01x01 - Prologue to Battle! The Return of Son Goku" / "Prologue to Battle! The Return of Goku!

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Dragon Ball Z Kai". Aired: April 5, 2009 – March 27, 2011.*
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Goku and his friends fight to save the Earth from the last remaining members of an alien race.
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01x01 - Prologue to Battle! The Return of Son Goku" / "Prologue to Battle! The Return of Goku!

Post by bunniefuu »

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Paradise

The Genki Dama bursts away

Go Go Let's do it

There's a wriggling, mysterious energy

I won't hold back, just you watch

I'll protect you with my life

Turn your courage to love into strength

We'll overcome crises with carry-through spirit

The tougher your opponent is,
the greater the excitement

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Now's our chance

Whooshing along on the lucky wind

Dokkan Dokkan We're in luck

Dokkan Dokkan Tomorrow, as well

Your soul already knows the answer

Dragon Soul!


Yeah, a lower-class warrior child, right?

Nothing to do but send him off
to some frontier planet, huh?

I suppose not.

On Planet Vegeta, a baby boy
cries for the first time.

His father, and his mother planet,

are about to be destroyed by a fearsome enemy.


--It's Freeza-sama!

Everything changes now.

The fate of Planet Vegeta, of Kakarrot...

...as well as...

...your fate!

This is the end!


Ka... kar... rot...


My son, Kakarrot...

Carry on my dying wish!

You must avenge the fall of
the Saiyans, and of Planet Vegeta!

And so, a baby from a
faraway planet falls to Earth.

He was a young boy who had taken
the charge of an unknown destiny.

Let's name you... Goku!

This is the tale of Son Goku.

Son Goku would grow up healthy,

and together with Bulma,

go on a journey to gather
the seven Dragon Balls,

which were said to grant any wish.

While on this journey,
Goku would meet many friends,

go through much training,

seek for greater strength, and fight.

In his battle against the Demon Clan,
who sought to rule the world,

he would increase his power even further

under the guidance of the
martial arts sage Karin-sama,

and masterfully put a stop to
the schemes of Piccolo Daimao,

who had once again become
young with the Dragon Balls.

Piccolo would leave behind
his offspring before dying.

Three years later, Ma Junior,
the reincarnation of Piccolo,

and a grown-up Goku would wage
battle in a fateful confrontation.

Following a heated battle,
Goku would claim the victory.

It's now a little more than five years later.

Goku and Chichi had abruptly gotten married,

and the people were living in peace.


"Prologue to Battle! The Return of Son Goku."




This is a good one.


Ah, welcome home.

Goku-sa, where's Gohan?

I'm starving!

What are you talkin' about?
Have you seen Gohan-chan?

Huh? No, I ain't seen him.

You have to hurry and eat before you leave,

or you're goin' to keep Muten
Roshi-sama and the others waitin'.

All right, I'll go look for him.

I don't think he's gone too far away.

Yeah. I'll take care of it!

I'm countin' on you!

You sure are pretty.

My name is Son Gohan.

Ah! Wait!

Mother! Father!



Sit tight! I'm coming to help right now!


A little farther...




Father! I can't get down!

I'm scared! I'm scared! Father!

Father, I was so scared!
I was so scared, Father!


...how did you get up here?

I-I don't know.

Gohan, let's go home.
Mommy is worried about you.

We have to be going to Old Timer
Turtle Hermit's place soon, too.


Whoo, just about there...

W-W-What was that just now?!
A meteor?! A UFO?!

T-That's no meteor. What the heck is it?

W-Who are you...?

A battle power of just ? What trash.

D-Don't you come near me! I-I'll sh**t!

Hmph. What a frail race this is.

There's someone with a
large power here. Range , .

Is that you, Kakarrot?!

W-What power is this?! it couldn't be...

Son Goku?!

No, it isn't!

You're not Kakarrot.

Who are you? Do you have
some business with me?

I have no business with you.

Then what did you come here for?
Do you want to die?

You're mighty spirited, huh?

Hmm, battle power . So there's
someone like you around, is there?


...you are no match for me.

What was that?! Do you know
who you're saying that to?!

Not really.

What's with this guy's power...?

Such a worthless technique.

Is kicking up dust all it does?

Is it my turn now? Well then, let me
show you a sampling of my moves.

There's another large power.

That way. Range , . it's big.

The biggest power on the planet.

This time for sure, it's Kakarrot!


