A Cookie Cutter Christmas (2014)

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A Cookie Cutter Christmas (2014)

Post by bunniefuu »


Okay, that's great.
Scoot, let's go.

Let's go, yes, yes, yes.

Christie, penny, quickly.

Okay. Okay, christie,
stand tall.

Penny, open up
those windpipes.

Do you remember
your verses?

Okay, christie, we're going
to start with you.


can't wait.

One, two, three...

♪ Silent night

♪ Holy night

♪ All is calm

♪ All is bright

[Singing angrily]
♪ round yon virgin

♪ Mother and child

[Loudly] ♪ holy infant
so tender and mild ♪

♪ Sleep in heavenly peace

♪ Sleep
in heavenly peace ♪

[Applause and laughter]

It was my verse.

Hey, but I was
really good, you know.

I know, but
it was my song.

♪ Deck the halls
with boughs of holly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la ♪

♪ Tis the season
to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la--

Wait, wait, wait,
I'm sorry.

Why is my student only
singing the "fa-la-la's"?

Shouldn't she get a line
of verse like christie's?

Sorry to interrupt,

But I think
my student, sophie,

Is singing
the lines of verse

Because has a stronger
storytelling energy.

Oh, really?

Well, I beg to differ.

In fact, I would be willing
to wager an audition.

An audition?


Don't you think
that's a little silly?

This is just
a christmas festival.

Why? Are you afraid
your student won't win?


No, no, I'm not.
Do you know why?

Because my girl's
got it in the bag.

Okay, we'll see about that.

Yes, we will.

We will.




We'll be there.

We'll be there.

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Excuse me.

Congratulations, guys!

You have now officially sold
50 raffle tickets

For this year's
christmas festival.

Well done!


Very good.

And good job, kids!

We're up to 100
raffle tickets.

Way to go!

Keep up the good work.


And 50
is a great place to start.

So this weekend,

Make sure
you get out there,

And you sell,
sell, sell!

Ms. Reynolds?

Hi. Sorry to interrupt,

But I would like to introduce
you to your newest student.


It's lily, isn't it?

Well, lily,

It just so happens

I have had an empty desk
in my classroom all year,

Just waiting for you,

So, if you'd like to
take your seat,

My class will finally
be complete.


I told you this was
the place for us.

Go ahead.

I'll leave you
in good hands.


Um, I don't know if
the school told you this,

But lily lost her mom
about a year ago.

Yeah, I was told.

I'm so, so sorry for your loss.

Thank you.

It's getting better.

I figured the move
would be good for us.

You know,
a change of scenery.

Yeah, of course.

And please don't worry.

I'll make sure
she settles in.

Thank you.

bye, lil'.

All right,


Who wants to make
some christmas decorations

For our class tree?


Yay! Whoo! Me too.

[Bell rings]

Okay, everyone,

Please bring
your beautiful decorations

Up to my desk.

They look wonderful.

Good job.

And I hope to see you all at
the christmas festival tonight.

Oh, I love that.

Oh, and don't forget
your raffle tickets, okay?

Very important.

[Gasps] delicious

Great job, guys.

Have a great

Bye-bye. Bye-bye.

Wow, lily.

It looks like
you've done this before.

Me and my mom used to make
our own decorations

For our tree.

Well then, how about this...

How about
you take that decoration home

To put it on
your and your dad's tree?

We have way too many
for our class tree anyway.


Have a good day.

There you are.

Who's the cutie?

Oh, that's just
a new single dad in town.

It's a matter of time
before the vultures descend.


I'll, uh, see you tonight?

Yeah, see you

Yeah, see you


Hi there.

How did she do?

She was great.


I mean, you don't
have to worry.

She's going to settle in
just fine,

And I'll be sure
to keep an eye out for her.

Thank you so much.

I appreciate it.

You're welcome.

Mr. Thomson!

Penny miller.

My classroom's
right across the hall

From your daughter's.

I'm the festival
committee organizer.

Ah, yes, of course,
mrs. Miller.

Nice to officially
meet you.

It's actually ms. Miller,

But feel free
to call me penny.

And I'm so

That lily won't be joining
my terrific twos.

Oh, well, I'm sure
she would have done great

In either of your classes.

But, you know,
I've really got to run.

I'm sorry, ladies,
but thank you.

I'll see you
at the festival?


You can count on it.

It's so good
to be back home.

You know, moving to florida
was all your dad's idea.

I don't even play golf.

Well, maybe...

You should think
about moving home.

You know, sell
the condo in florida,

And get a place
of your own,

Or move in with me?

I've been
thinking about that.

Close your eyes.

What is it?

Just close them.

[Sighs happily]

Keep them closed.

All right. [Chuckling]


Three, two, one,


[Laughing in delight]

What do you think?

I'm pretty sure

None of the other houses
on the block

Have as many lights.

I'm pretty
sure of that.

Oh, that reminds me.

I found your old
achievement book

When I was packing
your father's things.

Oh, no...

It must have found its way
down to florida with us.


Have a look.




Adam, stuff that

Go, go, go!

Good job.

I thought I saw
the two reynolds ladies...


How are you?

now that roy has the kids,

And trust me,

After three hot chocolates
and two snow cones,

He'll have his hands full.


Good evening, everyone,

And welcome
to greenville's

Annual christmas festival!


Now, as this year's emcee,

I would just like to say
how honored I am

To be the host of this town's
biggest fundraising event,

And I'm sure
that our donation meter

Will not only hit its mark
this year,

But it will overflow
with your generosity.

Now, to make this festival
even more special this year,

We have added a new event,

Brought to you by yours truly.


The teacher
christmas cookie bake-off!


Judged by our very own
chef krueger

Of the five-star
le pain perdu!


Did you know
about this?

So, teachers, don those aprons,

Because the winner
of this bake-off

Will be awarded a cash prize
to use towards a class trip--

A class trip?

My kids
would love that.

I would like you all to meet

One of our newest
donation recipients,

As well as a new member
of our community.

Please welcome james thomson,

The founder for
the greenville center of hope.


Thank you, ms. Miller,

[Feedback whines]
oh, uh...

