07x190 - The One Who Closes the Gate

Episode transcripts for the TV show, "Fairy Tale". Aired: September 30, 2011 - September 29, 2019.*
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Lucy runs away from home to become a magician in the magical land of Fairy Tail; on her way there she meets all sorts of curious companions like a dragon and a flying blue cat.
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07x190 - The One Who Closes the Gate

Post by bunniefuu »

That's it!

The winner of the Grand Magic Games is...

Signs,,,,,,The Winner Fairy Tail The Grand Magic Games

...Fairy Tail!

Still, wow! We can hear it from here.

It sounds like all of Crocus is shaking from the cheers for Fairy Tail.

Jeez. Wish they'd shut up already. They're gonna make my wounds vibrate.

Oh, don't be like that. Those are cheers of congratulation.

Now we can give a good report to Master.

Well, Gramps aside,

this was good for our comrades who went through hard times these past seven years.

Gray-sama, let's go on a date to celebrate our victory! Right now!


Listen to that cheering!

The strongest guild, Fairy Tail, is back in full force!

It's a happy ending, eh, Mabo?

Kabo! I never thought they'd get through the final day without any losses!


Indeed, they started from last place and pulled off a major upset!

Come to think of it, they were split up into Team A and Team B at first, right?

Natsu didn't participate in the final battle,

but ultimately, maybe the guild's solidarity is what made all the difference.

I see! Mato-kun, what do you think?

Oh, it was amazing-kabo!

Fairy Tail is great!


Even though I lost, I've never felt this good before.


Frosche. I...

I want to be someone who treasures his comrades.

Fro feels that way, too!

The One Who Closes the Portal!

Still, we've seen a lot of great matches, haven't we?

Mato-kun, which match made the biggest impression on you during these...

Huh? I wonder where he went.

Th-Then, what was the best part for you, Yajima-san?

The swimsuit competition, of course!


It's over, huh?

The tournament, anyway.

Erza, how's your leg?

Nothing I can't handle.

Still, you know...

It just doesn't feel the same without constant screaming.

Can't argue with that.

Although it's a pain in the ass with him around...

Can't really argue there either. By the way, did anyone see a flare?

Nope. Other than the one moment that Saint monster had the upper hand, I had my eye out.

I didn't see it either.

The thing of it is, there ain't no way the Salamander would remember to signal us.

A flare?

Sting-kun, what are they...?


Don't look at me with that annoying face!

Hey, Gajeel-kun!


I was just wondering why Natsu-san didn't participate.

Did something happen to Natsu-kun?

Are you safe, Natsu... Lucy?

Roar of the Fire Dragon!

Gravity zone!

It won't work no matter how many times you try it-tai!


I'm hungry, dammit!

Confetti! Purple Dance!

Again with this?! I think you stick with the same pattern too much!

Then how about this? I'll start by shredding your clothes!

Wait! That's no joke!

This may be too forward of me, but I ex*cuted emergency avoidance, Princess.

Thank you, Virgo!

You should be ashamed, coward!

You know, your angry face is very charming.

What do you say the two of us slip out of here and get a bite to eat or something?

You're pushy!

Melt! Melt!

Please let us just get by already!

That ain't gonna fly! Come on and play with me some more, Dragon Slayer!

Give up, sinner!

Let us pass!

I already told you! You're not going outside!

Listen to me!

This is for the peace of the people of Fiore! Sinners must be put to death!

We need to get out of here fast, for the sake of Fiore!

Why won't you try to understand that?!

A sinner's words are nothing but noise! They have no meaning!

W-We can't do this. There's no time to fight...

If we're too late because of this, then we'll...

Hey! Are you okay?

There's no time!

According to future Lucy,

we were in the palace when that time came...

We're not imprisoned,

but in the end, it'll turn out the same way?

Go! Go!

Surround them!

More reinforcements... We won't be able to hold out at this rate!

There, you see? It's time to be ex*cuted!

The enemy way outnumbers your side, Princess.

I can see that for myself!

Crap! My body...

So you've already hit your limit, eh?

Now I'm mad! Execution!

I'm gonna execute all of you!


Circle around him from there!

What's wrong? Is someone there?

No. Maybe just my imagination...

Happy! Carla! You two go on ahead and tell the others!

Aye, sir!


Oh, no, you don't-tai!

You again?!

You people are not leaving this palace... tai?

What is this-tai?!

What the hell is this?!

I can't move!

What is it?!

Moving shadows?!

What is this?!

What's happening?!

What the...?


The shadows are swallowing people up!

What is this, magic?

We're sinking-tai!

Don't let go, Uosuke!

What is this?!

Kamika! Cosmos!


Th-The Garou Knights... done in by this?!


What is it?!

I don't know anything about that!

What the hell is goin' on here?

I see. So that's what it was...


How could I have missed something so simple?

Is something wrong?

The future Lucy said she arrived on July th.

But it was actually at midnight on the rd.

We've detected the mysterious magic every year, but she arrived only recently?


The magic force we've felt these past seven years was definitely Eclipse.

But this year, it came from a human.

She came back from the future by using Eclipse, the magic from Zeref's books,

and that left a residue of magic much like Zeref's in her body.


The Dark Wizard who can't be defeated.

I have a bad feeling about this.

I understand your anxiety,

but right now, there's another problem we need to deal with.


If we assume that everything future Lucy said is true,

she came here late at night on the rd.

Then the Lucy I saw on the evening of the rd...


Arcadios-sama! Then you're safe!


When I had you thrown into Hell Palace, I'm afraid I was terribly biased...

