Snowed in for Christmas (2021)

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Snowed in for Christmas (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »


time to wake up, sleepy heads.

Girls, guess what's for breakfast?

- Christmas pancakes!
- Christmas pancakes!

- Thank you, Kaley!
- Thank you, Kaley!

So, based on our call,

I put together a social media
campaign pitch.

What do you think?

Hi, how'd the meeting
go this morning?

She loved it.

It's just a small social media

but she was really happy
with my design.

I can't believe
this is actually a career.

I thought people just post randomly

and here you are making businesses
go virus.

It's not virus, Lisa...

It's viral, mum.

And yeah, I like it.

Something to do on my down time
when the girls are in school.

Have you considered applying
for that position in New York

Gina told you about?

Well, I actually did.

I sent them my application
a few days ago.

I doubt I'll get the job.

They... They probably want someone
with more experience.

Have a little faith, Kaley.

Who knows what they're
really looking for?

This would be a great opportunity
for you.

I know it would mum,

but it would be hard
to leave the girls.

They're not your kids, Kaley.

Leave her alone, Kyle.

You didn't go to school
for marketing

to be an au pair forever.

This was supposed to be a short job
while you explore your options.

You've been with the Cunningham's
for years now.

Take a chance,
this is a perfect opportunity.

You're right,
and we'll see what happens.

I just wouldn't want to get
my hopes up too high.

It would give us a reason
to travel to the big city.

Your motto for this Christmas
needs to be, "Faith over fear."

You'll never know
how things will turn out

if you're too afraid
to go after something new.


Well, I gotta get back to the house.

I'll call you tomorrow
on my way to the airport.

- Can't wait to see you.
- Love you, honey.

Love you too. Bye!


Press the button...

- Kaley!
- Rosie!

It's time to get dressed
and off the bed, Lily.

Come on, five more minutes, please?

I love this song.

No, no more minutes.

Your parents are going
to the airport today

and you girls are going
to spend time with them

while I go shopping.

Shopping, really? Can I come?

Not this time, sunshine.


What if I find something special
for you two?

Couldn't possibly get it with you
watching me, could I?

I could close my eyes.

OK, hurry up.

Get to it.

The girls seem excited
about something.

Just preparing
for the magic of Christmas.

You know, gifts, family, snow,
all the fun stuff.

What was that I heard
about shopping?

Someone's in a happy holiday mood.

I am, I'm really excited
for Christmas this year.

I was gonna go do some
Christmas shopping for the girls

before you guys head out

and also get their gifts for you.

Anything specific
you want this year?

I'm happy with anything
the girls pick out.

It's the thought that counts.

Just please, no more sweaters.

Anything but another sweater.

No sweaters, got it.

Kaley, are your parents excited
you'll be home for Christmas?

Of course.

This is their favourite time
of the year

and their favourite perk of me
working for you guys.

I never have to miss the holidays.

It's important to get that time
with family.

Plus, it gives us a chance

to be the girls' favourite
for awhile.

It's too bad you're
not staying this year, though.

You'll be missing the chance
to finally meet my brother, Ethan.

He's flying in to spend the holiday
with us.

Though I can't figure out
for the life of me why.

They don't exactly see
eye to eye on things.

No. We don't agree on anything.

Never have, ever since we were kids.

But out of the blue
he asked to spend the holidays

with us this year.

That's what happens
when you go through a break-up.

You've alienated all your friends
for your relationship,

so now you have to reach out
to your family.

That must be it then.

Hey, how's that side hustle
working out for you?

Any difficult clients?

Stop pestering her, Myles.

I'm not pestering, I'm just asking!

I've seen some
of the social media platforms

you've done for a few friends,
they're really good.

Might have to ask you
to work for me.

Are you trying
to become an influencer

all of a sudden, Mr Cunningham?

Could you imagine?
Me being hip with the kids?

No, because nobody says hip anymore.

I mean, I wouldn't really
call them clients.

I just like doing it.

Yeah, it's fun for me to watch
small businesses grow.

I get it, trust me.

But you'd be perfect

for a media marketing position,

We'd hate to lose you.

But you've a lot of potential
in what you do

and times are changing,

you're more in demand than ever.

My mum actually said
the same thing this morning.

See! Great minds.

Yes, dear. Yes.

Yeah, dad, just landed.

On my way to the DC office,
then to Myles' place.

Just gotta stop and pick up
some gifts for the girls.

They're what? Six and four, right?


Ten and eight, OK.

Yeah, yeah, no, I'll call you later
about the merger, yeah.

OK, bye.

Thanks again for waiting for us,
we really appreciate it.

Of course, not a problem at all.

We are flying back in the morning.

Don't worry, you'll have
plenty of time

to make your flight home.

I really appreciate you guys
making such a fast turn around

from New York
just to get me home on time.

Of course.

We don't really like
these stuffy Christmas parties,

so you gave us the perfect excuse
to cut the trip short.

And you're sure
everything will be OK?

I heard that storm is moving fast.

We've been checking
the weather updates

and it's not set to hit New York
until tomorrow night,

so it should be completely fine.

- OK.
- Mum! Rosie spilt her milk!

It was an accident!

No! Go.


Once you're done at the office,
stop on by.

Yeah, OK, Miles. I'll see you
when you get back then.

- See you soon.
- Sounds good, bye.

You'll never guess
who got here early.



I just hope he behaves himself.

I'm sure he'll be fine.

You know he keeps to himself,

I'm sure they'll hardly
even notice each other.

But it is good for them
to finally meet.

I'm sorry, I got to it first.

I don't think so, I definitely
had my hand on it first.

Well, I need this
for my niece though.

Do you need this for your daughter?

Because in that case,
daughter would trump niece.

Well, not. Exactly.

I was going to get it for one
of the girls I take care of.

OK, well then you would agree?
Niece trumps boss' daughter?

I'm their au pair,
so I have helped raise them.

I think that trumps niece,
don't you?

No, not really.

Thanks for understanding.

Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas,
so much for holiday spirit.


Kales, I thought
you were gone already?

No, I'm leaving tomorrow.

I'm just doing
some Christmas shopping.

Did you hear back from the job yet?

Not yet.

