07x193 - Seven Dragons

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x193 - Seven Dragons

Post by bunniefuu »

Yes! That's it! Run amok even more!

Show them the wrath of a dragon!

Natsu... Dragneel...

Natsu... Dragneel... You've escaped death.

Seven Dragons!

Do you really think flames like that could singe me?

You're already exhausted from having several battles in a row.

Struggle as you might, you have no chance of winning.

Won't know that until I try!

Shake him off.

Your efforts are in vain!

I'm not done yet!

I give you points for tenacity, but that's all, Natsu Dragneel.

Observe the town.

No matter what you try to do now, you're too late. It's over.

What are you after, Rogue?!


Certainly, in this situation, we may need his power.

But do you think we can really trust Jellal, Doranbolt?

I don't know. But his words are persuasive.

We're talking about Jellal. No one knows if he's plotting something.

Still, at the moment, we have no choice but to believe what he says.

Under these circumstances...

Have all the villagers evacuated?!

Yeah, pretty much.

Word is they've taken refuge in a safe place.

Now we can really let loose!

I'll show them the glorious path of Man!

Seven dragons... What is this about?

I don't know. But right now, our top priority is getting through this crisis!

Shouldn't we get Asuka to a safe place?

Aren't you scared, Asuka-chan?

Looking at a dragon up close at a young age...

I bet not many kids get to have an experience like this.

In fact, as a wizard, I'm sure this will become an immeasurably valuable asset.

If it gets dangerous, I'll protect Asuka-chan. For now, let's stay here.

Understood. I'll leave her in your care.

This one's a fire dragon. That means we're on, Juvia!

Right, Gray-sama! Let's unleash an attack formed from the might of our combined love!

All kinds of comebacks come to mind, but now isn't the time!

Let's go!



Hit it hard!

Extinguish its flames!

Ice Geyser!

Water Nebula!

It's not workin'?!

I don't believe it!

Even though our magic should be back to full strength!

I am Atlas Flame, a fire dragon.

I'm going to burn down everything! And you shall bathe in dragon flames!

Rune Magic! Nullify that attack!

It just brushed off Fried's Rune Magic!

Its attacking power is unbelievable!

And there are six more like it?!

Everyone, stay calm! Get back into position!

Everyone okay?!

What the hell?! That dragon's no different from Acnologia!

I'd rather go with this one.

It seems this isn't an opponent we'll be able to take down easily.

Oh, come on. We still have a few trump cards.

You're hit by my flames and yet live... Wizards?

That's correct!


You're going to do that magic?

I see. He still had this. One giant to fell another.

He can put up a fight now that they're the same size!

Awesome! I haven't seen this in a long time!

We're not just wizards! We're comrades who are tied together...

...by the bond of family!

Master's attack...

...didn't work?!

It can't be...

No matter how much power you possess, you can't beat a dragon.

Kitten Blast!

No good. Unfortunately, our magic is no match for that.

So frustrating!

Back up, people. I don't want to see a woman getting hurt.

That last bit pisses me off!

You pulled your punches when we fought too, didn't you?!

That was nothing more than a match. We're going into a serious battle now.

Ice Make: Snow Dragon!

I see! One dragon pitted against another dragon!

That's my Lyon! I'm gonna spin 'round more and more and more!

There's more! Ice Make: Ape!

Ice Make: Snow Tiger!

Three forms simultaneously. That's the skill we saw during the Tag Battle.

This looks promising.

Quite right, although this didn't help me win in my match against you.

I'm using it! Kagura-dono! Let's go!

Right behind you!

Better not leave me behind!

Even if this sword is shattered, I shall fight!

Receive the blade of Archenemy!

I'll show you my power!

In the name of my master, Ul, I shall not be defeated!

Kagura! Jura! Lyon! A triple attack by a trio of big g*ns!

This could actually work!

It didn't have any effect at all, Kagura-chan!

Still, we can't afford to back off!

We'll attack again and again!

We still have any number of plays left!

They're making a ruckus over there, too.

As long as they put up a good fight...


We talked to this guy when he was a ghost before...

I guess even back then, he talked too much.

I don't just demolish and go on a rampage like the others.

I'm the type that enjoys a good conversation.

Well, I guess, I'm intelligent and possess refined taste, you could say.

Look at you people with your terrified faces.

Am I that scary? If you want to escape, you'd better do it now.

Although I'll pursue and devour you...


What is it, young lady? You wish to talk to me?

What is it you're after?! Why are all of you doing this?!

Why? Ask the ones over there.

The one that's flying, Motherglare...

The little man riding on top is dishing out orders.

You mean the Rogue-san that came from the future.

Well, I'm doing what he says because it's fun in its own way.

I don't understand. What purpose do you have in doing this?

If dragons destroy the world, there'll be no place for you either!

Thank you for your patience, Doranbolt-sama.

You didn't tell anyone, did you?


is over here.

