01x44 - Shikadai's Doubts

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Boruto: Naruto Next Generations". Aired: 9 May 2016 – present.*
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Boruto Uzumaki follows in his father Naruto's footsteps by training to become a powerful ninja, but being the son of the city's leader comes with its own unique challenges.
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01x44 - Shikadai's Doubts

Post by bunniefuu »

In order to capture
the Byakuya g*ng,

we need your help as genin!

They're very elusive.

Regrettably, our standard search
procedures have fallen short.

That's our current situation.

We need you to keep
your eyes open

for anything unusual in the village as
you go about your usual missions.

If you notice anything,

report it immediately
to the Police Force

or a shinobi who is ranked
higher than a chunin.

Sounds like a serious mission.

We have to do our best!


your mission is limited to
observation and reporting,

and depending on
the situation, tracking.

Only chunin and above are authorized
to do anything beyond that.

Does that mean we can't fight?

We cannot authorize you genin
to take part in any combat.

Do not act recklessly!

We can't fight the enemy
even if we find them…

That's going to be a tough mission.

Hey, what if the enemy att*cks,
even if we don't intend to fight them?


We have no choice but to fight!

Or if it's possible, capture them.

Right, Boruto?

W-Well, I wonder about that.


I thought for sure you'd agree,
it's not like you.

Shut up!

I've been thinking
about it a lot too.

Shikadai's Doubts

Earth Style:
Mud Wall!

Hey, your talents are going
to waste as ninja!

How about it? Wanna come and
work for our company.


SAFETY FIRST They're wearing owl masks!

Contact the Police Force right away!

There's not enough time!

We're gonna capture them!



Ignore them!

Earth Style: Mud Wall!

You're amazing, Iwabe!

This must be the result
of daily training!

It's my Mud Wall made
of fortified bedrock.

I've gotten stronger too!

I'll go notify the Police Force now.


Are you okay, Metal?!

I'm sorry I caused you all
to worry!



Don't exert yourself.

It's a serious enough injury that
you won't be able to get around for a while.

A wound like this?!

As long as I have some mobility,
I can train!

I'm sorry. It's because of me…

No, I was careless.

It wasn't carelessness.


Your arrogance made this happen.

You were told to report immediately
upon finding the Byakuya g*ng.

Why did you disregard orders?

Udon Sensei…

You are all still inexperienced genin.

Learn to face that reality.

This time, you got off with
just this happening.

But one mistake could
have cost your life.

I'm sorry…

Iwabe, you're to be confined
to your house for now.

You guys, be more careful!

I'm going to make the report.

Iwabe, don't worry.

I'll do physical therapy and get stronger,
and be good as new!

Enough, Metal.

Udon Sensei just told us to get realistic.


The higher-ups make assignments
to match our abilities.

Over-reaching will
only turn out to be a drag.

And that's the reality.

Next…a report regarding
the Byakuya g*ng

who have recently been
disrupting the village.

They've gotten away
with a huge haul this time.

The Byakuya g*ng has been stealing
items of gold and jewels from the wealthy,

then selling them, and ultimately,
distributing the proceeds

to the poor in remote areas,
calling themselves noble thieves.

We had a water shortage,

and thanks to the Byakuya g*ng,
that has been resolved.

We're very grateful.

They're our saviors!

Within the Land of Fire too,

there are increasing numbers of people
who support the Byakuya g*ng.

It's probably an indication of
the growing discontent in the nation.

Why is the Byakuya g*ng so popular?

They're just thieves, right?

It's probably because people
just don't like the wealthy.


Huh? That's not fair.

Not everyone in the world
is going to be successful.

Hey, Mama!

Is the Byakuya g*ng good?
Or are they bad?

Why the sudden curiosity?

I saw on TV that the g*ng gives money
to people in need.

And that people like that are noble thieves
and should be admired!


There's no such thing
as a good thief, ya know.


Helping the weak is fine,
it's just the way they're going about it.

Hurting others in the process
is wrong.

I see… You're right.

But Dad's at the root of all this,
because he's ineffective.