And, uh, to the whole
community of greenville

For allowing
the center of hope

To be the recipient
of this wonderful event.

The center of hope has
always been a dream of mine.

To build a place
where I could...

Well, where
we could give

To those who don't have

What so many of us
take for granted.

A little warm clothing,
a hot meal,

Or even...

Just a helping hand.

And with the help of
so many generous donors

Like yourselves,

I have been able
to realize my dream.

So I thank you,

And more importantly,

Those in need thank you.


Okay, um...

Would you excuse me?

Okay, thanks.

where are you going?

How do you think I did?
I was a little nervous.

You did wonderfully.

Can I just say

That greenville
is so luck to have you

And the center of hope.

Oh, please,
I am just as lucky.

I mean, this festival,
what a great event.

And trust me,
I'm going to make sure

That this year is our best
fund-raising year ever.

Me too.

I'm always very active
with the festival as well--

As I obviously am.

Last year, I ran four events.


I ran five.

-Are you sure about that?
-I'm sure.

All right, wow.

Between the two of you,

It sounds like
the donation center

Is going to have a banner
christmas this year.

You can count on it.

Yeah. Both of you.

Oh, it looks like
someone has found santa,

So I'd better go.

I'll see you.

are you sure

You want to sign up
for the cookie bake-off?

I remember what a disaster
you were in home economics.

You know, I'm pretty sure

That was just about
17 years ago, penny,

So I'd like to think
I've learned how to bake by now.

After all,
it's not rocket science, is it?

Hmm, well, you could be right,

But just so you know,

I have been known
to whip up a mean batter.


Will you please tell ms. Miller
that I am signed up now, too?



Oh, there you are.

I got you
a hot chocolate.

Oh, thanks, mom,
but I've got to run.

I just signed up
for the bake-off,

And the 12 minute
cookie contest

Is about to start.

The bake-off?
You signed up?

Yes. Isn't it great?

And if I win,

I can finally take my kids

On that class trip
I've been wanting.

But honey, don't you
have to know how to bake?

Of course.

Which is why I know
I can win this.

--Our first ever
christmas cookie bake-off--

Wait, me too!

Me too, me too, me too.

I signed up.

Now, no one
will be eliminated

In this round,

But it will
all give you

A taste of what's to come.

Does she know
what she's doing?

No, not a clue.

I bring you,
the 12-minute challenge!

[Cheering applause]


[Bell rings]


I don't have my hat on!

Go, ms. Reynolds!



Where's my pan?

[Ringing bell]

[Cheering and applause]

in triumph]

Here you go.

Thanks, mom.

You know, I could have
done much better

If penny had left me
some of the good ingredients.

I don't know
about that.

What do you mean?

Sweetie, you are great
at a lot of things,

But I'm not sure
cooking is one of them.

What are you talking about?

All those surprise dinners
I made for you and dad.

Your 20th
anniversary dinner?

I know,

And it's probably our fault
we never told you, but...

They weren't that good.


I mean,
it was so sweet

For you to
want to try, but...


Not so good.

Oh, this is great.

Thanks, mom.

What am I
going to do now?

I already signed up
for the contest.

You could bow out.

And admit
penny was right?

Forget it.

You should have seen her

Trying to suck up to
this new dad,

Telling him about all the events
she volunteers for.

And this bothers you because...

You like this new dad?


No, I don't.

I mean,
he's kind of cute,

And he obviously
has a heart of gold,

But no.

Look, I just have to
teach myself how to bake.

I mean, really,
it can't be that hard.

You just, you read a recipe,

And you follow
the directions, right?

Oh, boy.



Christie, have you
been up all night?

Just about.


Try one of these.

What do you think?



Not good.

This is ridiculous.

I can't even make
a stupid cookie.

Oh, sweetie, don't be
so hard on yourself.

Look, why don't you
take a break,

And I'll tidy up?


I was planning on
bringing some old clothes

Over to the donation center.

You do that, and don't worry,
we'll figure something out.


Thanks, mom.

You're welcome.


Merry christmas.

Merry christmas.

Hey, ms. Reynolds!

Hey, look at you.

Oh, that's amazing.
Thank you so much.

So, does everyone
call teachers

By their last names?

Oh, sorry, it's just
an old school-boy habit.


It's christie, right?

That's me.

And this is for you.

Thank you so much.

Oh, this is perfect.

This is going to work great.

Um, I'm just going to
put it over here

With all the others for now.


The others?

Oh, yeah,

Donations have been
pouring in all morning.

The people of greenville
are so generous.


Did I hear someone
mention my name?

What a surprise.

So, um,

I brought you
some stuff.

I hope you don't mind,

I took the liberty
of dividing everything

Between size
and gender.

No, no,
are you kidding me?

That is great.

I also have six more
much larger boxes

Waiting in the car.

Well, here, let me
help you with them.


Hey there.

Hi, ms. Reynolds,

What are you
doing here?

Well, I am just
dropping off some things

For your dad.

But what are you doing?

I'm making christmas cards

For everybody
in my new class.


I thought it would be
a good way

To make new friends.

Plus, it is christmas.

Yes, it is.

That's very thoughtful of you.

I think they'll like it a lot.

I hope my dad's
ready to go soon.

He said that we could
decorate our tree today.


Well, should we go find out?


Honestly, james,
you are too much.

Funny and charitable.

How did we get
so lucky?

Oh, stop.


Can we go home now
and decorate the tree?

Uh, soon, sweetie,

But I just have to finish up
a few more things

In the back first, okay?

And after, can we
look at all the lights?

The lights?

Yeah, back
in arondale,

Lily and I would
do a little walking tour

And go see all
the house decorations.

-Oh, fun.

Well, you'll definitely
have to come by

And see my house
on lundy road.

I always do it up
pretty big for the holidays.

So do i.

In fact, this year I got
a life-sized snow globe.


Well, we'll definitely
have to come by.

34 Manor crescent.

I'll be sure to have
the hot cocoa ready.

Do you prefer

Or whipped cream?


You got it.

And-and I will be sure to have

Some homemade egg nog

Ready and waiting
for you guys.

