07x201 - A Gift

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x201 - A Gift

Post by bunniefuu »

Here they are! They're back!

Hurry up! Everyone, over here!

We've been waiting!

Welcome back, everyone!

Everyone! It's the guild who won the Grand Magic Games! Let's give them a big hand!

Welcome home, Fairy Tail!

We're home!

Aye, sir!

We won!

We did it!

Look at all these people...

It looks like people from areas around Magnolia are here, too.

Yay! Victory!

Mira-chan! Look over here!


We did it, Lisanna!

Put me down, Elf-nii-chan...

Wow, this is somethin'.

We're number one!

Thank you all for your support.

Jeez, stand up straight!

Celebration booze!

Lay off the sauce, Cana!

Never mind...


It's nothing.

Lucy! Great job!

My landlady!

But we still need to talk about the rent!

Erza-san! You were awesome at that Pandemonium event!

No, when she fought Kagura!

When she fought Minerva!

This is embarrassing.

Everyone here was watching, huh?

I'll show you guys somethin' cool.


The king's crown!

You took it home?!

Not this...

You took it...?

Proof of our victory! The King's Cup!

I don't believe it!

We really won!

After all these years of being in last place...

We won!

Yay! Yay!

Come on, Romeo! Hold it higher!


It is an impressive accomplishment.



I don't know what's bothering you, but scowling like that is rude to all these people.

You're right.

I have to smile for her.

Thank you.

Oh! What is this?! You're suddenly dreamy!

The mayor of Magnolia would like to present you with a token of our appreciation!

Token of your appreciation? You shouldn't have...

Fairy Tail members, this way, please.

Fairy Tail is the pride of our town.

And so, we wanted to restore the guild's headquarters.

Our old HQ is back!

Aye, sir!

Mayor, I don't know what to say...

I love this town!

Well, back to work.

Yeah, we couldn't get any work done during the Grand Magic Games.

I'm fired up!

Hey! Gimme another steak!

Another helping for me, too!

Coming up. You two sure have a healthy appetite.

We just got back from a job, so I'm starving!

And we're goin' back out after we eat!

All this energy... It feels like a totally different guild than before.

Erza and Gray aren't here.

Those two went out on a job with Wendy. Carla, too.

Carla went out without telling me?

They said it was a simple job, so they didn't need anyone else's help.

We can't lose to them! Come on!

What kind of job should we take?

A job where we can wreak havoc and finish up with a huge meal!

Ah! This is a good one!

We'll take this job.

Got it. It's at the village of Doromud.

The village of Doromud?

Where is that?

Look it up downstairs where all the maps and reference materials are.

The job is exterminating moles?

Yeah. Moles are tearing up the ground, so the people want them gone.

Here! It's three hours away by carriage.

Three hours by carriage?!

I feel sick...

I wish you could get over your motion sickess...


What is it?

I thought I saw First Master...

...but maybe my eyes were playing tricks on me.

We're here, folks.

What the hell is this?!

Recently, the ground turned all muddy.

The carriage can't get closer than this, so I'm goin' on to my next stop.

What happened here?

This is awesome, Happy! I bet we'll find lots of fish in there.

I don't think so. That was normal ground before.


You're the Fairy Tail wizards, yes? I'm the mayor of this village!

Moles did this?

That's right. Tore up our ground, and this was the result.

Dug right into an underground spring, and water came out like a geyser.

With that out of the way, the underground spring should settle naturally,

but as it stands, we can't even work the fields.

Please, get this damned nuisance out of our hair!

Got it! Just leave it to us!

Easy to say, but where are these moles?

Natsu, keep a sharp lookout!

Of course! I'll give the word as soon as a mole rears its head!

They called the moles big, but I wonder how big.

Well, moles are moles. They shouldn't be much trouble...

What the...?!

That's a mole?!

We're gonna need a bigger boat...

Gross! It's all muddy!

Natsu! Help!

Hold on!

I feel sick...


We can't escape in a group! Let's split up!

Got it! That'll confuse the mole, right?

That's right, I can just fly away!

Hey! That's not fair!

What is this?! Why is it coming after me?

Let's go, Lucy!

Thanks for the lift.

Natsu, Lucy, Happy!

What are you guys doing down there?

Playing in the mud?


I see. Then we'll give you a hand.

Although we'll take our share of the reward.

Yay! With Erza and Gray on our side, that mole doesn't stand a chance!

Is that even really a mole?

Who knows? So you guys are on your way back from a job?

Yes. We rid a town of bandits just by staying there.

While you guys are having a hard time with a mole.

That's not worthy of the reputation of the guild that won the Grand Magic Games.

Shut up! If you're gonna stand there and jaw, get lost!

Is that any way to talk to a guy who offered to help?!

I didn't ask for your damn help!

Don't fight!


But with mud this deep, you can't tell where the mole is hiding, right?

No problem. I have a good idea.

Gate of the Clock, I open thee! Horologium!

It has indeed been a long time, everyone.

Natsu, we're gonna lower you down.

We'll do it slowly and carefully.

"I'm lookin' forward to this!" he said.

However, I myself am quite nervous about it.

I'm sure it's tough, but please do your best.