It's the Hokage's job to help people
who are in trouble.

Not everything has an easy fix.

There are problems that can only
be resolved little by little, over time.

Papa's doing his best, right?

Yes, he is!

I know that without you telling me!

Anyway, I don't support
the Byakuya g*ng!

I believe in helping people fairly
and out in the open!

Worrying isn't gonna do anything.

Just take it easy for now.


Cheer up.

We'll come over to keep you company
when we have time.

Thanks, Boruto.

But I wonder why the Byakuya g*ng
operates in such a way?

For the sake of justice! Was that it?

Shady people always come up
with slogans like that.

It's the way that they do things
that bothers me.

It's not cool.

But it's a fact that there are people
who are grateful to them.

What, Shikadai?

Don't tell me you're on their side?

I don't like guys like that either.

But there are things in the world
that defy logic, right?

If we only cling to one view
and destroy the balance,

and make the situation deteriorate,
we'll be worse off.

Instead of talking,

we have to hurry up and
capture the Byakuya g*ng.

We can't keep letting 'em do
whatever they please!

Only chunin and up
can capture them.

Don't forget that our role
is to track only.

I know that!

But as long as we're on it,
I'd like to catch them myself.

And I just said, we can't do that.

Face reality, will you?

I know!

I have to get going.


Then I'm gonna go and settle

the real-life problem
that's right before me.

And just what is
that real-life problem?

My problem right now…

is I'm running low on my allowance
and can't buy games.

So I'm gonna borrow them
from Mr. Katasuke.

You're going to see
that weird guy again?

That guy has tons of games.


– See you.
– See you!


I tagged along once.

He's a weird adult who does
scientific research on ninjutsu.

He must be really weird then,
for you to call him that.

You're back.


Okay, let's start.

Our next target is this pawn shop.

I've scouted the place.

We'll enter from the back,

steal the goods,
and escape from the front.

This place has
a really bad reputation.

If things go well,
support for us will grow.


What is it?

Can I go on ahead?

I want to memorize
the layout of this area.



You sure about this?

Let him go.

He's my loyal pawn.

He won't betray me.

NINJUTSU RESEARCH CENTER Hey Mister, I came to borrow games.


Please feel free to take
any one you like.


This one's the newest limited edition!


That one's great.

I already pulled an all-nighter
and cleared every level.

You're amazing, Mister!

When do you work anyway?

I work and play with
the same seriousness.

I'm an adult, so I can balance
everything I do well.

I'll have you know,

right now I'm working on revising
the ninjutsu database.

If every ninjutsu is analyzed
scientifically, in the future,

anyone will be able to use
all kinds of jutsu with ease.

Technology that can help people's lives
quicker and at less cost!

That is my science!

That said, reality doesn't move forward
as fast as one wants at all.

What? Are you also someone who
goes on and on about reality?

To find a way to make it
work for you…

That's what it means to be an adult.



What're you doing here?

Oh, well… Waiting for a friend.

Is it Boruto?

He has no interest in this.

I see.

Well, I'm going on a mission,
so I'll be coming home late.


Thanks to the Byakuya g*ng,

everyone who's chunin and above,
is being mobilized.

Oh, Moegi Sensei said
something about that too.

Dinner's all ready.
You just have to heat it up.

I know.

Don't worry about me.
Focus on your mission.

Don't be such a smart aleck.

What happened the other day?

Been busy?

Sort of.

I guess it couldn't be helped.

Aren't you going to ask why?


You probably have lots
of stuff going on, right?


You used that tactic last time too.

I've been studying this tactic lately.

Then I'll move here.

That hand again?

My decoy move worked.

You fall for it a lot.

Really? It's not like I meant to.

You might think you're protecting
the King over here…

Actually, there are a lot of openings.

Huh? Like where?


Oh… Right there, huh?

I didn't see it.

You don't see it because
you don't go on the offensive.

What? Already?

You could have still recovered.

Never mind. It's a drag.

You're different.

I thought you're the type
to stick to one thing,

but you make decisions quickly too.

You think so?

You're so mature.

And you haven't asked
a lot of questions about me.