Wow, lily.

I think we picked

The right place
to move to, huh?


[Sneering] "come to my house.

I have hot cocoa
and a life-size snow globe."


How great can a snow globe be?

[Dream harp chimes]


What is that?

It's an inflatable snowman.

It says "merry christmas"
and everything.

You really think you need that?

I mean, look at the tree.

Oh, yeah, thanks for
getting it started, mom.

I'll finish it

Once I get this
set up.

I thought it was finished.



Oh, hey!


You made it.

Wow. Nice.

Did you do all of this?

I did.

Dad, look at the tree!

And the snowman!

I know, it's amazing.

Wow, you greenville women

Really know how to do it up

At the holidays.

Can I hug him?

Yeah, of course.

Go for it.


You know, he's supposed to say
"merry christmas,"

But for whatever reason
he isn't working.

Ah, don't worry about it.

He still looks great.

Yeah, but...

It should work.

I wonder if there's
a loose connection

Or something.

Do you want me to...

Oh, no,
I think I got it.


Whoa, whoa, whoa!

[Yelping and laughing]

Easy, frosty, easy!



[Deep robotic voice]
merry christmas!

Merry christmas!

It's working!

Yeah. Now.
Now he says it.


I'm sorry,

But it looks like
your snowman has melted.

Yeah, I think so.


That's okay,
it's my fault.

You should definitely
come over to our house

And decorate.

Oh, um...

Um, lil', I'm sure
your teacher

Has plenty on her plate.


a snowman.


Plus, it's
getting late.

We should probably
get going home.

Oh, hey, didn't you want to
come inside for some egg nog?

Oh, I think we may have had
enough hot chocolate

At ms. Miller's.

But thank you.


The place
looks amazing.

Thanks for
inviting us over.



Bye, lily.

Okay, so,
here are the basics.

Flour, butter, sugar,

Baking powder and eggs.

Okay, great,

So I'll just start by mixing--

First, you're going to learn
a few simple baking tips.

[Alison]: ho, ho, ho,
anyone home?

Oh, alison,
you brought one.

I'm not going to lie,
I'm surprised I had one,

But there you go,

It's all yours.

What is it?

A sifter.

You know, it takes out
the lumps from the flour,

Makes it all
light and fluffy.

No more tough cookies.

[Mumbles in confusion]

Okay, so we have
everything we need,

Now let's get started.


Wet, then dry.




Mm, not bad.

Basic, but good.

Okay, great,

But basic's not going to
win me the contest.

Don't worry,

Now that you have
the basic cookie,

You can add whatever
you want to it

To give it
that wow factor.

Wow factor.
Got it.

Does this need to win

Have anything to do
with penny miller?



I'm trying to win
for my class,

And if I happen
to beat out penny miller,

That's just a bonus.

It's hard to believe

You two were once
good friends.

Yeah, you two were like
besties, weren't you?


Until she stole my thunder
at the christmas concert.

Not only did she sing my verses,

But she also purposely
sang louder than me

So that no one else
could hear me.

Well, I could hear you.

Well, you were
the only one.

You know, I practiced
those solo verses for a month,

And she ruined it.

And that was just
the beginning.

From there on out,

She always had to out-do me.

Class president,
high-school track...

You know what?

I am done with penny miller

Trying to
beat me out of everything.

From now on,

I win.

Okay, everyone.

Time is up.

Pencils down, please.

And if you could start

Passing your quizzes
to the front,

That would be great.

Hey, sophie, you really
rocked that audition.


Okay, guys,
and while I mark these,

I'd like you
to take out your journals

And get started.

Today's theme is all about

"How I spend
my christmas holiday."

Thank you.

Okay, get going, guys,

And remember,

I want paragraphs
and complete sentences, please.


Jacket time.

It's getting
a little cooler out now.

Is it going to snow?

Oh, uh, I don't think so,
sweetie, not here.

I don't think
we're going to get any snow.

Hey, james?


Um, can I talk to you a minute?


Sure, um...

Double check
you have everything.

I'm just going to talk
to ms. Reynolds for a second.

Is everything
all right?

Yeah. It is.

She's really
settling in nicely.

And those christmas cards
she made for the class,

That really created

Some special
friendships for her.

Oh, good.

What I am a bit worried about

Is her level


She seems to be struggling.


I was worried that she was
falling a bit behind

With everything this past year.

Oh, don't worry,

It's not that bad.

She'll catch up,

And trust me,
she'll make it to college.

[Chuckles] great.

But I do think she needs
a little extra help.

Like what, you mean a tutor?

Yeah, sure.

Or, you know, I could always
help her after class.

Yeah, that's, uh,
that's tricky for us,

Because I usually
have to take her

Back to the center
for a couple of hours

After school.

Okay, well, if that's easier,
we could always do it there.

Wait, you would...




Well, that is fantastic.

That would really help us out.

Okay, great,
then that's the plan.


Okay, uh... Thanks.

Where were you

When I was flunking
out of sixth grade english?


I was probably
getting teased

By justin leghorn.

Oh, no.

That leghorn...


I trusted that kid.

[Laughing] okay, um,

So I'll just,
I'll get in touch,

And we can come up with
a plan for this weekend.

That sounds perfect,
thank you so much.

Of course.

All right, lily-bud.

Good job today.

See you.


Getting cozy
with the new dad, huh?

What are you
talking about?

Oh, I'm just saying,

I wouldn't be so sure

That you're the one
he's going to choose.

Why do you have to make
everything a competition

With me?

Oh, please.

I think you are the one
who started that

With the whole
silent night thing?

If you remember,

It was my solo, christie.

The choir teacher
only gave you those lines

So you'd stop complaining.

that didn't really work out.

You're just mad because sophie
nailed her audition today.

Oh, please.

Well, don't you
look nice.

Heading over
to the festival?

Not today.

I've got to go tutor lily,
a new student in my class,

Then I have to
come up with a cookie

For the first round tomorrow.

Is lily's father the one
that owns the donation center?

Mm-hmm, that's the one.


No wonder you look so nice.


[Chuckling] what?

