07x197 - Time of Life

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x197 - Time of Life

Post by bunniefuu »

We're overrun here! We should retreat!

Not yet!

I wanna drink tasty booze with the Fairy Tail guys later on, so let's dig in one more...

Bacchus! Behind you!

Hang in there, Droy! Somebody! Somebody, help!

Droy isn't breathing! He's not breathing!


Stay here, Romeo!


I'll go.

Be right there, Macao!

Don't worry about me! Take care of Romeo!


Life Time!

Cheria! Where are you?!

Cheria! Cheria!

Cheria... We need your Healing Magic...

Please! Gray's been...

It went... right through his head...

Shall I deliver the finishing blow?

Do it! Mother Glare!

What are you thinking, Atlas Flame?

Why are you assisting that human?

I told you. We're talking about a child raised by Igneel, king of the Fire Dragons.

Human or not, we're kin!

I cannot comprehend that.

But if you're standing against me, I shan't hold back!

I wouldn't want you to.

Bastard. You still intend to fight? You don't know when to give up.

That's 'cause I just need to eat flames to get my power back!

That may be, but your wounds haven't healed.

No matter how much power you get back, if you suffer a fatal blow, it's all over!

Eat this!

I can't afford to lose! Not against nobody or nothin'!

I made a promise!

A promise?

Raging Volt!

What's wrong?! This attack is unworthy of someone so high-spirited.

I'm just warmin' up.

Even Laxus's attack won't go through. That Zirconis is truly formidable.

Even though he's a Dragon Slayer, that's no guarantee he'll beat the dragon, right?

If he can't do it alone, then maybe with my help...

Wing Attack of the Sky Dragon!

Nice one, Wendy!

Did it work?

It was a palpable hit. This should do it right here!

Old man, it's almost too easy to end it here after all your boastful talk.

You struck a blow to my face... You stripling...

I don't believe it! That wasn't fatal?!

Even though that same punch took down Jura?!

You're actually starting to make me mad.

I enjoy mocking girls, but I'll never enjoy bantering with males.

I'll just devour you whole, clothes and all.

The man here looks unappetizing with his tough meat, but you...

Wendy, get away!


Rogue! Give up and come with me!

I refuse!

Accept your fate! Eventually, your heart will be tainted with darkness!

I'll make sure that doesn't happen! As long as he's around...

How tough is this son of a bitch?!

You would interfere with me? If you can't help me, fight elsewhere!

This is my territory! Don't act so high and mighty, latecomer!

Now, Rogue!


We did it!

I don't feel a thing from an attack like that.

This is annoying. I think we should just finish this now.


Rogue. I'm done trying to reason with you. Like it or not, you're coming with me.

Sword of the Iron Dragon!

Right? Or left?

Which way will it come from?!


Unless your poison can penetrate this body, it's useless!

And I think it's about time for my turn.

Prepare yourself!

I have to hurry! I need to tell everyone about that note!

Oh no!

My life was cursed.

I've deceived people, mocked them, and taken their lives.

But, Gray... You gave me a chance to live as a human being.

I intended the independent guild Crime Sorciere to be my way of atoning for my sins.

I meant to atone... but I didn't change.

I'm still a witch who doesn't think twice about murdering someone.

I... I don't deserve to live.

I'm impressed by all the tomes of magic you've gathered in such a short time.

Master Hades! I didn't know you were here.

You needn't humble yourself. Come, stand up.

Master Hades, before you told me about a kind of magic that can restore lost happiness.

Perhaps you mean the Arc of Time?

I finally got a clue!

I found a description of what's believed to be that magic in here.

Last Ages. That magic must never be used.

Why not? This is the magic I've been searching for!

This would let me turn back time and do it over again.

I would do anything to learn this magic...

Last Ages comes with a price that the caster must pay.

In exchange for turning back time, all of the spellcaster's time is stolen.


In other words, "life."

