01x48 - The Genin Documentary

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x48 - The Genin Documentary

Post by bunniefuu »

It's been one week since
the Byakuya g*ng incident,

and things in the village
have pretty much

settled back down to normal,
haven't they?

Yeah, and it's all thanks
to everyone in the village

taking my words to heart.

But the rumors that
the Byakuya g*ng started

caused unrest in the village.

Without a doubt, there are still
those who are dissatisfied.

I acknowledge that,

and intend to take measures
to address their concerns.

During this incident,

I understand that the genin
performed admirably.

Genin usually don't stand out,
but this time,

our efforts were aided by genin
who were in the area.

And I'm especially grateful to them.

Oh, is that so?

Why did you ignore my orders?

You are suspended
until further notice.

So, it's thanks to those genin,

that we have peace and security
in Hidden Leaf Village?

I finally got through without
repeating a school year,

and made it as a genin,
but still…!

And finally, you have news
about the Chunin Exam.

Yeah, this year's Chunin Exams will
be held In Hidden Leaf Village.

I want all genin
to do their best

so that they can participate
in the Chunin Exams.

The Chunin…Exams?

Oh no! At this rate,

I'll have to repeat again,
as a genin this time!

The Genin Documentary

The Genin Documentary
Having to now manage all
the hamlets far from the village…

your work has suddenly ballooned.

You already have so much
on your plate.

Never mind me.

How's Shikadai doing?

What?! Why the sudden interest?

Well... As usual, I don't know
what he's thinking.

But since the incident,

he seems to be studying
the art of w*r.

He's starting to take after his dad,
not just in looks.

I-I'm happy,
but with mixed feelings…

But with all this going on,

we have to prepare
for the Chunin Exams…

It's gonna be such a dra—

Hey, c'mon…

The genin are all hyped up
about it,

so we grown-ups shouldn't
talk like that.

You've got a point.


In any case, we're really
short-handed right now.

The shortage of genin applicants
is a serious problem.

I guess, unlike the past…

there are a lot of other career choices
than being a shinobi these days.

Hmm… I don't really agree with that…

Excuse me.

Oh, you're here, Udon!


Your team's still on suspension, right?

Y-Yes, I'm ashamed to admit it.

Well, it's over as of now.

I have the perfect mission
for them.

I swear…

I'm gonna become a chunin!

There's no way in hell
I'm gonna repeat again!

Actually, I don't think it's called
"repeating" at this point anymore.

Besides, the number of applicants

for the Chunin Exam
is limited every year.

It's not embarrassing at all

even if you don't make it
the first or second time.

Maybe so…

But I've had it with
being left behind!

By you guys and the others!

I get it.


What do you want to do, Iwabe?


You have to be recommended by
the sensei in charge of your team

to be able to participate in
the Chunin Exams.

We became genin and
earned our headbands,

but we weren't able to help with
the Byakuya g*ng incident one bit!

– Uh-huh.
– Yeah.

At this rate,
we'll never get recommended.

We have to show them
how good we are, right?!

I-I see…

I-If we don't get to participate
in the exam…

we'll end up being
called Team Repeater!

A-Anyway, you guys,
we're gonna go all out from now!

– Yeah, right!
– Yeah, right!


All right, Team ,
please deliver the items

to the hamlet right
outside the village.

Gotcha! We'll do this real quick!

Hey, don't make it sound so easy.

But if we don't do this quickly,

the villagers will suffer,
won't they?

But saying you'll
"do this real quick" is kinda…

This is different from
the Byakuya g*ng.

We're gonna be helping people.

All right! Let's do this!

– Right!
– Right!

Hey, long time so see, you guys!

How's your injury, Metal?

Oh yes! I'm as good as new.

I'm glad you've recovered.

Hey, sorry for all the trouble.

I'll do my best from today!

It's your first mission in a while.
Are you nervous?


We have to put
our best effort into this.

Hey, Udon!

A mission already?

Hey, Konohamaru…
Looks that way.

All right, here is your mission,
Team .

Enrollment in the Academy's
ninjutsu curriculum

has been dropping annually.

So you are all to appear in
a promotional documentary.

A documentary?