Is it crazy for a mother

To wish her daughter
would get settled?

Look, I know how important
teaching is to you,

But trust me when I say

Your life would be
even more fulfilled

If you had a partner
to share it with.

Look at me and your father.

He lost his wife, mom.

You know what that feels like.

I do.

But I can also say

That if I were still young
when I lost your father,

I'd want to find
happiness again.

You are still young, mom.


What about your happiness now?

You know, I'd better go.

I promised
I would help out

At the baking table.

Enjoy your day.

[Christie]: all right,
here is the problem.

Someone has given you
$50 as a gift.

How many of those items
would you need to buy

In order to spend
all of that money?


Let me see.

That looks great,

And I love that
you showed your work,

But you still have $10

With which you could buy
another item.

I know,

But I don't want to.

If I had $50,

I would want to at least
give some to charity.

That makes a lot of sense.

And you know what,

If you'd shown me that
in your work,

I would have
given you an "a."

How's the tutoring going?


Really good.

I have to get out of here.

The official bake-off
starts tomorrow,

And I still have to
come up with a cookie.

I think a chocolate cookie
would win.


And how do you figure that?

Because everybody
loves chocolate.


That's a good point.

Why didn't I
think of that?

All right, well,
wish me luck.

Ah, you don't need luck,

Just enjoy yourself.


Bye, lily.




Mm, smells chocolaty.


Oh, a smudge...

Hello, everyone,

And welcome to
the first elimination round

Of the first annual teacher
christmas cookie bake-off!


[Timid applause]

Good luck.

Now, as per the rules,

All of the cookies
need to come from recipes

That the teachers
created themselves.

Any attempt at using a recipe
other than their own

Will result in disqualification.

Now to begin,

Our judge, chef krueger,

Will sample a single cookie
from each of the contestants

Before the scoring commences.

Chef krueger,

If you're ready?

We'll start off
with mrs. Howard

And her coconut snowballs.

[Cheering and applause]

And now for mr. Green

And his peppermint twists.

[Applause and cheers]

And now for mr. Peters

And his eggnog drops.


And now for ms. Reynolds--

Ms. Reynolds!

And her chocolate

Ms. Reynolds?



[Scattered applause]


Nothing fancy,
just cookie, huh?


You okay?

[Coughing and spluttering]

Oh, no!

[Crowd gasps]


Thank you.




I'll remember that.

It had impact.

And now for
yours truly,

And my own,

"Kris kringles."

[Hearty applause]

[Cheering and applause]

Will I need water for this one?

Hopefully not.


Mm, thank you.

May I have a...

A second attempt, please,
with the chocolate cringles?

[Audience gasps and applauds]

We had a rough start, didn't we?

We did.

Wish me luck.

Mm, yeah, I get it.

I get it.

Thank you.

Thank you.

Dad, I hope she wins.


And the results are in.

The three constants
who will be advancing are...

Mr. Peters...

[Applause and cheers]




And ms. Reynolds.

[Cheering and applause]

I don't believe this.


You did it!

I did!

And all thanks to
your chocolate tip.

I told you
everybody loves chocolate.

You did.

And chef krueger uses it a lot.

My dad watches his show

All the time.

All the time?

Well, I wouldn't say
all the time.


I mean, I do
watch other things...


You sure surprised us.

Didn't she?

Thank you.

You know me,
always up for a challenge.

I'll see you later.

So, you having fun?

That's great.

Now, make sure,
you always capitalize,

And remember, we never want
to start a sentence with "and,"

So let's think
of another way

You could start
that sentence.

How about, "we always
decorate our tree?"

That's great.

Very good idea.

[Knocks gently]
knock, knock.


Hey, hello, angel.

[Chuckling warmly]

Can we go home now and
work on my gingerbread house

For the contest?

Oh, I'm sorry, sweetie,

But I've got to
finish up at the center.

But we won't be long, I promise.

You know, I could watch her
at your house.

We never did get
to our reading, now, did we?


And she could help me
with my gingerbread!

Please, daddy?

I don't know, sweetie,

Ms. Reynolds
has helped us a lot.

No, I would be
happy to.


Are you sure?



All right, if you insist.


Okay, great.

You can just follow me.

Yeah, sounds good.

Yeah, let's go.
Let's get your coat.


Here we are.

Oh, uh, sorry if you see
the odd box lying around.

We still haven't
fully unpacked

If you can believe that.

That's okay,
the place is great.

Yeah, thanks.
We like it.

Can I take your coat?

Sure. Thank you.

I'll go get
the gingerbread recipe.

That sounds like
a great idea.

Oh, please,
make yourself comfortable.

This is so beautiful.

It's really homey.

Thank you.

Lily actually helped me
with the decoration.

So, uh, thank you for this.

Um, yeah,

Lily spends so much time
at the center as it is,

So this is nice for her.

Yeah, well,

We've got to make sure
she gets into college, right?

[Chuckling] right.


So, I promise I won't be long.


You, uh, listen
to ms. Reynolds, okay?

I will!

All right,
love you, sweetie.

Love you, too,

All right, you good?



See you.




Found it!

Oh, great.

Okay, we can do this.

All right, next,
"in a large bowl,

"Cream together
butter, brown sugar

And molasses."

Okay, I think
we can do this.

How about you keep mixing
while I pour?

You know, my dad makes
the best gingerbread.

He's a really good cook.

He is?

My grandma said

He should have
been a chef.

So, he has his own
book of recipes

And everything.

You should ask him
to help you

With the cookie contest.

Um, I don't think
your dad has time

To teach me how to bake.

Why not?

He loves
helping people.

Okay, well, why don't you
help me make this gingerbread?

You want to pour in
the brown sugar?




Okay, what's next?

"The little orphan
had brought with her

"Only one small bag

"In which was packed
a pair of slippers, too big,

"And a dress, too small.

"She hoped all the new
mommies and daddies

"Wouldn't notice
her slippers were too big

"As she had just one wish
for christmas,

"And that was a new home.

"A home where her tummy would
never be hungry and rumbly.

"A home where her body
would be hugged so tight.

A home full of laughter,
light, and love."

