01x05 - Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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01x05 - Wilderness Survival! A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan!

Post by bunniefuu »

To get ready for the Saiyans
who would be coming in one year,

Goku began heading for Kaio's World.

Meanwhile, Piccolo had taken Son Gohan away,

and started harsh training with him.

The crybaby Gohan possessed
a tremendous dormant power.

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!

"Wilderness Survival!
A Moonlit Night Awakens Gohan."

W-What should I do for training?

At first, you don't have
to do anything. Just live.


If, after six months, you've managed to survive,

I'll teach you how to fight.

No! I'll be so lonely, I'll die!

You won't be lonely.

This area is crawling with bloodthirsty beasts.

Oh, no! Don't do this!

Don't leave me here!

You don't have time to be this spoiled now!

But I...

Manage to survive this six months somehow,

and gain a little toughness first.

Both physically and mentally.

Do not forget that you hold
the key to the fate of the Earth.

Believe in your own power.

And learn for yourself an effective
way to bring forth that power.

But I...

Bye now.

Wait! Where is my food? My bath? My bed?

You think that stuff has been
prepared for you, sweet prince?

If you have to blame something,
blame your own fate.

Like I do.


I'm scared! Don't leave me!

Kami-sama, acting strange. Something wrong?

Piccolo really is different
than he was before, somehow.

There's no doubt he's still evil,

but it feels like he's lost some of that

wily coarseness he had long ago.

Popo think so too. Old Daimao not
make Son Goku's son stronger.

What made me clearly realize that
there is something odd about Piccolo

is that when Son Goku's brother,
Raditz, was k*lled by him,

his soul went straight to the Next World.

Up until now, the souls of those
k*lled by a demon clansman

did not cross over,

and just suffered as they drifted
between heaven and Earth.

And yet, since Raditz went to the Next World,

this is clearly not the Piccolo of old.

Piccolo now has good heart?

Perhaps he has become aware

that my life, and thus Piccolo's life,
has only one year left.

One year...?

Whether that's because Piccolo
will be k*lled by the Saiyans

who will be here in one year,

or because my lifespan will run out
around that time, I don't know.

My death will mean Piccolo's death,

and Piccolo's death will mean my death.

Though I may be Kami, it's unpleasant
knowing when I'm going to die.

He must sense it, too.

He must want to leave something behind,

even if it is to Son Goku's son.

Then, Dragon Balls can only be used...

Mm-hmm. The next time will be the last one.

To think that Gohan was
that strong! I had no idea at all.

He is my child, all right!

That's right! Nothing says I have
to walk along the road, huh?

All right...

I'll get there in no time like this!


That was close, that was close!

That's Hell down beneath the clouds.

Help! Somebody, help!

I can't get down!


That guide said that once I
was dead, I wouldn't get hungry,

but here I am, famished!

What? You couldn't tell them?

I'm very sorry.

You mean, not any of it?


You're hopeless. Geez, you've got no spine.

That's easy for you to say.

If you saw Chichi-san's face,
you couldn't tell her that Goku died.

Well, I can't blame you.

But unless we do something...

if we write her a letter
explaining the situation,

she might understand, right?

Yes, you're right! That's a good idea!

By the way, Kuririn,
what about the Dragon Balls?

There were two of them
at Son-kun's house, right?

I forgot.

You good-for-nothing!

I'm scared! I'm cold!

I'm hungry! I'm going to die!

Apples! Some apples
have fallen here! Lucky me!

Oh, well.

It's sour! Yuck!

I want Chinese buns!
I want shaomai dumplings!

You dirty brat, making me take care of you!

I'm scared... I'm scared...

Mind you, this is the last time I help you out.

From here on, if you can't survive,

then that's all you were
ever going to amount to.

Too bright!

I can't get down!

I'm hungry!

I'm scared!

If you're hungry, you could
come down from there

and look for something to eat.

And after I told him, "Make sure you
come home before nightfall," too!

It's been a long time since
Goku's visited the Kame House.

He just got wrapped up in
talkin' about the good old days

and lost track of time.

That may be fine and all for Goku-sa,

but Gohan has his cram school!

Missin' one day of cram
school isn't that big a deal.