I'll wash you off later.

I can't see a thing!

I'm a sensitive fellow, able to detect even the slightest vibration.

I shall inform you if something approaches.

Something is coming!

From which direction? Left or right?

The direction is... straight ahead!

"Uwaaaa!" he yelled.

There's a ruckus below!

Don't let go!

It's begun...

Where's it gonna come up?

He brought it up!

Let's go! Everyone, attack it together!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Ice Make: Lance!

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Where'd it go?!

C'mere, bastard!

That hurt, you jackass!

You shouldn't have been here!

This is no time to fight!

Where's the mole?

Put simply, we just need a high place, right?

Climb up, everyone!

I can't! It's too slippery!

Grab hold, Wendy!

You saved me!

It's so cold! My butt's freezing!

Beggars can't be choosers!

Where's it gonna come up next?

If it takes the bait and comes up here, we can ambush it, but...

Be careful, everyone!

It's right below you! Directly below!

It's there?!

Iron Fist of the Fire Dragon!

Think before you punch!

It was a reflex action!

What? Me again?!

What is this?!

It won't give up!

That looks like fun! I wanna do it, too!

I'm not playing!


We'll save you!

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Ice Make: Lance!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Hey, are you all right?

I'm not at all all right.

I've got grit in my mouth.

I hate this. Why is it only chasing me?

It's a long story,

but that mole was originally a villager's pet.


At the time, it was still a tiny, cute thing,

but the owner suddenly moved far away

and had to leave the mole behind here.

The mole thought its owner had abandoned it, and turned bad.

It ran away from the village, turned wild, and grew to a giant size along the way.

And now the mole seeks revenge on humans.

So that's what happened...

The mole is making a point.

Now that I know the circumstances, I feel sorry for it.

Still, why does it keep chasing Lucy specifically?

It's mole mating season now. The season of love.

I'm sure it's attracted to Lucy-san, as she's a young woman.

In other words, it wants to marry Lucy!

Don't joke about that!

I'm a young woman, too. Why doesn't the mole come after me?

You're wearing armor, Erza-san. It probably can't tell your gender.

Um, I'm a young woman, too...

It seems that mole has a preference for women with a large bust.

So it wouldn't...

But if that's the case, we can come up with a strategy.

Yeah, there's a way to lure the mole out.


What do you mean?

This is what they meant...

Lucy-san is beautiful!

I'm sure the mole will be pleased, too, and come right out.

Lucy, how about if we take a commemorative photo?

You'd better not!

There it is!

Gate of the Virgin, I open thee! Virgo!

Please tell me what to do, Princess.

I'd actually like to go home and take a shower...

You just got here!

Virgo, get that mole out of the mud!

You're good at digging in the dirt, right?

Understood, but first I'll take you to a safer place, Princess.

This isn't safe at all!

That thing's fast for its size!

It's keeping up with Virgo!


Worry about me a little!

This way, Princess.

Virgo, be careful!

Now it's my turn to attack.

The princess has spoken. You shall not get away!

Now, everyone!

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Ice Make: Lance!

Go, Erza!

I'll finish it off!

I struck with the back of my sword. It isn't injured.

That's not really a sword... but whatever.

Well, now that we've captured it, what do we do with it?

It's the owner's fault for abandoning the mole.

Although if we let it go, it'll cause more trouble.

Hey, mole, you want a bride that badly?

But I'm human. We can't get married.

You understand that, don't you?

Princess, I'm back.


What is that creature?

I searched underground and found a female mole.

I thought having a companion would soothe it enough to stop harassing the village.

That's not a mole, or even the same species...

Oh! It looks like they'll get along!

I'm happy that I could be of use to you, Princess.

I'm not happy!

So you were observing the Grand Magic Games, Zeref.

I can't hear your voice or see your form.

But I can tell. You're right there, Mavis.

You were near me seven years ago.

Seven years ago, you were near me.

Are you still looking for a place to die?

I've already decided where I'm going to die.

Over the course of several hundred years, I've seen many ages end.

Conflict between people, hatred, wicked hearts...

I always have hope that the new age will purify all of that.

How many times has it happened?

People repeat themselves. They commit the same mistakes, over and over.

Even so, they survive.

They haven't survived. Not in the true sense...

The precious race called people has become extinct.

Are you done waiting?

I believe so. After thinking about it for seven years, I've reached a conclusion.

If the world continues to reject me, I shall reject this world.

I'm sure Fairy Tail will defend this world.

These shall be my two gifts.

World harmony and regeneration.

Will there be a w*r?

No. Just one-sided annihilation.

I won't let a single human live.

Fairy Tail will stop you. You're the one who'll be destroyed.

Natsu. The final battle is approaching.

Natsu! Frosch is in trouble!

Frosch? Sabertooth's frog-like thing?

Yeah. I guess Frosch is lost!

Happy, if the little guy's just lost, there's no need to panic.

Natsu, you don't understand how incredible Frosch is.

What do you mean, incredible?

He's never been able to get home by himself. We're talking about the king of getting lost!

That's a different kind of "incredible."

Next time: Welcome Home, Frosch!

All right, fine. You wanna track him down?

Aye, sir!
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