
power to create mysterious balls.

If-- and that's a really big if--

we were able to go to this Planet Namek,

we might be able to get our
hands on those Dragon Balls.

I get it.

If you did that, those who were
k*lled could come back to life!

Piccolo-san could come back to life!

G-Gohan-chan! How can you say that?!

Exactly! If Piccolo came back
to life, so would Kami-sama!

Which would also mean the
Dragon Balls here could come back!

--Banzai! Banzai! Banzai!...
--T-That's amazing! T-Then maybe,
possibly, this could work!

Couldn't it? Couldn't it? Couldn't it?

Things are so simple to you laymen, huh?

There's no way we could
achieve such a pipe dream.

What a bummer.

Not even you can do it, Bulma-san?

For one thing, Kuririn,
how are we going to find out

where this whatever-it's-called planet is?

L-Leave that to me.

Kaio-sama, you heard, right?

Do you know where this Planet Namek is?

Planet Namek? Of course I know where it is.

Whatever else anyone says, I am Kaio, after all.

T-This is incredible! We can all hear him, too!

S-So this is Kaio-sama, is it?

Kaio-sama, it sounds like
everyone else can hear you, too.

Tell us where it is.

Hmm, Planet Namek's location...

The way you folks on Earth
would put it... let's see...

Bearing SW by... no, er...

...let's see here... bearing SU ...

...by, let's see, YX, is it?

... YX, you say?!

B-Bulma-san, did you understand that just now?

H-Hey, Kame-chan, take over.
I have to calculate something.


The thing is, Planet Namek was
once an extremely beautiful world,

but as I recall, a good while back,

they had an awful climatic aberration,

and I thought that all of the Namekians died out.

Then that does it. Ain't no way
there's any Dragon Balls.

H-Hey, you!

Now, don't panic. Once I check up
on Planet Namek, I'll know for sure.

Where was it, again? Let's see now...

Oh, this way?

It makes sense. So Kami-- I mean,
the Namekian who would become Kami--

escaped there and came to Earth.

The fact that Kami himself forgot about it

means that he either lost his memory,

or that he was just a little child at the time.

Either way, he had a sad past.

Even so, the Dragon Balls
can grant any wish, right?

So the guys that made 'em coulda just said,

"Stop this abnormal climate," couldn't they?

That probably wouldn't have worked.

Shen Long said that he couldn't grant any wish

that was greater than the power of
the one who created the Dragon Balls.

That means he couldn't
rein in such terrific power.

That's why even Shen Long couldn't
do anything about the Saiyans.

Oh, ya don't say. The Dragon Balls
ain't all that great, then.

You've got a smart mouth!

Oh, there they are!

There are Namekians! There are
no more than a hundred of them,

but they survived, and are flourishing again!

There're a hundred of them guys?!

Not to worry. By nature,
Namekians are a very gentle race.

Just like the guy that used
to be Kami on your planet.

What became Piccolo Daimao
was probably brought about

by the influence of the evil
in earthlings he encountered

before he became Kami.

Yeah, that tracks.

There're some pretty small-minded
folks out there in the world.

Look who's talking.

Still, this means there's a chance that Kami,

not to mention Yamucha and
Tenshinhan, can come back to life!

--Uh-huh! Uh-huh!
--Naive! You guys are so naive!

Sure, we may know where this
Planet Namek place is. However,

how are you thinking of getting there?

How? Well, in a spaceship, of course.

And I'm telling you, that's where
you're being downright naive!

I just calculated the time it
would take for a spaceship,

using the world's best engine, built by my dad,

to arrive at Planet Namek, just to see what it was.

A real whopper of a number came back. See?

, years and three months.
We'll have to live an awfully long time.

As far as that goes, I think we'll be all right.

I was thinking of using the
spaceship that Saiyan came in.

I got a look at Vegeta's spaceship,

and it was so small, any way
you look at it, it's a one-seater.

Which means that the other,
dead Saiyan's spaceship

has to still be out there somewhere.

Y-Yeah! The spaceship my
older brother rode here in, too!

Ah, come to think of it, that one
got smashed up by Gohan.

Even so, there's still one of them, right?

Once I find that one and analyze it,

I might be able to manage something.

It's probably somewhere around Metro East.

That was the first area destroyed by the Saiyans.

We'll have to go look for it later.

That's what I was thinking,
and picked up a neat little item.

This. I know I saw Vegeta beep this

and call his spaceship in.
I'm sure it's a remote control!

This could work! This could really work!

All right! All right! Hope is in sight!

Planet Namek or bust!

Yeah, right!

The target world has been set.
However, before they can leave,

there are still some difficult problems to address.

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Hello. I'm Gohan.

Whoa, Bulma-san! The spaceship
was blown to smithereens!

That doesn't matter! You've got
cram school, piano lessons,

calligraphy, abacus lessons, English class--

Shut up! Right now isn't
the time to talk about that!

G-G-Gohan-chan has turned into a delinquent!

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Ship Resting in Yunzabit!
Time to Blast Off for Planet Namek"

I wanna go see the original Shen Long, too!
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