I-I was shaking so hard, I couldn't move...

Good afternoon!

Long time no see!


You said come pay a visit, so here I am.

Well, well, it really has been a long time.

This house is the same
as it always has been, huh?

You are so cold.

Unless someone tells you
to come visit, you stay away.


Some manju buns, as a gift.

You didn't have to go to all that trouble.

If you'd just let me touch
your boobs a little bit...

You don't appreciate my gags, same as ever.

You're the same lecherous jerk as ever!

By the way, Bulma-san, where is Yamucha-san?

Yamucha? That idiot?

How should I know about him?
I am so fed up with him,

I didn't tell him we were
all getting together today.

Let's have a blast without him!

You sure do fight a lot, huh?

They sure do.

Incidentally, where is Lunch-san?

She went off somewhere,
chasing Tenshinhan-san, five years ago.

The location of this power is
moving at considerable speed.

See? That's Muten Roshi-sama's house.


I-Is that...?


--Huh? What's with the boy?

Have you started working
as a babysitter or something?

He's my boy.

Y-Yours, Goku?!

Yeah, that's right. Is that strange?

Go on, say hello.

Good afternoon.

--Good afternoon.

His name is Son Gohan.

Son Gohan? I see, so you've given
him the name of your late grandpa?


I have to say, I'm amazed.

To think that you'd be
bringing a child along, Goku...

Gohan-kun, how old are you?

I'm four years old.

Wow, he has good manners,
considering he's your son, Son-kun.

Chichi is really fussy about that.

Say, Gohan-kun, what do you
want to be when you grow up?

A great scholar.


A tail...?


Just like I used to have, right?

Y-You're right.

S-Say, does anything particularly
strange happen to your boy?


F-For example, does he change
at all on nights with a full moon?

Nights with a full moon?

I don't know. We go to bed early at my house.

--How come?
--N-Never mind, it's nothing.

If that's the case, then all right.

S-Say, Goku, is he strong, like you are?

About that...

I think he's got quite a bit of power,

but when I try to train Gohan, Chichi gets mad.

Rock, paper, scissors!

What for? That's such a waste, isn't it?

Ain't it?

She says the world is at peace now,

so we don't need martial arts no more.

She says from now on, it's the age of studying.

So that tomboy of a girl turned out
to be an education-minded mom?


Say, is that a Dragon Ball
stuck to Gohan-kun's hat?

Yeah, that's Si Xing Qiu.

It is a keepsake from my grandpa, after all.

I searched for it, and stuck it on there.

I found San Xing Qiu and
Liu Xing Qiu while I was at it.

They're back at home.

That sure takes me back.
The Dragon Balls, huh?

--What's that?!
--What's wrong?

S-Something's coming this way.

Something's coming?

It's awesome! I sense an
awesome power! What is it?!

It's here!

Here it comes!

W-What is that?

Who is it?!

What a brutal bloodlust!

So, we finally meet.

You've grown up.

But I knew it was you at first glance, Kakarrot.


You look just like our father.

What does he mean?

W-What is this? What's he talking about?

Kakarrot, what is with
the condition of this planet?

Your mission was supposed to be
to exterminate all of humanity.

What the hell have you
been goofing around for?!

Hey, now, hold on, you.
I don't know who you are,

but go away, go away.

Shoo, shoo!

Man, it just isn't right to be
drunk this early in the afternoon.

--Okay then, go on, go on.
--Kuririn! Keep away from him!


Why, you...!

What's this? A man with a tail has appeared.

Just what is his terrifying true identity?

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Fly away into the boundless skies

We'll hitch a ride on the jet stream,

and zip away to wherever we want

Being a daredevil is the best

Let's go tip-top! All right?

This eye-opening blue Earth of ours

is our irreplaceable world,
and we're not giving it up

Blast off a Kamehame-Ha

You were born

to protect the world in these uncertain times

Yeah! Break! Care! Break! As hard as you can

Go at it full power

Hope is my w*apon,

so believe in the future

Heya! I'm Goku!

If you've got the same sort
of tail that I did, who are you?!

Remember, Kakarrot,
your mission, and your Saiyan pride!

Father, help me!

If you value your son's life,
you will obey your brother's orders.

Next time on Dragon Ball Z Kai,

"The Enemy is Goku's Brother?!
The Secret of the Mighty Saiyan Warriors."

Be sure to watch it!
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