But come on, what's the likelihood

out of all the applicants
they'd pick me?

I'd say pretty good.

Your stuff is awesome.

My page has literally exploded
since you took it over for me.

And you'll be happy to know,

I'm volunteering in your place
at the toy drive.

Thank you so much
for doing that.

I hate that I spend
all year planning it

just to miss it every year.

Well, it's for a good cause

and the pictures will look amazing
on my page.

Well, remember to send them to me
before you post

and I'll work on them.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

Call me when you get to Ohio?

- I will. Bye.
- Bye.

You've started
your Christmas checklist, right?

Working on it.

It'll be done, I promise.

I know you will, come here.


No long faces, angels.
We'll be back tomorrow.

You'll hardly know we're gone.

- Have a safe flight!
- Bye.

- We'll miss you.
- Love you.

We're gonna have so much fun.



See you soon.

Isn't the snow pretty, girls?

Yeah, it's pretty.

We're gonna build a snowman
when daddy gets back.

We can't forget to make our list.

That's right.

You need to finish
your holiday to-do list

before we go to bed tonight.

Wonder who that could be?

Toy snatcher?


Am I at the wrong house
or something?

- Uncle Ethan?
- Hey!

You're Uncle Ethan?

Yeah. Lily!

You realise the last time
I saw you, you were this big?

Now, you're so tall and beautiful.

And you too Rose, you've blossomed.

So, I guess that means
you must be the au pair.

Kaley, right?

Yeah, Myles and Margaret told me

you weren't arriving
until tomorrow evening.

No, I was able to hop
on an earlier flight.

I guess Myles wasn't able
to give you the message.

No, he did not.

Girls, why don't you run
and finish your dinner?

So, I guess your boss' daughters

Your nieces.

Well, I guess either way
they'll get the art set, huh?

Yeah, but the art set

probably would've meant more
coming from me.



I bet you're tired
from a long flight.

Your room's upstairs,
first door on the right.

OK, great, thank you.

Yeah, I will... I will be back down
in a minute.

Did you get a weather report
on your phone?

No, I haven't gotten anything.

This year it seems like
jolly old Saint Nick

is delivering a Christmas blizzard.

Moving south from Canada
and set to hit New York City

tomorrow morning.

And now, back to our special
on Victorian Christmas carollers.

Did she just say tomorrow morning?

Yeah, it looks like
it got a lot worse.

Myles and Margaret are flying
back in tomorrow morning.

Well, hopefully they can
beat the storm.

I'm sure they'll figure out
a way to get home.

It might not be by plane, but...

Are mummy and daddy
going to be stuck in New York

like Home Alone 2?

Someone knows her classics.

I think the news is just trying
to prepare for the worst,

but we're going to wish
for the best.


OK, girls, time for bed.


OK girls.


Yeah, I know.


Hi, are you guys OK?
I saw the weather report.

They said it's coming down
pretty bad out there.

Kaley, we have some bad news.
It looks like the storm hit early.

They've cancelled our flight
for tomorrow morning.

I see... That's not a problem.

I can see if I can push my flight.

Do you think you'll make it back
by the next day?

They've cancelled all the flights
for the next two days.

But don't worry,

we assure you will be going home
for Christmas.

Ethan can just watch the girls
for a couple of days.

Are... are you sure?

The girls don't seem
to really know him that well.

He's family, they will be fine
for a couple of days.

Plus, it will be good practise
for him

on what raising children
is actually like

for when he decides
to settle down himself.

If you're sure,
but I really don't mind...

You're not cancelling your plans

because we went to a party
against our better judgement.

Ethan will be fine.

We'll call you in the morning
with updates.


- Good night.
- Night! Hug the girls for me.

- I will, bye.
- Bye.


Kaley is supposed to be flying home
to Ohio tomorrow night.

We need you to watch the girls
until we get back.


Oh, no, Myles are you kidding me?

I have no idea what I'm doing
when it comes to kids,

you know that.

Trust me, I know.

But I wouldn't ask if I didn't need
you to do this for me, Ethan.

We have no other choice.

Well, isn't there some way
that Kaley can stay

an extra few days
until you get back?

Ethan, please.

Just help me with my daughters
for a couple of days.

It'll be a piece of cake,
they're sweet girls.

You can handle this.

Everything will be fine.

If you're sure.

Thank you.

I'll call you tomorrow
when we know more.

Good night.

Is something burning?

What are you doing?

Trying to burn down the house
before Christmas?

No, I was trying
to make some pancakes

for the girls for breakfast,
but this stove,

it's not like the one
I have in London.

You mean it's actually
been used before?

Yeah, that makes a difference.

Is the house on fire?

No, Lily.

Uncle Ethan was just trying
a failed experiment

in pancake making.

He was trying to make you girls
breakfast, isn't that sweet?

We had pancakes
for breakfast yesterday.

I didn't know that.

Well, in that case you probably
didn't want pancakes

to begin with anyways, huh?

Maybe Kaley can teach
you how to make them?

Hers are great, Uncle Ethan.

How about we just stick to cereal?

Think you can handle pouring it
into the bowl for them?

I think I can handle that, yeah.

Just got to find the...

I would have found all that stuff
eventually you know.

Yeah, I believe you.

So, I talked to Myles last night.

I heard about the cancelled flight.

Yeah, I talked to Margaret too.

So, you fly out tonight, right?

Right, but...

I don't know.
I'm wondering if I should stay.


What, because of this?

This is nothing. I've got it.

Right, Lil?

We can handle a few days
just the three of us, right?

I hadn't told them yet.

So Lily, because of the storm

it looks like your parents
are going to be gone

a few days longer
than they were expecting.

But what about the Christmas list?

We still have a bunch to do
before Christmas.

And you can still do those things
with your Uncle Ethan helping you.

OK, he can help you get through
the list

until your parents get back.

You're leaving?

Well, my flight is tonight, Lil,
and it hasn't been cancelled yet.

And your parents
and Uncle Ethan agreed

that you'd be OK to stay here
with him for a few days.

Please stay until mummy and daddy
get back, Kaley.


But Lily, Kaley's got to get back
to her own family for Christmas.

It's not like that.