Right. But doing something like this without permission is...

You know what's going on out there, don't you?

There isn't time to jump through the official hoops. I'll take responsibility.

That's easy for you to say, but...

What are you...?

My apologies. Right now, every second counts.

Prisoner , I presume?

It's you, eh?

I thought I recognized your voice.

So this is a dragon's destructive power... It's a spectacle worth remembering.

Perfect! Jura took me out right away during our battle, so I didn't get to run amok then!

Here's where I make up for it, and then some!

Charged Particle Cannon of the Lightning God!

Gray defeated me.

I use this Ice Make Magic out of respect for him!

Memory Make! Frozen Black Lightning Sword!

A combination attack with Orga's and Rufus's Black Lightning...

I never thought I'd see those two fight side by side.

It's Sabertooth team play!

Considering how it's always been every man for himself, this is amazing!

Fro thinks so, too!

Fairy Tail showed us how it was done!

Hell, even we can change a little!

Memories are, in a word, learning. And there's no shame in learning from a great enemy!

It's stopped moving?

Did you k*ll it?!

It had no effect?!

Seriously?! Not even a scratch!

Lector, Frosch, get back!


Fro, too!

Where did our lady go?! We sure could use her power about now!

I don't know. I haven't seen her. Though I imagine she's fighting somewhere...

Can we win against that?

If memory serves, Sting and Rogue claimed they k*lled dragons when they were young.

That's half-true.

Sting, k*ll me.

No! I won't!

Those who wield Dragon Slayer Magic become stronger by spilling dragon blood.

No! I refuse to do it!

Show me proof that you learned Dragon Slayer Magic.

Skiadrum was ravaged by disease.

I did no more than assist in his su1c1de.

It seems those aren't very pleasant memories for either one of you.

Who cares?! k*ll that thing with Dragon Slayer Magic!

I didn't know dragons were this strong when they're serious!

Even so, I wanna protect our comrades!

Do you remember when I said that dragons ruled the world seven years from now?

Except those aren't the dragons that came through the portal...

You mean not the ones who are raisin' hell right now?

That's right. The name of the ruler is Acnologia.

Just one dragon dominates the world seven years from now.


Fighting wizards and guilds don't exist then.

The surviving humans feel terror every day of their lives.

I devised the secret art of controlling dragons, but it didn't work on Acnologia.

Though human, he became the Dragon King.

The king's name was Acnologia.

A dragon with pitch-black wings unlike any other dragon...

Already, the only thing that can defeat Acnologia is another dragon!

Is that why you summoned the dragons?!

That's right! I came to this period from seven years in the future.

To persuade Princess Hisui to open the Eclipse portal...

I intended to bring forth many more dragons than these,

but that insolent Lucy foiled my plan.

Still, all of the dragons that did appear are under my orders.

Against my Dragon Control Magic,

not even Acnologia stands a chance!

I'll defeat Acnologia, then become the Dragon King myself!


I'll become the ruler. The very idea sends tingles down my spine.

You smell like... seven dragons...

Seven is plenty! With them alone, I can make the world mine!

You are so unlucky...


Kagura! Are you hurt?!

Don't worry about that! I can still fight!

I can still spin-spin-spin-spin!

My comrade, Cheria, can use Healing Magic! Come forward if you're injured!

Hey, isn't there some way we can take them down?

I'm looking into that right now!

But I think Dragon Slayer Magic is the only thing that can beat a dragon.

It looks like there's no way to fight them other than with Dragon Slayer Magic.

Yeah. And we've got two Dragon Slayers here, you and me.


Are you okay?!

Hang in there!

Don't worry! Just got burned a bit.

Master's att*cks hit, but didn't do any damage.

What can we do to beat a monster like that?

First Master! You're the Genius General, right? Don't you have a plan?!

I do. There are seven dragons.

And I'm sure a number of the others have realized the same thing.

What is your plan?!

I'm unlucky? What do you mean?

What are you...?!

Can you hear me?! Dragon Slayer Magic can down the dragons!

Natsu's voice!



We've got seven Dragon Slayers here!

And seven dragons!

Our magic exists for this very day!

Dragon Slayers exist to fight this very battle!


Let's go...

...dragon hunting!

Seven people? Aren't you miscounting?

I can hear him...

I'm sorry it was such a long distance.

It's okay. I brought him.

Dragons are attacking the city.

Yes. I can hear them.

Against our better judgment, we want your help.

I can hear everything, Natsu.

That's Zirconis, the dragon from the graveyard!

The weird dragon that talked to his food!

Be careful around him! I hear he uses scary magic that steals human dignity!

Human dignity... Then it doesn't work on cats?

Maybe it doesn't...

Then try getting hit with it, Happy...

Forget it!

Next time: Zirconis's Magic!

Natsu, sometimes you're inhuman, so I bet it doesn't work on you either!

Happy, I'm sorry!
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