You know, my daddy would have
found her slippers

And a dress that fit.

I'm sure he would have.

You know, your daddy
is a very special man.

You're lucky
to have him.

Oh, I think I'm the lucky one.

Dad, we finished
all the gingerbread.

Oh, is that what I smell?

oh, my gosh, the gingerbread!


Oh, no.


[Gasping sadly]


Oh, no.


I am so sorry.

It's okay, I can still use it.

Besides, the best part
was making it with you.

[Quietly] I know.

All right, you.

Time to get ready
for bed.

Let's go.

Mm, something
smells good.

I think I got it. Here.


Mm, pretty good.

Just pretty good?

No, they're good, christie,
they really are.

You should be
proud of yourself.

They have to be good enough
to win the contest.

Sweetie, try to enjoy it.

It's not
all about winning.

I mean, look how far
you've come.

Tell that to my class.

I have them so excited
about winning a trip.

--The end.

All right, class.

Now, I have set up a wish box

Where we can put in
all of our ideas

Of places we'd like to go
for our class trip.

Like new york,
or the theater,

Or maybe new hampshire
to see the ice castles.

Yes, sophie?

Why aren't we giving
the money from the bake contest

To charity?

Oh, um...

[Bell rings]

Okay, guys, um,
you have a good day.

-Great job today.
-You too.

I'll see you soon.

And you too.

Thank you.

[James]: which
one is mine?

I don't know.

There she is.
Go get your jacket.


Well, that's a...
Serious look.

Sorry, I'm just...

Trying to figure out
how to answer a question.



This is for you.

It's an invite

To a christmas gathering
that I host

For all of the festival
volunteers and recipients.


Since when?

Since this year.

Well, thank you, ms. Miller.

Christie, I assume
you'll be going, too?

Of course.

I am a volunteer

After all.

Well, great.

I'll see you both at
the festival on saturday, then?

Great, and seeing as how
our very own chef krueger

Has offered to do a presentation
of his cooking skills,

Compliments of yours truly.

Well, excellent.

I will make sure
not to miss that.

So I'll see you, ladies.


[Clears throat awkwardly]


Do I get an invitation?

I'll be sure
to stuff it in your inbox.

Bye, ms. Reynolds.

So, another day done.


So... How's she doing?

She's doing great,

And I think she'll be
all caught up by christmas.


Thank you.

You're welcome.

Um, she's-she's very bright.


Anyway, um, I should...
I should probably get home

And get started
on my next cookie.


How's that going?

Honestly, I'm not
the master chef I thought I was.

Oh, I'm sure it's not that bad.

My cookies deflated
before my eyes.

Well, why don't you
let me help you out?

I mean, after
all you've done for lily?

It's the least I can do.


Like, you would...
You would teach me?


If you're free,
why don't you come over,

Like saturday afternoon,

And, yeah, we'll start
baking 101.

That would be amazing.

I will be there.

Well, perfect, yeah.


I swear, every year

It gets harder
and harder

To find a christmas
present for roy.

I mean, what does
the man need?


He has enough
coffee mugs and ties

To last a lifetime.

oh, hey, I know,

Why don't we go
to that new mall

This saturday?

I can't, actually.

I, um, I have
a baking lesson.

From who?

Um... James.

The new hot dad?

So, what is this
lesson all about?

[Chuckling] nothing.

Baking, I don't know.


Lily, his daughter,

Told me that I might want
to ask her dad for help,

Because he's apparently
an incredible cook.

Mm-hmm, mm-hmm,

And you wouldn't have any
ulterior motives for this,

Would you?

No, I wouldn't.

I told you,
I want to win,

And it wouldn't
be cheating,

Because I'd still come up
with my own recipe.

He would just
teach me that...

Je ne sais quoi.

I'm sure he could.


Let's go over there.

So, what I'm going to
teach you now

Is what every chef knows

Is the secret to
winning over taste buds--

Sweet and salty--

The best flavor
combination ever.


I thought it was always
one or the other.

Well, that is why
I'm the master chef.

Oh, perfect.

The sugar is just about to melt.

Now, did you notice
before we set up,

I had all the ingredients,
the utensils and the bake tray

All out at room temperature?

A little
baker's secret.


Now let's see
how far you've come

With your
cookie base there.

Come over here
so I can see it,

And that way,

You can also help me
with the sauce.

Okay, not bad.

Yeah, maybe a little
less butter next time.

That could be why your
cookies are deflating,

And just-- here.

Hold it like this...

There you go.

Shake hands
with the spoon,

And just gently fold.

Yeah, you don't
want to over-mix.

There we go.


So, have you, um,

Have you ever entered

Any cooking
or baking contests?

No, no, not for me.

Why not?

You're such a great cook,

And you obviously
love it.

Well, that's exactly why.

I don't want to ruin it
with competition.

I've done all that
for 10 years

In corporate america.


Wait, really?
You were a corporate man?

How come I can't picture that?

Hey, I looked
pretty sharp in a suit.

[Timer beeps]

Oh, and...

Our caramel is done.

We made caramel?

We did.

Now, so technically,

I should let this
cool down a little bit,

But, uh, it's so good.

It's a little hot, so...

This is the sweet.

And this is the salty.

That was...



So good, I told you.

We should finish
your dough,

And, uh, get your
cookies going.


Good job.

Thanks. You too.

Yeah, thank you.

So, the sweet spot
on baking cookies is

You want to bake them

Until they get that nice
brown edge around them.

That will give you
that crispy,

But, you know,
melt-in-your-mouth texture

You want.

So judging by these,

I'm saying
two more minutes.


So, is this
your sacred cookbook

That lily was telling me about?

Um, yeah, wouldn't you
like to know?


Excuse me.

No, it's fine,
I don't need to look at it.

It's probably just full of
old, crumb-filled recipe cards.



Well, hardly.

I see what you're doing here.

No, these...

These recipes are all mine.

I've worked for
even years on them

Trying to perfect them, so...


Be gentle.

All right.

Okay, what have we here?

Ooh, peppermint drops.

These are one of my favorites.

So, you,
what about you?

What made you decide
to go into teaching?