Lily, you know you girls
are my family, too.

Ethan, can I talk to you upstairs
for a second?


Have you ever spent time,

like real time,
with children before?

Sure, I've been around kids
plenty of times.

- Alone?
- Oh, alone?


Actually, now that I think about it,
no never alone.

But I mean, how hard can it be?

I run a multi-million dollar

I can handle two little girls
for a couple of days.

OK, no.

It's actually very different

than running a multi-million dollar

Honestly, I think
I should probably just stay.

I'll just move my flight
and I'll stay until they get back.

You don't trust that I can take care
of my nieces for a few days?

If I'm being honest, no, I don't.

Especially not after seeing
that fiasco this morning.

You almost burnt the house down
for pancakes.

A slip of the stove,
it wasn't that serious.

I personally, would like a house
to come back to

after the holidays are over.

Let me just make a few calls.

- Hey, Mum.
- I just got your text.

What do you mean
you're not coming home today?

What happened?

Well, the blizzard happened

and now the Cunningham's can't make
it back in time for my flight.

Oh, honey, that's awful.

I mean the girls' uncle is here,

but I just don't feel right
leaving them with him.

Their uncle?

Is he there with his wife?

No, mother.

I believe he's recently single

and I do not intend to become
his holiday love interest.

Plus, he lives in London
and is Myles' brother.

That would just be weird.

Well, if you don't think

this uncle can take care
of the girls on his own,

then of course you have to stay.

We'll just push back your flight
a few days.

Are you sure you're not mad?


Take care of the girls and...

get to know this uncle.

Who knows?

Anything could happen...

Yeah. I don't think he'll be helping
make anything easier.

OK, I'll talk to you later.

- Love you.
- I love you too.

Well, since your parents' flight
is cancelled,

I'm going to stay and help
Uncle Ethan with you girls

for a few more days.

- Yay!
- Yay!

Well, since I'm sticking around,

we should probably tackle
some of the things on your list.

What do you say?

But we always do these things
as a family.

I know you do honey,
but I don't want you to be sad.


Your parents will get here
as soon as possible.

But we should still be having fun
while they're away, right?

Look, I know I don't get to spend
much time with you girls.

It's been a long time since I've
been with family for Christmas.

So, what are some of the things
you do with your parents?


Let's see what we've got.

Decorate the house and tree.

Bake a lot of Christmas cookies.

Build a snowman.

Christmas Karaoke.

See the Christmas lights.

Well, I for one would love
to do these things with you girls.

What do you say
we start knocking these off?

It looks like we have some serious
Christmas decorating to do.

How about we start there?

Yes, let's surprise them.

Awesome idea.


I know where the decorations are.

You girls made
some decorations at school.

Why don't you run upstairs
and grab them?

And Uncle Ethan can help me
in the garage.

Actually Ethan, would you stay

and finish cleaning the kitchen
for me?

Gee, thanks.

Yes, I will do that.
I will clean up the kitchen.

A little help here?

Yeah, let me help you.


The girls still
haven't come down yet?

Probably fighting over
who made the prettiest ornament.

Sibling rivalry at it's finest.


Yeah, just have to handle some stuff
for the office.

Then I'll be right back over to help
you with whatever you girls decide.

Just have to wrap this up.

Well girls, should we get started
on some decorations

and then bake some cookies?

That sounds great, Kaley!

What do you think, Ethan?
Sound like a plan?

You know what?

I'm just going to take this upstairs

and then I'll be right down
to help you decorate.

Hello, sir.

Yes... Yes.

Turn it up, Kaley.


Uncle Ethan!

The cookies are ready
to go in the oven.

Sorry, work.

I've just got to take this.
I'll be right back.

One minute.

Should we wait for him?


Yeah, when daddy says one minute

it's usually more like five minutes.

More like fifty minutes.

Seriously, don't exaggerate.

I'm not.

What does exaggerate mean, Kaley?

It means we're going to make
a thousand cookies

and eat them all.

It smells so good!

Mum and dad would be so proud of us.

I bet they're missing you both

I bet mummy looked really pretty
in her dress at the party.

I have an idea.

Why don't we show them
what we've doing?



You can't taste it, you'll get sick.

Kaley eats cookie dough
all the time.

I thought that was
our little secret.

Uncle Ethan,
we're going to watch a movie.

Do you want to watch with us?



You know what,
I can't really hear you right now,

so just give me a second.

I'm sure he's still
really busy with work.

Uncle Ethan is different than daddy.

Well, you're different than Lily.

Just because people are siblings
doesn't make them the same.

Yeah but daddy is fun,
Uncle Ethan...

Give him a chance.

He's probably not used
to being around

two awesome little girls like you.

It takes some time to get used to.

You're used to it.

You both are my favourite.

OK, shall we start on these cookies?

- Yes.
- And I want a donut.


I just put the girls down for bed.

OK. Thanks.

You know, even though I'm staying,

it would be nice if you spent
some time with them.

Like, actual time.

I know they really want
to get to know you.

It's just... I don't really have
experience with kids

and with work.

But I will definitely
put in the time.

I mean that.

I'm sorry you had to miss time
with your family because of me.

It's fine.


don't make me regret it.

- Night.
- Good night.

Good afternoon.

You've been busy.

Yeah, now that I'm away

it seems like everyone at the office

all of a sudden needs my opinion
on everything.

Yeah, your phone hasn't
stopped ringing since you arrived.

One of the reasons
I wanted to get away.

Well, you could try putting
it on silent.

Make yourself less available?

Listen, I'm sorry about yesterday.

You were right.

I haven't been spending much time
with the girls since I arrived.

Yeah, I can't imagine
how it would've been if I left.

Maybe you would've put
your phone away then.

The decorations look great.

Yeah, the girls did a great job.

I was thinking
we should get a tree today.

Yeah, I was wondering about that.

Who doesn't have their tree
up by now?

Well, over the years
they've grown accustomed

to waiting until the week
before Christmas

to decorate the house
and get the tree.

Alright, let's do it.


Girls, time to get a tree!

And get your coats,
it's cold outside.

We don't want you getting sick.

Santa can't come
if you're contagious.

The Santa Claus threat,
you play dirty.