Prying is just a drag.

Can I ask you a question?

What's with all the seriousness?

How do you feel about this village?

I think it's a comfortable place.

Is that all?

Rapid modernization is causing
a lot of strain on this village.

Don't you feel that?


But stuff like that is…

such a drag.

I see…

At this point in my life,
there's nothing I can do.

If all this strain causes huge problems,

there's not much I can do…

The ones who can are the adults
who have real power.

Hey, it's your move.

Adults with power…

If kids like us try to do the impossible,

it will just make things into a drag.

So we should just take care of
our own business as best we can, right?

I never really thought of it like that.

But you're right.

Then what do you think about
the recent incidents?

Those robbers?

They're noble thieves.

I can't condone stealing.

But I can't totally condemn them either.

There's even a term…
necessary evil.

I knew you'd say
something like that.

The guys around me don't quite
see my way though…

I understand how you feel.

There you are, Shikadai!

Check this out!

Wow! Is this the limited edition?

Huh? Who is he?

Oh, a friend I met here.

Oh yeah, I didn't catch your name.

What's up with that?

Introductions are such a drag.

I'm Ryogi.

I'm Shikadai.

He's Boruto.

Nice to meet you!

Have we met before?

Probably just someone
who looked like me.

I just came to this village recently.

I see.

Hey, how'd you get this?

Oh yeah…

I borrowed it from Mr. Katasuke.

This Mr. Katasuke's pretty cool!


Oh, sorry.

This one's a rare limited edition,
so I got carried away.

Even you get carried away
sometimes, huh?

Anyway, so this Katasuke's lab
has lots of unusual things?

Most of it's junk though.

Well, I'd better get going.


What?! Stay and play
the game with us.


You'd better go home
before it gets dark too.

There's been a lot of trouble lately.

Hey, wait.

So cold!

You're late.

I'm sorry.

Did something happen?

There were Leaf genin at the park.

Did you engage?


We probably don't want any trouble,

so we should avoid the park area
during our escape.

Okay, understood.

Good job.


Okay, time to move out!

Namida is late.

Isn't there a jonin nearby?

Oh no, they're coming out!

What do we do, Sumire?


They're leaving…

Wind Style: Gale Raging Wall!

I'm sorry I'm late!

You all stay back.

– Yes!
– Yes!

Gale Raging Wall!

Like I'd let you get away!

Ice Style: Mangehyo!

Hold it!

Hey! You're that guy from last time!


We can't!

We don't have authorization
to engage!

You guys!

Lend me a hand!

Huh? But…!

Just create diversions!


Hey, don't you think we should just
keep an eye on the situation?


Shadow Clone Jutsu!

Ice Style: Mangehyo!

Shikadai! Shadow Paralysis!


From this distance?

Wind Scythe Jutsu!

Let's grab him!

Did a suspicious-looking man pass by?

Oh, he went that way.

Thanks. Let's go!

Damn it! Where did he go?

Does this mean he uses jutsu
we don't even know about?

So Shikadai…

Why did you hesitate back there?

No, I wasn't hesitating…

I know you.

Your discretion is your strong point.

As long as you choose
the right time and place.

I was there with you.

It's okay to take a risk sometimes.

I know.

Good grief…

At this rate,
when push comes to shove,

you'll end up letting the most important
thing pass you by.

I'll go submit the report.

Good work, everyone.

No, thank you for coming to our rescue.

Let's go home too, Shikadai.


Oh, it's nothing.

That took you long enough.

I'm sorry.

Well, it's fine.

Because you were the decoy,
we made a clean getaway.

You're a good son.


It seems we had some help
from those particular villagers.

I see.

Our goal has sunk in
deep enough.

We're moving on to
our next strategy.


You really got me.

I guess there are no take backs,
are there…

Well, by nature,
that's usually the case…

But I will take it into consideration…

only if you answer
a question for me.

What? You'd be fine with just that?



Next time on Boruto
Naruto Next Generations:

"Memories from the Day of Snow"

That's the place where I belong.

That's how I decided to live my life,
ever since that day.

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