Let's let bygones be bygones.

Does everyone here already know about Eclipse ?

Yes. We were just informing all the soldiers.

Hopefully word will spread quickly to the Garou Knights as well.

The person who came from the future was telling the truth.

From this moment forth, the Eclipse Project will move to Eclipse .

Are you abandoning the first plan to eliminate Lord Zeref?

No. But first we need to remove the threat that's right in front of us.

What are you...?!

It is impermissible for a knight to doubt the words of his master.

When your words are proven true, I shall lay down my life.

By doubting my master for even one moment, I have brought on great shame...

...and am prepared to die for it.

Bastard! Have you gone mad?!

Princess, please tell me the truth.

Arcadios-sama, what is the meaning of this?

I met the person from the future. But they had no knowledge of Eclipse .

The time traveler knew what would happen, but cried because there was no solution for it.

No, my contact told me exactly what to do to deal with it.

Then, that person from the future... they lied?

I can't imagine...

...how she could profit from lying to her comrades!

She ?

The person from the future who advised me was a man.

The person I saw on the evening of the rd wasn't Lucy!

There must be another person from the future!

All of the imperial soldiers...

...sank into the shadow!

Why are we safe?

Someone's there!

Be careful!

Who the hell are you?

What do you mean, another?!

Another person from the future who used Eclipse,

so they're also tinged with the magic that's similar to Zeref's.

Lucy came back to save the future.

Why did the other person come back?!

The shadows are fanning out to the past or the future?

Or perhaps to people's hearts?

This brings back memories, Natsu Dragneel.

I've come from the future. I'm Rogue.

Rogue? You're Rogue?!

From Sabertooth?

You're from the future?

Not just me...


Two people came from the future. One is Lucy.

She came back to warn her friends of danger in the future.

The other one came back to warn the princess of danger.

Both of them have the same purpose, to save this country.

I wouldn't be surprised if there's a third and fourth person.

And if you're a knight, then point your blade in the proper direction.

I'm going to open the portal.

To save this country, I shall draw my blade!

I don't know what the other person from the future is after.

Let's hurry to the palace!

Did you get rid of the soldiers to help us?

You know, you seem different.

Why did you come back from the future?

To open the portal.

You're talking about Eclipse?!

There are two ways to use Eclipse.

Signs,,,,,,Past Future

One is time travel.

The other is as the Eclipse Cannon, an offensive w*apon.

It's the only way to defeat , dragons.

, dragons... can be defeated?!

Then that makes it easy. You're on our side!

Yay! We can beat the dragons!

The future can be saved, right?

No. It isn't that simple.

I come from seven years in the future.

Seven years from now, dragons rule the world.

They rule it?

Th-Then what about the people who are left?

Not even % of the current human population has survived.

Of course, Eclipse isn't nearly as powerful as it is now.

If the dragons aren't stopped here and now, this world will come to an end.

Then let's open the portal and blow 'em away! Boom! Easy, right?

However, seven years ago... That is, in the present,

someone interfered with the opening of the portal.

Interfered? Why would they do that?

Because of that person, the portal wasn't opened.

The Eclipse Cannon that was pointed at the , dragons couldn't fire.

Someone led the world to destruction.

I'm here to eliminate that person.

That's barbaric! If you talk to the person about their reasons,

maybe they won't interfere after all.

There's no need for m*rder.

At such a critical junction in time, words cannot prevent actions.

Even if I did convince the person now, they would definitely close the portal.

It's already decided.


Destiny is inescapable.

The living will live. The dead will die.

The person who closes the portal is going to close the portal.

No matter what happens, as long as they're alive.

I don't really follow you.

But who is this person that interferes?

You... Lucy Heartfilia!


H-Hey! You!


There are two Lucys?!

Hold on!


I didn't... close the portal...

I know! I would never do that!

Why did you protect me?!

You're me in the past...

...so if you die, I would disappear anyway.

Dying with myself at my side...

It feels weird.

It feels weird for me, too! Don't die!

H-Hey, what about Healing Magic?

With a wound that deep, nothing can...

That's okay. Enough...

I never thought I would be able to see any of you again... but I did, one more time.

That alone... makes me happy...

Lucy... No! Don't die!

I'm not... from this age...

No. I'm not from this world.

The me of this world... will live on with her comrades.

Don't be sad.

I am sad!

I don't care what world you're from! I don't care what anyone says!

Lucy is Lucy! You're my friend!

Of course I'm sad!

Hey, show me your guild mark.

You... Your right hand...

Natsu! Look!

I got my Fairy Tail mark!

I wanted to... have more...


Protect... the future.

She didn't know that she closed the portal.

The hell with the portal! I would never have done that! But still, you...

That's now. But you'll close the portal several hours from now.

I'm not gonna close the damn portal!

You talk all this nonsense! What are you after?!

The portal will be closed. It's already decided.

As long as you're alive...

The future me said she wouldn't close it.

I believe myself!

There is no truth in your words!

Everything is dictated by destiny!

I'll burn your destiny to ash!

I won't let anyone steal Lucy's future!

Protect the future...

I promise I will!

Natsu, look! Tons of wizards have gathered!

Looks like guys from all kinds of guilds came runnin' to help beat the dragons.

Good luck, everyone!

They can take care of that. Happy, let's kick the ass of the enemy right in front of us!

Yeah! You promised the other Lucy, right?

Next time: Natsu versus Rogue!

Watch us, Lucy! We'll protect the future!

Yeah! We won't let the future Rogue get his way!
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