What's with that?
Ms. Suika, I wanna be in it!

As I said…

Hey, you just said
you're going to save people…

We're going to set out
on our mission.

Huh? But…


This is an unusual mission.

J-Just to be sure...

We're just coming off
a suspension.

Are we really qualified to do this?

Yeah, since it's for PR,

shouldn't it be a team
that's distinguished itself?

Oh, sorry!

I didn't mean it like that…

This is our chance, isn't it?

If we can somehow shine
in this video,

our reputation's gonna skyrocket!

Oh, I get it!

This really could be our chance!

You guys…

Don't kick up your heels just because
your suspension's been lifted.

In fact, it's from now

that your true worth as shinobi
will be questioned.

Of course! And we're going
to show them with our actions.


Y-Y-You must not…s-slack off…!

Cut! Cut!

No, no!

We're not filming a drama,
so be natural. Be yourself!

R-Right! I'm sorry…

Damn it. I have to produce
something cool here…

Y-Yes, I guess so.

Of course!
It has to be flashy and cool!

This documentary has to

convey to potential applicants
the "ideal image of the shinobi."


Flashy and cool!

I'm counting on you. For real.

Okay, let's roll!

Oh, there you are!

Look, this is gonna be a problem.

What's the matter?

I really don't want to say
this to you, Captain…

but is there another team
you can introduce me to?


You see, if they're so nervous,
I just can't film them.

Would you mind talking
to Lord Hokage?

This team was chosen
by Lord Hokage personally.



But you know…

They were just taken
off suspension, right?

I'm a little unsure about this.

That's nothing to worry about.

They're all exceptional shinobi.


Well, since you're their jonin instructor,
and you say so…

I'll continue filming a little more.

You see, I originally wanted
to become a ninja…

I mean, jutsus are really cool,
you know?

Okay, let's try it one more time.


Hey, cut!

You're still so stiff

I wanted to sh**t
an everyday type of scene…

You just don't seem to
have that spark.

Listen, can you three do something
that's more ninja-like or flashy?

O-Of course!


– Yes!
– Yes!

Earth Style: Mud Wall!


Leaf Hurricane!



Substitution Jutsu!

Hey, hey…
Now that's what I call ninja-like!

This is what I've been looking for.

Just a minute!

You're scaring the people
around you.

Sensei, if you worry
about things like that,

I'll miss getting cool sh*ts!

A ninja has to be this dramatic
and spectacular!

This is what captures the eyes
of potential applicants, right?

I know… We should block traffic
here for now and…

I've decided we're not able
to carry out this mission.

I'm very sorry, but please let us
withdraw from this.

– Huh?
– Huh?

But that's—!

Hey, you can't do this to me now.

There are lots more scenes
that I have planned.

Do you guys think that cool sh*ts
are important for this film too?


If we want kids want to become ninja,
it's important, right?

That's why showing
them ninjutsu is…

We're withdrawing from
this mission, after all.

– Huh?!
– Huh?!


Okay, fine!

I don't know what
you're so unhappy about…

But I never wanted dull losers
who've been suspended either!

I'll request more suitable ninja
and start over again from scratch.

Seriously, what was
Lord Hokage thinking?

Selecting kids like you!

We're leaving!

I'll request more suitable ninja

and start over again from scratch.

I'm a ninja too!

How can I keep doing
stuff like this?!

Damn it!

No! Don't!

D-Damn it...
What are you doing?!

The headband is the symbol
that proves you are a ninja…

To throw it away
means you're quitting!

During the Genin Exams,
you swore over and over again

that you'd make it as a ninja.

Was that all a lie?!

I haven't tossed it yet!

Stop fighting, guys!

Let go, Denki!

Hold it right there.

Damn it.

You just came out of suspension…

Do you want to go
through it all over again?




Shut up!

How can a teacher
who's always cool

understand losers like us?!


I see…That's right, you guys
never saw me back then.


I was a loser.

The Academy was run
differently then.

I failed the graduation exam
several times.

You did, Udon Sensei…?

Even when I became a genin,
I kept messing up on missions…

and I was a burden to
Konohamaru and Moegi.

I-I can't believe it…

But…because I was that way,

I realized something.