You're too lenient, Pa!

From here on in this world,

it's those that study who come out ahead!

I wonder if that's got it...

Hey, I'm finally done!

You've got some nerve,

kicking back and sleeping at a time like this!

You there, Old Man Turtle, stand up.

O-Old Man Turtle?

I've changed the characters in the display

to make it easier to understand.

Let's see...


? I'm not that young.

That's the number that represents
your strength, Muten Roshi-sama.

The number that represents my strength?

That's an incredible device, huh?
It can tell you that?

B-Bulma-san, how high am I?

Amazing! it says .

I really have surpassed you, Muten Roshi-sama!

H-Hey, are you sure it's not malfunctioning?

--I don't mean to brag, but my skills are...


Who is that calling to us in such a strange way?

It's me.

Y-You're that guy who
was at Karin-sama's place...

--It's Yajirobe, ya nincompoop!

Ya screwed up my name on purpose!

Karin asked me to come here
an' deliver a message to ya!

A message from Karin-sama?

"I am aware of the whole situation."

So you, that Yamucha guy,
Ten-somethin'-or-other, and Chaozu

are to go there at once.

Huh? All of us, go to Karin Tower?


Kami-sama, ya see, says he's
gonna be givin' us trainin'.

I'm in on this, too.


Yeah. I told 'im, I ain't up for fightin' them

whatchamacall'em aliens,
but he says I gotta do it, or else.

I've had it.

A-All right. I'll go find them all,
and come, right away.

Bye, then. Can't say I didn't tell ya.

Oh, yeah. Forgot somethin'.

Goku says not to bring 'im back
to life 'til them enemies get here.

Huh? W-Why not?

Word is he's gonna train
there in the Other World.

Some old lady named Uranai
Baba'll be comin' by shortly,

an' you can ask her all the details.

W-What? When?

T-Training in the Other World?

W-What the...?


He's coming back again.

Ahoy, Muten Roshi-ssms!

It's Chichi and Gyumao!

Muten Roshi-sama, what do we do?

I haven't written that letter yet.

Muten Roshi-sama!

It has been too long! Have you been well?

Er, um, I-I suppose...

My Goku-sa and Gohan
are supposed to be here.

Where are they?

U-Um, t-the truth is...

Mumble, mumble, mumble...

He's been taken away by Piccolo Daimao?!

W-What happened to G-G-Goku?!

H-He's dead.

Chichi! Buck up!

How did something like this happen to me?


I wonder why it's so light out.

Ah, it's the moon! Wow, it's completely round!

This is the first time I've ever seen a full m--


At this rate, Earth will be destroyed
before the Saiyans even get here!

W-What's going on here?!

Don't play dumb!
It's when the moon becomes full

that we Saiyans really start
hitting our stride, you know!

That's it!

The full moon!

Get lost!

I-I never imagined he would transform.

Is it his Saiyan blood?

I think I'm starting to understand the secret

behind his and Son Goku's power.

It looks like blowing the moon
away was the right answer.

It makes me shudder,

thinking that the Saiyans might
turn into monsters like that.

He said something about their tails, too.

Apparently, to transform,
they need their tails and the full moon.

I guess I'll pull out his tail.

Not that I have to worry about it anymore now,

but their tails seem to be
the Saiyan's weakness.


I suppose I can provide you
with clothes and a sword, at least.

I'll make it the same design as your old man's.

The character on it will be different, though.

I have to go attend to my
own training, so I'm leaving.

If you can survive here safely for six months,

I, Piccolo, will personally put
you through special training hell.

So much so, you'll wish you had died.

Brace yourself for it.

I'm going to turn you into
a fine demon clansman!

To defeat the Saiyans,

the harsh trials that father
and son are being subjected to

continue on and on.

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

Hooray! I can see the serpent's tail!

As big a snake [" hebi"] as it is,
it sure is heavy [" hebii"]!

What have you come up [" kite'n kai"]
to the Heavenly Realm ["tenkai"] for?

That one was great!

By any chance, are you Kaio-sama?

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The End of the Line is Reached!
Kaio-sama's Playful Trials."

Father, I've gotten stronger.
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