There's something about

Being able to mold
the minds of kids

That's just
really exciting to me.

Yeah, I can see that.

I mean, what you've done
with lily alone, already.

I mean, you've really...

You've really helped her.
It's meant a lot to her.

And me.

Funny, I expected you
to make these hot chocolates

From scratch.

Well, I can't give away
all my secrets in one go.

All right.

So how did you become
such a good cook, then?

Oh, my mom, yeah.

She loved to cook,

You know, she was
always in the kitchen,

And, you know,
as an only child,

I figured I'd help her out
instead of doing nothing.

And, yeah,
it turned out I liked it.

And are any of those recipes
in your book hers?

No, no

Hers are way too good
for my book.

Stop it.

I'm sure she's very proud
of you.

Yeah, well...

She does
tell me as much.


Hey, thanks again
for today.

No, it's my pleasure,
no problem at all.

Unless we're breaking
any of the bake-off rules.


No, we're not.

If we were, penny would have me
eliminated immediately.

You know, I'm getting the sense

That you two have a little bit
of a rivalry going on.

Not really, no.


Look at the puppies.

Oh, my.

Can we get one?

Uh, get one?

I don't know about that,
we'll have to ask santa,

But you can ask
if you can pet them.


[Gasping and giggling]


Good morning, everyone!

And welcome to
the semi-final round

Of the christmas
cookie bake-off!

[Applause and cheers]

Now, chef krueger,

In light of what happened
the last round...

[Clearing throat awkwardly]

Each cookie will now be served
with what else,

A glass of milk.

Compliments of yours truly.

Now, I would like to begin

By starting off
with mr. Peters

And his santa hats.

[Cheering and applause]

Very decorative.


Thank you.

And now for my very own
snow globes.


Ah, let's see.


[Sighs heavily]

Would you like to try
another bite?

No, thank you,
that'll be fine.

That's plenty,
thank you.

Thank you.

And now for ms. Reynolds
and her truffles.

Uh, tinsel truffles.

Yeah. Whatever.

[Cheering and applause]

Oh! Oh!

[Gasping in dismay]

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'm so sorry.
I am so, so sorry.


Oh, christie,
I am so sorry.

I guess this means you won't
be able to qualify?

I guess not.

[Mumbles in acknowledgement]

There you go.

Well, it seems that
we still have

Three qualifying

And the two who will be
advancing to the final round


Go, ms. Reynolds!

Myself, and...

Ms. Reynolds.

[Crowd screams]

[Cheering and applauding]


[Knock on door]


Wow, don't you
look festive.


-Is it too much?

I mean, what if penny's
just wearing a skirt?

It's better to be over-dressed
than under-dressed

Is what I always say.

Now, just go, have fun.

Why don't you just come?

It'll be fun.

And so much better
than sitting home alone.

Honey, don't worry
about me.

Besides, being alone

Is something
I have to get used to.

Don't say that.

Well, it's true.


Then you will definitely have to
move back home with me.

Christie, I wouldn't
do that to you.

I mean, not that
many men want a woman

Who lives with her mother.

If I move back,
I'll find my own place.

Fine, but I will be
over there all the time.


Now, come on,

Why don't you put on

That cute little red dress
you always wear,

And let's go.

[Mumbles noncommittally]

Come on.



Chef krueger.

How much fun did we have
the other day!

We did, yes.


I wanted you to try
one of my shrimp lollipops

While they're still hot
from the oven.


Oh, wow, this is
really good.

Why thank you, james.

They happen to be
my own recipe.

I would be happy
to share it, if you'd like.

As I was saying,

The test of a real
world-class restaurant


Is not so much the recipe
or the food itself,

It's the "it" factor
that everybody looks for.

Totally, like,
celebrity cache..

Oh, christie.

I was beginning to think

You weren't
going to make it.

Sorry to disappoint.

Penny, you know my mom.

Yes, hello, mrs. Reynolds.
It's nice to see you.

Can I take your coats?

-Thank you.
-Thank you.

How's my hair?

You look beautiful.



You look really nice.

Thank you.

So do you.

christie's mother.

Oh, hi.
Mrs. Reynolds, yeah.

My name is james.

Um, do you live--

All right, everyone,
gather around.

So, for those of you
who don't know,

I once led a solo
of silent night

In a school

And seeing as how
it's almost christmas,

I thought that I would
give you all a little treat

And give you
an encore presentation.

Now, it just came
to my attention recently

That james here

Is not only
a fantastic chef,

But he is also
quite the musician.

Oh, no, no, no,

That's going
a little far.

Oh, don't be so modest.

Um, I could plunk.

If you'd be so kind

As to give me
a little introduction.

Silent night?


♪ Silent night

♪ Holy night

♪ All is calm

[Christie joins in]
♪ all is bright

♪ Round yon virgin

♪ Mother and child

♪ Holy infant
so tender and mild ♪

[Singing louder]
♪ sleep in heavenly peace

♪ Sleep

♪ In heavenly peace

[Continuing even louder]
♪ silent night

♪ Holy night

♪ Shepherds quake

♪ At the sight

♪ Glories stream

♪ From heaven above

♪ Heavenly hosts
sing hallelujah ♪

[Piano accompaniment stops]
♪ christ our savior is born

♪ Christ our savior

♪ Is born

[Awkward applause]


Christie, hey.

Are you leaving so soon?

I, um...

I still have to come up with
another cookie recipe,



So, what was that
with you and penny

Back there?


You know what, actually,
you were right.

There is a bit of
a silly rivalry between us,

But I am so over it.

Well, good, good.

Well, here, um...

Lily wanted you
to have this.

She wanted you
to put it on your tree,

You know,
the one out front

That she really liked.


She made this for me?

Well, she wanted to
make one with you,

But then she got all excited,
and she couldn't wait, so...

You tell her

That I would love
to put it on my tree.

I will.

Are you sure you want to leave?

I don't know. Should i?

Yoo-hoo! James?

There you are.

Listen, can I trouble you
in helping me

To remove the extension
for my dining table.

It's so sticky.

Yeah, sure.

So, uh, I'll see you

For another
baking lesson, then?