I only have two weeks
out of the year to use it,

but it works like a charm
every time.

Good to know.

Ready girls?

I'm gonna pick the best tree.

No, I am.

Why don't you both go out
and pick out

what you think
is the best Christmas tree

and Kaley and I will be the judge?

OK, yeah!

Girls! No running and stay
where I can see you!

This one is fluffy.

Way to make a game out of it.

Nothing like a little
friendly competition.

Were you and Myles competitive
growing up?

The two of us?


We competed in everything, chores...

grades, jobs.

It was totally ingrained in us.

That's some pretty
hardcore parenting.

Myles isn't like
that with the girls at all.

No, I don't imagine he would be.

Then later, when we took over
and expanded the company,

I couldn't see us working together

because we were so used
to working against each other.

Have you always wanted
to work for your dad?

Have you always wanted
to be an au pair?

Actually, no.

I fell into this job after college

as a way to explore the world
and meet new people.

I went to school for marketing.

I still do some social media work
on the side

and I absolutely love it.

If you love it,
why are you still doing this?

You know,
I'm comfortable doing this.

Knowing that my bosses
approve of my work.

I'm good at my job, and...

Thanks. And the girls love me.

That makes me happy.

But does it challenge you?

Challenge doesn't have
to be a bad thing.

If there's something
that you enjoy doing,

give it a chance.

I should see if the girls
are making any progress.

No, right, right.

No, my right!

- There?
- Right.

- Right...
- A little more.

- Right.
- There?

There you go. And there!

- OK.
- Perfect!

Perfect. Stay.

Ladies, you did a great job.

They did fantastic.

Your dad is going to love that tree.

In fact, it's better than any one
he ever picked out.

- Really?
- Really.

And I saw him pick out
a lot of trees

when we were your age.

OK, I'll go make us
some hot chocolates

and then we can start to decorate.

- Can I help, Kaley?
- Of course.

Rose, you want to help
Uncle Ethan get decorations out?

Got it, I'll make sure
he doesn't mess up

the perfect tree I picked out.

OK, come on Lil'.

Decoration time.

Let's do this one.

This is gonna
be the best hot chocolate ever.

And for the finishing touch,


are you sad that you're not at home
with your mummy and daddy

and have to stay with us instead?

Now, why would you think that?

You know I love you girls, too.

I know you do, but I heard daddy
mention your other job the other day

and you looked so happy
when talking about it.


even if I took another job...

you know I could never leave you.

Not really.

Hey, I will always be with you,
right in here.

Listen Lil', you don't have to worry
about me.

Whether I'm in Ohio,
or in DC with you girls.

I am so lucky that I get
to be around the people I love.

- OK?
- OK.


Now, let's deliver
these hot chocolates

and see how they're doing
with that awesome tree.

It is a pretty awesome tree.

But we're not gonna tell your sister
that you said that.

Thank you.

Looks like we lost one.

She was a trooper though.

Come on, Rose.

Come on, sleepy head.

That was a big day.

Good night, Lily.
I'll see you in the morning.

Good night, Kaley.
Night, Uncle Ethan.

- Good night.
- Night.

Good night.

Hey, thanks again for staying.

I'll make sure
that you're compensated

and I'll take care
of your flight home, obviously.

No, no, no. You don't have
to do that.

I do. I do.

If I was any near as competent
of an uncle as I am a business man,

you wouldn't have missed your flight
and time with your family.

Like I said earlier,
the girls are my family, too.

And you did surprisingly
well with them today.

I mean, after your cell phone
seemed to magically grow quieter.

That it did, yeah.

I'm guessing
I'm missing probably what?

400 messages and voicemails
right about now.

I'm sure of it.

Well, I should be getting to bed.

We are going to have
to be well rested

to keep up with these girls
for the next few days.

You're going to need your strength,

and your jetlag must be setting in.

You know what? I'm not as tired
as I thought I'd be, actually.

I'll probably just catch up
on some work.

Yeah, because you stayed
off your phone today.

Yeah, I noticed that.


Good night, Ethan.

Good night, Kaley.

Well, that smells delicious.

You must have gotten up
early to cook.

Morning. I did.

I had some work to finish up.

Well, you are clearly
the far superior cook

between the two of us.

I know.

How did you sleep?

You were totally right.

I knocked out
pretty much immediately.

How about some coffee?

I can get it.

No, no, no, you sit right there.

If there's one thing
I don't mess up, it's coffee.

And why is that?

When you spend a lot of long nights
at the office,

you learn a thing or two
about making coffee.

How about a cappuccino?

That sounds great.

What are you working on?

Just a marketing presentation
I need to finish before Christmas.

I see, probably
one of the added benefits

of not being around the girls,


Well, hopefully this can make up
for that a little bit.

That's pretty good.

Were you really a barista
in another life?

I bet your ex-girlfriend
must have appreciated

your coffee skills.

Margaret mentioned my break-up, huh?

Actually no,
she doesn't like coffee at all.

You know the British,
they're bigger on tea.

Is Christmas hard this year
with the break-up?

You don't have to talk about it.

No, it's fine.

How long were you together?

Known each other about five years,
dated for three.

In terms of Christmas,

it hasn't been as bad
as I thought it would be, actually.

Patricia and her family were always
pretty busy during Christmas.

Patricia is a nice name,
sounds kind.


Well, she could be.

I don't know,
the more I think about it,

we were more of a mutual comfort
than an actual relationship.

Mutual comfort?

That sounds miserable.

I guess that's why
it didn't work out, huh?

Well, I appreciate it.

- Your coffee skills.
- So, what about you?

How did you end up with my brother
and his two adorable little girls?

Yeah, after college,

I really didn't feel ready
to jump into the corporate world.

And I learned that being
an au pair overseas

was beneficial when you're still
discovering yourself.

Margaret scooped me up
when Rose was four

and I've been with the Cunningham's
ever since.

And do you finally feel
ready for more?

Snowmen, that's what
we should do today.

I'll go get the girls.
That'll be fun, right?

Yeah, that'll be fun.

Thank you for this.

- I'll come back to it.
- OK.


So, what's left to do
on this activity list?

With mummy and daddy,
we would decorate.