In turning back the clock of the world, the caster loses all of their time.

Is that the world you desire?

I-I don't want that...

But now... I do.

If giving up my life can reset the world...

...I'll gladly offer it.

Arc of Time! Last Ages!

Tough it out!

Think of the agony you inflicted on so many people!

Compared to that, this pain is...

Exquisite pain... running through my cells... one by one...

Is this where I pay the price with my time... with my life?!

My life is flowing out of me...

My time is vanishing...

My life... My future is...

It was a life tainted by villainy and vice,

but looking back, someone was always there for me.

Gray, Jellal, Meldy...

It was more happiness than someone like me deserved.

And yet, I didn't realize it.

I spent my time and my life on foolish things.

But it's not too late!

I'll sacrifice the rest of my time for the sake of those who are dear to me!

Please! Bring the world back... to at least before the portal was opened!

Take my life in exchange for just a little time!

Time... Time... went back...

...one minute?!

The value... of my life...

...is just one minute?!


I couldn't save a single soul...

Look out!

Don't lose focus!

This is a battleground!


Gray-sama touched Juvia's behind...


What was that just now?

I'm gonna be k*lled?

A dream?

Juvia saw it, too.

What the hell?!

Suddenly getting a vision of my death is just too creepy!

The little dragons appear from over there...

They really did show up!

What the hell is going on here?!

Did someone warn us?

Who could've done that?


But what was that just now? It's like I caught a glimpse of the future.

A warning? Then it's dangerous here. Let's go over there!


It can't have been a dream...

It was like images from the future...

Then this area is dangerous.

That day, people all over the world saw one minute into their future.

However, like a dream, it quickly faded from memory,

so not many people would dwell on this mysterious phenomenon.

But for the wizards who were in the middle of battle,

seeing one minute into the future made the difference between life and death.

What was that just now?

We can think about it later!

Roar of the Sky Dragon!

Roar of the Lightning Dragon!

Images... of the future...

Was that your power, Carla?

It wasn't me.

It wasn't me, either.

We know that.

A vision?!

You did it, Bacchus! Awesome!

That one minute...



That one minute became the root of the human race's counterattack.

What the...?

For just an instant, I could see his movements.

Take this!

Here I come!

Where did you go, Rogue?! Come out!

I won't let you get your way! I refuse!

What is this? If I turn that corner...

I can't turn there...

What the...? There was just a ripple in the flow of time.

Did something happen to Eclipse?

Never look away in the middle of a fight!

I'm gonna keep my promise!

Promise? What are you talking about?

I made a promise to the future Lucy.

Princess, let's leave this to the wizards. Come.

I'll escort you.

No. Please let me stay here. I have a duty to watch what happens.

Princess... But...


Look! Look at this!

What is it?

A memo pad from the future me!

Future you?


"If by any chance the portal in this time period is destroyed,

the Eclipse portal in the future will cease to exist.

As part of a chain reaction, I'll also disappear from existence."

What does that mean?

It's talking about what will happen if the portal in our time period is destroyed.

Then the future will be painted over with a future in which the portal was destroyed.

The portal will wink out of existence in the future.

If that happens, Rogue won't have any means to come back to our time period.

But is it possible to stop what's already happened?

If everything worked out, then both the dragons and Rogue would disappear from our time!

It's worth a shot!

However, there's one big problem.

How do we destroy a giant structure like that?

It won't be an easy job.

But if Rogue doesn't come from the future, the world should return to its proper history.

We have to do it. And I have to keep my promise to my future self!

Happy, it looks like we can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

It sounds like destroying that Eclipse portal will solve everything!

In that case, it's a job for Fairy Tail!

'Cause we're great at destroying things, right?

Yeah! I'm fired up!

The problem is, how do we break that tough-looking gate?

It's obvious, ain't it?

Yeah! I'm thinking the same thing!

Next time: Golden Grassland!

There's only one thing to do!


Punch it with all our magical might!
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