You bet.

Oh, you've been helping
christie with her baking?

Yes, but...

We're not breaking any rules,

And I will be using
my own cookie recipe.

oh, I'm not worried.

But might I ask

What kind of cookies
you're making?

Yeah, just so we don't have
the same kind.

Something with peppermint,
I think.

Hmm, peppermint.

Yeah, I won't be
using that, so...

I think we're good.


Shall we?


[Laughing and chatting]

Thank you

For walking me home,
mr. Krueger.

Ah, it was
my pleasure, beverly.

Oh, please, call me bev.

Everyone does.

And that is why
I will call you beverly.

Will I see you
at the festival?

That you will.


I will look forward to that.

Thank you.

Good night.


[Humming gently]

Good morning,

Morning, mom.


How was your night?

It was good.

I, uh, I noticed chef krueger
brought you home.

Well, he is
a true gentleman.


So I guess that makes
moving home

Just a little more appealing,
now, doesn't it?

[Laughs] stop that.

Get busy with your cookies.

How are they
coming along anyway?

Do we have a winner?

I don't know,

But you know what,
I don't really care.

I'm just...

I'm just having fun.

That's my girl.

Whatcha doing?

Oh, I'm just looking
at my recipes.

I was thinking about
inviting christie--

Ms. Reynolds--

Over for dinner.

Then you should definitely
make your shepherd's pie.

Really? You think so?

Not something fancier,
like seared scallops?

No way.

Don't you remember?

Shepherd's pie
was mom's favorite.

Of course, I remember.

So, it doesn't bother you

That christie
is going to come over?

No way.

I mean, you need to be happy.


Well then,
shepherd's pie it is.

And there it is,

[Doorbell rings]

Who's that?

Hey, ms. Miller--

Penny. Penny.

What brings you by?

You left your gloves
at my party.

Oh, thank you.

Wow, you two have really

into the place.

Can I watch cartoons?

Uh, yeah, sweetie,
but just an hour, okay?

Can I get you
a coffee, or--

That would be lovely.


You are in luck.

I just put
a fresh pot on, so...

Oh, great.

Wow, it's beautiful
in here.

Thank you.

We're kind of
finally settling in.


Has anyone shown you
around the town?

No, but I keep hearing

That greenville has
quite the reputation

For its night life.

Oh, we have
fantastic restaurants.

I mean, take
chef krueger's restaurant.

They have a reputation

For having an exceptional
foie gras.

Really? Huh.

If you'd like, I'd be happy
to take you there.

Well, it seems you're a bit
of a gourmet yourself.

Ah, well.

Yeah, I don't know
about that, but...

Oh, wow.

Are these all your own recipes?

Uh, yeah.

Yes, those are all mine.

Ooh, peppermint drops.

Mm, sounds


So, what do you say?

Shall I book us a table?

Um, well, actually, penny,

I'm very flattered by the offer,

But I have to decline.

I'm actually
kind of seeing someone,

Or rather, hoping to.

Of course.
I'm so sorry.

I didn't mean to, you know,
put you on the spot.

Oh, no, no, please, I'm sorry.

I didn't mean...

[Cell phone rings]

Yeah, I should--
that's work, i--

One second.

That's my daddy's cookbook.

Oh, uh, yeah, I know.

He's going to make
shepherd's pie for ms. Reynolds.

Oh, he is, is he?

Uh, what for?

Is it like a date?


I think he likes her.

Sorry about that.

Lily-putian, I thought you were
watching cartoons.

If not, turn off
the tv, please.


So, uh, cream or milk
for your coffee?

Cream is fine.

Okay, great.

I-i can...
I got it.

There you go.

I'd love a spoon.

Very important.

There you go.

Ah, great.

You know what,
I actually have to get going.

Um, but, before I do,
can I just say,

I hope that christie
hasn't taken it too far

With the baking lessons.

has always been

Very important to her.

I'll see you later.

I'll see you later.


Do we get a preview
of the winning cookies?

No, it's a secret.

Plus, I think
it might be bad luck.

Don't worry about it,

You had a great teacher.

don't I know it.

Have you put
the decoration

On your tree yet?

No, I haven't,
but you know what,

I would really love it

If you would come over
and help me

Put it on my tree.

Can i, daddy?

I don't see why not.

Um, but first, I wanted to see,

If you wanted,

Maybe I could, uh,

Cook you dinner?

You know, kind of wow you

With my culinary

Yeah, I would really like that.

How about next sunday?

Perfect. I'll be there.


I'm just going to
go freshen up

Before we get started.

Yes, good luck.

Please, we'll get
out of your way.

Hey, james,

Um, so...

I'm a little short on hands,

And christie's table
seems to have

A little bit
of a wobbly leg.

And, well, we really
don't want a repeat

Of what happened last time,

So would you mind?

Yeah. Yeah, she didn't
say anything, but sure.


I think it's actually
this corner right here.



You know what?

Actually, I think
it's on this end.


I'm going to be

And let you do that

While I go and get
a screwdriver for the leg.

Oh, it doesn't need
a screwdriver,

It's a folding...

Is everything okay?

Yeah, no, everything's fine.


Well, looks like it's, uh,
going to be show time.

How is she?

Better than
I've ever seen her.

Just happy and...

So carefree.

Ladies, and gentlemen,
and children,

The final round
of our cookie bake-off

Is about to begin,

But before we commence judging,

To determine who will become

Our first ever
christmas cookie champion,

I'd like to
read over the rules.

All of the cookies

Need to come from
a recipe

That is original,

And inspired by
the contestant's creativity.

Now, if I may,

I'd like to begin

By presenting to
our very prestigious judge

My very own
snowflake cookies,

Aptly named

Because they simply
melt in your mouth.

Thank you.

Ah-hah, that's why
we call them snowflakes.



[Crowd murmuring,
gasping in delight]

Well done.

Don't peek.

[Clears throat awkwardly]

There's your score.

And now for
my formidable opponent,

Ms. Reynolds,

And her peppermint drops.

Peppermint drops.

Okay, very decorative.

Thank you.

It's your own creation?