We would bake cookies.

We did those, so... check!

Daddy didn't take calls

because it was officially
Christmas break.

What are some of your
Christmas traditions,

Uncle Ethan and Kaley?

Well, let's see.

It's actually been awhile since I've
been with family for Christmas.

Well, I know
if I was with my parents right now,

we would build some snowmen,
and then we'd go ice skating,

and then we would
definitely come back home

and watch my favourite
Christmas movie.

Can we do all that today, Kaley?

What do you think we're outside,

Let's start building!

I love snowmen!

You know what your dad and me
used to do when we were kids?

We would have a race to see
who could build the fastest snowman.

Was everything a competition
with you two?

Yes, actually.

What do you think girls,
does that sound fun?

You know what we could do?
We could split up into teams.

How about Lil and I
against Kaley and Rose?

- OK!
- Yes, let's do it!

We're going to win, Kaley.

We are totally going to win, Rosie.

High five!

Alright, and no cheating!

I should be saying that to you,
Mr Competition.

I'm offended!
I would never cheat.

I always like to win
fair and square, right Lily?

Right Uncle Ethan,
we'll win this fair and square.

If you say so. We're watching you!


On your mark, get set, go!

Grab the snow!

You know, let's get you more.

What happened to fair and square?

I don't know
what you're talking about...

Some old guy walking by
threw that I'm pretty sure.

Some old guy?

Let's get 'em!

Sorry Lily!

She's playing dirty.

You threw it first!

Get her, Lil'.

Throw from the clear!

Use the snowman as cover!

I am a snow bot,
I do not take damage.

Open the fire!

Cover me. Cover me.


Working hard, or hardly working?

I would say a little bit of both.

Now, I see where Rosie gets her
artistic abilities from.


I don't think so.

I don't think the girls inherited
anything from me.

This is just something fun
I like to do when I'm bored.

You get a chance to be bored often?

No, not really.

Be bored more.

That's really good.

OK girls.

Time to get changed.

OK, let's go.

- Did you have fun?
- Yeah!

- What did you name him?
- Unicorn Frosty.

Are they getting changed
for ice skating?

They are, Mr Cheater Face.

Hey, I saw a window to win,
so I had to take it.

Yeah, I think we both know
who really won that contest.

I think we do.

- Me.
- Me.

Nice and tight, girls.

So, are you any good at ice skating?

I mean I'm not an Olympian,
but my dad used to play hockey,

so he got me out on the ice
pretty quick as a kid.

And we used to go skating
on the lake every year.

So, confession time.

This is actually the first time
I've ever been ice skating.


You, Mr Competition?

Yeah, I just never thought
I had the ankles for it.


No laughing at Uncle Ethan
if he falls, OK?

We can't make any promises,
can we girls?

- Nope.
- We can't make any promises.

No promises, Uncle Ethan.
No promises.

Don't worry, you'll be OK.

Are you sure?

I guess you're right,
I mean it really is just...

It's kind of like kind of like
roller blading, right?

Are you OK?

No, I'm not OK. Look at me!

Are you serious right now?

OK, I'll help you up.

- Here, take my hand.
- Thank you.

Just one more, I'm so sorry.

- Oh, man...
- Girls, let's help him up.

I should've told you
it's nothing like roller blading.

Thanks, a little late.

Girls, shall we show him
how it's done?


That's it, you're leaving me?

Thanks, laugh at Uncle Ethan!

Take my hand, Uncle Ethan.

Don't be scared,
I won't let you fall.

At least, somebody cares about me!

- Help me.
- OK.

Don't fall again, we can't lose you.

You're doing great.

I need somebody on this side,
somebody on this side!

It's a group effort.

He needs all the help he can get.

OK, there we go.
Now, one and thrust.

Bend your knees.

- I've got you.
- You've got me? Don't let go.

No more pictures, though.

No more pictures?
I can't promise that.

I think they had fun today.

Yeah, it's a good sign
when kids fall asleep in the car.

Up for that Christmas movie?

- You remembered?
- Of course.

That's how we were
supposed to end the day.

I'm wide awake, if you are?


Why not?

This guy, I love this guy.

I can't believe all the flights
are cancelled

until the day before Christmas Eve.

I know, I know, and all the roads
iced over, it's crazy.

Well, I guess that means

it's going to be me, you
and the girls until then.

Yeah, it looks like it.

I'm sure it'll fly by.

Yeah, I'm sure it will.

Where are you girls off to?

Well, every year
the nanny association I'm part of

puts on a toy drive

for the less fortunate children
in DC.

I usually have to miss it
because of going home,

but it looks like this year
we can go.

It's so fun, Uncle Ethan.

Will you come with us?
Please, please, please?

Sounds fun, I'm in.

They did a great job this year.


Can we go see Santa, Kaley?

Yes, you can,
but stay together girls.

Thank you. Great.

This is quite the event.

Yes, it is.

One of the nanny social events
of the year.

Sounds fancy.

It most certainly is.

Since the majority of us
au pairs and nannies

work for wealthier families,

we always emphasise on giving back
to the community.

And it's an excuse to throw
a really fun party

while spreading some holiday cheer.

Well, I think that is excellent.

This is great.

Whoever did their marketing
did a great job.

Actually, I did that.

Really, you did this?

Is this what you've been
working on the whole time?

Kaley, this is amazing.

Kaley, what're you doing here?
You're supposed to be in Ohio.

Gina, I totally forgot to call you.

The Cunningham's got stuck
in that New York blizzard,

so I stayed a few days longer
to help with the girls.

Sorry, how rude of me.

Gina, this is Ethan Cunningham,
Myles' brother,

he's here for the holidays.

Hi Gina, nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you, too.

Have we met before?
You look so familiar.

I don't think so, no.

Uncle Ethan, come here!

I'll go check on the girls.
Nice meeting you, Gina.

He's cute.

Is he single?

Gina, he lives in London.

I doubt you'd enjoy
the long distance.

I meant for you.

Getting stuck during Christmas
with the cute uncle.

Might be a sign.

He's here, you're here.

He looks like he's great with kids.

That's a good sign
for a good future dad.

Would you stop?

He just got out
of a long-term relationship.