Until you realize what it is too,
no more missions.

Okay, let's go and report.

– Yes.
– Yes.

Do you guys think that cool sh*ts
are important for this film too?

What did he mean by that?

I was planning to do
the action sh*ts here,

to bring it to a climax…

But it's all for nothing.


Can we remove the Paper Bombs
that we set up?

No, it's all ready…

Since it's a condemned building anyway,

maybe we can get
something usable.

Let's blow it up,
and get some sh*ts.

What was that?

– What's that?
– Huh?


That was such a small expl*si*n.

Let's do it again.

Just getting the smoke rise
isn't good footage—


H-Hey, look!

Leaf Great Hurricane!


Are you hurt?!

Are you okay?

Denki, analyze the situation!

I'm on it!

I'm inside the building's system,
activating cameras!

Honing in on the center of the crack.

It's not good!
The roof is about to collapse!

We have to hurry and evacuate!



Mister, stay down!

Earth Style! Stone Brick!


Sensei! It's dangerous!

We can't handle this.

We have to hurry and get out…

I'll show you
an interesting jutsu right now.

It's my specialty.

But, just promise not to laugh.

Ninja Art: Dripping Nose!

Huh? What?!

I-It's amazing…

It's snot though…

No, it doesn't matter what it is.

You stopped all this rubble
in an instant.

Do you guys think that cool sh*ts
are important for this film too?

I get it now.

That's why Sensei…

We should be okay now.

Doing stuff just to look cool
doesn't mean it is cool.

What we were taught
at the Academy

wasn't for the purpose
of looking cool.

But all we tried to do was show off.

That's so lame.

Damn it… So you finally get it?

It's a fact that the enrollment
at the Academy

has been steadily dropping.

But you know…

It's not the cool ones
who become ninja.

Only those with determination
can become ninja.

No matter how tough
the training and lessons…

Even if you're covered in
mud and sweat, and look "uncool"…

Despite all that,
you want to become a ninja.

That's the kind of student
the Academy needs.

Great job on the rescue
back there, you guys.

You put everything you practiced
into action naturally,

and did a flawless job.

I finally understand why Lord Hokage
selected this team for this mission.

Huh? Is that—?

Oh, Iwabe?

Where's your headband?


Hey, where did it go?!

Don't tell me during that chaos…

We'll find it, even if
we have to look all night!


It's okay, Metal.


That's my punishment for
trying to toss it earlier.

Headband or not…

It doesn't matter,
you just have to go and do it.

– Iwabe…
– Iwabe…

Um… I know I have
no right to ask…

But can I be allowed
to continue filming?

N-No, we're the ones
who pulled out earlier.

Are you sure you're okay with us?

It just has to be your team.

I promise to make it
a great program.


Yes, right over there!

I was a loser too.

– Huh?!
– Huh?!

I failed my graduation exams
several times

and always got scolded
by Iruka Sensei.

N-No way, Lord Hokage…

Th-That's hard to believe…

You're Iwabe, right?

Y-You know about me?


I heard there was
an amazing repeater.

Even if you had to repeat,

you gave it all you had
and became a genin, right?

Guys like you, with the guts
to stick it out, no matter what…

That's who the Academy needs.

So, I thought this mission
was perfect for you.

You've already made it,
you're totally cool ninja.

Genin or chunin, doesn't matter.

Don't rush, and keep on
getting stronger.

Everyone looked for it.

Don't lose it again.

Th-Thank you very much!

They were cool.

I guess it was a pretty great show.

I really question putting
Dad in it though.

But damn it,
we should've been in it!

That's right…

We can't afford to lose!


Oh yeah, come to think of it…

So many things happened and
I never took the Chunin Exams,

so I guess I'm still a genin.

– Huh?!
– Huh?!

All we have left to get
in our animal-capturing mission

is the miniature monkey.

Leave this to me!

Shouldn't we figure out
a strategy together?

It's fine!

Just stay quiet, Namida!


It's annoying when
you start crying like that!

Wasabi, you're so mean!

I don't care anymore!

Next time on Boruto
Naruto Next Generations:

"Wasabi and Namida"

D-Don't fight!

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