Yes, it's my own.


Very nice.

Thank you.

[Crowd murmuring]

Mm, again. Mm...

What do you think?

It's hard to tell.

May you have
the envelope, please.

The winner...

Of greenville's

Christmas cookie


Christie reynolds.

[Yelps in delight]

[Cheering and applause]

Oh, I can't believe it.

Come on, lily, let's go
find something else to do.

I won!

Can you believe it?

I actually won.


I guess all those baking lessons

Paid off, huh?

Yeah, and I really...

I really couldn't have
done it without you.

Or my recipe.


Is this what all this
was all about?

I don't understand.

The lessons,
the help, my recipe.

All just
so you could win?

James, I didn't...

I promise,
I didn't use your recipe.

I called them
"peppermint drops"

Because that's
what they are,

But i...

Trust me,
it was my own creation.


You beat penny miller!

You must be so happy.
You did it!

Oh, yeah, she must be.

She got exactly what she wanted.

Come on, lily.

[Stammers in confusion]

Is it something
I said?


I, uh, just wanted to
wish you a congratulations.


You must be really happy.

After all,

It is what you were
going for, isn't it?

How you doing, honey?


I don't know
what happened.

Everything was
going so well.

He asked me
to dinner, and then--

Oh, it's
all right, sweetie.

No, it isn't.

If I hadn't entered
that stupid contest,

None of this
would have happened.

And all because I was upset

That penny miller
sang my verses

When we were eight years old.

She was right, too,
it was her solo.

I just...

I just complained enough
to the teacher

That she gave me
those verses.

I should have just
left it alone.

Instead, I got mad
and lost a friend.

I think I might have
lost james, too.

[Doorbell rings]

That's chef krueger.

He's asked me out to dinner.

I'll stay if you want.

No, no, it's okay.

You should go, really.

Are you sure?

Please, it'll make me happy.

I won't be gone long.




Now, kids,

We are no longer
going to keep track

Of the number
of raffle tickets we've sold,

Or anything else,
for that matter.

I'm just so happy
and so proud of you

For all the effort
that you've made. Okay?

Now, before I let you go
for the holidays,

There is something
I'd like to discuss with you

About the prize I won
from the cookie contest.

Now, gather 'round,
come in closer.


So listen...

Bye-bye, adam.

Don't forget to keep reading
over the holidays. Bye!

Sophie, I'll see you
at the closing ceremony, right?

Happy holidays, mark.



He'd be such a catch,

Don't you think?

It's too bad he's not quite
over his loss.

Penny, hang on a sec.

This is for you.

It's something I found
in an old scrapbook.

I thought it might
bring back some memories

From when
we were friends.

Anyway, merry christmas.

Oh, penny,

What do you think about
having anna and sophie

Sing their song together
at the closing ceremony?

I think that would be
really nice.


Yeah, great.

♪ ...tis the season
to be jolly ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la ♪

♪ Don we now our gay apparel

♪ Fa-la-la la-la-la
la-la-la ♪

♪ Troll the ancient
yuletide carol ♪

♪ Fa-la-la-la-la
la-la-la-la ♪


Thank you, sophie and anna,
for such a little musical treat.

Daddy, I think you're
wrong about ms. Reynolds.

She wouldn't
cheat to win.

I know she wouldn't.

When she found
connor douglas

Trying to cheat
in class,

She called his parents.

Trust me.

I think you should
give her another chance.

Lily, it was
the exact card, okay?

...because of
your generosity,

We have almost reached
our fundraising goal

Of $10,000.


Now, before we close
the festival,

I would like to award
our very own ms. Reynolds

With a check

For her winning
peppermint drop cookies.




Wow, thank you, everyone.

Thank you, everyone,
for your incredible support.

You know,

Christmas is a time

When we're reminded

To give thanks
for all that we have,

And to give back
to those in need.

It's also a time
when we're reminded

Of what's really important
and what isn't.

You know,

When I first entered
this contest,

It was really
important to me that I win.

Um, but somewhere
along the way,

Something happened.

I met someone

Who taught me that
winning isn't everything.

And that sometimes,
in our pursuit of winning,

We forget what's important.


Like friendship.

I forgot
a long time ago,

And I lost someone who was
a really good friend.

Am I glad that I won?

Yes, I am.

Because now my class and I

Can give this check

To the greenville
center of hope.

An incredible charity

Run by a really incredible man.

And his little girl.

So, thank you.

Thank you for all
that you've taught me.

And to my class,

Who really understands

The true meaning
of christmas.

[Cheering and applause]

See, dad?

I told you so.


That was the most
beautiful thing

I've ever heard.

I'm so proud of you,

Thank you.

Come on, let's
go get some cider.

Actually, I think I'm probably
just going to head home.

I'm feeling pretty tired.

I'll see
you guys later.



Could I talk with you
for a second?

Lily, why don't you
go get some more popcorn?

I'll see you in a sec.

What's up?

I have something
I'd like to confess.


Gosh, your speech
was so inspiring.

Thanks, roland.

You know, you were
a very worthy competitor.

Oh, well, thank you.

But I'm still going to steal
that last recipe from you.

Of course.

I'll see you later.


I'm sorry I stole your verses.

I'm sorry I took your solo.


It's okay.

It probably sounded better
with both of us anyway.


One more thing.

Merry christmas, christie.

Penny, she...

Yeah, she told me
that she took the recipe

To make it look like...
You took it.

She did?

Yeah, but please,

Don't be angry with her,
please, because--

No, I won't.

I told you, I'm over it.


I know you are,

And I am so sorry

For assuming
the worst

And not
believing in you.

I mean, you're the reason

That the center is going to have
an incredible christmas.

So will i, if...

You forgive me,

And maybe agree
to have dinner with me,


So it would be...

Like a date?

Oh, yeah, it would...
Definitely a date.

And you're sure?

Because, you know, it would...

It would be okay
if you weren't ready.

I'm ready.


Then I would really love that...

Because all I've been
wanting for christmas

Is you.


[Running footsteps]

Merry christmas.


Merry christmas.

Merry christmas, lily.

[Sighs happily]


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