I don't want to be anyone's rebound.

Don't think of it as a rebound.

You have to break up
with the bad one

to end up with the right one.

It's just a fact of life.

One two three!

And maybe this is Santa's gift
to you this year.

Kaley, come and join us!

Come on you.

I feel like they're
planning something, Rosie.

What do you think?

Yes, I do too.

Well, since we've had a week
full of activities,

we've had a fun request from Lily.

Lil, would you do the honours
of telling them

what we're doing tonight?

I would love to, Kaley.

Drum roll, please.

Tonight, we are all participating
in Christmas Karaoke!

- Oh, no.
- Oh, yeah!

Everyone has to participate.

No, Lil, trust me.

You do not want to hear me sing.

Yes, I do!

If I can do it, you can do it too,
Uncle Ethan.

That's right, your dad said
that you like to sing.

What about you, Kaley, do you sing?


Well, when
it's for Christmas karaoke,


Plus, I've ordered us pizza
for dinner,

but you only get the pizza
if you agree to sing.

- We're in!
- Yay! Pizza!

That's the pizza now.

Girls, do you want to get
everything set up?

- Sure.
- I'll get the plates.

No, I guess you're going first then,

just to make sure
you earn your slices.

- You don't trust me?
- No.

No sing, no pizza.
Those are the rules.

I see you're both ganging up on me.

Fine, I will go first.

Lil', hit me with a classic.

Yes, sir.

Dashing through the snow

In a one horse open sleigh

Over the hills we go

Laughing all the way.

Bells on bobtail ring

Making spirits bright

What fun it is to ride and sing

In a sleighing song tonight.


Encore, encore!


Thank you, we'll be here all week.

Girls, I think it's time for bed.

But I'm not tired.

I know, but it is past
your bed time.

And you don't want to miss me
teaching your Uncle Ethan

how to cook a proper breakfast
in the morning, do you?

No, we want to watch!

Exactly, now off you go.

- Good night, Uncle Ethan.
- Good night, Lily.

- Good night, Uncle Ethan.
- Good night, Rosie.

Hey, Myles.

Yeah, no, no, everything's
great here.

Actually, I need you to help me
with something.


These are looking great.

Thanks, yeah.

I'm struggling
with a faulty bulb here

that's causing me some problems,

Want to take a break?
I come bearing hot chocolate.

You don't want to try your hand
at coffee?

And hear all about

how it's not as good as yours,
Mr Competitive?

No thanks,
I'll stick to what I rock at.

Well, thank you.

Thanks for doing this.

I know Myles
will really appreciate it.

- You think so?
- I do.

Hopefully this time
will be good for you two.

How about your mum?

Is she sad
that you're still not home?

I spoke with her earlier.

She'll be OK.

They miss me, but they understand.

It's chilly out here.

I'll let you finish.


You were serious about teaching me
how to make pancakes, weren't you?

I never joke about pancakes.

Should we wait for the girls?

I promised them a show
and a show they're going to get.

I feel like I'm entering
Kaley's cooking challenge.

Let the games begin.

- Now, what?
- More sugar!


- Little more, little more.
- More sugar?

That's too much,
you girls won't sleep tonight!

Are chocolate chips OK?

Yeah, why not?

Looks pretty good.

These are going to be some
sweet pancakes, girls.


Shake and spray it upside down.

Shake it, shake it!

These look good.

Girls, I think you're beating
your Uncle Ethan.

I'm going for an alien,
mine's an alien.

- Picasso?
- Yeah. Picasso.


What do you think, girls?

That looks pretty good.
Look at him.

I call eating it.

Perfect day.

To the right. No, the left.

- What?
- No.

OK, too much!

Like that?

To the right.

You're worse than the girls!

It's perfect.

We need to finish this walkway,

- I can lick it.
- It keeps falling on me.

- Hey, Uncle Ethan!
- What?

- You can't eat it!
- What do you mean, I can't eat it?

Aren't these gingerbread houses,
aren't they meant to be eaten?

No, not yet.

Don't you know the rules?

They're meant to look pretty!

Then in that case, we are winning.


You don't mind if I have a piece?

- Thank you.
- Excuse me!

I'm hungry though.

Well, then eat your own.

Can't argue with that.

- Why did you do that?
- Well, no, I mean it's...

We need icing...

Glue it back together!

- See? See?
- No, no.

Ours is still prettier.

Not so simple!

Are you comfy, Lily?

How bout you, you comfy?

Night, Lily.

Do you want to make some hot cocoa
or something?

You know what actually,
I have to run out really fast.

At this time?

Yeah, Myles wants me
to handle some stuff.

OK. Yeah, I understand.

I should probably take this time
to work on my presentation, anyways.

Yes, you do that and I will see you
tomorrow morning.

Just don't stay up too late.


Good night.

Good night, Kaley.

Morning, Mum.

You're still in bed?

You're usually out
and about by this time.

Did the Cunningham's make it back?

No, unfortunately they are still
stuck in New York.

And I was up pretty late
with the girls last night.

So, how's the uncle?

Is he helpful with the girls?

Is he cute?

He's... he's different than I thought
he was going to be.

When he first got here
he was so consumed with his phone

I thought he was kind of a jerk,

but he's really sweet
and he listens.

He seems pretty sweet
from what I can tell.

What do you mean,
"from what I can tell?"

How would you know
if he's sweet or not?

Why don't you get out of bed
and come find out?


What, mum? Dad?

How? How are you here?

Is this what you had to do
last night?

You picked up my parents?

Well, you stayed here to help me.

I thought the least I could do
is make sure

you spent Christmas
with your family.

Thank you.

This is the best gift I could have
asked for this Christmas.

The girls are going
to be so excited to meet you.

I should go wake them up.

No, no, let them sleep.

From what Ethan tells me,
you guys have been really busy.

You've probably worn them out.

Plus you can help me with breakfast
so we can catch up.

I'd love to.

This is the best,
I'm so excited you're here.

I still can't believe
you two are actually here.

I can't believe it, either.

So, he just called you guys
and asked to fly you out?


I can't believe
he got tickets so fast.

He told us that Myles and Margaret
are stuck in New York

and about your deadline.

No wonder you're so exhausted.

You've been trying to do
everything for everyone.


Ethan has actually been a big help
with the girls.

It did take a few days for him
figure out what he was doing,


they're really warming up to him.

And are you warming up to him?


Kaley, I know how much you hate
talking about being set up,

but that man just made
this grand gesture

for you to have a perfect Christmas.

Don't you think
that speaks for itself?

Look what I found
for us to do today.

Those are awful.

Hey, that's mine. Is it?

Just kidding,
it is pretty horrendous.

Dad, that's the point!

We could make
ugly Christmas sweaters

and send pictures to your parents.

What do you say, girls?

How about a little arts and crafts?

- Yay!
- Yay!

- Reindeer, Lily?
- Yeah.

I think red will look good
on Uncle Ethan.

- What do you think?
- Definitely.

- There you go.
- OK.

- Here you go, Rose.
- Thank you.

This feels so itchy.

Didn't you give that to daddy
for Christmas last year?

That must be why he never wears it.

Hello ladies...

It's so cute.

- Way more jollies.
- Looks just like you.


That is so ugly, Lily.

It's perfect!
Exactly what we're going for.

OK, everybody finish up
your sweaters.

I'll go grab my phone
and we can take some pictures.


Uncle Ethan,
why don't you visit often?

Well Rosie, I live pretty far away,

so it makes it hard to visit
as much as I'd like.

Are you going to visit more now?

You like us, right?

Yes, of course, I like you.

In fact yes, I will definitely come
and visit you girls more often.

After all,
you're pretty cool nieces.

You like Kaley too, don't you,
Uncle Ethan?

Yeah, you smile at her a lot.

I... actually I don't know
what to say to that.

These look great!

OK, everybody grab your sweaters
and we'll go stand by the tree.

OK, skooch together a little bit.


Everybody say, "Ugly sweaters."

- Ugly sweaters!
- Ugly sweaters!

Perfect, check it out.

- Let me see, dad.
- Here.

Kyle and I were thinking that maybe
we could watch the girls tonight.

Give you two a little break?

- You could do that?
- Sure.

Just as long as she has a good time.

She's been working so hard,
she could use a fun night out.

OK, I can do that.

- Look pretty ugly.
- Yes.

- Right.
- They look great.


Would you like to go out
with me tonight?

I'd love to.

You should wear that sweater.


This is absolutely beautiful.

Thank you so much for today.

It was perfect.

So, I've been thinking more about
what you said...

about doing something
that challenges me.


I had actually applied
for a position

at a smaller firm in New York

as their social media marketer.

OK, have you heard back from them?

Did you get the job?

- I got the job.
- You did?

And now, I just have to decide
whether or not I'm going to take it.

Why wouldn't you take it?


it's a lot to think about.

These girls are my family.

I don't know, I'd be jumping
into the corporate world.

It would be completely new for me.

Yeah, I never knew
if I was meant for business.

It was more my father's idea
that I just kind of followed into.

What did you want to do?

I wanted to be an artist.

Move to New York, travel, and paint.

So, you are who Rosie gets
her artistic abilities from?

Really, is she really good?

She's amazing.

She's really going to love
that art set you got her.

Even if it's not from you?

Maybe now especially
because it's from you.


I am really happy you stayed.

I would have been lost
without you this week.

You would've found your way,

I'm really happy that I stayed, too.

I really enjoyed tonight.

I can't believe
it's almost Christmas.

Yeah, it's coming fast.

Oh, my goodness,

I just realised Margaret and Myles
haven't finished Christmas shopping

for the girls.

Well, you can go tomorrow
with your parents.

I think I can handle
one morning without you.

Can you now?

It'll be tough, but we'll manage.

Yes, you go to the store
for the girls,

spend some time together,

and we will start working
on the ornaments.

Actually, I have an even better idea

of what you guys can do
when I'm gone.

- What's that?
- No, no questions.

I'll set everything up
in the morning.

Left early to beat the holiday rush.

Enjoy what you love today!

Please make sure the girls
don't get paint everywhere.

Be back later, Kaley.

Who's ready to paint?

- I am!
- Me!

I think the girls will love that.

I think so too.

Is that from Ethan?

Did he like your surprise?

Yeah, he did.

Let's go check on dad.

I think we can find something
good for Ethan in this store.

That's really good, Uncle Ethan.

Are you an artist?

No, I'm not an artist, Lily.
Although I did want to be one.

Now, it's just a hobby
I never get to do.

Why not?

I've just been busy with work
and my business,

and I've kind of forgotten what
it is that I love to do for myself.

That sounds really sad.

I guess I didn't realise how sad
it's been until...

right now.

So, Kaley made you happy again?

OK, little matchmaker,

let's see what you girls have got
going on over here.

The smallest present right here
is yours.

And the big one right here is mine.

Where do you think
you three are going?

We're going shopping
with Uncle Ethan.

- You are?
- Yes, they are.

You guys got to do your shopping,

so we thought it was time
for us to do ours.

Well, that sounds
like a wonderful idea.

You girls behave for Uncle Ethan.

- Yes, Kaley!
- Yes, Kaley!

Yes, Kaley!

Alright, let's go.
Let's go, let's go!

- See you.
- Bye!

Alright, I think it's time
to do some wrapping.

My favourite.

I'll pass.

Heading to the living room...

With a book.

- We know!
- We know!

I know Myles said no sweaters,

but Ethan, I think he'll love this.

This is gorgeous.

You sure you're not
a professional shopper?

I learned from the best.

Yes, you did.

Hey Gina, what's up?

Kaley, you know how Ethan
looked so familiar at the toy drive?


Well, I finally remembered
where I've seen him before.

I just assumed it was through
the Cunningham's.

Girl, no.

You know how I love reading
British tabloids?

Mainly for the royals...

Yeah, I do.

- What? Was he in a tabloid?
- Yes!

He was engaged to the hotel heiress,
Patricia Divine.

Wait, did you say
he was engaged to her?

Yeah, for like over a year.

They were supposed to get married
on Christmas day.

Their break-up was scandalous.

That's why he came here
for Christmas.

To get away from what this holiday
was meant to be.

Kaley, are you OK?

Yes, I'm totally fine.

The Cunningham's never told me.

I guess they just wanted
to keep it all under wraps.

Are you sure you're OK?

Yeah, I'm totally fine.

Actually Gina,
I have to get back to work.

Can I call you later?

Yes, definitely.

OK. Merry Christmas, Gina.

Merry Christmas, Kaley.

Stop it, Kaley.

This is an invasion of his privacy.

If he wanted you to know,
he would have told you himself.

Hi, did you guys have fun
shopping with Uncle Ethan?

It was so much fun.

We bought a lot of presents.

Good girls, that's really good.

Did you say thank you
to Uncle Ethan?

Thank you, Uncle Ethan.

- Thank you!
- You're welcome.

Girls, why don't you grab your bags
and we can start some wrapping?

Mum, would you help?

Of course, I love wrapping presents.

Let's go.


is everything OK?

Did something happen
while we were gone?

Happen? No.

What could have happened?


I just have a lot on my mind.

OK, well, I'm here
if you want to talk about it.

I know.

Kaley, shouldn't mummy and daddy
have been home by now?

Yeah Lily, they are gone longer
than we all thought.

But I know they really want
to be here with you girls.

That's your mum now.
I'll be right back, OK?


You got that?

- Can I help?
- Yes.


What's wrong?

I spoke to Margaret.


apparently your parents

aren't going to make it home
for Christmas.


Mummy and Daddy
are gonna miss Christmas?


The storm hasn't cleared enough
for their flight, girls.

I'm so sorry.

I know they're really trying
to be here.

Here, take my phone
and go call your mum back, OK?

I know she wants to talk to you.

Those poor girls.

This is just the worst thing

that could have happened to them
for Christmas.

I'll go check on them.

Is Lily OK?

How you doing, Lil'?

I miss mummy and daddy so much.

I want them home for Christmas.

I know you do. I know.

Don't cry, OK?
We'll... we'll figure something out.

I promise.

Ethan, can I talk to you
for a minute?

- What are you doing?
- What do you mean?

You can't make promises to a child
that you can't keep, Ethan.

I was just trying to comfort her.
She's really upset.

And how much more upset
is she going to be

when she realises
there's no way her parents

are going to be here for Christmas,

after you just promised her
a Christmas miracle.

I didn't, I was...

You can't do that to kids.

They don't understand
that you're trying to comfort them.

They take it as a promise
that you intend to keep.

Is that who's been calling you
all week?

No, she was just...

She still has hearts
around her name.

I don't know why I thought
there was...

- Kaley, there's nothing going on.
- I have to go be with Lily.

Patricia, what is it?

Come in.

Look, I really have to finish this
and send it off.

Can we...

can we talk later?

I just wanted to say sorry
about making the promise to Lily.

I really was just trying
to give her some hope.

I understand.

And I really hope you take this job,

I think it would
be really great for you.

OK, well...

I'll let you get back to work.

If I make my cranberry sauce,
who's going to eat it?

- They both like it from the can.
- It's so much better!

Where are you heading off to?

Just going for a walk.

Mind if I come along?

No, not at all.

What is going on with you two?


Nothing's going on.

Anything I thought was going on,

You're not making any sense.

He was supposed to get
married tomorrow, Mum.

He was engaged
and he didn't tell me.

She's still calling him, so I...

But did he need to tell you that?

It was probably very painful

and he didn't want to ruin
the holidays and your time together.


I guess not.

Mum, an engagement is serious.

I agree.

But you're just getting
to know each other.

He told you about the ex.

He told you about the break-up.

He hasn't lied to you
about anything, Kaley.

So, what are you so upset for?

I... I don't know.


You're scared.

Because you like him a lot...

and you want this to be real.

He flew us here

to help make your Christmas

Whatever that man feels...

I promise you it's real.

Mummy and daddy would be so proud
that we finished the Christmas list.

I wish they were here.

Alright girls, it's time for bed.

Thanks for coming out with me.

I just had to clear my head
for a bit.

Yeah, I understand.

Sometimes it's good to just get away
and get perspective.

I want everyone to have
an amazing Christmas.

Kaley, the girls, they deserve that.

What would make it
an amazing Christmas for you, Ethan?

Mr Bryant...

you just gave me a great idea.

Why don't you go in without me?

I'll be back later. Don't wait up.

What happened to you
and Uncle Ethan?

Nothing, Lily.

Kaley lied.

Your Uncle Ethan and I just
had a misunderstanding.

But I thought you liked each other?

Good night girls,
I'll see you in the morning.

Here they come.

- Merry Christmas!
- Merry Christmas.

Merry Christmas, girls.

Looks like Santa came last night.


I asked Santa

if he could bring mummy and daddy
home in time for Christmas.

I think we should be grateful
that Santa made it here

with these gifts at least.

And I'm sure mummy and daddy
will make it home soon.

You girls have been
very nice this year, I see.

- Daddy!
- What?

Daddy, you're home!

Did you do this?

Well, I thought everyone should
be with their family for Christmas,

so I pulled a few strings
with some friends

with a private plane last night.

On Christmas Eve?

Who knew he was so well connected?

Definitely not me.

But thank you, Ethan.

We appreciate it, really,
both of you.

So, I guess you weren't kidding
about keeping that promise?

Can I talk to you for a minute?

I... I want you to know
that there's nothing going on

between Patricia and I.

We're truly over.

I just forgot to change her name
in my phone and...

Ethan, you don't have to explain
anything to me.

I do...

because I care about you
and I need you to hear this.

Kaley Bryant,
you are the most caring,

inquisitive, and stubborn woman
I've ever met.

These last few days have shown me
exactly what I've been missing...


So, I'm asking you
to take a chance on me.


I would be lying if I said
I didn't care about you, too.

But let's be practical.

Long distance is really hard...

and I've decided to take the job
in New York.

You were right.

It's my passion and...

I'm ready to be challenged.

Who said anything
about long distance?

What do you mean?

I hate being so far away
from my family,

so I'm moving
to the New York office...

while working on my art.

Kaley, you inspired me
to dream again,

to want more.

And I want more...

with you.

What do you say?

I say...

I guess we're moving to New York.
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